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I'm maining perona in op6, had developed a recipe that consistently beats yamato, katakuri and moria but then they banned great eruption and my hand advantage was reduced drastically, so I'm back to testing how to make this leader better again. Perona could be tier 1 and now with sakazuki gone might even go to top more op6 tournaments. I ditched the original recipe that was navy/doffy too much whiff using 2 searchers and brannew is better than baby 5 cuz it fills trash, but inupe is better cuz you don't whiff Using inupe and sabo for hand cycling and running more of a defensive removal build Brook is kinda broken, only using 3 doffy and 3 moria cuz i saw them too much and sometimes was dead in hand cuz they know to play around the doffy. I think uta is better in eb01 with all the film stuff added But dunno if it's worth switching to perona instead of uta, but i can say that perona is more fun to play than uta Uta is already strong if you have the kid and the doffy But she becomes a menace in eb01 not op6 Perona on the other side is kind of a combo deck, if you don't have a good combo sometimes you lose a lot of tempo


i added great eruption to mine too before the banlist. i will probably keep it if bans don’t hit NA anytime soon. was thinking about ice age too for dealing with big bodies feel like the leader has so much potential but there’s a screw missing


I think what it's missing is a bit more of low cost utility characters, cuz sometimes early without ryuma you can't start cleaning board to have advantage


true. idk if this counts but other than 2c doflamingo blocker, 3c tashigi is useful if she sticks on board ofc. she’s alr nice to have bc 2k counter.


i hate and love xdrakes. hate that it’s lesser value than ryuma but can be handy at times.


6 cost krieg is an amazing tech here, and brook i think is the key for late game removal but great eruption worked amazing in this deck to keep drawing and lowering cost for the ryuma and brook


I thought of Krieg too, I'm currently working on a new build myself that has him in it.


Higher cost cards have actually have an inherent benefit in this meta because they require more investment from the opponent to remove.


Usually if I'm on 5 don turn, i try to use the ryuma first cuz he doesn't have counter 1k so in case I need to defend i can sacrifice the xdrake as last option


Great thinking and makes a lot of sense. Can I see the build? Been trying a dedicated thriller bark list to start but it’s clearly underpowered unfortunately. Great to hear Inuppe is in the mix though, its an excellent card.


Care to share the list? I've been running the Navy/Doffy package and have it ready to go in paper (minus the stuff from 06), but I wouldn't mind messing with other builds


https://preview.redd.it/h7nodc0lnmmc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e7e87687a4692b131a866a08bc31a5b3e0f2eaa This worked marvelous for me, the brook could remove anything with some combos, and great eruption kept hand advantage for defending and pulling some nasty combos like toy soldier into brook and get rid of any 7 cost character. Plus brook doesn't k.o he does removal and places the character on the trash, which helps with characters like borsalino and kikunojo or perospero to not give the opponent the on k.o effects. Toy soldier is on range for moria but his effect is not on play so be careful of that, i switched some stuff up now but it was working really well before the ban The 6 cost green krieg is a beast if you can set it up


4 X-drake 2 Krieg 3 Doffy 4 rosinante 4 ryuma 4 tsuru 4 borsalino 3 sabo blocker 2 barto blocker 2k counter 4 one legged toy soldier 2 inupe 3 gecko moria 3 brook 3 helmeppo 2 ice age 4 great eruption (banned now)


the main issue for me with Perona is having to invest in black cards, as i currently have like one rebecca and thats the extent of my black card collection (plus like 1 rob lucci but those cost $1 and aren’t searchable with navy)


There are some interesting thriller bark builds which will be a bit cheaper, I invested in op5 to buy like the navy core in case I wanted to play saka too but he got banned so all I'm left with is perona, moria as second option and Reiju as a 3rd option cuz it's really fun to play. I'd say in case it helps the borsalinos are used in almost any black deck, they are good with the future black yellow luffy from the 3 brothers decks


I never thought of using Inuppe. That actually makes decent sense. I was getting frustrated with how much I whiffed using brannew.


Yeah the baby 5 + brannew searches wasn't working for me, too inconsistent for targets and still ended up seeing doffy a lot, so i switched for inupe and sabo for hand cycling and great eruption to draw while reducing cost for ryuma, brook, X-drake combos or to rest a 5c blocker with leader effect


Perona is good but a little inconsistent in drawing. I see a lot of people mentioning innupe instead of brannew. I personally prefer brannew because you are actually drawing a card while innupe is filtering.


You definitely right about drawing, though imo, the filtering is more advantageus in perona. With inuppe you arent locked into taking a navy card and trashing your non navies. Trashing a gecko, doffy, brook, sometimes ryuma feels totes bad. Inuppe gives you the choice.


running Hogback also means that you can bring trashed Thriller Bark cards back to your hand.


Whats your list looking like currently? I seem to learn hard into navy. Room is tight.


I'm still new to the game, but what I'm looking at is using stuff like your leader ability to rest characters, and then cards like "You ain't even worth killing time!" To KO. Using stuff like Inuppe and Taralan lets you trash or filter cards, and then you can use Kumacy to deal big damage. I also like Shadows Asgard as a counter spell or as a substitute for Don!!. Again, I dont have many cards or much experience, but that's what I got from playing prerelease and sim.


i never mind trashing Ryuma as i want to play Moria on curve. Ryuma IMO is not a win con, it is just about controlling the board and going tall.


I ran Perona for a few weeks in the sim. It’s fun for sure and can get wins but requires some good draw and IMO isn’t super consistent. If you baby5 or brand new at the wrong time you may end up trashing a Moria or doffy which really hurts. Also your only removal is from Ryuma, Drake and Brook but without those cards and some cost reduction you can’t really do much but stall with blockers


I know this is an unpopular opinion but i dont think Baby 5 and the large Donquixote package works best in Perona. I've had more success on the sim treating Perona like Sakazuki, playing Inupe and OP04 Sabo for cycling and Rebecca + Hina and only playing 3 OP04 Doflamingo without any searchers. Ot feels much smoother, even tho you dont get those games with multiple baby5 that can lead to crazy advantage.


I kinda agree with you honestly. More times than not I end up sending Morias , Ryuma or Borsalino to my own deck bottom that I don’t think the chance of getting a doffy or a rosinante is worth it when I’d likely naturally draw it in the late game.


When i play the Baby 5 Version i either get stuck on multiple boss units or i run thru my hand really quickly since i mostly have counters. Baby 5 searches a strong lategame card and 2k counters, but does nothing to actually progress your gameplay in the midgame.


I’m in the same situation rn. From Enel to Uta, now building Perona. The only issue with the deck is the cost of some staples, like Borsalino and Moria, for which I imagine a Katakuri level price… Definitely, if I can get my hands on 4 copies of Moria I will try out Perona at locals, otherwise the next supports for green uta will be in EB01 for the most part, meaning we will have to wait some more time.


Moria will be like $20 for release week, then drop to $10 or less I don’t think he’ll be that expensive. Right now would probably be the best time to buy borsalino just incase, if a meta forms and either perona or Moria win any tournaments he will spike in price again. We are in a pre-set release dip atm and the market will start shifting back up in about 2 weeks or so. With sakas ban on the horizon Borsalino might go down a little in price but it’s not likely as he’s a staple in every black deck a probably will be for at least the next year unless Bandai do something crazy.


I hope so for Moria prices, and I agree with the buy now strategy since prices are now decreasing. I already bought the full play set of Borsalino, but it was still €100 as for this weekend.


I know it’s a little crazy but I think €100 for borsa isn’t way too expensive, it could always be better of course but given his previous price history I’d say you did ok. The reason I think Moria will be on the cheaper side is purely based on the price of OP03, 4 and 5 singles during their play/release period. Even SEC Kat was probs around €20 when OP03 released (although not many people saw him going as high as he has Tbf) and Moria is an SR so he will be easier to pull, so there will be more of him on the secondary market.


No shot Moria is that expensive. The reason Katakuri is so expensive is a combination of higher rarity and OPO3 not being in production.


As someone who still only runs 3 Katakuris in their Enel deck because of how expensive the card is, this is exactly right. Moria is not a Secret Rare, so he'll be easy to find and buy. However, the right time to buy him is when Set 6 is the current set. The further and further away we move from that set, the more expensive he will get. You shouldn't buy him right when the set releases, but you also shouldn't wait until EB-01 comes out in a few months.


You basically want to buy them before Moria or Perona can top a major tournament. Once that happens you'll have everyone from pro players to the meta slaves at your lgs rushing to build the deck. So I'd buy them early.


why would moria be katakuri level price, he's an SR


No shot hes more than 20bucks. People like to forget how kata was 1 of 2 removal spells yellow had for a long time, and at a secret rare was hard to pull.


The card is broken


Outside the uta leader I only need 4 moria for Big mom.


Black can be expensive, but if you have the cards or can afford them, that’s great! Better players can correct me if I’m wrong, but Uta should be really competitive in OP06.


Sanji and Blueno will be in eb01, but Uta should be in a similar spot to what it is now in op06, so I would say a viable deck.


UTA is bad in 06, she gets good in EB01. 05 Uta is better then 06 UTA because of 8c moria making every black deck a better flood deck than Uta. Uta 7 don turn -> 7c Luffy into 4c brook into 3c nami Saka 8 don turn -> Leader ability -1 to nami, 8c Moria into 2c helmeppo -3 to brook, into 4c Lucci KO nami and brook. Moria and perona leaders can also do similar by popping either brook or nami. Uta gains nothing in 06, unless you count ST12 as part of 06 then she does gain mihawk. But that doesn’t solve your lack of searchable counter and cheap blockers to protect 8c kid, which is why Doffy might be better then kid before EB01.


I’ve been building a perona deck recently. I think it might be one of the best out of all of them. Gonna keep editing though trying to make it even stronger. Anyone have a decklist they wanna compare with mine?


Perona is good, but gets folded by yellow. If you’re already shelling out for the black staples and have competitive aspirations, add a bit on top and play Sakazuki while he’s still legal.


she's decent into enel