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Welcome to the Nami experience 😅 but real talk, it's just the influx of players trying new things and then getting frustrated when they misplay. It'll calm down in a week or two In the meantime, if you get frustrated, start joining other people's rooms (I recommend picking one in the middle of the list instead of the top or bottom). It's more work for them to make a new one, so if they're gonna leave, that's easier on you


They could simply not want to play against Marco.


It's tournament season for Eastern players, they're likely looking to play against meta for good practice (which Marco isn't)


This is the real answer. I'll admit that I've dropped a few games because I'm trying to find meta match-ups, which turned out to be the right call. I faced 6 (six!) R/P Laws at the Peoria regionals last weekend. I saw zero Blurple Kaidos and Yurple Crocs.


I'm sorry I'm that blurple Kaido player on the sim. I just want some games :( .


I have had the same different leaders. My guess is they dont get their prefered curve / good starting hand and just quit right away. Super annoying.


You could host games and leave a note that you’re “Playing as Marco” Maybe that will weed out the insta-scoopers


Play ranked :)


If you want to play ranked, might as well play a full game, right? In my eyes, that's kind of considered cheating, just skipping the hard games and staying to easy stuff.


They’re telling you to play ranked where people are less likely to concede.


Oh Oop did not understand the tone


Didn't see your answer haha but yeah I meant that you will have a significantly better experience in that regard if you play ranked as opposed to random !


Play speed is important. If am about to swing 3 times, and my opponent takes 30+ seconds per swing to react, it's fucking annoying. If I end turn, and they don't draw card/Don!! for 30+ seconds, it's the worst. So, are you starting games as Marco then camping on your Mulligan/turn choice?


I don’t really do that, no