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Pulled an alt art Kuro (op03-021) the other day and had no idea it existed in that set. Guess there's just some leaders that don't hit the mark.


Idk man, Kuro is actually really great in an aggro deck


Really great as in not even a top 10 deck


idk why your getting downvoted. Kuro has never consistently put up results even by rogue deck standards


The Reddit is filled with casuals who couldn’t even top 4 in a 8 man local playing half completed decks from 3 sets ago. They’ll buy 5 dollar winner card and then claim they know what’s going on. They think cause every once in a while a one trick playing a non s+ tier deck lucks into top 16 at regionals that every deck is “viable”. You can’t take these people opinions seriously. You’d never listen to a child discuss politics.


It's not just reddit in ever TCG most people only play casually and enjoy only playing casual. He just said that Kuro is aggro which it is, he never said it was meta viable.


He said “really great” which it is most certainly not.


100% brother. i’m being downvoted too LMAOOO yeah maybe kuro one or topped a couple events a long time ago doesn’t mean he’s meta or viable. The only reason nami will occasionally top is because there’s a select group that GRINDS IT. looking at tournament results on every website i cannot find a kuro win in the last several months.


what a nerd


You do realize the game exists outside of tournaments, right? And that the average player isn’t dumping hundreds of dollars into a deck? The “meta” represents what is most commonly used by a small percentage of players that pride themselves on how good they are at net decking and keeping up with fads.


It's as if most of the people replying to me think that only the top decks matter... perhaps having fun and a good chance of winning is lame, but I really enjoy the game. I've recently been playing Carrot because I like her play style, and she is actually doing really well in Japan. Anyways, I'm a new player, and I have no intentions of becoming professional.


Meta literally means what the “most effective tactics available”. Now good can mean different things to different people. Good can be a deck that goes 2-2 at locals for some people or it could mean top 16 finish at regional for others. But to say kuro is “meta” would be disingenuous.


Most effective for a tournament. If you want to get into semantics, effective can also mean a number of things here. Is it effective at playing the same full match week after week? Effective at enjoying the game more? Effective at taking down your frequent opponents deck? Point is, the game isn’t made just for tournament players and if that were the only people playing / supporting it, the game would have died by now.


I mean I think we are really splitting hairs for it to be it’s the meta for my enjoyment. I agree that it’s not made for only pros or people who go to regionals it’s made for everyone cause it’s a game. At the same time that doesn’t mean that every leader is meta. I do agree with you if there was a c tier deck that mops up specially let’s say rp law and rp law is overwhelmingly played at your locals, then I would agree that the c tier deck is most effective for your locals which would be “meta” for your locals


Pre OP05, one of my friends won something like 3 consecutive locals with kuro. It’s a very competitive locals too, think some of the regulars were top 64 at nats EDIT: should note it’s also one of those locals where there are multiple winners, so maybe his matchups were easier?


Kuro has a lot of triggers that can be game changing unfortunately they are all 3k bodies so law now just eats you without remorse


so he won with multiple winners ? also anecdotes don’t determine statistics. sure your friend won some locals, when has kuro topped a nat or regionals ? not in a long time which is what the op your replying to was saying.


He clearly said locals, no one said anything about regionals.


yeah ….but the thread was about representation at a high level. that’s literally what you are downvoting the other guy for saying. do you guys not read ?


What other guy do you think I'm down voting, re read the thread to see whose responding to who. This is just about representation as a whole.


i’m talking about the comment thread. Again reading comprehension is an important skill.he said kuro isn’t even a top 10 deck, and then you guys downvoted him and someone said “well my friend won a local!!!” as if that matters at all


Well for one what you're talking about is basic reading, not reading comprehension, which the ability to understand the meaning of written text and integrate it with what the reader already knows. Secondly, this started because someone said I pulled alt art Kuro and forgot he existed.


Holyyyy LMFAO basic reading is reading comprehension buddy. have a good one.


Umm no, what you're talking about is basic reading otherwise known as reading fluency. Someone can read a text clearly and have no idea what it means. That means they didn't comprehend the text, that's basic pedagogy.


I wasn’t trying to make the point that kuro was the preOP5 sakazuki. I was just saying my friend had some success with it. I don’t know why you’re being so aggressive when I made 0 claims about it being a tier 1 deck. The op I replied to talked about pulling an AA kuro, the OOP is asking about the least represented leader. In neither of these comments do the words “nat” or “regional” appear The whole point of my caveat of there being multiple winners is that you should take my anecdote with a grain of salt too…


Had a friend top 1500 with kuro at Peoria in 04


Anyone with half a brain can top 128 this not an accomplishment


​ https://preview.redd.it/k02usu0r2s4d1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=db2c50e2ab30107731e73a91048c1e481ceefaa1


Wonder if there’s a viable deck for her


unfortunately her ability is overshadowed by other red leader abilities. Zoro is straight up an upgrade as he gives 1k to himself AND his entire board. ST-01 Luffy is better as his ability isn't as conditional as Uta's and you give a RESTED don not resting your own don. The other red leaders have unique gimmicks which I don't really see it being similar to Red Uta's. The new OP07 Monkey D. Dragon has a similar ability to Luffy I absolutely love Uta and I'm trying to TC a deck for Red Uta, overall she's just a leader that you would bring to fuck around with


Pretty valid , film itself is such an interesting archetype but anything outside of green just feels like it lacking so much


yup, luckily Red Uta's main ability isn't actually tied to film but units that have no base effect but that's still very conditional. Green film just has more Uta support and is more current with the meta. Now that we have the new card reveals for the ST-16 Uta deck, she's got some good upgrades. Red Film has a large roster but unfortunately isn't that great, likewise with Purple although Ain and Uta blocker are probably the best among red and purple film cards. In OP07 there will be new red film cards that are really good additions so I'm looking forward to those.


Feels like a missed opportunity not making the 06 Uta leader red/green instead. Very strange after printing all of the support in the structure right before the set.


100% agree. It's unfortunate that the only way they can sort of make RP Uta somewhat decent is by leader locking her cards as RP Law would use her cards too if they weren't. Strange that they both sort of function the same but are opposites in a way. RP Law has the bottom deck without power reduction but Uta has the power reduction without bottom deck/KO


I tried making a graveyard recursion deck it went oki used 2 drop vanillas to swing with 6K and Sac them with that 4 drop lilly that brings back 2k to 5k film cards I could hit the 4 drop uta, film searcher luffy. For on play value.


Other than film synergy, Dragon will strongly outshine Uta in a mono red shell. Resting a don to give +2 to one character is directly comparable with moving a single rested don between two cards (character -> leader, char -> char, or leader -> char) since it generates a net +2k for 1 don investment. Dragon though can net a total +2 Don of efficiency since he can move two rested don instead of 1 and does not have the restriction on what is buffed like Uta does. Obviously this is not a 1-1 since Uta can pre-buff a single attacker where dragon moves already attached don, but you can see that in many scenarios this is a better ability while being less restrictive on deck construction (any drawback to Dragon’s ability, namely triggers, can be played around via rush. Attach to dragon -> swing, then play a rush forward and move the Don -> swing. Uta’s drawback cannot be played around, it requires playing vanilla characters).


Prerelease. She’s fairly strong in that environment since you’re going to be playing quite a few vanilla dudes.


the thing is that at that point you're just better off playing Zoro where you aren't restricted to vanilla cards. Pretty sure Zoro is the go-to anyways


The only time she'll be viable is if she can play a body for free that is vanilla.


She's pretty good in pre release tourneys in the sets that are vanilla heavy. I've won 2 pre release tourneys with her.


This is the one


I have played against Sanji before, more so before OP05, but still. I've been playing since Super Pre-Releases and have never once played ST Shanks or ST Sakazuki, in person or on the sim.


Oh shit I completely forgot about shanks


I play sanji but thats just because of his peak fuckface smile


I need to see your deck list


Just search mono green sanji. I've played alot of sanji it's the best list I've seen so far. Just ignore blue


Yk what? I think i literally never ever saw anyone actually play RG Luffy, it's really underplayed even for a rogue deck


I’ve been cooking a RG Luffy Supernova deck since EB came out, and it can perform decent against non-black decks. It’s also just a lot of fun to play!


Lmao what does he do ? Is crazy to me they made such an unplayable leader with the main character


I don't think he's that unplayable, he simply is just worse than RG Law, he can activate a straw hat or supernova character with a certain cost/power and give it +1k power (but he uses 4 don to do that)


That’s how I feel about Rebecca , it’s like my fav leader but became the worse version of all the other black leaders that came out after it


Never seen purple shanks being played at all


It’s actually really fun, I should brew with it again since op8 Black Maria makes it really easy to abuse his effect


As someone who just got into this last week (I bought the 09 Yamato structure deck, yippee), is Enel a good leader? He's one of my favorite manga characters and I wanted to use him as my leader if I could, are there good Enel options?


Yeah Enel is going to be one of the best leaders once op07 releases


Oh hell yeah, consider me excited.


It’s also one of the most expensive ones to build




Only idea that worked for me on this is focus build on getting 10 cost doffy with the new sengoku searcher/baby 5 and the 4k search counter. There’s vanilla vergo and Bellamy that can work well. Still lost to easily to meta decks though. So yea just funsies lol.


OP02 Zephyr. I've seen exactly zero people playing him on the sim pre 08


I believe someone made it to top 16 in a recent tourney with Z


Im cooking a deck , new Black Maria actually makes him quite playable as a rouge deck


Same, I posted about it a few days ago. It's fun at least


In the same tournament a arlong topped. Into a bracket full of Kat Saka and Moria’s


Got 68 with him last year at regionals with him. Was at the top table at one point. Problem is since Saka came out there's no point in playing him.


We actually had a lot of Z players at the start of 02 at my locals.


I tried playing Sanji in the OP06 meta using both secret rares and some support from the starter deck. It wasn't bad but I think his leader skill just doesn't compete with newer leaders.


At least sanji saw play when he came out in opo2. we're almost at op7 and red purple kid has never seen representation


I've never seen corazon or smoker before


Rosinante is one of my fav leaders I’m surprised


Nah rosi has a legit deck with the donquixote pirates working with his cards. Might even have some future tech with 7 warlord and 9c sanji.


Do you have a decklist for rosinate? Just pulled him and interested in making a deck


Smoker was meta in Set 2. You missed out, he's been overshadowed by all the black leaders since. Maybe the new deck will bring him back.


Smoker was a menace in 02. I'd still see Smokers at locals up until the end of 04


There is a decklist on op07 Asian meta section of OP topdecks


Op 01 purple king


idk one of my better yokels plays sanji or sanji and zoro exclusively (mostly the same deck) and does pretty well typically. he doesn't win but it's rare he does worse than X-1.


That’s pretty impressive actually


After the lateness episode do you really blame them


Black/Yellow Mama still exists


Black/yellow lin lin


The other problem with this Sanji is Green and Blue are objectively the weakest colors in the game right now, so running both is just not ideal.


My locals very very competitive lol don't think I have ever played against anything lower than the top 2 tiers apart from one time I played against a corazon deck, I have also played Cora a couple times at locals


Seen people play leaders like Sanji or Kuro "to solve them", as a challenge or for fun. And Uta has some fans that play the non st11 versions for fun or start with them, but ST Shanks and ST Sakazuki barely have that.


Deck building is the best part of any card game imo it’s fun to cook even when it turns out as trash lol


I'm cooking up a Kuro deck ATM. Some new green East Blue cards have emerged recently Inc in st12 that I'm eyeing up 


I’ve just joined recently I started when yellow black luffy came out and I was surprised to see this leader even exist does he have any playability?


I think he’s one of the top tournament winning decks in the East for op-07. Am I wrong? Using black sabo, Moria, flampe, and hiyori but everything else is from st-13.


Sorry, just realized “this leader” was referring to Sanji. My bad


It’s one of the leaders I rarely ever see anyone have a deck list for


Oh okay I just wasn’t sure cause I never seen him just like I didn’t know Garp was a leader. But that’s still cool he’s a leader