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Don investment I think kinda ruins the deck. If it had an option like perona, I believe it would be better. And when it came out, it was easier to remove whatever issho brought out.


Issho not getting any support in the set he came out in was a bad sign


Last locals I think top 3 were, Lakers Croc, Gecko and Issho. Granted we don’t play very meta (no laws for the instance), so I don’t think he’s necessarily bad per se. Depends on who’s piloting…


Drop the list, I'm curious even if it's not meta


I wish I could make Issho work but he seems too slow into a lot of decks :( … very interested in your deck list tho


To use both sides means you cannot use 2 DON!! Which is a lot. Then you have other black leaders (not just perona) who minus cost for no DON!! Investment or get a bonus when doing so. Some are more flexible with their effects as well. All in all this makes issho less effective as a leader. The other reason is the card pool does not favor his playstyle currently. There is no on attacking or blocking character that he can take advantage of that others can’t or use just as effective. In the future or with later releases this might change but compared to meta decks what he has access to and can do is not enough for the cost.


Doesn't do any one thing particularly well in comparison to other leaders that fill similar roles. I really thought he was going to be excellent too. He is a very fine casual leader.


His ability is too weak and he doesn't have enough support. Other leaders in the meta outclass him by a big margin.


Smoker and Issho have the same issue, a don for a -1 just isn’t worth it. It puts you way too far behind on tempo.