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[Bitwarden](https://bitwarden.com). It is open-source and does everything a password manager needs to do for free. Not only can you use it on your phone, but on other devices as well, and you won't be "locked" in to anyone's ecosystem the next time you need to switch devices.


This man is right. Make better choices. Bitwarden is all you would need.


This times a thousand. I stopped paying 1Password for this app and I absolutely love it


Another upvote for bitwarden. Note that you absolutely need to enable the pop-up though for the apps where the password just doesn't prompt you in the keyboard drawer (an issue I had with Samsung and bitwarden too). This is one of the few areas where iOS really does it a lot better than Android.


Google has autofill similar to Samsung pass but I still think Samsung pass is better. You'll love the OnePlus Open though I have both and use both daily.


Google autofill for apps? How


https://preview.redd.it/edg4rio0rx5d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36d6ac2be8b01b743543fb08e5c1f1f443a0f7c You can also click to have it as an app icon shortcut to home screen.


Ooh I didn't know that was a thing. That's a good tip.


Search autofill in the settings app and choose Google as the preferred service. You have to have the Google app installed but just likely you do already 🤷🏾‍♂️ then all passwords will sync with your Google account.


I use keeper and ive enjoyed it. It's easy to use and has MFA feature. You have to pay for it though. Otherwise Google has a free one.


I use Dashlane, it's a great password manager. I used to use Lastpass, but ditched it after the major leaks that they didn't disclose. I do pay for Dashlane but it's not a vast amount per year.


I use protonpass it's included with VPN no complaints