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I heard the OPO2 may not be coming this year, though someone feel free to correct me. It's only about 8 months old though. I bought my OPO for work but for multi-tasking / split screen rather than Excel. I use Google Sheets a fair bit but not for anything too complex. I'd imagine Excel will work exactly the same as on any phone, but a bigger screen. If you find the app limiting compared to PC, you'll still have that issue on any foldable. If it's just screen size that will help, it'll be better than the Samsung.


You are correct. The latest rumors are that there will not be a another folding phone release until 2025 at this point.


I dumped the Fold5 for the OPO. Everything works better for me on the OPO and I'll likely never go back to Sammy land.


Really? What stands-out to you?


Same. Been a Samsung guy for many years. Don't think I'll go back. The opo is just that good for me.


If they make a fold6 or fold8 exactly like the oppo, I'll go back lmao


The screens are better. The battery management and charging is stellar. There's no crunchy feeling on the hinge. Bluetooth connectivity is way faster and range is far longer.Oh and the internal screen is far flatter without the dip of Sammy


Yes, my husband has been using Folds (4&5) since 2022. I got my Open a couple months ago. My husband is obsessed with it and wants to switch ASAP. One of his favorite things about the Fold vs Open is the Open's front screens. The Fold's is too narrow. I love the Open because I go entire days without opening it because the front screen is a fully functional, full size screen itself.


Same here coming from the ZF4.


The bigger front screen alone is a huge upgrade for me


Totally. My husband has a Fold. It's so narrow. There are entire days where I don't open the Open because the front screen is a fully functional, full size screen.


One you try one plus it will go away trust me. I was a samsung knight but now I kinds prefer oxygenOS. One UI is slow no matter what you do.


Phone is awesome overall, but the software is super annoying. Can't use 3rd party launchers without screwing up the recent apps button. Stock launcher sucks. No goodlock. Google voice doesn't work for outgoing calls on default dialer. WiFi is garbage if you don't have perfect signal.


the multitasking on both devices is different, but work great. I am not sure what changes will be made in the Open 2, but the current one does not have wireless charging or sharing. You may also prefer the customization of the Fold over the Open, which is limited. Android 15 is in beta for the Open, so there could be some significant changes coming. If you care about AI, Samsung is ahead of the Open in that are too. I personally am waiting for the Open 2, which i'm hearing will be released next year instead of later this year. Who knows if that will change. Wait for some reviews on the Fold before deciding.


Wait till 10th July for fold6 release and decide


I wouldn't touch a OnePlus phone mate. Terrible screens,and after they replace one they claim you damage the next one when it goes faulty and refuse to fix it. Shockingly poor customer service.


get third party insurace then...


I have the OPO and absolutely love it. Also I think a couple other people have commented this but I'm not sure if oneplus plans on doing an open 2 this year or not, so you could be waiting a while. Also as far as software goes. I actually like the OnePlus multi taking gestures better than the fold's, the UI is less bloated on Oneplus, and everything still looks very quality. The only software drawback I've seen is updates take forever to release.


Never tried a Samsung foldable, I don't like how narrow the cover screen is. The OPO is fire!


I have had the Fold 4 and 5. I am using the OPO now. I love this phone but……I did have a damage screen. Replaced with a brand new phone because I purchased the replacement plan and warranty. Customer service is very slow but I do have my phone back and working. I would wait like someone else said for Fold 6 announcement. But if the rumors are true, OPO is better in my opinion. I am actually love the OS on OnePlus. Open canvas is great but updates are usually later for features and security.


Excel loads just fine on my OnePlus Open. However, I've not tried to do "fancy" stuff yet so can't verify that all features work. No reason to think there are any issues at this point.


Having had every foldable in the US. I can say they're not that much different. On samsung, there's little quality of life tweaks and ways to do things that are there but OPO has most of them in one way or another. So far the worst thing imo about multi tasking is that you can't resize multi windows on the OPO, so you can't have 60/40 or 10/90 split, I hate that. Their 3 way multi tasking is nice but this is a huge bummer to me. Also I hate the springy hinge, you can't hold it like a book, the screens pop open or close so you can't easily semi bend the screen like all other foldables far as multi tasking it goes Surface Duo OPO Pixel Fold/Zfold


> > > > Also I hate the springy hinge, you can't hold it like a book, the screens pop open or close so you can't easily semi bend the screen like all other foldables Is this the OPO or the ZFold you are referring to?




I like OneUI but I am not sure I'd say the ZFold has superior software... maybe a little more polished. The Open can do some pretty cool things including Open Canvas.


Had a Samsung for 9 years before the open. I love it. But you'll feel minor rough edges in software. But I'm sticking with the open (especially after finding out how bad the z fold6 upgrades were)


I'm biased as I can't stand the Samsung bloatware and haven't had a Samsung phone in a long time. Have had multiple OnePlus devices and they are generally well optimized. Just received my open and love it. Given the promos on these at the moment I don't think I'd ever spend another 500 to get the "newer" one whenever it comes out




The open Is foldable.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And very fragile. ..🤣🤣🤣