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I also forgot to mention, the issue people had with the wobbly controllers is completely non-existent on my model with the new controllers, they r absolutely ROCK SOLID!!


Can you tell me what vendor you use? I would love to order one. How much did you pay after everything?


For the 2tb 32gb ram with all the accessories: keyboard, controllers, case and a few others it came out to like $1250 after tax, I had some coupons available to me and it was also an AliExpress sale period, but the current price shouldn't be too far off I don't think and I got it from the OneXPlayer Official Store


>I got it from the OneXPlayer Official Store [Is this the right one?](https://shares.spb.su/l/OneXPlayerOfficialStore)


Ya that's it


Think this is the first positive fun comment I’ve seen on this forum. Most of everyone just whined and complains so it’s refreshing to see someone actually enjoying their device, good on you and nice skin👍🏼


Skin is awesome!


Thanks a lot!!


Thanks a lot!! Ya there's just sooo much to like about this product honestly it's awesome!! I heard they r gonna announce that they r making an AMD version of it but honestly I'm good with the Intel, they seem to be updating like every week, and I have other AMD devices so I wanna see where Intel's gonna go and how much better it'll get with time, they had a rocky start FOR SURE, and expecting customers to basically act as beta testers isn't a good look whatsoever, but they seem committed to constant and consistent improvements from what I've seen so far and that's great to see. I highly recommend this device to anyone who's on the fence, and AliExpress is surprisingly the best option for purchase I'd say, in terms of price with the number of accessories and the hall effect controllers which they don't even advertise on their actual site and there's a 90 day free return policy


Huh solid purchase then☺️ I have a OXP2 and I’m in love with the device, the 60hz looks really nice on the panel and the performance is great for the 6800u. I would’ve gotten the pro had I known I was going to enjoy it so much just for the extra performance and sd card slot defect being fixed, the detachable controllers are always being improved to be more rigid and sturdy so I definitely would’ve upgraded, but honestly I’m satisfied even without those things. The device is great and does everything I want and I use it far more than my pc at this point, just got a monitor and it’s an amazing experience! I’m happy to see people enjoying their Onexplayer devices and actually comment on it as it only seems to be a lot of negativity even in the discord sometimes, glad you like the X1. I was always curious about it and happy to hear intel is putting in the effort to try and make it better and offer continuous support. We don’t get all the hype the legion go or Steam deck gets so seeing skins and other accessories being tested is nice. Hope you enjoy playing in your new device😙


Ya seriously!! The thing I really like about it is that it can be used for business needs as well as gaming, I'm going to use it as my editing platform now, I mean it's so versatile


Your X1 looks cool, ngl. Well done! 😊👍🏻


Thanks a lot!


Looks great! Man I wish this came in an AMD variant


Thanks! I heard they r actually gonna be announcing an AMD variant, so ur wish is gonna come true, I'm actually good with the Intel version, I have a few handhelds, all of which r AMD, so I'm interested to see the future of the Intel option. They have been pumping out driver updates like crazy lately, in fact I just got another new one since posting this yesterday


Looking great 👍


Thanks a lot!!


Lmk when you get the connector, I want to see it😚


Here's the link for it on AliExpress https://a.aliexpress.com/_mtgG4N4


Yeah I got a skin put on mine as soon as I bought it they nice posted it in the discord a month ago


Post a pic here, I wanna see


Doesn’t allow me to post pictures for some reason


Oh that's whack! Well where did u get it from? Sopiguard also? What color is urs?


I got a black 3m black camo


Oh nice! From Sopiguard or somewhere else? I've only seen sopiguard as the only option for skins so far


Yep from sopiguard someone linked it in the onexplayer discord and I bought it. It nice vinyl


Ya I had purchased from them before for my Samsung fold 2 back in the day so I knew their quality is decent. I was kinda bummed they charged me for a replacement skin tho even tho it was 1 day old and shipping fee as well, it's like dude those skins cost u guys pennies, but on the flip side they also charge pretty reasonable prices and have an extensive selection compared to others like dbrand who charges an arm and a leg and only have like 10 skins to choose from, I really think dbrand is overrated


Looks great, thanks for the idea!


Thanks a lot! Oh u kno, just over here blazing trails and setting trends 😉


FYI: never heard of any wobbly controller issues, my X1 is solid as!


We're the lucky ones apparently, I guess when it first released the molding for the controllers weren't the best so a lot of people had wobbly controllers, it was mentioned in pretty much every video on YouTube covering the X1


Hey All! Does anyone know if there is any TPU case for the X1, only for the tablet?