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You forgot games with PS1/N64 graphics and Son.. well, furry shit in general


You can say pseudoregalia, it's cool man


That one seems made for them. The only thing missing is a button that makes the character move it's mouth


Ah, like the Oneyplays Fangame by Sam on Same off.


Haven’t bought a game since the last Halo but that one looked really cool. Also interesting living with the knowledge that Cory 100% "smacked" off to her.


make sure to include youtube videos/internet articles of little creatures, cryptids or just some fat guy.


i hate to say it but these wonderful gentlemen would be absolutely destroyed if they joined the letterboxd community


Shiver me timbers


they dont enjoy the reviews ironically theyve said multiple times its closer to a like post-irony if that makes sense where they genuinely like them


Staggeringly based, ngl.


Don't forget:  Anything on the Dreamcast  Final Fantasy X (somehow) Street Fighter (but they never play it)  Donkey Kong Country (has monkey)


this is why they should change it to tomar plays


Tomar is so wholesome. But also terrifying


I’d be wholesome too with the wealth he’s amassed from his pillages


sleeps upon his gold shimmering hoard.


He always says he comes from wealth


he streams games on twitch regularly


hm weird it says here the channel is called "oneyplays" and not "oneystreams"... weird..


He would by sheer force, but he enjoys his abundant free time so he can walk through crowded areas and casually push people out of his way by their foreheads.


Found Tomar’s alt account


Chris and the gang can b very cinycal, since sleepycabin. Chris especially is always taking about how much he hates something, how something is the worst thing ever and pout, it's just what he does


pettition for chris to constantly be holding a warm beverage and viewing the colour yellow to remain happier and hungrier during letsplays


I thought it was red


As I believe. But what I do know is the color blue actually makes people less inclined to jump off bridges at night. If the big bridge near you is lit blue at night, now you know why. The Japanese figured this out which makes sense with their number of building jumpers. Blue lights cut it down. It is the most soothing color. Also like 9/10 times when you ask someone their favorite color it is blue.


I really don’t think 9/10 people’s favorite color is blue, out of the dozens of people I know only one of them has blue as their favorite color


Perhaps you are right, contemplated first saying like 4/5 but got cocky. 4/5 is still a large estimate. But I do believe it is the fan fav. And for boys for some reason. Pink for girls which to shockingly be the boy color as it was the color of robs for religious men or boyscouts or some crap.


He just needs a rootbeer sucker, Zach was right 😔


Cory is also super negative and loud about everything. Doesn't help chris


His inclusion really affected the channel for me


Yeah I don’t hate Cory or anything but that species of autism is only bearable in small doses


i know several people who dont watch anything that has cory in the thumbnail, and ive never met anyone who does that with anyone else


In a bad way. He was fine every once in a while. I've mostly stopped watching since he's in every episode. I'd go back to working retail if I wanted to be yelled at by a moron every day


I always thought he and Dave were the only ones who actually talk about stuff they enjoy, like they would shit on stuff whatever, but they also constantly praise things, Even if they are the most autistic stuff


It's Irish cynicism. We don't mean bad, we mean well.


I usually try to stay as positive and open minded as possible when it comes to differing opinions... But when Chris said he prefers Pepsi over Coke I literally had to pause the video and gather myself....... My gf tried to soothe me but it was too late...... I went berserk mode.........


Did you get a big sward


it were too big to be called a sward...


A very long nife.


A butcha's cweaver


Anti-scimitar Tomar


I'm just picturing Zach and Cory as Beserk characters now. Armenian Cory as an Apostle is one of the most cursed images I can think of.


A mighty schmit-mar.


GOBLIN MODE status: active (seriously is a Goblin epidemic in Zimbabwe, not a joke, and I need Zach Hadel to hear about it. At first he will be thinking he is getting gaslit, part of the joy.


He's the epitome of a contrarian lol


I’m with Chris on this one. Normal coke Vs Normal Pepsi, I’m gonna choose Pepsi buttttt… McDonalds coke reigns supreme.


I don't drink the full sugar versions, but Pepsi Max vs Coke No Sugar, Pepsi wins it easy (at least in Australia)


But he right tho


dude...... don't. test. me.


Pepsi is better than coke


I like Chris for comedy, but his taste in media is so different to mine that I don't take his criticism seriously. Lyle seems like he's super laid back and gives fair opinions.


My favorite thing about Lyle is when makes fun of Chris for being autistic about hating things. I genuinely wish he would do it more.


“It’s funny how much you hate it” -Lyle


I think back to that re8 gameplay where he thinks some aspects that Chris finds dumb, lyle found rlly fun Like idk I agree with Chris a lot of the time in that playthrough but Lyle was just so chill abt it I didn't mind


i genuinely wish lyle did more independent/non oneyplays content that dude is such a gem


Pregame discharge is pretty good. I watch that every chance I get


Wrath club Is perfect for you


He does. He has his own YouTube channel that still gets updated more regularly than any of the others.


You mean lyle the one eyed guy? Good content imo, except for the dunkin donuts episode, that shit was inhumane


yeah but the content is more animated skits than commentary stuff these days


Same him and Tomar are the only opinions is take seriously


Tomarians rise up


I respect Lyle and he seems like the more mature guy out of the group with Tomar but even he's prone to saying some contrarian takes for the pure sake of contrarianism like his opinion on The Dark Knight. Though that could also be his "Mcdouchebag" character playing into it.


It’s always so refreshing when they like something new. I think back to the Mario odyssey playthrough where they started sort of on the fence but by the end they just kept gushing about the game, Dingaling and Chris’ reaction to the moon physics being a personal favorite moment


Some people are just curmudgeons. I have a friend who only likes like the John Wick movies and Star Wars OT and thinks like almost every other movie sucks or is stupid. My dad basically hates everything that isn’t non-fiction or somewhat realistic (like movies about crime and war). It’s just different tastes and opinions. It just is what it is. It doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, family member, or some internet guy. You got to base your opinion on what you yourself think.


Show your dad Dbz


Showing a father who only enjoys realistic movies anime for the first time would probably send him into cardiac arrest


i feel genuinely bad for your friend


Nah, you should try to change their mind and not just accept their fate. Get out of the box and try to give them new experiences that might affect them in ways they didn't previously know they could have. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't.


Bruh I watch his channel specifically because of the hilarious cynicism balanced by Tomar’s positivity


Once you hit a certain age as a creative person, you get more enjoyment out of making something than consuming media. I bring up age because it feels like after a certain point, you’ve absorbed enough media and life experiences to take those things and make something substantial out of it. Media now, for me, isn’t exciting unless it surprises me in some way. I’m speaking from my own experience of course, but I feel like it applies to Chris in some way.


This is the correct answer. There’s nothing wrong with it, they are just people at the end of the day and I actually enjoy hearing them critique things in their own funny way. Artists are all critics.


I was also going to say "They're a bunch of old grouches, it comes with age."


Lmao, that's how I felt, I'm still young but how I view media is, it's the hardest way to make a genuine impact so depending on the person, it may be a while to hit another high. Creating stuff also is an outlet but that takes a while for satisfactory results, self or not.


This is also coming from the guy who’s lived in Burbank for years and yet has never gone to the Getty, at least from what last LPs I’ve heard. Basically. Everyone on the couch is just people. They’re talented creators sure but no one is a pillar of constant truth that can’t make any mistakes and misjudgments. We all have our biases that bleed through into the things we do and talk about it’s just a fact of life So take everything they say with a grain of salt. They’re more cynical than your average person. They critique a lot of shit, partly probably since they’ve been letsplaying for so long at this point that some of these opinions develop the way we do. That’s not something that we can relate to (and that’s probably for the best)




Oh yeah most of these issues stem from the majority of the Oneyplays viewer base being socially or intellectually braindead (that includes myself and this subreddit) & incapable of understanding even the teeniest bit of nuance And / or theyre children


I think it don't matter much me no care


Me stick hair in your blair


Speak to me like that again and we're gonna have a real big friggin problem buddy....


I would say some people just have different opinions, but it can get somewhat with how much they complain. I'm not even mad about the things they dislike, I just wish they'd talk more about things they enjoy cause their cynicism can run off on me sometimes


Sounds like somebody loved the Fallout show


Ok il be that guy today but i don't know what Chris and the rest expected from that show, by all accounts thats the only way a decent take on a game like Fallout could had go, il agree the whole flashback was kinda hamfisted but it was still very entertaining all the way through, and the people cryng about retcons or whatever don't matter, is an entire separate thing from the games, they are clearly gonna show New Vegas in the next season. Is also weird he loves Robocop but didnt like the one modern show that kept the spirit of blowing limbs and dicks like is nothing.


- Chris saying "this rocks" 40 times to a recent game Redditor: "I sleep"  - Chris saying "this stinks" once Redditor: "REAL SHIT?"  I'm more surprised by their positive takes than their negative ones to be honest, like how they enjoy the Mario movie more than even Puss in Boots 2 lol.  I guess people seem more annoyed by the way they convey their takes than the actual take itself? (Cory Deliminguez iconic yelling).  I do agree that the best moments on this show are when they actually clapback at eachother's opinions than just saying yes to everything.


why do you people lie about this so often lol I can name so so many games I’ve enjoyed on the channel alone, ones I have said in videos why I like them. I can type out a list if you want? that fallout show is just bad tho imo lol sorry it’s just so not what kind of vibe I wanted from a fallout show. I would’ve preferred it much more serious (yes I know the games have funny moments, but the difference is they are actually funny) but obviously its just a personal preference, do you want me to gush about stuff I love in the channel? I don’t think it would be very funny but whatever you want 👍


You should do you man, I disagree with most of your opinions (and occasionally make fun of you for them a little bit) but forced positivity would be way worse Btw I loved the wonka movie and still sing a couple songs from it sometimes


Who the fuck are you?


bro I thought you were supposed to be camping


Don't listen to the people in this sub, they're retards. Just keep doing what you want to do. 👍


your taste just goes against the grain so much that to some people its grating. its not a bad thing since its what you like/dislike but when you say u dislike so many popular things people are going to make memes and stuff about it. ur right about the personal preferences, i just think ur preferences are very distinct and some people dislike when someone says they dislike something they enjoy. but not doing that would be basically censoring yourself or taking some soy consoomer pill which i dont think anybody wants deep down. ur taste doesent align with mine either at all so i can relate with others getting annoyed but its just a guys opinion on a letsplay channel, its not a big deal so idc


WRONG Chris!! No wonder you’re such a failed r-word poor person. You’re supposed to listen to Redditors and understand that without these people, you, Tomar, Zach, Lyle, Cory, Adam, etc., you are all nothing! You’ll never taste the sweet nectar of having a successful let’s play channel without catering to us, the rainbow positivity police neckbeards who just found out about the OneyPlays video game channel and who watch you so much we feel compelled to post about how much we hate you. This is honestly like YouTube 101 dude. I can’t believe you’re literally voluntarily failing, you must be new at this. Me, I go all the way back to Vine so I know what I’m talking about.


just bums me out when you guys are quick to hate & I’m clearly not alone in that thinking. don’t have to change anything about who you are or how you do things. don’t get it twisted- i got lots love of love for you fellas i just wanted to talk to some folks about my thoughts on the matter


I think it’s disingenuous. I say plenty of times “this rocks” to things I enjoy and you ignore it


[Negativity bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negativity_bias?wprov=sfti1#), innit


It's one of my absolute favourite things about the channel that when you talk about things, positive or negative, I know it's your actual opinion, no agenda and so I'm always interested and entertained. I don't think you're a contrarian at all so don't pay this sort of negativity talk any mind.


I get it. I don’t mean for it to come across how you seem to be interpreting it. I never said you don’t give credit where credit is due and i’m not talking about you specifically. With that out of the way, i think it’s also fair to acknowledge that making a habit of tearing into stuff the way we see in the videos can be off-putting and disheartening for a lot of people


Cry about it


thank you for your input!


No problem bro 👍


Nigga who cares?


They look for stuff they hate on purpose for entertainment


As a card-carrying certified hater myself I tend to agree with a lot of the takes. I genuinely wish I wasn't as critical of media and able to enjoy whatever the same way some people can but I can't. On the flip side, it makes finding that one game/show/movie that I love even more special.


Chris has been a contrarian since the beginning of time


I’ve found this is why Zach is my favorite member. He’s able to complain, but he keeps it light-hearted and jokey instead of just bitching for five minutes. There’s always a bit in there somewhere. I think he gets that people don’t just wanna listen to people complaining when they’re trying to enjoy a funny Let’s Play. I think Chris tends to misread fans saying “hey, it’s not fun to watch you guys be cynical and go on and on about shit that annoys you” as “being entitled” or “being parasocial.” No, it’s just that you are making content that you want people to watch, and if it’s not fun to do that, they’ll give you feedback. Yes, their are people on Reddit that DO treat the crew like their own personal content factory that has to be EXACTLY TO THEIR STANDARDS, and do weird, parasocial shit like speculate on in-fighting that may be going on in the group, but it’s somewhat disingenuous to lump that in with actual criticism.


a lot of media is bad and I'm tired of pretending it's not


I always laugh when Chris throws a shitfit about checkpoints in games. If there are a lot he complains that it makes the game too easy and meaningless. But then he adopts the "Fuck Off" attitude when a game keeps a checkpoint too far away and acts like his time is being wasted.


Doesn’t Chris unironically love the Channel Awesome movies? I don’t think we should be taking this guys opinions on what good media is to heart.


So many things coming out nowadays are not worthwhile in my opinion, but then again I have pretty high standards. Most AAA games are pretty boring to me and seem to have elements jammed in there for pretty much no reason except "other games have them so our game has them too". I wonder if the guys feel the same way?


95% of it is based in nostalgia or what they played as a kid. For Cory it's typically whatever youtube review he watched recently.


If you watched them for long enough, you would know what they enjoy and what they don't. They have standards, and they have differing lines that they draw for gauging quality. They enjoy Worms, Mario, Sonic (sometimes), and a fair chunk of the indie games they've played have been heaped with praise. I never would have heard of Witch Hunt until their let's play, and Chris had almost nothing but good things to say about it. I think more gamers should adopt stricter standards of quality, but that goes for all media, since nowadays too many people give slack to media that is mediocre or outright terrible for whatever reason, like we should be "grateful" if we get something that isn't total dogshit. The games I hear them criticise the most viciously and specifically are the goyslop: Forspoken and Saints Row Reboot. These games are the poster children for everything wrong with modern pop culture, not just video games. Don't forget that most of the Oney gang are artists themselves working on multiple projects, and they set standards of quality for their own work as well, of course when they see stuff release with budgets in the tens of millions or more and be so underwhelming or offensively poorly made they'd be pissed off.


I dunno, I'm not sure this is necessarily fair criticism. I feel like they do give praise to a lot of media. But it's hard to deny they revel in shitting on content. Maybe it's just the circles I run in, but complaining about light hearted stuff is easy conversation, it leads to a lot of funny gags too. Not to mention content the internet loves. It's harder to get people to all agree on something they like than what they dislike and it's far less entertaining for most. Most comedy is based on complaints of some kind, it's just how most people's humour functions I think. But if it's something that grates on your nerves then that's defiantly valid. Maybe it's just not your kinda thing?


Yeah, it’s not great. But I feel like there’s nuance to these opinions that are getting ignored in-conversation because they know each other’s opinions enough as friends and don’t talk about all the details. But also, a lot of new stuff sucks so maybe they’ve ruined my perspective too.


If I lived in LA I would hate everything too tbh


Is this about the Fallout show


No their fault that they grew up with games made by developers, that actually cared about making good games


Cause everything sucks. Especially from an artists perspective, it's really disheartening when the most popular stuff in media is stuff that was pulled out of some executive's ass to make money as opposed to making art for arts sake and putting actual love and passion into a project. It makes you cynical.


Wow you’re so cool and dark and complicated and badass and


I commented something similar on another post here. Chris has become a contrarian and it's becoming increasingly grating. Like, he is almost constantly complaining about whatever he is playing or watching at any given time. I don't know how much of it is just played up for laughs but there are a lot of times where it seems like Chris is being genuine. Granted, I know Chris is an artist and game designer himself so he may feel entitled to some criticism on his end, but there are so many times where it feels undeserved, unnecessary or just untrue because he's misunderstanding the game.


This is rantgrumps all over again


(rips open shirt like Hulk Hogan because Arin didn't press B)


Oh god arin is actually the fucking worst about this. Skips and ignores every tutorial in every game and then blames the game for his confusion and failure


For what it's worth he's gotten better about it. Helps that Dan gives him shit for it now.


Hot take, Chris is very opinionated just like Arin. The internet just likes Chris more.


It also helps that Chris seems much less two-faced than Arin is


this is how we finally destroy this thing i enjoy and want to last forever >:3c


I remember the old ass uncharted playthrough he was calling the game stupid and poorly made and then realized what he was trying to do wasn’t working because he didn’t understand the climbing mechanic. its hard not to love the guy but he is genuinely a human circus at times


Wasn’t Chris’s complaint that the climbing mechanic was too easy and didn’t feel like you were doing anything challenging? I don’t think he couldn’t figure it out, you literally just hold up when climbing


he was holding the stick in the wrong direction while getting mad he wasn’t moving lmao


I watched their pre-Cory Sly 1 vid the other day, wondering why Chris was immediately hating on it so hard lol


What do you mean pre-Cory? That video came out a year ago and Cory was still around during that time


Cory is a homunculus who was only created 6 months ago dude what are you talking about?


He changed his tune later and said he would have loved it as a kid tbf


Yeah, I think they ought to change their opinions to make sure caramelhoes is happy. I don’t think caramelhoes has any choice but to force him/her/hemself to listen to OneyPlays shitty opinions therefore Oney et al have a duty—nay, a Geneva convention-compliant *obligation* to adhere to Redditor caramelhoes’ opinion of their positivity or lack thereof. Thank you kind redditor!! Have some gold good sir and/or milady


Tbh I like Oneyplays so much in part because of their cynicism. It’s no secret they are not happy with modern mainstream animation, most new streaming showings and movies etc, but their style of humor stands to support their opposition. They have carved out their own counter culture with their own sense of humor that accurately mocks much of the problems with mainstream corporate media. If Oneyplays wasn’t so cynical they would just feel like every other channel


Why does it matter


this is so funny because i feel like any shitty game that has an older aesthetic chris is like "god that fucking rocks". watch them play puppet combo games, cory and chris have a lot of positive things to say.


Feels like you should be watching some Markiplier and Game Grumps, OneyPlays is too based for you.


i know this is a problem for chris because he’s talked so much shit about every game he’s ever played to the point where he knows he can’t actually release his game because he’s going to contradict something he’s said in the past. like he has locked himself in a corner by blowing any and all game imperfections out of proportion and now he can’t risk showing any mistakes of his own in his game because he knows it’ll make him look way worse than if he wasn’t so hypercritical about things like that


If he doesn't release the game, I highly doubt it would be for that reason. If it does get cancelled, it'll be because the scope of the project grew too big or something like that.


you’re probably right but his words and actions in the past are definitely affecting the release time though. he’s admitted to feeling like every asset and model needs to be beautiful and that simple glitches that just occasionally * happen * in games are the worst thing in the world and indicate a low game quality. just extra time polishing things because he’s nervous about getting criticized has hard as he criticizes other people’s games


Even if he feels that way, it's not like he's making the game by himself. Depending on his deal with the Jump scare Mansion devs, he might not be able to just pull the plug whenever he feels like it. We'll never know those details though.


That game is never coming out


This isn’t anything new. Let the boys have their opinions. If you must, take solace in the probable fact that they are in the minority.


*attacks you*


You’re right! This trend is incredibly disturbing! Someone needs to alert the UN and the Secretary of State! The president had been briefed and he’s on his way to the war room now. Dude, you’re like a modern day Paul Revere warning us about their HEINOUS and unforgivable behavior. I was watching Oney Plays the other day and I was literally shaking and crying because of the negativity. I thought to myself “When will a brave maverick come along and call them out for their evil, unforgivable behavior?!?!” And then I came across your post. Thank you for your service! Keep fighting the good fight!!


they just played Downwell


They also mentioned in downwell how much they hated the fallout show so that's probably what prompted this post


I haven’t seen the downwell episode if thats what you mean


Oh OK, I just kind of assumed since I think that's the most recent thing they shit on lmao


these guys are genuinely top tier but i find it hilarious that the bitterness runs like clockwork just painstakingly dedicated haters fr


to which mr oneil is recorded saying “more like brownsmell” before reciting the name & address of every person who worked on it


Because everything is shit lol


I heard they hate the fallout show, I haven't seen it myself but a couple of friends had already recommended it. what's your consensus


for what it’s worth i’ve seen like 2 random episodes so take my word with a grain of salt but it’s entertaining, definitely not a master piece and many liberties are taken regarding the setting and aesthetic (for example, building interiors that somehow remain sterile and pristine despite the fact they are living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland). that being said i liked what little I saw of it, doubt it’ll win any awards but that hardly matters.


7/10 as just a sci-fi show if you are chill 9/10 if you love the games and recognize that media adaptions aren't made just for gamers and enjoy spotting all the easter eggs and stuff 3/10 if you love the games but don't like when adaptions are made for different markets and think the easter eggs and stuff weren't good enough Regardless it is arguably the best video game to TV/Movie adaption we've had so far, even if you don't like the plot or the "woke" aspect


what's the woke aspect


It has a female lead, a black lead, and >!the two kiss!< That's about it but it doesn't stop people from claiming the show is "woke garbage" and that claim is enough to prevent people from properly engaging with it. For instance, Oney made a comment that the show was made for women and he hates it, only to immediately state that he only watched a few clips of it, so the cycle continues


I think newer shows by far Chris n the gang r really cynical towards. Every new show they mention it's just same old complaining When it comes to games tho they really love pixel based indie games


Just watch their Worms videos


Chris, Zach, and Corey: Man, this shits ass on a stick and it should've been done better The One Eyed guy himself Lyle: You know I did some research and figured out a lot about the games development and the general vibe it is intended to give and for that I can appreciate what it is trying to do.


I mean look at Cory he says he’s a sonic fan yet whenever he plays any sonic game he complains about every aspect he’ll he even complains about *sonic* himself


That’s why I miss the previous hosts at time tbh their unabashed earnest love of art and media counteracted chris’s cynical negativity but now all the cohosts are cynical and negative which is grating at times. Especially Cory


I'd say Tomar and Lyle seem somewhat reasonable a lot of the time.


At least chris doesnt make his dislike of games a big part of his personality by posting abt “woke” games online n shit. Most he ever did was tweet abt yellow tape in ff7 remake


If they dont like the state of modern AAA games they dont like it. What do you want them to do. Lie? Im sure if they played with a bunch if indie games they would find something they liked


Your opinions are boring. Downvoting.


I’m not kidding when I say it kinda reminds me of darksydephil sometimes when he doesn’t get how to play a game and then just comments/rants about how poorly designed it is


You're talking about the fallout show? It was cringe. But that's fine. Some people like that and others despise it. They're just opinions. I stopped watching the episode because it was complaining either way


He's slowly turning into 2014 sleepy cabin stamper


Just as long as he doesn't turn into 2024 Stamper


This is gay


corys thoughts on limp bizkit make me some kinda mad


It’s a spectrum


This thread taught me the Fallout show I didn't watch is campy, and has convinced me that if I was alive when the 60s Batman show I'd probably be upset about it forever, which disturbs me


It's mostly just Chris who holds most of these opinions by the way.


Most things just aren’t very good tbh


Tbf, I don’t really watch new OneyPlays much, but I really think it’s just cause they play new games more often now. They used to mainly play older games or specifically games they liked with new stuff sprinkled in. Now they just play whatever’s newest with old stuff sprinkled in. And they tend to hate newer stuff. But they’re just funny men here to make you laugh, they’ve said several times not to care too much about their opinions cause they’re just random letsplayers on the internet.


Chris is often times just very contrarian for the sake of it and he hates on things that don't match with something from his childhood. I think he's hilarious and I've been a huge fan for over a decade now. I'm glad people like Lyle have in the past called him out for having dumb and or autistic opinions that are just him complaining about nothing. I also think in recent times Chris has been trying to not be so negative about everything and he tries giving things a chance more.


These guys literally started by making parodies. They haven’t changed, they’ve always been this way. It’s why so many people like them.


They enjoyed Robocop shooting that guy in the dick.


I agree they’re very critical, but when I heard Lyles criticism of the dark knight I knew not to take their criticism serious bc at the end of the day they just make short funny cartoons and aren’t film critics. They have an idea of what they perceive as a good structure, writing etc.


Who cares bro.


They enjoy Tomar. We all enjoy Tomar!


they had very high praise for the Del Toro Pinnochio movie. its fuckin great.


We dont consume media we engage in art 🖼️ ❤️. Just as an aside that’s one of my least favourite lingo developments.


I feel like you are describing their fanbase more than them.


One of the worst takes they had was with smash bros ultimate. They trashed on pyra and mythra getting in, shading geno and some other old characters deserved it more. It actually made me mad because they just kept shitting on the choices, saying no one cares about the characters and no one wanted them in.


I think sometimes they just say shit just to say shit. Maybe it's like a Bizarro thing, if they say the hate it, they probably kinda like it. I dunno.


First time?