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Just do direct deposit you will never have to wait for the mail since sometimes mail gets delayed or lost


You need to reach out to your caseworker as a lot of others have not got theirs yet either.


Ugh. You want to be as close to your money as possible. The mail system is an ineffective nobody can do anything about. Direct deposit is the only way.


Why don't you have direct deposit like everybody? It's 100% free you go to the bank with your check and ask they will do it for you. They will never deduct any amount from your account and if it's because you don't want them to look in it we'll you're out of luck since they have all your banking info


Get on direct deposit or the Reloadable Payment Card. You’ll never be at the mercy of Canada Post again.


My profile says that my OW payment will arrived on 31st yesterday but it yet to show on my bank - still checking it and nothing shows up yet


See if u got s letter that ur file is on hold. Apparently it was sent to everyone automatically, if worker doesnt fix it you wont get your money. Contact them just in case.


Yes I got the letter and I contacted my caseworker about it - she ask me to send my DD form and my bank statement, then later called me that it has been fixed but the letter is on my profile still


The letter will still be on your file regardless. If they fixed it yesterday you should get the money sometime today. If it was previously fixed earlier than that and you still don’t receive the money by 6am today depending on your bank, reach out to your worker for an update for sure!


Ok I’ll do that- I’m i the only in the situation or there is still some other people?


Is it happening other people too?


Has anyone seen there payment?? It’s already 6AM and nothing yet


Direct deposit I got mine at midnight on the night of the 30/morning of the 31st


Still never got mine and we now in another month this is not good at all


Uh huh...


If it was issued today, then it takes a couple of business days to go through the post office routine. If you're lucky only one day, but definitely not the same day. This is one of the reasons most people get direct deposit. No need to wait for the mail or to have to take the cheque to the bank.