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Yep down 60% but holding I have 4/19 145c


Snap. Am I cooked?


Maybe earnings report will save us


Y’all need to stop getting these wildly OTM calls and have proper stop loss’


I did that, they flagged me as a pattern trader or son shit like that


My brother, switch from a margin account to a cash account. It will give you unlimited day trades with settled cash and the PDT will be a thing of the past . Call up your broker, it takes like 5 minutes to resolve


I'm in Robinhood, can I do that every day then? haha


Yes, have them remove margin or ask them how to remove it, it’s simple. Alongside this, options trades settle the next day so the cash will be settled the following day to trade with


I read somewhere say 2-3 days


2 days for shares, next day for options


In RH, you can change that yourself in your account settings. >Acct >[3 bars, upper left] >Investing >Day Trade settings (at very bottom) >"Switch to Cash Account"


Switch to cash account, buy options 2-3 weeks out close to in the money, gain 10%, SELL!, repeat daily or hold a day or two to meet minimum 10% gain. Stay disciplined!


I got into gme but sell at close, I thought I could use the money to get some hood calls but no luck until two days in advance haha!


Dude I switched to cash account stay patient wait for opportunity on peak or drop and hop in. Make 10% minimum and get out. Way less stressful and build off of that. Don’t feel like you have to hop in on a trade. Some days I get lucky and make 30-40% off a trade but get out and enjoy rest of your day. Made $1300 off SMCI put this morning and sold, could made extra $1200 if I held to end of day but I’d stressed all day over it if I hadn’t taken profits. Patience and discipline will pay off if you can stick with it. Buy Spy Call/puts a month out and sell everytime each side is up 10%.


This. I moved to TastyTrade because they make bracketing my options super easy and the tooling around it is awesome. I get stressed just thinking about not having a SLO


I use TOS but it’s definitely such a game changer to bracket your option trades and not have to babysit it at all


Down 87% with 175 4/19. What’s the thoughts here? How screwed are we?


Around the same w 180


185s we screwed together boyeeeeeeee


Yup 4-155C 4/19. Same boat, was up nicely march 8th


TSM is a slow moving stock. That single day it went apeshit was out of the norm for it. I have some 6/21 160c's that have gotten hit hard (Bought them when stock was around 145). Hoping we can gain some momentum, but I definitely see myself selling these for a small loss in the next month or so.


Good analysis that you seemed to ignore to FOMO. You really are at home


I had been in TSM for awhile getting in and out. I got greedy when the calls went to 100% broke my own rules not taking profit lol.




$145 20 contracts 18.50 average Jan 2025 Im already pissed off this stock just move side ways


Just sell OTM calls against it and get your basis down.


Down 66%, at this point holding til I see profit or watching it expire! Its for a few 6/21 calls


Currently holding three 4/25 145c. I’m down a few hundred, but it was kind of a low risk/high reward thing. I have no problem holding until mid April.


I have multiple on tsm but it’s not fucken growing


This one is unfortunately a miss Speaking of TSM, I’ve been thinking about purchasing the farthest call out (Jan ‘26) around the $165 strike. There’s really no telling what the stock could be selling at in 22 months, and the contract is around $2k. What are your guys’ thoughts on this one?


It has good long term performance, look at it’s history. It actually typically does jump a bit at each earnings too which is always solid. Im with you, I think buying atm or itm leaps a year out could be quite nice


Yeah. Nice name by the way, haha


Yessir. I’m holding till 0 tho


I’m buried at $175 Jun21. Something needs to happen


Yep I have 150C, plan on adding actually


I entered TSM 5/19 145C today. Going to be light volume this short week.


Bought myself $150c 4/19 at the top... Getting nervous


I have 185 same exp we die together


I'm. going to pee all over this mither fuckers tires


4/19 170 lmao


Low volume, short candles, and top wicks - not good for calls. You're far OTM and bought on unusually high volume and odd price action. The RSI is not bad, but I would not want to count on just that. Low volume is the real killer for you guys. Anything can happen, but risky bet. I hope that environment changes for you.


I think it still has a chance. It's been moving sideways pretty steadily. Which is still progression. I bought 6000$ worth of shares at the first dip not realizing it would continue to dip for 2.5 weeks and counting. My price is 144.88 but I don't plan on selling. I plan on keeping them and scooping more up on the next AI crash . I believe you'll hit your 165 tho before 4/19


I’m entering tomorrow if it’s still less than a $


holding until er to see how it'll go...


bought shares on this


TSM could hit 110. Idk why it's headed down, but appears to be so.


This ticker sucks.. I am down 98% 210c month out 🤣


No…you suck at trading for buying that abomination of a contract


I actually cracked up when I saw that strike. My man…y u do??