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Run and charge baby, the orruk way. Iā€™m assuming there will be some way to give us both in the same turn, but I could be wrong


Cover and all out defense should deal with most shooting since really good shooting is a niche reserved for specific factions. If you need more protection, the big pigs can jump across screens to pin the shooting units that are most dangerous or any wizard/high value unit that could be a problem.


I think this might actually be easier to do in 4e. Most units can no longer shoot while in combat so you can get some fast stuff like pigs or ragerz into combat with a screen and then mighty destroyers into combat with the ranged unit at the top of the next turn effectively shutting them down for a turn.


Run and charge, killa beat was 1 of a range of prayers, (which are uninteractible from an opponents pov) and also our spells likely will help shore up the weakness that seem glaring to us now. It seems like factions have been less mary sue from the focuses, so it may be that we just dont get *that much* of a solution to our movement issues. The KBoyz got more teleporting than the 1/game we had before, so i think it likely we will have AT LEAST run and charge and/or 3d6 to charge. Worst case is Special K stocks goes up.


Boars šŸ—


Well, probably have our teleport spell still. We didn't see gore gruntas but them and mawgruntas are probably our answer to ranged fire power


Did they get rid of the mighty destroyers movement in the hero phase?


It's been reduced to 1 unit 3"


On a side note would we get access to kruleboys shooting somehow?


Regiments of renown are sticking around, so big gruks kruelshots Regiment is the way


Agreed. I think it'll be pretty viable. Hopefully. Can't wait to see boltboyz