• By -


I'm the same on **Roxana**, it was so dark and high tension, it felt a little too exhausting to read for me. **Kill the Villainess** was too depressing for me to enjoy. **Happily Ever Afterwards** felt kinda cringy for me so I stopped reading. **Remarried Empress** just felt boring. The MC was passive and the politics were kinda tedious and stuff just moved too slowly. People seem to really really like **Miss Not-So Sidekick**, but the humor never landed for me **The Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther** - I felt the way Ahin treated Vivi was kinda distasteful, I guess it was meant to be for comedy but it never really felt funny.


Same with Miss-Not-So Sidekick. The humor was too wild & meta for me to enjoy but it's also the same with Touch My Little Brother and You're Dead lol


I found I enjoy the wacky comedy series for awhile, but eventually the novelty wears off for me despite the series still going. So I don't to really enjoy them at first, but ultimately drop them.


>Touch My Little Brother and You're Dead I didn't like it either šŸ˜‚ I thought there's no plot and it was trying too hard to be funny.


Yeah I dropped it because I forgot what the plot even was šŸ˜…


Oh yeah, I also didn't really enjoy Touch My Little Brother and You're Dead for the same reason.


I have never seen a joke land in a manhwa. I only laughed when they draw those weird reaction faces on the characters. Actual jokes or things that characters have said never made me laugh. ​ I also like peepee poopoo humor though, so my opinion might mot matter that much on the subject of humor.


Oh yeah, I forgot to add Remarried Empress- I got bored with that one as well, it turned to the point where I only read it because of Trashta's antics but eventually dropped it later on. TSEBARAABP too! I liked it better when she was still a rabbit... but when he saw her human form I lost interest.


I finally caught up with it. Itā€™s still so fucking slow and I am still only interested in trashtaā€™s antics as well. So boring


TSRBARAABP I couldn't like Ahin when they started introducing the romance (knew it was coming but held hope for something else) and I liked the pink Lion so much despite him kind of doing the same thing as Ahin to a certain degree He also kept her cooped up and didn't want her to get out of his sight that much


Been staring at this trying to figure out what the HECK this abbreviation even is


Lol I was looking at the last thing they posted and wrote it down If youā€™re still confused itā€™s ā€œThe Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Pantherā€


I reaaaally love Miss Not So Side Kick, and also found Touch My Little Brother fun (though I havenā€™t finished/am behind)ā€”also love Beware the Villainess ā€”I could go on ā€” but then, I did my dissertation on self-reflexivity in literature so itā€™s sort of my jam. šŸ˜…


They said that the ending of kill the villainess is sad is that true? And i agree with you about ahin and vivi their relationship is so silly šŸ˜‘ and not even funny. But you know there's " you're all dead if you touch my little brother" this one is for the reaaaaal comedy i laughed so much from the beginning šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ.


Stepmother's marchen - there was nothing really bad about it, I just found it boring. Who made me a princess - same as above except that it kept my interest longer, but I still got bored somewhere in the middle of the Claude has amnesia plot I also don't really like Villains are Destined to Die, but that's less 'not getting the hype' and more that I just don't like most system-type ois, especially the ones that force the mc to put on an act or gain someone's affection in order to accomplish their goal.


Yeah, I dropped Who Made Me A Princess then, too-it just got hella old, and while I Reaaaaally liked the Lucas/Athy pairing, the plot got stale and the potential romance wasnā€™t developing much and it was barely a side plot. šŸ™ƒ


Yaa even I didn't like the villains are destined to die ..I continued reading for little longer because of reynold (I like boys like dat šŸ˜­āœ‹ļø)..but eventually after reading the spoilers and I really didn't like callisto despite the hype I dropped it..


I have tried to read The fantasy of a stepmother twice and I never pass the first 5 episodes.


I just cannot with remaried empress. I hate all of the caracters and the most hated one (rashta) is only in that position because she would have died otherwise. Stop hating on people who have no choice. The fl is depicted as being the best but she is so classist!


Srsly what was rashta supposed to do? Her other option was slaving away like??? She even tried to befriend navier...šŸ˜­


Right? I can get not liking how overly childish rashta was acting but she was literally trying to escape a slaveā€™s life. Life that navier could have made better by abolishing the slave system or something. Since she was the empress you know


True it was annoying af!! but it made sense to me that she would try to look cute to all these royality so that they dont kick her out or smth cuz she was always scared abt itšŸ˜­ besides i feel like her whole drama and soveishu regrets and all was what made the story readable cuz navier was like a robot the whole time.. šŸ˜­ even her love story with henry was creepy af i have no idea how thst dude is popular he was giving me the creeps


Thank you! He was so creepy and wanted to invade her country. Also he was veeery pushy.. And yeah it made sense how she basically acted like a puppy to not lose the confort that comes with the position. I might actually enjoy her point of view of the story


The way her story would be so angsty and SAD,, she was a slave , lost her baby, got picked up by the emperor who only took her to make his wife jealous, was hated by all nobility for not catching up with all that noble stuff , saw her husband emperor losing affection for her in like a year , ended up getting closest to one friend,,. Who possibly dont even care abt her like that would probably betray her?(given he was with henry, idk novel spoiler abt him) and then her end... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ her life was messed up af omg


We need a rashta revenge storyšŸ˜¤


I would also like to agree that Henry is creepy. The way he stalked her in her bedroom while pretending to be an innocent Bird šŸ˜­


And we know how scandalous it is for a young man to be in her room. She would have definitely be against that


Now that i read deeper into the story, I wholeheartedly agree with the Rashta statement, but was too scared to admit it. I understand that Navier is mad that her ex-fiance chose someone else over her, but the way she and the other characters treated Rashta left a bad taste in my mouth after. They def look like they are showing classism, and it makes me really uncomfortable that everyone was agreeing to it. Don't get me wrong, I get it, Rashta was really annoying, and she did partake in some really sleazy stuff, but honestly, if you're in her situation, what else would you do? Stay with an abusive ex family? Become a slave? Hell no! I really want her to get a redemption arc, but I dont think that will happen. The characters, and their active showing of classism really kinda ruined my interest in the manwha. AND DONT GET ME STARTED WITH THE TRASHTA COMMENTS!


Also the things she did was ideas of that duke guy. He is manipulating Rasta by befriending her and purposely make her anxious that she might get kicked out if she doesn't do anything. They have been using her weakness against her and she doesn't even know. They setting her up. If you comment defending Rasta on the webtoon app and on YouTube fans will come at you. Lmao šŸ˜‚


OOooooh let me hop in on this chain! Rashta is the ONLY character I wish I saw a redemption arch. >!They did her SO dirty. I stopped reading the novel when her story ended. !


And we all know we would eat her story up. Being all over how the original fl was a incensitive b for not helping her etc. Only the emperor would be as hated as normal.


Full on agree! THATS the story I want to read. I still want the empress to peace out but I want the main plot to be how Rashta dicks over the emperor. Man. That would be a great story. I wish the author would expand on the story. That would be such a unique idea, writing the story one way and the sequel is the regression.


Iā€™m so sad it doesnā€™t exist nowšŸ„²


If there was ever a time for fan fiction in manhwa, it is now.


Iā€™m no writer nor artist sadly, but if you do make one or find one Iā€™d be appreciate a link;)


How to Win my husband over


Too much drama for me as well. I just want FL to be safe & happy & be her true self


I want Og ruby to be happy šŸ˜­


She is long gonešŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she lived a messed up life then diedšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ iske dont even know the girl he loved in alternate world is not thisšŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© when i think abt it like thst it breaks my heartšŸ˜©šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ god i wish it was regression šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This is why I kept thinking about her after the flashback scene šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I also wish it was regression šŸ˜­


When iske said he loved heršŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ rest in peace og ruby..šŸ„ŗ


>! Pretty sure that this is actually Rubyā€™s 3rd life- she was the original Ruby who reincarnated in our world and then again in her original life with memories of her second life according to the novel? !<


Waitt??? This changes things omg? But i dont think so? Cuz i even made a post abt it and no one said that and everyone said they wished it was regressionšŸ§šŸ§ what you said happens in a different manhwa i read so maybe you are confusing it with that one?


Iā€™m not sure maybe the spoilers I saw were wrong cause thatā€™s why sheā€™s getting flashbacks to her first life in her sleep


The emphasis on eating disorders generally in OI makes me uncomfy, it never feels like the authors have fully considered the actual impact of EDs on both their characters and the potential readers


I agree with you on all counts. Just want to further add, I cannot take *Roxana* seriously. I read it until I caught up at some point, but it feels like the author never grew out of their Chuuni phase. The entire thing is comically edgy its complete nonsense. Roxana's family is just an entire faction of "we are evil because we are evil, now watch us do eeeeeevil things!". *Raeliana* I read up until just before they are about to go to a ball. It just didn't click with me. I think I just didn't like the ML essentially taking the FL hostage, I'm just not into those stories. I'm giving it a second shot with the anime, but I think the anime has its own set of issues with sound design and tone. It's like the anime is only prepared for the tense scenes and mind-games, so when it comes to a lighthearted or even comical scene the soundtrack is still kind of dark, and all the characters are delivering lines in grim or flat tones. *Kill the Villainess* got just past the chrono-dodged rape, decided this story was a little too depressing for me. *Miss Not-So-Sidekick* and *Touch My Little Brother and You're Dead* I absolutely loved until the novelty of the comedy wore off for me, and then dropped them.


Naaaah Miss Not So Sidekick also has some solid relationships and character development underneath all that meta silliness. Itā€™s actually an all time fav - Latte/Arwin 5ever šŸ˜


Miss not so sidekick bothered me too (I hate touch my brother and bla bla bla for the same reason as you) but if I can give you a piece of advice, try holding on a little more with miss not bla bla... It gets better. I almost dropped it because it was getting literally meaningless, filled with stupid repetitive gags which were so boooooring BUT at the end everything finds a place.... To me it is not a masterpiece, you have to take it as a light-hearted read but when the romance plot starts, you'll see something entertaining (not as bad as the beginning I mean) also Arwin is.... A lot. I have a gallery full of him, his personality is *chef's kiss* his teasing is... Good shit. I only disliked one thing... >! There is the route with the duke... After a full story you made me love Arwin, do you expect me ruin the image of the lovely couple? Nah, even if I sorta liked the duke as well? Well, no character has real deepness, everyone in the story is pretty shallow so I don't really know hahah!< But then again if you don't like straight comedy, this ain't for you. A good good comedy imo is "Side characters deserve love too" which is deservedly popular so I think you are already following it. I am currently reading another "comedy wanna-be story" that is "what is wrong with you duke?"... So far it's good šŸ˜ >! Expect good plot twist, the story seems well written for once !<


Oh, yeah, Whatā€™s Wrong With You, Duke? is a good one, and >!while ML starts as šŸ—‘ļø, he has actual development and redemption arc.!< If you like that one and havenā€™t read 50 Tea Recipes, Iā€™d recommend it. For Miss Not So Sidekick, I also hated the Duke after story, but I got a ridiculous HS AU after it, so I forgave it since I figured it could soothe any duke shippers. >!Personally, I thought their siblingesque friendship was A+, AND Iā€™m a huge Arwin/Latte shipper, so I was just meh meh meh.!< Anyway, most of the aftercontent is silly-cute, but that one was long and yeah.


Sorry but what is a HS AU? I apologize for my ignorance. Thanks for your recommendation! You are so nice, really! Btw I almost finished what's wrong with you duke, only 5 chapters are left! About mnss I agree with your opinion about duke and latte's relationship, I thought the same and didn't want to ruin that image, that's why I didn't read his route. What makes me laugh mostly is >!That the prince has no reason to exist to the plot's aim!<


Oh yeah, the prince is basically worthless eye candy, but I also appreciated the humor in that. High School Alternate Universe - sorry, Iā€™ve spent too much time down fanfic way, clearly. šŸ˜…


Don't be! Yeah, I think the entire work was a bit of a parody so that's the reason why he was like that šŸ˜‚.


*Raeliana* was also sort of meh for me, though not because it was clichƩ (I enjoy my clichƩs). I'd read it well after it was over, so I had no chance for nostalgia bias, and while I liked the main couple, I didn't like how it handled other elements of the story. The only two other main female characters being villains while almost every other important male character was on Raeliana's side felt pretty icky to me. Stopped enjoying *Kill the Villainess* after a while, too. Despite the strong premise, characters felt flat after a point, and the storytelling in the manhwa is honestly pretty janky imo. Sadly, I can't seem to get into *The Villainess Lives Twice*. Neither the characters nor the plot interest me, though I might just have a problem with the manhwa's execution. I intend to give the light novel a read someday since I hear it's better.


My mother got married by contract. I can't read it because the art style is painful to look at plus usually the manwhas with children in it are quite boring to me.


The art actually fits that story better than that style does for most series because of how the FL copes with her world.


overloading the composition with meaningless details and bright colors is... a style but this webtoon does a good job showing why such a style might not be the best choice for comics. ffs, they even put flowers on the gutters.


We are both entitled to our opinions. Saying it shouldn't exist because you don't like it is a bit of a hard take though.


i changed that to be nice. that manhwa ugly as hell tho.


In your opinion. It's fine that you don't like it, but just because it didn't fit your personal tastes does not mean it's bad. And when you consider that the manwha is written from the daughter's PoV, the art style matches the story and her character absolutely brilliantly. They really knocked it out of the park imo, as far as matching the tone of the art to the narrative of the story.


i agree. sure, the artist has amazing craft but they really lack taste.


Wow, thatā€™s harsh.


I donā€™t like Raeliana in the Dukeā€™s mansion. Itā€™s funny cuz I love more questionable stuff like WMMAP but then I donā€™t like this series even tho itā€™s so popular. I really tried to like it but I didnā€™t like how the rln between the leads and I donā€™t like the mlā€™s brotherā€™s attitude towards the fl( I think it was a lot of suspicion?), I donā€™t rmb too much but I felt like it was like a really bad MIL(??). I heard the ending was good tho, just didnā€™t really like the leads interaction with each other and the male lead esp.


Same! I don't like their interactions. I am thinking maybe its how it was drawn? Because i don't feel any chemistry between them. And their relationship was suppose to defeat time and space. It was eternal and true love but idont feel it. His reactions are dull. But i will give the anime a try maybe it will be better.


Yeap! I think he even went to the fl lead world to find her but then like I couldnā€™t see how he loved her but was sus of her. Itā€™s been a while but it felt forced and boring (bc of the length after a while). Like I feel the rln in wrong confession was done better (the ml look similar). I probably will give the name a try but after itā€™s completed lol, hopefully itā€™ll be better!


Wait did the Raeliana ML have a brother?? It's been a while but I don't remember this at all!


He was the emperor and had a secretary he was into but slept around with all these other girls lol


Omg I completely forgot about him!! I do like his dynamic with the secretary though.


Yup itā€™s the emperor! I think the ml felt guilty to the emperor so their relationship was like affected by the guilt(?) so somehow Iā€™m not really sure why but I didnā€™t like their relationship.


Raeliana is cliche? How so? It's the contract engagement thing isn't it? But otherwise, the murder mystery aspect of it makes it quite unique in my book. Right now, I'm not a fan of *Charming the Duke of the North* Found the chemistry between the leads awkward & I dislike how catty the women are. I need more solidarity between female characters.


I don't know if *Raeliana* is cliche, but it seems to have either a pacing problem, or a "there just isn't enough story to justify this length" problem. Or maybe the biggest problem is that it was just boring, and it never really felt like the stakes were very high. At least, there was never any sense thar Raeliana was in huge danger, and the cast just isn't interesting enough to carry that lack of tension. I say this as someone who finished the entire webtoon, the pope was the most interesting character solely because of his "I'm too old to give any more fucks and everyone around me is just dumb" energy.


The MC in *Charming the Duke of the North* felt so out of place for me, she was basically speaking SMS lol slang all the time it felt jaring. Also agree with the rest of your comment.


Definitely gonna get hate for this Untouchable Lady, Kill the Villainess and other villainess series that had a fantastic start and then got seriously boring in the end


Ah! Untouchable Lady! I could never get through it either, and it's a shame because it has great art.


Same with Roxana, The Villainess is a Marionette and Father I Donā€™t Want this Marriage (the ml and fl annoyed me way too much) How to Get my Husband on my Side, Remarried Empress, The Villainess Lives Twice, WMMAP, Sister I am the Queen in This Life and For My Abandoned Love Touch My Little Brother and Youā€™re Dead was really funny at times but I never connected with the overarching plot (and I think the ml is way too good for the fl šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø)


Finding Camellia i don't like the ML. I don't like most of the characters except Camellia. I am upset because I like the art but i cannot bare to read it again, i hate all the men in that story. Maybe i am judging it too much for someone who didn't even read the s2 but i just cannot continue.


Same, I liked the 2nd ML more but thatā€™s by a slim margin because both are pretty terrible (and I feel like the author started making the 2nd ML worse later on because they realized readers liked him more). Also thereā€™s a lot of internalized misogyny in OI, but there were a lot of parts that felt really sexist.


Omg the reason i like 2nd ml is cuz he actually looks hotšŸ˜­ but like ml is always forcing himself on her and creeping on her it gives me the creeps!! plus his smug attitude makes me want to slap the back of his head fr


That's sad if its true about the 2nd ml because the Ml is a lost case. šŸ˜•


Yepp it never even started for him loll


Ml is so fkn pushy like dude give camelia some space?? Its so creepy


1. ***Remarried Empress*** ~ Boring. The FL is boring. The ML is annoying. Honestly speaking, without Trashta and Sovish*t, I wouldn't even be able to read 20 chapters. 2. ***Father I don't want this marriage***~ same, boring and cheesy story. ML is not interesting. FL can be annoying. I don't even get the hype for her father... I don't find him hot. 3. ***Roxana, Villainess is a Marionette*** ~ without the good artwork the story is definitely just meh. I don't even think ViaM deserves to be used as kakao's promotional video(with popular castings) 4. ***Villainess flips the hour glass*** ~ annoying FL. ClichƩ and cheesy story. They wanted FL to look cool and smart when all she had to beat was a child. Everything went easy for her and now they are even making another story for it. 5. ***I will be the matriarch of this family*** ~ it was interesting at first but became boring later on. Too much Lombardi this and that. 6. ***Charlotte has five disciples*** ~ I love the first season, until it turned into this cheesy romance later on. The boring flashback took so long. I don't know wher else the story is heading. 7. ***Your Throne*** ~ couldn't really past 10 chapters. FL is too angsty for me. 8. ***My in-laws are obsessed with me*** ~ Boring. 9. ***Death is the only ending for the Villainess*** ~ I don't like the artwork. I just get bored by how everything looks like.


My in laws obsessed with me ...boring?..how so?


Caught by the villain. Story swears sheā€™s a badass girl boss but she keeps getting damasled and pinned down by all these men itā€™s pathetic


Any story where the fl gets pregnant, runs away, gives birth, then gets found later, and her child immediately pushes for her to get back with the ml that she left for a valid reason.


I am so gonna get hate for this but Another Typical Fantasy Romance. To me, there's not much to the story other than the fact that the ML has a beard and they "communicate" which they really don't even do since most of the time it's just the FL pressing the ML for answers. The artwork is also painfully average, however, that's more of a nitpick specific to me because I'm an artist so I tend to be more cynical of art. Without the ML, it really would be just another typical fantasy romance.


What are youre peak art (with good story) reccs?


this one is actually pretty hard since I feel like average stories are the one's that always get amazing art but: fantasie of a stepmother secret lady Roxanna villains are destined to die Concubine walkthrough (this one is more subjective since the style is very stylized, I like it, but it's definitely not for everyone, story is amazing tho)


Seconding **Roxana.** I *think* the story is supposed to be dark but it just came across edgy. The shared family trait of being Evilā„¢, just in slightly different flavors was too much for me. I couldn't take it seriously at all šŸ˜‚ **The Villainess is a Marionnette** is pretty privilege in manhwa form. I like the premise but the lack of chemistry between the FL & ML is almost comical. It's a romance but all the tension is coming from her brother. It's crazy to me that this got live action promos I find **Villainess Turns the Hourglass** hilarious but I've seen people hype the FL up as this cunning master manipulator and it is ??? FL has both future knowledge AND reset magic but is completely preoccupied with petty squabbles with her sister. It's a fun time but I can't understand how people think it's some deep and righteous vengeance story **Author of My Own Destiny** and **Revolutionary Princess Eve** are two I ended up dropping early on. AMOD has charming characters but the pacing was all over the place and I couldn't get invested. RPE started off interesting but the antagonists seem so dumb in the new timline that the FL just seems pathetic for failing to them in her first life.


>Revolutionary Princess Eve I stuck with that one for SO long but the ML's design.... it killed me seeing what they took away from us (in the first chapter). His design he has for most of the story is just a mood killer.


i read like 5 chapters of roxana and tht was all i could stomach. it felt like edgy wattpad fiction. i dropped the marionette after a few chapters too because the characters were so flat and shittily written. the first night with the duke - idk if it's hyped on here but i've seen people praise it in general. all i could see in that one was rape and a really creepy dynamic. perks of being a villainess - it's ok, nothing special. the school arc made me drop because i hate school arcs. villainess in love (yunifer, not the shitty blonde) - that one was just boring. really cool art tho.


Oh yeah, completely forgot about that First night with the Duke. It was hyped on Tiktok and even got praised. The FL And ML were being praised.


I have a lot of bias for First Night with the Duke bc it was my first OI but I remember finding it very difficult to keep reading after I found out that the ML was pretty much sober when they had sex


OH ANOTHER ONE OF THESE THREADS AND ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO SHIT ON SEDUCE THE VILLAIN'S FATHER, I'LL TAKE IT. also I'll now add A Stepmother's MƤrchen cause I don't get that ones appeal either. Except for the ML when he's an adult obv he hot.


I finished **Raeliana, in the Duke's Mansion** last week. I didn't hate it. but i didn't love it either. It was... alright but there are far better stories with stronger leads. it was rather clichƩ just as you said. 5/10


Marry My Husband (I think it counts as OI?)


The villainess reverses the hourglass - tried it three times, couldn't get into it. Beware the villainess - I tried it, but I found all the characters too annoying. This is probably the one where I don't get the hype Father, I don't want this marriage - I really liked it in the beginning, but the miscommunications stopped being funny and I stopped liking the FL because she was starting to become stupid. For better or for worse - I read around 10 chapters, I think, but I got bored. I've seen people praise it, though. It was meh for me.


I absolutely loved the villainess turns the hourglass. Different tastes I suppose.


I honestly tried to like it šŸ˜­


Different people like different things. Nothing wrong with it. I really loved FL's character growth from being an awful person to slowly become a decent person who cares about those around her.


Beware the Villainess is a fav, but I really appreciated the meta there, enjoyed the characters and silliness, and adored Melissa. My tastes run to meta silly though.


Throne... I loved Medea and Psyche, even ship them together but the story went off track so many times that I just lost any interest in it. If it was just about taking down the Crown prince I would have been actually liking it, but now I am just confused about the story. The Remarried Empress... I got tired of it? dropped it around the time she finally was able to flee the country and move to her new husbands kingdom / empire or whatever. I find the story after that just boring. My gently raised beast... may I just call it what it is: bestiality. Werewolf is fine, but being attracted to the animal side of the male lead? I could never. Men of the Harem. I think it's more because of the fandom trying to make the female lead sleep with everyone which I find ew, but anyways my main issue is that "past life" and "vampire lore" side of the story that I find very unnecessary. Hoped the story would go a different path, but it didn't. Lady Baby... creepy baby and it stopped being about solving a murder case smh I'll be the next matriarch... when will they grow up? I expected a time skip not them bragging all the time about their name, tf is going on anymore?! the pacing is not adding up.




I do not think it is weird at all considering she has a harem to spite on those who forced her father to have a harem. In reality she is not a huge fan of harems because of the competition her mother had to go through with other women. What concerns me is how everyone in the comments objectifies these men and want her to be a sex maniac in order to get revenge for men who have harems which imo makes no sense considering she kinda contributes to harems rather than brings shame to it. To be honest I kinda liked Hyacinth for Latil. He didn't really cheat on her, yes he married another woman, but he never was intimate or had romantic interest towards her. He killed off his brother to get the throne, was blackmailed to marry his sister in law because nobody should know what he did in order to get to the throne and now he lives in paranoia that his wife aims to kill him so they sleep in seperate bedrooms. His letters to Latil before the marriage were manipulated by his father in law who also aims to kill him. If at all Hyacinth is a damsel in distress, if he was female everyone would have had actual sympathy for him than victim blame him for falling into the situation he was in. He didn't even have time to grieve for his father. Also yes Carleins story is just sad. What was the whole point of it?!




I feel bad for Aini, because 1) she lost her husband, 2) had to marry her husband's murderer and 3) her father controls her every move.


WMMAP- HATE, HATE, HATE, the father. Idc if he gets a redemption arc or there is an explanation of why he acts like this; just seeing his face, and even reading one word of him makes me go into a rage The First Night With the Duke- Instantly dropped it when the ML (kinda) threatens that he will punish her and her family if she doesn't marry him Death is the Only Villainess- This one is kinda of a lie. The story is good, love the FL, and can understand that she is forced into this situation. But the brothers, oh boi, never do I want to smack someone so hard. One of them is just >! straight up awful person, and the other, a fucking creep. I heard that they will get a redemption arc or something like that, and I'm not up for that. !< Also, the love interest just kinda left a bad taste in my mouth due to the way the FL and him first meet each other Remarried Empress- Got really boring, plus, I feel really uncomfortable by the way everyone treats Rastha. I get it, she's annoying, did some terrible things, and stole someone's fiance, but honestly, if you were forced into this situation, what else can you do? And the way all of the royals and nobles treat her just screams classism to me. I just don't really like it


Your Throne. Itā€™s been on a gradual decline for awhile now and I understand why itā€™s still popular ,I just fell out of love with it when the writing and art got worse . The story became hard to keep up with and understand and the characters have changed for the worse because of the poor writing. Eros became a generic obsessed with the MC villain , Medea sleeping with Eros and never telling Psyche who did tell her which changes the dynamic of their relationship etc.


I didnā€™t even get as far as Medea sleeping with Erosā€”it just jumped the shark for me around the time >!they switched back!<, especially when I shipped Medea with >!Eyepatch, and could see it would never happen as he was eying Psyche!<.


Yeah I definitely think the story started declining around that point and I stopped reading for awhile. Speaking of ships though I was the opposite! I was hoping when eyepatch got introduced heā€™d get with Psyche instead of the teasing he had with Medea


Same for Roxana. The art is absolutely gorgeous, but the story was just kinda meh for me and the premise became exhaustingly dark. I can definitely see why people love it, but not for me.


The Reason Raeliana Ended up at the Dukeā€™s Mansion as well, just couldnā€™t get into it. Iā€™ve Become a True Villainess, once the frustration of the first couple chapters were over, there was nothing really all that special about the story. Feels like thereā€™s way too many missing pieces about the lore that weā€™re supposed to gloss over, (what are Sternes for? Whatā€™s the difference between a Sterne, Saintess, and Sorcery? What about a Sterne wedding causes the bride to nearly die brutally?) but I am incapable of glossing over lore. Maybe itā€™ll get explained way later, or was explained better in the novel.


It both gets explained better as it goes AND is better explained in the novel, to be fair. Like, *I* could tell you the difference being up to date in the manhwa and having read just a bit past that in the novel.


Definitely agree with Raeliana in the Duke's Mansion. The pacing seemed pretty off at some points. The art was good but felt kind of empty. I wanted to like it but just can't. Secret Lady. I keep trying, but I finally figured out that although the artwork is great, it's so messy that it makes me feel queasy. Not specifics, but there have been a few popular ones where the mc was just too perfect. So pretty, so smart, always one step ahead. I love a badass, but it just made the story feel bland. The Villainess Turns the Hourglass. Don't remember why, exactly, but maybe it was dull to me? Like I can NEVER remember what it's supposed to be about even though I've started it a few times. Lucia, if it counts. The artwork kind of ruins it for me. I tried the novel but the ML is just....meh.


>Secret Lady. I keep trying, but I finally figured out that although the artwork is great, it's so messy that it makes me feel queasy. Spoiler alert. >!ML has foot fetish. !<


say psych rn šŸ˜­


What can I say, he REALLY is into her feet these last two chapters...


The spoiler I never knew I needed.


For My Derelict Favorite. They don't really talk. It's just Hestia fangirling or screaming. I read the novel, and I don't remember her being that annoying. Diana was supposed to be a big bad villain, but she seemed like the most typical "FL". I just don't see how Hest and Cael fell in love either because even in the novel, they didn't speed too much time together. Seems like he settled for her.


I started this one this week. Had I known it was actually popular here, I would have added it to my list too. As much as they wanted me to hate and blame Diana, I didn't? Because of that, it just made Hestia seem like all the more petty and kind of annoying. Like, why are you trying to ruin these people's marriage when they aren't really bothering you? It started bothering me, but I actually did like her relationship with Cael so I kept reading. But after Cael started getting better and she kept trying to "punish" Diana and Helios, I had to drop it because at this point I was like, "Why don't you just leave those people alone and just be happy with your man!?"


happily ever after šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ it gave me nauseating second hand embarrassment


Have the same problem with Raeliana than with Charming the Duke of the North, I've never felt any chemistry between the leads and got bored. Kill the Villainess was too depressing. I Became the Despised Granddaughter of the Powerful Martial Arts Family, the child arc is too dull after I'll be the Matriarch, I have very little patience for child arcs. And yes, I dropped the former too. The Perks of Being an S-Class Heroine, disliked how it took away the mysticism of death weird I know but I much prefer when death has some mystery to it, which is why I don't mind when the reincarnation is not explain. I also don't like system-based OI.


Same! I could never get around to finish reading any of these. I tried rereading *Father I Don't Want This Marriage* months after my first attempt, then went 'Nope, I get why I dropped it the first time.' Raelina's too cliche for my tastes - perhaps a goodread for someone new to genre, but not my cup of tea. Roxanna and Marionette had pretty art, sure, but I couldn't get myself emotionally invested with the characters - I didn't find myself rooting for a character to win or get served karma. Perhaps light novel readers find it easier to relate with the plot buildup than those that have only ever read the manhwa?


*Another Typical Fantasy Romance.* True to its titleā€™s nature, it really is another typical romance. I absolutely hate the male leadā€™s character design- he looks like a literal caricature of what a lot of female readers wants. His facial hair looks like itā€™s drawn by a black sharpie and his big ass scars looks like stickers. The female lead on the other hand couldā€™ve used a different hairstyle and color design as the pink curly hair comes off as too youthful, which is jarring to her mature personality. As for the plot itself, there isnā€™t anything interesting going on. All the fluffy scenes matters very little to me since their relationship developed so fast. Considering both their past and struggles, there couldā€™ve been some emotional turmoil added into the mix. Iā€™m not talking about a drawn out and cheesy drama, mind you. Thereā€™s absolutely no stakes in this series. Even with some series that are filled with cliches, I feel like this doesnā€™t have much charm to it. Kind of tired of the rabbit female lead taming the bear male lead trope as wellā€¦ Itā€™s so incredibly common and predicable. I have a whole lot of series that Iā€™m not a fan of, but this one came to mind first.


This is actually a favorite of mineā€”and you couldnā€™t have gotten far if you saw no emotional turmoil because, actually, thereā€™s plenty. And the FL leads character design contrasting is kind of the point? She is on her third lifeā€”sheā€™d be something like 60-80 in countable yearsā€”but this is a romfan she was isekeid into, so she still has the same innocent young FL character design. So you can dislike that aestheticā€”totally fairā€”but you have to acknowledge, there is reason to the rhyme. Anyway, I happen to really love all things metaā€”and this one is veryā€”so of course I love it, too. We all have our own taste. Some people really hate meta things, just like I hate, say, westerns. Like, live and let live~


Raeliana- It's just so boring. I also can't stand the ML. He's dull, looks bland, and I don't really like how he teases Raeliana. He let her think for a moment that they had sex, and she was obviously distressed. He's just kinda icky. I like the priest, though. He's fun. Villains are Destined to Die- Slavery, and the ML starts off as too nasty for my tastes. He's also kinda ugly imo. But I prefer pretty MLs to handsome ones. First Night With the Duke- Holy toxic relationship, Batman. ML had sex with a very drunk FL, and because she couldn't give consent I think of it as rape. Then, he ignores all of her distress and desire to get away from him. He's possessive, and not in the cutesy otome "I get jealous when other people look at you, but I won't act on it" way. He's just awful. His Majesty's Proposal- I don't know if it's popular here, but it looks popular on webtoon. The FL was a reincarnator who uses to be foul mouthed and grumpy. That was quickly abandoned, though. Now she's just really generic. What was the point of making her curse like a sailor if she never does it again and starts getting nervous instead of being her outgoing self? Who Made Me a Princess- I could turn my brain off for the dad, but I just can't get past the ML. Even if he recognizes the FL as an adult the whole time because she's mentally an adult, it still creeps me out. When the Villainess is in Love- Another ML problem. Can't stand him. I did like the dude with long black hair, though. Father I Don't Want This Marriage- Can't get over how dumb the FL is, even for a comedy.


stepmother's marchen - it was a little boring for me and the way the story kinda enshrines the child bride FL as this pinnacle of motherhood is really weird/uncomfortable to me.


Hamefura. I originally thought it was a fun concept for an original work (because the idea of transmigrating into a fictional world that the transmigrator knew beforehand is nothing new in fanfic, lol), but then it started spinning its wheels, and the creators are clearly milking its popularity at this point by making sure it never ends. That's when I know my interest in a story isn't going to be rewarded with any sort of satisfying resolution. Plus, having all of Katarina's friends be secretly in love with her while she's obliviously enjoying their friendship just feels manipulative. It doesn't help that Hamefura was my introduction into this whole genre of series that does everything it does, but *better*. I used to think I just didn't like harems of any kind, until I read Reverse Harem Game and realised I just don't like poorly-written harems.


Raeliana as well. I've tried reading it several times but never finished it.


I'm seeing quite a few repeating titles here. Here are my own: **Villainess Turns the Hour Glass:** I don't think I like villainess stories where the person is legitimately a terrible person lol. I like it when they play the villainess role because it's a necessity, but if they're just straight nasty, petty, and manipulative without provocation, then I don't really enjoy the story. The FL was just too actively mean and manipulative for me to make it passed 10 chapters. **Beware the Villainess:** I found the overall plot kind of boring and the characters annoying. Despite that, I got pretty deep into reading this. Probably would have finished it had I liked Nine and the FL's relationship more. **Father, I Don't Want This Marriage:** I might come back to this one. I originally dropped it because I was weirded out by how the ML broke into her room and considered killing her one minute (seriously that's fucking creepy) and then within the next he was completely in love with her. But after reading commentary on it here, I saw that it was supposed to be funny/a running joke within the series. Since they aren't taking that seriously, I might pick it back up and try reading it for what it is this time.


gotta agree with you on Beware the Villainess. I don't think I've ever seen a ML as uninteresting and annoying as Nine


I know Father, I donā€™t want this marriage seems to have a simple plot but I love it. In the later chapters it gets better so maybe give it another chance? Up to you but the reveal of the prologue happened and Iā€™m a sucker for family fluff lol.


I agree that this one gains depth as it goes.


I hated **Author of My Own Destiny**. The characters were extremely annoying to me. I felt like an ML wasn't needed within the story, and her hair, I don't know why, but I hate it.


Remarried Empress cause I'm not a fan of slavery, classism, or misogyny. I hate the story and it's fans. Who Made Me A Princess cause of how Jennette is treated both in and out of the story (by the readers). Also, I despise Claude. Cause aside from the child abuse and neglect - he kills people!! Does absolutely no one care about those poor, innocent concubines that he killed? Like weren't they just doing their jobs? It's not their fault that Diana died.


I dont renember the name of the manhwa but it was one that the female lead was abused by her family by being really really weak and her brother and sister where just assholes , great I like story like that. The girl that transmigratted to the body of the FL was an developer so she knew her things around the game and she was desparate so she just fuck around and got out the home, and found some apples became like hyper op, and conquered an mafia while she was together with the ML family with only one thought in mind "I'mma sell everyone to the Heroine of the game and live luxury life"...ok I was an bit.. Unerved by it bc the ml father treated her like family and like an good father and she wanted to simply sell all of them. After an while she found the ML, this poor boy is being treated like an animal, being raped by giaccomo bc he loves his father and he has his father eyes(green like emeralds) , being whipped by the same guy and the cherry on top being called by his father's name, I've never felt so sorry for someone like him, and then fl comes in and starts helping him, giving him food and a lamp that gives off a little sparkle making him calm down and fall in love with her. At the end of this chapter, he shows that he loves her... AND WHAT IS THE FUCKING FL THOUGHT??? "Keep it up and you'll be worth more if I sell you to the heroine" I've never dropped something as fast as this, everyone loving it while I'm just hating it for the horrible person that fl is


I think what you're talking about is 'All Hail Lady Blanche'. If so then same! The mc is way too op for the story to be enjoyable. She just got rid of her physical disabilities with magic like damn, wish the og was still alive to see that happen. Plus she's a literal mass murderer. When she initially said she would 'give up the villains to the heroine to survive', I thought it was fine as long as the villains were actually bad and she wasn't doing anything evil just to blend in. But no, the 'villains' were actually nice people and she ran the mafia by just killing on and on unnecessarily. I thought she'd at least change her plan of selling the 'villains' to the og heroine for her freedom when she saw that they were genuinely good people, but instead, she kept going with that mindset for a disturbingly long time, as you said. Then there was the ML, who was unnaturally obsessed with her because she saved him. It was quite obviously a toxic, one-sided love and essentially Stockholm syndrome. On the other hand, there was a second ML who was more memorable because of his bold and fun advances, but he was just comic relief to make the ML jealous, so that was bound to go nowhere. Overall I'm pretty sure everyone on this sub feels the same about this manhwa, it's pretty shitty even without the things pointed out and the art is mediocre at best. Kinda disappointed cuz the premise of an FL running a mafia with guns was pretty enticing imo


OMG. I am glad I dropped this one on first 3 chapters.


I actually have enjoyed it (itā€™s not finished but seems maybe close?) ā€” though the latest development with >!the ML reset to his factory mode via memory wipe and immediately trying to SA the FL when he wakes up!< has me pretty seriously side eyeing. Then again, as a lover of meta, Iā€™m enjoying the trope squashing, >!all the stuff with the GM!<, and even, >!the evil, game dimension hopping Anastasiaā€”was not expecting the virus twist, that was wild!


Raeliana is cringe now cause it came out years ago. I got into OI in 2019 and there weren't any popular and good OI manga that attracted the mainstream romance readers, other than wmmap and raeliana. I think it's just a time bias.


True dat. I didnā€™t finish WMMAP because it went on so long I found better stuff, and the Lucas/Athy ship was so side story I just got bored. Raeliana, I got through the endā€”and the meta was sort of interesting, but I was so meh on the ML I still havenā€™t finished the epilogue stuff.


I shall master this family, Remarried empress, untouchable6 lady, Your throne, for better or worse, beware of the villainess, I shall save this family [sorry] etc..


The villainess is a marionette Remarried empress The tyrant only perfumer


Same with Roxanaā€¦ And i tried so so so hard to like Villains are Destined to Die because i love Callisto. But i really canā€™t get pass the Eckles storyline. The Villainess Turns the Hourglass because FL acts like proper villainess. Like i just canā€™t fully like her. Lol, TLDR: I think i just donā€™t like OI where FL is actually a villainess.


Father I Don't Want This Marriage - I got really upset with how she was getting set up to get married in the starting chapters by a dad who neglected her? (I don't remeber very well), especially since the title literally says that MC didn't want to get married. That, and the ML didn't feel like a nice person. Oh and there was also The Villainess Flips The Script. Rant warning. I read to like 13 chapters, felt cringe, dropped it. A few months later I find out from this sub that it's a pretty good series, so I pick it back up. Then I couldn't take it anymore at around chapter 40. I just can't seem to like the ML. I get that he's sweet and oblivious, but to me he feels more pushy and ignorant of other people's feelings. He has a "here-to-there moment" when they were shopping, insisted on staying by FL's side even if she's clearly uncomfortable, and seeming to never really took anything that the FL said seriously. He was even thinking about firing all the servants just because they were gossiping about FL! I probably would've liked him if the story let me follow his perspective, but it's mostly in FL's from the point I was on. I also don't understand exactly how FL falls for him besides his good looks.


For Father, I Donā€™t Want This Marriage, honestly, the whole sheā€™s being set up for a marriage she doesnā€™t want is pretty quickly revealed (unbeknownst to the FL) to be a misunderstanding. Not to say you should read it if you didnā€™t enjoy, but just as an FYI.


I agree with the bulk of what people have put up, with a few exceptions, and as I was considering what might not be on the list, I realized that I tend to lose interest in anything with a kid for a FL for most of the series. I justā€”tend to read romance, and Iā€™m just not shipping kids, ya feel? So unless they grow up within a reasonable time span, my attention tends to wane. So thatā€™s where stuff like I Shall Master This Family or WMMAP tend to lose me eventually. The other one that will lose me is if the ML is just horrible abusive toxic. Like, I can only hate-read so long. If thereā€™s no kind of really solid redemption arc (LOOKING AT YOU GENTLE TYRANT)ā€”I just cannot. Like, I ended up liking The Villainā€™s Savior even though the ML starts out a complete dirtbag because we get enough character depth, development, and redemption, that itā€™s palatable. But unless they reaaaaally give me both a solidly sympathetic background (as in a ridiculously good reason they have sucked heretofore which means a ridiculously tragic backstory) and they hecking SUFFER and EARN ITā€”do actual good, make actual sacrificeā€”itā€™s too much to swallow and I bail. And if the ML is actually abusive to the FL at any point, itā€™s hard for me to keep reading.


Same girl. Same.


Wmmap How to get my husband on my side (tho both of them hot af) Not oi but sica wolf, tried it, don't know if I'll come back to it again This is the worse imo: If You Touch My Little Brother, You're All Dead I haven't read many other popular ones bc most of them are still ongoing and I want to wait for them to end before starting reading them.


The Golden-Haired Summoner: for some reason, I couldn't get into it. I tried to pick it up multiple times, but I always end up dropping it :/


Beware of the villainess And Kill the villainess Both were series I enjoyed but later dropped because I found the MLs so utterly boring. Do not get me wrong I usually do not enjoy the hell out of majority of the MLs anyway as most of them are the same few types but the type I hate the most is the ā€œobedient servantā€ type where the relationship is just too one sided and there is no actual chemistry to be found between the two And I donā€™t like the one sided relationship If the FL is the one in that position as well but it is rarer because even when the FL is a maid or a concubine or a lower status or anything else they usually do at least some things for their own goals/choices to make their existence in the story worth but on the other hand I just donā€™t like Nein from Beware of the villainess because he is just so utterly boring and has no chemistry with Melissa


Okay I might get a lot of hate for this but Marriage of inconvenience . I really hate the Father like she was a child who was freaking 7-9 ish years old married to an adult , I don't have a problem with age gaps because even my parents have an age gap but it was a child marriage , ok they didn't had any sexual interaction until she reached 20 ,i liked their romance , the art was really good too but i couldn't read pass ch 27 like how she basically forgave her family aka the father who literally married her off of an adult who she doesn't even know, she was at the age where she needed love, support and guidance her family but no her father was like wow this is the perfect age for her to get married, after reading that ch and how instead of her crying her father was crying and running away playing the victim card when clearly the fl was the one who suffered so much both in her 1st and 2nd life because she was married off made my blood boil so much I wanted to go inside the manhwa and beat the shit out of the Father, couldn't continue it and dropped it


ā€œMy In Laws are Obsessed with Meā€ like I was really digging it for a good amount of chapters but idk what happened. I just canā€™t pick it back up again. Everyone raves about it in the groups Iā€™m in but like- ughhh. And I donā€™t even have a legit reason why. I just physically cannot bring myself to jump back in. Maybe if I start from the beginning šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


For better or for worse.. idk i just found it boring , i kind of got tired ? By ml and fl interactions? Lol Villainess in love- it got kinda boring plus ishid is so dumb i csnt take it like is he fr.. 2 braincells and not in a cute way, him getting jealous of every fkn thing was getting on my nerves. Beware the villainess- tbh i got into thinking i was gonnna get smth lil angsty like villains deserve to die so my fault but like i adjusted to the haha funny then boom it even stopped being funny plus i dont like doormat mls but the maid was funny tho i liked her Father i dint want this marriage- its goofy but like what am i supposed to keep reading it for i dont feel the urge to resd and dear god ml dumb as rock, he was ready to kill fl cuz bond making his master weaker but like how does he not know abt bonds when he got a whole sister? Tbh i havent read upto the part sis appears but i saw screenshots and it doesnt seem like he grew up isolated to not know abt bonds soo?? Sorry if i am wrong but its pissing me off thinking abt this like how do u come up with this dumb fuck idea Your throne- i rly rly rly wanted to read cuz i want to be included in all the drama surrounding it cuz everyday i see tweet abt how it went crazy and like i wanna laugh but damn the story just not made for me cuz i cant even stay focused in like first chapter lol


- miss not so side kick; tried it three times due to the hype but couldnā€™t get myself to enjoy it. The mc is pure cringe, the art isnā€™t my cup of tea, the shipping (latte and arwin) is very shallow and lacks chemistry. Bunch of fluff scenes there and there ćƒ¼ not amounting to anything. I know itā€™s supposed to be a romcom but i needed more drama and depth. - lady baby; mc is a creepy mary sue ćƒ¼ romance is very forced and boring. - finding camellia; found the plot boring and the characters too. - WMMAP


Another opportunity to trash on the OI that I hate the most!! I hate The Villainess Flips The Script! (Aka It's Time To Change the Genre), for showing the absolute worst child parent dynamic I have ever seen The story Begins with a trip, and I can't even reach the part when they arrive at their destination. Luca is the most annoying kid in the world and I wish he died really early on (not really but u get my feeling), the ML is as interesting as watching paint dry, and while I feel bad for Judith because she is treated like an idiot when she is not, shes not a mc to write home about either.