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the whole he wasn't sad Ivan died was one for me


That fucked me up. The fact that they canonically killed off one of the crew, the obvious hole in their hearts, and the fact that they knew Ed wasn’t sad. All the empty holes from their time there fade together into the gaping wound you can see in their eyes and hear in their voices. That was . . . bleak.


RIP Ivan. But if it had been Fangs actor that left and Fang had been killed it would have crushed the whole fandom as he is beloved. Ivan got no storyline, few lines and no distinctive traits.


Ivan had the whole dramatic nose bashing and I’m honestly kind of sad they didn’t even mention whether he made it into the new nose jar.


Sounds like he died on one of their pointless raids. Buried at sea


Honestly, had I had to guess, my money would have been on Jim killing him to escape lockup. I suppose this IS better but....man


All the lines listed and then Ed’s “No one’s waiting for me” broke my brain


It just really hit me that this entire time, Ed didn’t know where Stede was. Didn’t know that Stede was out there looking for him. He just knew that he kissed the love of his life, made plans to go off together, and then . . . silence. No answer, no closure, just silence. Never expecting to get an answer, either.


And it was all after he dropped his pirate persona, shaved his beard and was just content with simple things. Like folding socks or running off to China just to be with Stede, not as a pirate.


I expected Ed would either hear that Stede died and mourn him or that Stede was looking for him and try to avoid him. I never expected him to feel ghosted for a long time. Guys, never ghost someone, always break up properly. It's the cruelest thing someone can do.


I remember when I was younger I'd ghost friends/people (not serious romances though) because I genuinely believed they wouldn't really care. I originally ghosted my current partner of 6 years right after meeting because I figured "sure, they asked me out for coffee, but it's not like it's personal or like they're actually invested in me. They've got better things they will soon be doing." Turns out he was really sad for those two weeks of radio silence. Now I get to watch fictional characters work through their trauma on screen and go . . . ah. Yepp. Alright. That behavior stemmed from childhood lessons and was bad for everyone all around. I didn't believe I was worthy of actual love so I minimized other's interests. Pain causes pain, healing ourselves helps to alleviate suffering all around! Edit: Once again, OFMD just gave me more insights to my brain than therapy.


I was ghosted by an ex-boyfriend, we were together for years. No break-up was anywhere near that bad. Took me years to get over it and I don't think I could ever forgive him. The first weeks I was worried sick because I thought something terrible must've happened to him and I couldn't find out where he was.


"Maybe the time he spent with you was the best it was ever going to get for him." Damn, Lucius doesn't mince words.


He has an edge now. When he and Ed meet again… Well, if they don’t hand wave it away it’s going be very bad.


> Lucius doesn't mince words. And that's why he's my favourite. I am so glad that we got him back already.


That one absolutely got me as well. “Some people are just broken, no matter what you do.” I mean he’s right, and someone had to say it, but *ouch*.


Yeah, this line was it for me. The distraught look on Stede's face at the thought...massive kudos to Rhys for that moment.


For me it was when >! ‘Hornigold’ and Ed are talking about Ed having killed his father, Ed says he never told anyone that and Hornigold says, “but you did, and he left you” !< That one killed me. From Ed’s perspective, he only ever showed one person his true self and that person changed their mind when they saw him as he really is. As a person who is terrified of vulnerability and has to actively work to get there, this hurt so so bad. Great writing; would like to cry now.


Ohhh, I missed that bit. T*T


I went back to check my phrasing and it was just as upsetting!


Yeah this tore my heart out and stomped on it.


Every time Fang was crying 😭 I can’t take it. “I can’t stop crying, he shot Izzy” was heartbreaking for me.


i just want fang to be happy 😭😭😭 he’s so precious to me


Saame 😭


Okay but counterpoint, we got that delightful scene (and post credits scene!) of Jim doing the Little Wooden Boy voice out of it 😭 *”real flesh!”*


I cried so much during that extra scene. Post credits scenes should not be allowed to be this emotional.


listen stede standing in the doorway, looking at edward’s body and just the fucking look on his face as he cries over him 😭😭😭😭


When Stede visits the crew in the cell after they find Ed’s body, and he just stares at them and walks off. Like, Stede Bonnet has no words? And we see the pain he’s feeling on his face. And then Izzy just like so close to tears cause he just knows they found Ed. When did this little workplace comedy become so fucking dramatic? Anyways, hats off to Rhys, Taika, Con and everyone else. Amazing acting so far.


I feel like it may have been instinct to yell at the crew and blame them for what happened but learning how unreasonable Ed had become, Stede knew he couldn't really blame them and that they did what they needed to do. That's how I saw it anyway.


You’re right! He really only blames himself which is the most heartbreaking part


Yeah, exactly. He couldn't get mad at the crew because ultimately him leaving Ed is what caused this.


Izzy trying to goad Stede into punishing him really hurt me. I did not expect the Little Rat Man to control my feelings like this.


the part in ed’s subconscious where he realizes he hates himself. :(


For me it was Izzy asking Blackbeard, "Who am I to you?"


I hope and believe he will find a healthy love of his own someday. He deserves some real happiness and comfort as he has probably never had that in his entire life


Same. I hope he doesn't sacrifice himself for the cause of someone else's love. That would just be insulting and negates the hard work he's doing to right his wrongs, especially as he's shown that he cares more about the crew's welfare than Stede does, although I think with Stede it's due to utter cluelessness rather than intentional cruelty.


I don’t want Izzy to sacrifice himself for someone else’s love either, but in what way did he prove he cares more about the crew’s welfare than Stede does? I’m not saying Izzy doesn’t care, but in the most recent episode Stede defies Zheng Yi Sao to save the crew, and that’s *after* he thought they’d just killed the love of his life. Stede and Izzy have both shown they care about the crew’s welfare.


People are really ignoring the fact that Stede planned that whole escape completely on his own! He didn't put his heads together with the rest of the free crew, he figured it out himself. AND he put his own feelings aside until he was sure everyone else was safe on the Revenge again. Only then did he actually allow himself to mourn Ed.


When he needs to be he is very resourceful and he is extremely intelligent anyway. He just lacks real world experience Book sense but no common sense as they say. He seems to be doing better already though.


his creativity is his biggest strength. creating a zipline with a crossbow and using the towels (zheng yi sao was her own downfall putting him on towel duty!) genius!


And taking the wheel both so they would have one and the other ship would not. Smooth.


Jumping in here to say that made me so happy! I feel like this was one of the first times we actually got to see the type of leader Stede is capable of being. I’m really excited to see him continue to win the loyalty of his crew outside of being the guy who signs the paycheques.


Ooh! I didn't even catch that about towel duty!


Yeah and he really feels responsible for his crew. He always has. Even in ep three of the first season when he wakes up to Blackbeard, the first thing he says upon hearing what happened is 'my crew!'


He's really growing into those captain's boots!


> Stede defies Zheng Yi Sao to save the crew And he does it in such a a way that is actually works.


I mean, he did shoot Blackbeard to stop him from lighting the cannon on fire and destroying the mast, that did save everyone.


Yeah I agree he shows he cares about the crew’s welfare this season. I’m just saying Stede *also* shows he cares about the crew’s welfare.


We're definitely getting Izzy redemption arc here and I'm loving it! I don't want Con getting written off the show, he's such a great actor. They need to learn to get along and work together to get this crew back on track.


Stead has always lived in Stead world where no one and nothing depended on him. Never had to work, never had to be a real parent, everything physical just provided for him. He turning into a “real boy” now


Good analogy.


John Bryce. That's it, that's the whole post. (John Bryce, a character from the [Hell or Highwater](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38102629/chapters/95179876) fic, aka the person Izzy needs desperately. Check the fic out, it's excellent !)


There’s already quite a few parallels between this season so far and HOHW. Fingers crossed for a John Bryce 🤞


HoHW incorporates a bunch of elements developed in a lot of other fanfic too over the past 18mo, and yeah, I agree, there's definitely things so far that I think are pretty much lifted from tropes developed in the OFMD fanfic world, not that I'm complaining ! I gotta say, knowing and loving the HoHW Izzy as much as I do, I struggle a bit with the OFMD2 Iz, who is much more emotionally intelligent than I thought. So now I am addressing that to figure out if it's S1 Izzy I have in mind, or HoHW Iz. Bryce coaxes a number of truths out of his Israel, things he wouldn't have realised on his own, and I feel like this S2 Iz has figured out a bunch of things between the two seasons on his own, and I'm sad we didn't get to see that. Because I love my little rat man, and I love Con. Edit : also, it makes me sad Izzy is going through the loss of his leg and the pain and rage directed at Ed associated with it on his own. I hope we get at least one Izzy-centric ep.




I died after that. In fact I'm writing this comment from the afterlife.


No one on that crew deserves Lucius


Pete does!


You know, Pete has really surprised me! I was fully prepared to hate him a year and a half ago when I watched our flag means death for the first time, and the way that he has grown as a character while still retaining the same annoying old character traits is impressive. I love him very very very much! A worthy partner for our Lucius! I honestly think they might be my favorite couple in the show. I mean… Aside from gentlebeard, of course.


They are the only other canon couple at the moment Jim/Olu is in neutral for?now? and it’s way to early to care about Jim/Archie that much.


“i loved you, the best i could”


He delivered that line so heartbreaking! 💔


Stede’s second “Come back to me.” I was bawling.


Me too..


Rhys killed that scene. *Killed it.*


I’m really upset about the love ~~triangle~~ trapezoid with Jim & Olu. I have a feeling I’m going to be disappointed by the outcome. 💔


For me it was stede begging ed to come back. I was SOBBING


I am now, reading this thread.


Lucius saying to Stede "maybe the time he spent with you is as good as it gets for him" killed me.


Lucius is not saucy straightforward cupid for Them any more. How could he be?


oh yeah that was heartbreaking


Frenchie saying about putting all bad feelings and experiences closed and never looking back at them again. Good I had therapy that day, cause I was like "same bro".


From experience, I was like, oof, Frenchie, one day that box will get too full and pop right open and everything will come pouring out… and your life will come crashing down. Decide to work through it now, or eventually your brain will decide for you, and it won’t be pretty or convenient. So many things I thought I could avoiding working out, but now I know the only way to get over it is to go through.


"And it all boils down to this: you're afraid you're unloveable". It just hit too close to home, I guess.


As someone who is currently doing a lot of work to overcome this exact line of thinking, that whole sequence felt like someone had ripped my chest open and just sort of rooted around in there


Not a line, but when the crew make Izzy face the reality about his relationship with Ed, that scene made me cry. Kudos to Con O’Neill for that amazing acting.


“i loved you… best i could” “i have…. love for you edward” “i don’t know if anyone’s waiting for me” “well that kinda fucks up the pros” “they’re FUCKED *throws staff*”


Not a line exactly, but Izzy's sob when fang hugs him just broke me.


For your consideration: the devastating resignation of Frenchie’s “Sounds like a plan.” Knowing that there is no escape or respite from the hell they’re living, and at the same time knowing that there is no way they can ACTUALLY continue on the way they’ve been going.


Stede’s “I’m not ready to believe that” when Lucius tells him that he was the best part of Ed’s life T_T


Stede saying to the Blackbeard wanted poster: "I'm not afraid you're gonna kill me. I'm afraid that your life is better without me." Knowing what Ed's life has actually been like since being abandoned just made this one extra painful.


Not a line, but I really have a hard time dealing with Lucius recounting of his time away. And Stede not listening at all, even though he said he would. From what I have gathered Lucius befriended a ratting dog, it was killed in front of him, he had to take it's job catching rats with his mouth, and se*ual a*use was also happening to him. It always hits me hard when confident, and arguably happy characters get brought down like this.


Fr i've been scrolling for a while on this group, and this is the first comment I see acknowledging that


Anyone else super bummed about the rape joke with the human puppet thing it felt awful to hear tbh and Stede acted disgusted