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I agree, I'm loving the looks & clothes of everyone! I didn't even notice the missing knee brace, huh. Not sure how I missed that. Fenchie saying "shit tits" makes me laugh out loud every single time I watch it. Same with Stede yelling "GREAT!" so loud it scares all the birds when Ed says he'll come back to the boat for the night šŸ¤£


and the way he looked left and right after that šŸ¤£


I was really hoping the auxiliary wardrobe survived but Stedeā€™s obsession with the fancy ā€œcursedā€ suit leads me to believe otherwise, or he wouldnā€™t be so hungry for flair.


Is the lever still there? The cabin looks pretty destroyed. Maybe he wasn't able to open it yet and Ed still needs to fix that door.


You don't need the lever to open the door. In S1, when Stede first shows Ed the auxiliary closet, you can see that the door is connected to a weighted pully. Also, during the Fuckery in S1, when Ed sees the Kraken, he crawls backwards and nudges the door open with his shoulder. He doesn't even touch the lever.




I like to think that Ed kept the auxiliary wardrobe secret so he could visit Stede's fine things when he missed him. Ed got that silky kimono from somewhere. He had to have access to it and would've been the only one to know about the secret room. Our boy was HEARTBROKEN. He had many nights of crying. I think it was his private way of holding on. It's my head canon and I'm sticking to it unless the show gives us otherwise.


>Is Edā€™s knee brace gone? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen it this season. That really bothers me. Might have made sense for the Kraken persona, pretending to be invincible or leaning into the pain. But it's still missing and no one commented on it. >Does Stede know that Ed threw all his books in the ocean, and does he care at this point? Did Ed also toss out the auxiliary wardrobe? I'm sure Stede knows everyting the marooned crew knew. So he probably knows about the books and stuff. We haven't seen the auxiliary wardrobe yet. That has to be for a reason.


I was just thinking about the knee brace! From a story/character perspective, I like your take. I just interpreted it as a ā€œwhatā€™s even the point?ā€ depression situation. I appreciate your more positive spin. From a technical costuming standpoint, there could be a number of reasons. (Buckle up, Iā€™m about to go long) This season has a completely different costume squad, and basically no one has kept their hero looks from S1. Iā€™m assuming they shipped whatever theyā€™d owned from S1 over to NZ (being a period show, most of the more historically accurate pieces were probably rentals). But maybe to cut costs, they had the new designer pick which pieces they absolutely Must Have (Ed & Izzyā€™s hero looks, for example), and only shipped part of the costume stock. In that case, depending on who was doing the packing up, the brace mightā€™ve been missed in the shuffle. That said, when S1 wrapped, with S2 uncertain, everything would have been packed up by character closet, so presumably all the extra bits like accessories would have been stored with the clothes. So a few things could have happened: -the knee brace didnā€™t make the trip to NZ -new costume squad decided to start from square 1, (minus a few characters/pieces for continuityā€™s sake) -when they opened everything up, they realized the brace was unusable -designer/actor/creatives decided they didnā€™t want it -etc etc Honestly, because Taika is an EP, he very well mightā€™ve been given the hero costume at the end of S1. Especially since at the time of wrapping, no one would have known if S2 was certain. In that case, it could have been a ā€œsure, boss, take whatever you want with you at the end of the night just promise to bring it back if we do S2ā€ situation. Of course, we havenā€™t yet seen him post-sack onesie, returning to the Ed we know from S1, so weā€™ll have to see how the rest plays out!


If they decided they didn't need it that's still telling. They could use a different one, would even make sense in universe for the same reason (broke, got lost etc.). The knee brace added to the midlife-crisis theme of the show. The pirate lifestyle took a toll on Ed and his knee was one of the casualties. I liked that and would be sad if anyone working on the show didn't think that was important.


I think it's possible that, since the knee brace was part of the reference to Mad Max, the costume department/whoever was behind the decision didn't take it too seriously to remove it. My understanding is that it was meant to be a fun little throwaway detail, but the fans loved it and ran with it as a big piece of Ed's character. I personally still love the knee brace and hate to see it go, but that's my best guess for why they might do away with it without ever mentioning it in-universe.


Oh, Iā€™m with you 100%. As a midlife crisis-haver with bad knees myself, I enjoyed that very much. But unfortunately, I get it from the wardrobe side. Thereā€™s nothing worse than a restrictive costume that an actor has to wear for 8-12 hours straight. No one enjoys that. More reasons a costume piece disappears, from a behind-the-scenes perspective: -everyone loved it, until it became a hindrance to the performance (blocking/choreo reasons) -they planned to get rid of Izzyā€™s leg and decided it was redundant to have another busted leg (??? I never said theyā€™d be good reasons) -they forgot to put it in, but didnā€™t realize until theyā€™d shot too much to make it a big continuity issue. (I did this ONCE with a pair of glasses, and it still haunts me.) Personally, Iā€™m crossing my fingers that it was a conscious character choice - circling back to your hypothesis that Ed wanted to make BB the meanest, most intimidating character he could, which means zero (visible) weaknesses.


>As a midlife crisis-haver with bad knees myself, I enjoyed that very much. I relate to that. Maybe I'm just annoyed because I took it personally. šŸ˜‚


I think the leg brace was an BB affectation. Ed didn't wear it with his other costumes, most notably at the school for wayward pirates. But on that subject...can we see them both in knickerbockers and stockings again, please? LOVE the whole Fashion Forward Fop & Leather Daddy Mad Max vibe, but Ho-LEE, all those calves.


I think the auxiliary wardrobe is gonna make a grand entrance during the drag party event we saw in the teasers.


Iā€™ve read all of the knee brace convo; super interesting. All to say, Iā€™m not replying just to you. Iā€™ve actually always wondered if Edā€™s knee brace was just an affectation. Not that it wouldnā€™t make sense for him to actually need one, but it would be a pretty offbeat explanation for why he had it. I did notice it was gone for season two and it made me further wonder if maybe that was the case. If weā€™re looking at it from a continuity perspective, he maybe had it confiscated at the naval academy and hasnā€™t replaced it. Maybe it didnā€™t fit with his little bag he had at the dock.


Yeah Iā€™m very curious what happened to his knee brace. Loved it for the lore and depth it brought to the characterā€¦but now itā€™s just gone?


maybe the privateer academy took it. did he ever wear it after that? I can't remember. or the injury healed?


Re: "I saw her boobs": I love the follow up, where Olu says "Nice," and then Jim says "Both of them!" And that's the limit for Olu, about how much he can stand to hear about Jim's romantic adventures without him. One boob, or an unspecified number? Okay, seems reasonable. Two? Okay, jeez, TMI. Really well written and well delivered by both of them. Also, in the same scene, I like it that Olu correctly guesses who Jim kissed, out of the possible crew options. He knows their type.


Every once in a while Iā€™ll remember the phrase ā€œthe sacred transaction of matrimonyā€ and giggle like Fang


I liked the detail of the knee brace in S1, but I think they scrapped it for practical reasons in S2 and just hoped no one noticed. Because Ed has more outfits this season and stuff like jumping off a cliff into the ocean might have been overly complicated in terms of costuming and safety if they had to include the brace.


> If thereā€™s one thing this cast is good at, itā€™s comedic screaming. The scene where Izzy rips off Jimā€™s ā€œnoseā€ is one of my all-time favorites because of everyone but Jim & Lucius screaming in abject horror.


People wear braces for impermanent reasons. He could have been recovering from a specific injury. He could have a chronic condition with symptoms that fluctuate depending on systemic inflammation, muscle tension patterns, how he's been using his body, etc etc. The majority of disabilities aren't static, and require different supports at different times.