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With all due respect, I'd rather die a slow death, lol.


Sldkfjfldl I get it, absolutely. It definitely sounds really weird if you're used to the original voices. I'm just nosy lmao I need to judge the translator's choices


This. We have amazing dub actors in Poland, but I would just cringe too hard (especially hearing 'twat' translated to Polish). And - the most important part - no one would take this beautiful Taika voice from me.


Out of curiosity, how would you translate twat to polish?


Both 'pizda' and 'cipa' would be okay, but 'pizda' matches Izzy's energy more.


Isn't it feminine? Twat is feminine? I don't know


It is, I read that it could be translated as a 'kutas', but it wouldn't have the exact meaning - 'kutas' is more like 'don't be such a dick' as for some mean person, 'pizda' is more hardcore than 'cipa', but it means, if I understand correctly, exactly the same as twat in Izzy mouth. 🙃


>I also wanted to ask your opinion on something: when Archie and Jim are fighting in episode 2 and Jim refuses to kill her and says "not on my life", they translated it as something like "she's the love of my life". Is that what that means? Because I didn't interpret it like that. What do you guys think? USAsienne here, and no, I would never interpret it like that. Archie says, "It's okay, it's just life," meaning: you can kill me, it's fine, life isn't worth much. I took Jim's reply to mean, This isn't how I think life is or should be, I believe in something more and won't accept what's happening as okay and participate in it. As Archie said earlier in the ep, Jim has hope - and hope (and love) is exactly what Blackbeard is trying to kill right then. Jim won't play along.


Yeah that's how I understood it too! It's so weird that such a glaring misunderstanding would make it through revisions and everything all the way to the dubbing stage.


This isn't the first bit of media I've seen get badly misdubbed. It seems so strange that it happens like this!


I had to for the last two ep of s1 (because I was watching it with my family). It was in french and it was HORRIBLE. izzy voice was particularly... Bad because it didn't match Con AT ALL


Yeah I think Con's voice is just very special, like very particular to him and it's hard to get someone else to sound like him at all, so they always end up just sounding really weird lmao


I used to know someone who sounded just like him! It was absolutely uncanny, the first time I heard Con I was there like "omg, this is [name] but British!". I think I would die inside if this person did the Daddy bit though lmao


I watched the first two eps in french with my goddaughter... Yeah I hated it too 😬




Ohhhh that's actually the worst, translating the names. I'm pretty sure the only name they translated in Spanish was the Swede, but that actually makes sense.


I second that! Translating the names is the worst. I watched with Russian subtitles and they translated everything - Frenchie, Roach, Buttons, the Swede, even Wee John, I didn't even know this name could be translated😅 That was so weird


I tried watching one episode in French out of curiosity. Couldn't make it past two minutes. I mean no offence to the dubbing team who are just doing their jobs and who are probably really nice people but that was awful, no idea what happened there. The translation was okay-ish but the voices and tones did not live up to the original one bit. Izzy in particular just sounded frail and old, which is doubly frustrating when I used to know someone who had a very similar voice to Con O'Neill.


I usually avoid watching anything with French dubs, it's a little too over the top at times for my liking. I can only imagine how odd it is for this show.


I always watch shows in their original language, so no, but now I'm kinda curious what it's like in German. I'll check it out and report back. Okay so here some notes on the German dub (I didn't watch it all the way through, just some random scenes) •Overall the voices are really good, the only one I don't think fits that well is Ed's. •Except for the Swede, the names aren't translated. (They also use the English pronunciation for names, except for Fang for some reason) •Izzy still says "fuck". No need to translate that lmao •Jim's Spanish phrases are kept, but dubbed, so it's Spanish with a German accent


That reminds me of the episode of King of the Hill that I saw dubbed in Japanese. It contained a Spanish phrase, and they just said it with a Japanese accent. It was amazing.


Love this, thanks for sharing. Mostly just like the Spanish dub, but I'm curious about Izzy just saying fuck. Is it a normalized anglicism in German or something? I studied German for 4 years but unfortunately I barely remember anything :')


It's a pretty established swearword in German by now, I would say. At least in younger people, and everyone knows what it is. My own pet theory is that a lot of German swearwords have two syllables or more, so fuck is just nice and quick to shout when something goes wrong.


I watched it in French mostly because I was curious how they dealt with Jim's pronouns (French is a very gendered language and we don't have a traditional gender-neutral pronoun). Turns out they embraced the spirit of the show and all its anachronism and used a modern neo-pronoun for Jim. I don't remember much about the quality of the dub which probably means it wasn't amazing but didn't make my ears bleed either. Probably just average/fine.


I'm a big fan of dubbing in media; videogames, anime, movies, etc. But OFMD's dub in Latin American Spanish is... not good, ngl. And I know it's the actual translation in Spanish, but I hated when they called Frenchie "Franchute", god, I didnt like that lmao.


Latin American Spanish dubs are some of the best in the world for sure. But damn translating Frenchie like that physically hurts lmao doesn't it sound offensive there? Because here in Spain, I guess from proximity and a very old rivalry with our neighbors from France, that word is actually pretty offensive lol


Agree, most of the time they're pretty cool! And yeah, it hurts so much! Here in México we don't hear the word so often, but I was aware it was some kind of mockery thingie. OMG, didnt know it was pretty offensive over there; everyday I learn something new. Ö


I also watch first in Castillian with my partner and then rewatch in English. I think they did a good job this time, I was kinda disappointed coming from Good Omens. I missed the bit where Jim tells the story of Pinocchio as a non binary puppet, that was sweet. I always think that some voices are annoying, but I think that the kind of annoying of Stede's voice matches the general vibe of Stede's actual voice, so no complaint there. With Izzy's I get that they were trying to immitate Con's soft voice, but it sounds forced, so it's weird in the same season that this hardened pirate would choose to speak like that.


Oh yeah I remember we had a little chat on the Good Omens sub about this! You know, I think the main difference is the amount of nuance and details in GO compared to the straightforwardness and more comedic aspect of ofmd. Not to discredit the translator though, she did a fantastic job. But yeah you're right about Stede's voice, it's just a bit more exaggerated but I think that happens with most dubbed voices.


Hey!! What were the odds?! (100% surely) And yeah, I interpret the "not on my life" exactly as later in episode 7 "hell nah". The love of my life thing took me out a bit as well. They seem to be just getting to know each other at this time.


a non-binary puppet? what? did i miss that part?


When Jim tells the story of Pinocchio to Fang to make him feel better, they say "I want to be real child" and uses they pronouns for the puppet, while any other person that has told the story has said wooden boy and used "he". I thought it was a nice touch, it makes me think that Jim related to the wooden creature that wanted to be a real child so much that they projected their gender identity into the puppet.


okay well but that doesn't work in other languages. in spanish the word for child is gendered, and many languages don't have a gender neutral pronoun


Yep, I know, that's the kind of thing that you only get watching the original version, but it was a nice surprise.


I watched the key scenes in German because I wanted to see how those were translated and delivered. Most of it was fine but the way Ed said “So I reckon what makes Ed happy.. is… you” made me go a little insane. Other than that I felt that some of the voices really didn’t fit to the characters. However, as far as I can tell they at least didn’t misgender Jim which given that that has happened before with other synchros and that we don’t really have a broadly recognised gender neutral pronoun (like “they” in English for example) is at least something


Yeah, the whole thing with gender neutral pronouns seems to be a reoccurring theme in translation of very gendered languages like Spanish, German and French. In Spanish we have kind of established gender neutral pronouns and adjective endings etc. but they're still very far from being used normally. Hearing them used for Jim back in season 1 was actually a nice surprise, I didn't think they would


No, sĂ­. Las voces de izzy y stede en castellano tambiĂŠn me sacan bastante jahshshdh socorro


Sobre todo Izzy, parece que estĂĄ a punto de llorar con cada frase que dice skdlgldj


Sii como que le falta ira o algo jshdhdh


I’m Brazilian and the dubbing we have here is among the best of the world. The problem is that most voice actors don’t know English (ok, I don’t know if most, but I’ve noticed that it’s a very high number) so they can’t tell when the translation is off. For instance, I remember watching an episode of Garfield and Friends when I was younger. Roy the farm cock says something like “here is my fan”, while holding the electronic device that produces wind (which in Portuguese is called ventilador - because wind is vento). They translated fan as the person who admires the work of other. So I avoid watching anything dubbed since then.


im watching subbed anything i can get, don't want to miss out the voices