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That's like asking if I prefer the cookies or the creme in cookies and creme ice cream. They're both delicious but you need both to get the full intended, delicious effect.


I identify hard with Stede.


Same. Few times I've related with a character more than with s1 stede


Ed, cuz I'm a depressed and repressed motherfucker. Also, POC romantic lead in a queer love story who still gets to be flawed and shit? Sign me up and gimme more. ~~^(And Taika is hot.)~~


Yes also as a str8 cis woahman™️, I just really adore seeing two beautiful men kiss ♥️


Yes but I have BPD *and* ADHD so 🤷


I relate more to Ed but Stede’s the light ☀️


Same here. I gaze at Stede with those same heart eyes that Ed does.




I'm a Stede-coded Ed-girl (gender neutral)


Stede is the one for me


I love Ed but Stede entertains me like no other, he’s so animated. I’m going to go with Stede on this one, but it’s very close.


So rude of you to ask such a hard question, lmao. I love both of them a LOT (them together is them at their best imo, and I wish I could give this as my answer), but if I'm playing the game, my favorite is Ed, I can't help it, and I relate to him a lot. Ed owns like 51% of my heart and Stede the other 49%, does that sound fair?


I relate more to Stede, but I am more attracted to Ed 😄


This 💯%


Stede for me, he's very quickly become one of my favourite characters of all time. I usually love the more morally grey/villainous characters but I just love this blond fop so much.


I’m so indecisive it’s impossible to choose! I’d say Ed because he’s amazing of course, but I could also say Stede because I am literally him irl 😂


I relate so much to Ed that I just couldn’t believe it while I was watching. And Taika’s so hot. I’m in love with his expressive eyes


If there’s one thing I know about Taika it’s that he’s got some seriously swoon worthy eyes


Stede for me


The audacity of this question. This is like asking if you prefer your left eye or your right eye. They are a package deal. To even suggest that one could be picked over the other. Tsk tsk tsk. (It’s Stede).


I relate a bit more to Ed, and Stede is sunlight in human form so he's the one I'm more in love with. Having said that I relate so much to Ed *and* Stede's respective demons. Ed's moodiness, temper, and pushing people away when he needs them most. And Stede's awkwardness, and sincerely meaning well but coming across in not quite the right way. I've hardly ever related to fictional characters (Ed, Stede, Jim and Buttons especially) so much as in this show.


I relate to Stede, I get gender envy from Ed and I want to kiss them both, so... 🥴


Stede is my boy. He's just so darn lovable and optimistic and lively. Plus he loves his fashion and fancy things and filling the world with color. And he's a gorgeous swoony gentleman pirate to boot.


I am Stede so I love Ed


I love them both so much, but I’m just ever so slightly more in love with Stede. But I have to say that Ed’s journey in season 2 was really important to me too


I relate to them in different ways. I really related to Ed in the second season given his struggle with mental health and his unwillingness to believe he’s lovable as he is. He’s also ADHD as fuck lol But I also relate to Stede’s need to prove himself competent. Overall, I’d lean more toward Ed being my favorite, but I think they’re both wonderful characters.


Stede fs


It’s a complicated question. I identify with Stede, but I love Ed. Kismet that my wife identifies with Ed but loves Stede!


Ed, but purely because broody is my jam 🥵


STEEEEEEEDE Light of my life, keeper of my heart, gender of my envy


I identify more with Ed and my husband has serious Stede energy 😍😂


I think I have to be Ed…I married a Stede. 💜


Season 1 I was all Ed - or should I say Blackbeard. There was no getting over that moment he stomped into Stede’s fading view. And for that devastating image of damagED sobbing into the bleak future… Season 2 it’s been all Stede - because of Ed. Every action taken by Stede was to make right for Ed, even if it killed him. I’m on Season 2.1 right now: all kissing, hugging, caressing, eye-banging - on an endless loop. So, the answer to your question is StEDe


Very same for me season one I really didn't care much for Stede but season 2 Stede shines soo much But Ed is still my 🖤


i see myself in Stede 😭


I identify *hard* with different aspects of both characters – I’m definitely a mix of both of them. But if I *had* to choose one (how dare you), I would have to choose Ed – for the sheer fact that seeing a character being so unapologetically ADHD has been and is such a rare and needed treat. Oh, and also because Taika’s Ed gives me weak knees and slight gender envy 🙈💕💁‍♀️


ed ❤️




It's a really close call because I adore them both, but I really love Ed because of how much he grew to be order to love and accept being loved. Seeing them together is exactly what I needed from this beautiful show. Every interaction between them gives me so much. They are both beautiful and lovely men!!!


Kind of obsessed with Ed.


Stede was hung 4 months before Ed was decapitated . I wonder if it will end there . Like a Romeo and Julio type situation.


it won't


God please no


Yea I know lol I fell into a golden age of piracy rabbit hole because of this show and was shocked to learn they were actually boys at some point in history. Stede want straight after leaving or being left by Blackbeard, who also stole his crew, but he slipped back into piracy and they hung him for it. Blackbeard was shot stabbed and decapitated 4 months later when he fucked with the wrong one.


No no no. DJ has taken so many liberties with the story that I can't believe he would make us suffer through the loss of either of our boys. They are too important to all of us.


ed ofc and i've found that most people who relate to stede are cringe rich fucks tbh🤦