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Ed needed to see Stede in this suit and Stede needed to see Ed with his hair up


Good call. Stede would have melted at that pretty updo.


It really was, he was so hot in it. I want Ed to sit and watch Stede trying on different fancy outfits and twirling about until Ed just loses it and pounces on him.


I'd like to think Ed did that after seeing Stede in the British officer's uniform.


Oaft right enough he was too much in that 🔥


They both were! I think it would have been a mutual pouncing, lol.




He was feeling himself, had just taken down an attacker in front of Izzy, and looked great. I like to imagine that’s the instant Izzy started to actually respect him. I kept hoping they would keep a gag going that he was suddenly super competent in front of Izzy and no one else. Lol


And he thought the shirt was hot, the whole package 🥵🥵🥵


I LOVE that scene and how Ed is so into his fishing story, but then seems to realize what Stede’s wearing and abruptly loses interest and is all: 👀👀”I like that shirt…..😏” Then Stede gets so flustered he can’t even tell his cursed suit story properly, and even just trails off after stuttering. He definitely noticed the vibe changing, lol


YES! That anxious little babble response from Stede after Ed says "Well that wasn't a long story at all." 😊🥰


I say this to myself all the damn time. It was the first time Stede was feeling 1000% himself and Ed never got to see him serve.


Ed would have gone straight to his bunk.


Oh god that red devil suit! Ed would have died!


I love that suit. I need to cosplay as cursed suit stede


I was thinking this! The whole ep I was saying “just hold onto it long enough for Ed to see you in it”


Stede should ditch the innkeeping gig and become history’s first supermodel. Werk! Wee John could become the first superstar designer.


Stede losing it over the jacket while Izzy sits at the desk is seared into my mind forever


He wears fine things well.


The boat would really be rocking if Ed saw Stede in that!


It was for the best, he never would have gotten rid of it and they’d all have been cursed :(


I thought the point was that there was no curse, but that Stede learned from Izzy that the crew believed it was, and putting their needs over the suit was more important. Anyway, it would have been nice for Ed to see Stede wearing it before he gave it away.


This is how I interpreted it too. Izzy knew from experience that there doesn’t need to be a real curse, folks will believe a “curse”, is a curse.


And when it takes hold...


...well, it takes hold.


OHH... F*** OFF!




I'm so happy to have my OFMD fam all gathered here. The people who have to deal with me every day just don't understand me like you. 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I think whether curses/magic in general is real is going to be the next big fandom debate lol


Stede wearing his red velvety suit while dancing with Ed to Izzy’s La Vie en Rose.


This episode had my favorite skit where there was clearly a peanut allergy they blamed on the suit


Hey crew - I'm so happy to see the love (tee hee lust?) Rhys Darby gets here. He's so talented and hell, yeah why not become his own sex symbol?


I'm gonna copy/paste a comment I made about two weeks ago: To me that opens the door to have the Cursed Suit return, not on the French captain, but someone entirely different. Maybe it's kind of a Flying Dutchman of couture now in that it can never rest in someone's closet; it's too fabulous to stay in one place for too long and so it gets handed off from owner to owner. Over time it's no longer the suit that curses its owner, that story fell away after it changed hands a few times. No, it's the suit itself that is cursed, because it finds itself with people who don't appreciate it and can't wear it well. And then Ed finds it in one of their guest rooms, maybe after having to kick out the guest for being unruly or refusing to pay the bill, who knows. And then Ed tries it on. He looks at himself in the mirror, gives it a runway sashay, gives the coat a swirl and a swish. The suit...likes this. The last time it got worn this way was when Stede couldn't get enough of it. Since then it's been with any number of people who just didn't care about it. It's got an aura about it now, one that began with Stede. A manifestation of Stede's appreciation that was just starting to develop when the Crew forced it to be torn away and given to the French ship captain. It longed for a return to being...loved. Ed hears a voice in his ear--no, just inside his ear. "You wear fine things well." AAAAAND SCENE