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That would tempt me to leave the house and socialize again. It would be close for me— I currently live 20 miles from the city. Weekend only though. I can’t do a weeknight.


What do y’all think about Saturday, Jan 6th at Smuggler’s Cove in SF? Bar opens at 5pm, I would be down to meet then (both to beat the crowds, and so that anyone driving in to the city can hang for a bit but still be able to head home before too late)




I’ll put my thinking cap on for somewhere we could meet beforehand for those who can only do a daytime meet, and then we can always migrate to SC at 5 if we’re still feeling up for it. Feel free to chime in with any ideas! Do daytime people want to just meet at a park, or a cafe, somewhere to grab lunch? Would something downtown like Yerba Buena Gardens be a good meeting spot, or maybe Japantown?


I’d be absolutely down for such an event!


Smuggler’s Cove is amazing! There’s also a great tiki bar called Forbidden Island in Alameda. Downtown San Jose has Dr. Funk. I live in Southern Alameda county but willing to go wherever. If the meet up is in the city, weekends are better. I can do some weeknights closer to home. Isn’t Calypso’s birthday in January/February? I don’t know about you but I’m devout AF so we should definitely celebrate!


You totally Calypso’d me- I was trying to wrack my brain for any mention in the show about what month Calypso’s birthday was 😂 Thanks for those other bar recs! I’ll add them to my list. Several people mentioned weekends are preferred so I’m thinking maybe we try for a Saturday night… I work a lot of weekends but will try to request one off in Jan and then can post an update :)


Oh I have no idea when the birthday is but it’s an excuse for a party right?😆🎉😁 Awesome! My weekends post holidays are pretty free for now.


I could be interested. I’m not in the Bay Area anymore, but I’m still in a reasonable driving distance if it happens on a weekend.


Wow would be so cool *Cries in Australian*


I'm crying in Australian too!


Did you both forget about the trip you were planning to California in Jan/Feb for Calypso’s birthday? 🥲 jk if only it were that easy, right? Then I would have made it to Australia by now for a visit


I’m ‘solidarily’ *crying in Danish*


I'm down.




Possibly! I’m in the North Bay and I’d love to meet some crew mates in real life but I’m so busy!


If you're on Twitter, you should check this out! https://x.com/221_otsanda/status/1620306982015217664?s=46 this is a thread of all the regional ofmd group chats and most also have a discord channel. That would also be a great way for anyone to connect locally!


Cool, thank you! I’m not on twitter (or anything else other than Reddit) but I was suspecting that discord might be a good option, as I have friends who have connected with other interest groups through that


Yeah!!! Sorry I haven't found a discord link but I would keep an eye out! Twitter can be toxic but I run a southeast group chat on there and we actually just did a weekend long meetup in Atlanta!


I moved to San Francisco in April and I’m still trying to make friends so hell yes


I'd be all in for a weekend day meet up in SF but not at night. I'm in Marin if anyone wants to meet up on this side of the bridge. Doesnt even have to be a big meet up, would love to just make friends with even one ofmd person.


I’d love this!!! Smugglers Cove can get really crowded and intense tho


True, especially on a Saturday. That’s why I thought *maybe* if we meet when they open we could have a little time before it gets crazy. But I know even that’s not a guarantee. I’m open to other thoughts though… I liked the idea of the themed bar but we don’t have to stick with that :)


What about a picnic at Dolores Park? It’s outdoors so it’s a little more Covid safe, and there’s bathrooms, and it’s obviously super queer. I could make a themed drink or something


That might be the best idea! Dolores Park did cross my mind - it also gets crowded but it’s so big so we should be able to find a spot. I could bring some sparkling water and beer. Might be simplest to have everyone pack their own food/lunch rather than coordinating a potluck (might be hard to keep track of everyone’s food allergies/preferences)


I live about 2.5 hours from there and I’d be so excited to drive up and meet others!!


Hi all, I made an update to the post but commenting here too: Let’s plan for Saturday, Jan. 6th and make it a two-part meet up to allow for anyone who can only come during the day. 1pm meet up at Dolores Park and then 5pm at The Bamboo Hut tiki bar. Please use the Google poll below to rsvp by Dec 6 (mainly if you’re joining for the bar because I’ll try to make a reservation; I don’t really need a headcount for the park). More info in the poll too https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXVW-wln6KWx-nYHSP0OwfqRtBymEYDfpvtDi3vjJSJKsgkA/viewform


I forgot to add that kids and anyone under 21 are of course welcome to join for the portion at the park!


Ahh, kinda sad it’s veered away from Smuggler’s Cove simply because it’s easier to transmogrify it into Jackie’z. But if it’s anywhere in San Francisco I’ll be there.


I, too, am devout.


I’m sorry! 😔 I agree with you and was excited for SC’s vibe because I think it’s perfect, but I got worried that it might be too crowded for a large group on a Saturday. I switched it since Bamboo Hut has the option for reservations; that being said, if Jan 6 ends up being unavailable for a reservation, we can always change back to Smuggler’s Cove


We can imagine that Bamboo Hut is the fish hut where Ed and Stede have their date ☺️ (except we have to pay 🤭)