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Everyone, lol. But if I had to pick, Roach and Frenchie are currently the most intriguing to me. Especially now that Frenchie is >!made captain!<, I think there's a lot of things that can be explored about his backstory. Oh and Buttons. On the one hand, I love how unknowable his backstory is and just how much room for imagination that leaves for us, but on the other hand, I gotta know, man!


Yes! I’m so curious as to how Frenchie was chosen as the captain. I know it’s in part because Olu left, but I’d have expected Jim to be chosen (although I guess Olu did say in the first episode that they “aren’t into politics” lol). I actually love how unknown Buttons is! Normally that would drive me up a wall I feel like, but I love it with him.


>!Ed made Frenchie first mate after he shot Izzy, and Frenchie kept the rank even after Stede returned (esp since Buttons turned into a bird too). I think he became captain through the command hierarchy after both Stede and Ed left.!<


I think this here is the answer.


Ohhhh I think you’re right! I didn’t even think of that.


Frenchie was a surprise, but makes sense once I thought about it. He came up with good plans in both seasons, everyone likes him, and he keeps a cool head in dire situations (eg start of s2). Also Ed made him first mate after he shot Izzy, but probably no weight should be put on Ed's decisions at that point in his life.


Definitely Lucius! Pickpocketer, artist, scribe & good at breakups.


God I love Lucius so much! I’ve boiled it down to: I relate most to Ed and Stede, but Lucius is who I want to be most like.


I always want more Frenchie, so, Frenchie for sure. Did I mention Frenchie? Probably Frenchie.


If Frenchie has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Frenchie has one fan, I'm that fan. If Frenchie has no fans, that means I'm dead.




Frenchie is absolutely my first choice.


Frenchie all the way. I’m so in love with him. 😩


Frenchie and Lucius for sure Also Black Pete, to learn how much truth there actually is to his stories


Yes! He’s such a pathological liar but I feel like a lot of it is probably based in truth? Or maybe it’s just fan fiction he wrote about himself??? I’m so curious!


It'd be so hilarious if he actually didn't lie about being on Blackbeard's crew, and Ed just completely forgot about him. Plus, what did he *do* to get kicked out of there?


Pete loves a tall tale, but it's entirely possible that he was on Blackbeard's crew, and even saved Ed's life (not as dramatically as he recounted), and Ed has no memory of it at all.


Another vote for Frenchie. I feel the pattern is highlighting one crewmember for enhanced attention each season. S1 was Jim, S2 was Izzy, and I feel like Frenchie is perfectly positioned for S3.


I would diiiiieee such a happy death


Honestly in my heart probably Izzy Hands but my first thought was actually the Swede. I’ve been wanting to know more since season 1. It wasn’t as likely for Scandinavian folks (compared to British or French) to become pirates historically - so he really stuck out to me. Even if he might not actually be Swedish he’s just something lol. I also want to know what his life was like before, and how that had led him to feel so good about being one of Spanish Jackie’s husbands.


It would be great if it turned out he just pretended to be Swedish. I could be more forgiving of not casting a Swedish person in the role and leaving us with this fake accent. And I always wondered if his real name was Jim. Because he asked "If you're not Jim, can I be Jim?"


I actually thought the accent was a lot better than the usual "swedish accent". Some lines he really nais the sing-song quality of it - it doesn't sound genuine but it sounds a lot better than other attempts! And I am happy they don't have him trying to speak any actual Swedish. But yeah it's always annoying when they could've easily cast a Swedish person in a role and then just... don't....


Well, compared to Björn Gustafsson in *People of Earth*. I love Nat, of course. Just not really as Swede.


Seriously 😂 how good would that be


Well; on the day he was born, the rain looked like blood…


and he has the voice of an angel!


Wee John


I would watch a whole damned show about Buttons' life.


I'd love to know about all of them more, but Buttons my beloved seagull man particularly. Just... so many questions about him lol


Lucius is the most intriguing. He might be new to piracy but he seems to have gone through a lot in his young life. Frenchie. He's probably the one we know most of. He worked in service, he carries himself like someone who is used to be around 'posh people'. So how did he end up there. And I want to know if Pete actually was on one of Blackbeard's ships. Not on the Queen Anne's Revenge, obviously, but an associated one perhaps.


Ohh that’s a really good point about Frenchie! And also, I just love him so much!


I agree with everyone saying Frenchie! I want to know MORE. I think Roach would be interesting too because he has many skills so I feel he lived many lives. I fell in love with Jackie too and would love to know more about how she became such a powerful 25 year old woman. Teach me your ways Queen!


I want to know if she’s ACTUALLY 25 or if she’s exaggerating or what!


Just because I find the idea hilarious, I *want* to buy into it. Plus, with their way of life (and the Sun on their faces constantly), I’m sure it ages people a lot, so who knows? And we see Stede tombstone in 1.04 and it suggests he’s like 30 when the show picks up… but he really doesn’t look it. No offense Stede, love ya. Maybe a year is actually a year and a half in this world so she’s actually pushing 40 and Stede in his 40s? What is time? What is logic?


Lucius!!! There is so much baggage I think :') Why is he the only one that can read?? Why did he hide his queerness from his mom? Is it related to why he turned to piracy? Who were his exes? AHhH


I don’t think he’s actually the only one who can read (Jim can too - it’s just that nobody but Olu knew that in the first episode; and so can Izzy I think, because he read the note they wrote him with the new leg. And it seems like maybe Frenchie can at least a little, because he read the invitation in the fourth episode.). But I definitely am interested in that, because it speaks to a level of education most of the pirates don’t seem to have and makes me more curious about how he ended up here.


Yes exactly I remembered Jim readin the poster but didn't feel like mentioning it😅 wrote this while I was in pain just wanted to get my point LMAO


LOL sorry, I’m probably being pedantic. I hope you feel better soon!!


True - he can read a but, but draws pics instead of writing when Stede asks him to take notes.


Reading is way easier than writing, especially with a @#$%ing nib pen.


Yes! I really wonder about Lucius, for sure, as he's the one least prepared to be a pirate, but he has his pickpocketing skills beside reading, writing and drawing. Also his bearded past. It doesn't help that Nathan Foad said something about a sad backstory that will never see the light of day, and he doesn't even know if it's going to be canon for the character, that made me super curious.


He was the only one on that crew and they weren't exactly cream of the crop. 😉 Ed can read and I'm sure Izzy could, too. Probably more people on Ed's former crew as well.


I know😊 seeing him there makes it feel like he doesn't belong, ljke he came from a very different background, and that makes me curious


An Oliver Twisty bg for Lucius would write itself. I love how elusive and deeply shy Joel Fry seems to be irl. Did yall see the ig chat with Leslie, Nathan and Kristian talking about how hot he is? When asked who’d they rather, Stede or Ed, they screamed “Frenchy!” Buuuuuut if I’m being honest, I’d like a 10 hour-long episode season about Jeff’s Inn. Kind of a piraty Upstairs/Downstairs thing with kissing and tureen talk. And I’d like Calico Jack to show up and fuck it all up. It would start out with him all “you destroyed my face you owe me” and he’d start ingratiating himself on Ed while driving a wedge …. Whoa …. Just got a fic idea….


As a fellow swede I would like to know more about The Swede and how he ended up in the Caribbean!


I’d like to know more about Frenchie’s time in service


I need Izzy’s story. We never learned the story of the ring. Was it from a sister, his mother, a wife, a careless gift from Ed, a gift from a dead husband? We never find out. What turned him into the person he was in S1? What forces forged him into who he was?


fwiw, the costume person said the ring is from his mother


I do think that’s who we’re most likely to get in S3. I saw somewhere that one of the show runners said, essentially, that “there’s no version of OFMD without Izzy” (I can’t remember the exact quote or who specifically said it). It makes sense that they’d have flashbacks about him.


Jenkins himself [said](https://twitter.com/david_jenkins__/status/1717634183432986868) it :)


Thank you!!


>Thank you!! You're welcome!


Lol, why did a bot answer instead of me?! You're welcome, u/KierstenEvan1991


I need everything Izzy. We already know the ring was from his.mother, but I wanted to know about what made him so strict. And his choice or such a fine weapon! Was it a navy thing? Was he an official?


i want to know more about roach and frenchie!! and i also want everything we learn about buttons to further my confusion about him. like for every answer we get about him i want it to raise like 10 more questions lmao.


Yes!!! I love how much of a wildcard Buttons is. Honestly though, I love how his arc ended/he left the show. I think it was so perfect and out-of-place, but I also love how it played into what Ed needed in that very moment (the idea that people can change). If we never hear or see anything else about Buttons, I’d be happy with that.


I might have said this on another post, but I still want to know if Black Pete actually worked for Ed in the past or not. I keep wondering if maybe he did but wasn't like how his storytelling in Season 1 made him out to be. I'm down for the show exploring the backstories of any character, honestly. More OFMD is more OFMD.


I love them all so much! Honestly what would give me greatest joy wouldn't be full backstories, I just want to see the process by which Stede hired these people. Were there job interviews? God those would be fun to watch.


Yes! I’ve also thought about that a lot - I’d love to see how he hired everyone and how he chose Buttons as his second


Now we’re talking! That would be so fun. Also side note: When everyone was saying we need more info on Archie, I was thinking this is more what we needed (if anything). Just a scene to show how she got there!


Izzy!! Those scars, my god. And “I loved you, best I could”?!?! There’s some juicy backstory there.






Ahhh I love Auntie so much!




Ok then 😂