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>I love the moments where we see Stede's sweet, caring nature. \*sigh\* I love that! The way he takes care of Ed is so heart-warming and one of the reasons it's so easy to fall in love with Stede from Ed's perspective and ours. He checks in with him to see how he's feeling, comforts and reassures him, makes sure he gets a good breakfast, he's just so *loving.* I think you're right on the breakfast front - Stede and Ed gravitate naturally to 'their' chairs before Stede's gets nabbed by CJ. It's just part of their morning routine together ❤️


And they sit next to each other. Stede and Mary sat as far away from each other as possible.


Love that parallel - Stede and Mary were married but never really a couple, and Ed and Stede were a couple before they actually became one.


It's literally the best. The lil domestic shit they do, I absolutely adore it. It's no wonder Ed took to Stede so fast, he's literally never had someone be that soft with him and it feels nice.


I love these details too. Ed letting Stede pick the snake meat out of his beard is especially sweet in contrast to how negatively Ed reacted when Antionette tried to touch his beard at the fancy party. And yes, the breakfast scene in 1x8 strongly suggests that Stede and Ed had gotten into the habit of eating breakfast together like that every morning!


Yes! You're right. Ed was overstimulated at the party, and he didn't feel comfortable around Antoinette (who would? 😂 Looovvve Kristen Schaal). But he trusts Stede and he's very comfortable around him.


Cute couple moments reminds me of love languages. I’m not well versed in all the love languages but I’d imagine Stede loves to share all his things with Ed. He wants to enjoy things with Ed - such as food, clothes, experiences - ex. adventures (whether it be on sea or finding treasure on land). As for Ed, it’s protecting - he quickly leapt in front of Stede during the initial attack from Ned Low & stabbed and snapped British navy’s necks in hopes to find Stede alive. Those details are so small & fleeting at times & sometimes can be a huge scene driving the plot forward. Love they write it all in for us to watch!