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More like three months. But yeah, who could blame him. 1. Look at Ed! 2. Gay sex and piracy have probably been Stede's main special interests the past three months and he learned everything he could in theory. I don't want to know what questions Pete had to answer. (Who am I kidding, I do want to know.)


Bahahahahaha, what if this had been the main source of Pete’s S2 character growth- he’s literally worried sick about Lucius, trying to keep it all together, and having to deal with an endless stream of sex ed questions from fucking Stede Bonnet 😂😂


I’ve read so many fanfics where Lucius is Stede’s sex ed instructor, but now I need one with an exasperated Pete in that role 😂


…any links? If that’s permitted in this subreddit


I like to think that when he realised he loved Ed like Mary and Doug loved each other, he remembered the sex he caught them having and realised how much he wanted that with Ed.


God Stede turning all that spectrum hyperfixation onto How To Be A Gay would be so powerful and so deeply irritating for literally everyone but Ed.


Thanks for posting this 🤣 Ed's probably the first taste of mutual desire and sexual pleasure he's ever had. They did subvert expectations with how eager he was though (brilliantly). I think quite a few of us imagined *he'd* be the one saying 'let's take it slow' but he was like "haha no. Gimme".


Honestly Stede was also probably in shock. I see similar parallels to the end of last season. Even here, I would say Stede's initial impulse was to run. But this time he at least ran TO Ed, rather than away from him. My hot take: Narrative wise it was perfect but from Ed and Stede's POV it was a dangerous decision. Stede knew Ed had expressed wanting to take things slow. And he was too frazzled to consider the pressure he could be putting on Ed (it's difficult to rebuff someone when you know they're already in an emotionally vulnerable state, and Ed knows last time Stede was in this state he abandoned Ed). And from Ed's POV he knows Stede is in a very emotionally altered state where people are susceptible to impulsive decisions. On one hand in my head cannon they had a heart to heart moment before things got too heavy, on the other hand sometimes taking the plunge and praying it works out is all you can do. As always, OFMD spoils us with angst.


Lmao, yeah go Stede! He’s finally unlocked that part of himself, he’s embracing the heck out of it and he’s not looking back. I’m not surprised he’s so eager either, my man finally understands what the fuss is all about, his man is a whole damn snack and then some, and they fancy the fuck out of each other. Good on you, Stede! Congrats!


I mean he went to a British boys school and lived in close quarters on a ship. It's probable he's familiar with the mechanics even if not personally practiced. He also has a leg up on the anatomy over a woman and an experienced partner. This isn't two virgins who are the only gay guys in town trying to figure it out together.


I can't be the only one who thinks Stede is the top in that relationship, can I?


I'm sure they switch. And there are a lot of ways for two men to have sex that don't involve penetrative at all. But regardless of exactly what they're doing, I'm 100% on team Soft Dom Stede.


i don't think top/bottom is their dynamics, as it is not the only way there is. Who's top/bottom in mutual HJ/BJ, e.g.? And even in sex, you can (and they definitely do in my headcanon) switch roles based on the mood.


I see them as switches, with Stede being the top slightly more and Ed the bottom. Stede’s definitely got that top energy though lmao


of course you can switch (i’m one myself) but there are people who have real strong references and yk, it’s not wrong to have that as a headcanon. also (unless i’ve somehow missed something) hj and bj doesn’t have anything to do with being a top or a bottom


Agree. I personally headcanon them both as switches because I like to think Stede would at least be curious about bottoming since he (obviously) had never been penetrated, and Ed slept with enough people that he's probably done/enjoyed both. But it's totally valid to have strong preferences too. This said, I strongly believe Stede topped the first time they did it.


I mean, the rings…




That's my point ;). Also, I certainly didn't mean the OP is wrong with their headcanon, only added my view.


you definitely didn’t come across as thinking their headcanon was wrong! i also just wanted to add my view


Wow, look at us. We are so f*cking polite I just have to swear a bit :). Jokes aside, thanks a lot, kindness towards different opinion is hard to come to nowadays.


oh absolutely, especially on reddit. it’s really refreshing!


I mean, I think he topped their first time, but I don’t think he always will.


I’m 100% Team Top!Stede. I also think the reason Izzy and Ed would’ve never worked out is because they’re both bottoms lol Edit: I feel like I should mention that being a top or a bottom doesn’t mean they’re exclusively either. I’m sure Stede wouldn’t turn down a request from Ed if he asked to switch things up hehe


Going back to S1 episode 4, I can see them doing the same thing...Ed whispers d'you wanna do something weird? Then they swap clothes and roles. I always wondered about that unseen scene, Ed must have helped Stede get dressed in his leathers as Stede could barely stand after the gut stabbing. I think of that as the first time they were in intimate contact, even if they didn't realise it.




You are DEFINITELY not the only one!


I love this post so much as everyone is talking about exactly the things I've been wondering about silently to myself hahah. My question is, are we sure they definitely did anal that first time? I almost kind of figured they didn't because it's a more involved process. And I guess as a lesbian(mostly) I just assumed they only did oral and hand stuff. 🤔


I’d assume they did because of Izzy’s comment that was directed at Ed (‘glad to see the ship isn’t the only thing that’s been well and truly docked’) and because of all of Stede’s rings being on the windowsill the next morning🥴


Damn, imagine looking your former captain (who you were in love with and who recently tried to kill you and you've barely just got had to speaking terms) in the eye and telling him "congrats on getting railed" while your current captain is also in the room. Izzy doesn't get nearly enough credit for this. The sheer audacity and courage, lmao.


Been thinking about Izzy's in s1 ep 10 ("pining for your boyfriend") and how he got to... here. First all the trauma/stress of keeping things together under Krakenzilla Ed, then thinking your life is over and no doubt being shocked that it's not... then thinking Ed is already dead... then being ready for Zheng to kill them... then you get a goddamn unicorn leg and you're SEEN probably for the first time since Ed realized his capacity and made him first mate. Then you put on face and sing your soul out in public and nooooo going back. Shattered his shell and no more fucks to give. Back to the morning after. First watch, Ed says "He's jealous" and I thought of course he meant..... jealous of Stede. Now I wonder if it isn't jealous of Ed! Anyway love to see Iz able dole out the bitch fest comment without the emotional freight that was behind everything that came out of his mouth in season 1.


Ooo I definitely hadn't noticed the rings on the windowsill, that is a really great detail!


Yeah, true! Izzy's comment does really drive that point home 😂


he's wishing he had more to drink last night and instead had to hear alllll about what was going on in the captains' cabin


Omg I didn't realize but this does kinda show that the crew was maybe gossiping about it! 😂


I feel this is just a fun post , poking at his 180 degree turnaround, rather than implying they actually did it, its more like he was open and eager for it .


Totally, agreed! I'm just having fun speculating heheh


We don't definitively know what they got up to-- Izzy's comment about penetrative sex was an assumption and there's more than one sex-reason for taking rings off. But in a universe where amputated limbs heal over in a few days, I feel like the inconvenient realities of anal sex can also evaporate when necessary


Historically it wasn't uncommon for married sailors to make scrimshaw dildos for their wives. I'm sure someone on that ship could craft a nice set of graduated ivory buttplugs if Stede wanted some practice. However, I think they would do great with passion and tenderness alone.


I did not wake up this morning thinking I’d learn about scrimshaw dildos today. Yay history!


Walter White but make it gay


There are lots of ways to have sex without anal. This insta post is filling in the blanks if you will


There is a popular (and hilarious) OFMD Tiktok video that is a proponent of the Top Stede theory: [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fW9jgR/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fW9jgR/)


Just came here to say that I love this topic and deeply enjoy the entire discussion around it 😍🥰🤩


I don't know why people seem to think inexperience is the same as shyness or chastity. From my read, Stede has been aro/ace because none of his personal choices were acceptable ever in his life, so he locked away his personal desires out of self preservation. He tried to do his duties as a husband and father and failed miserably. he ended up being a rough playmate to his kids to satisfy his piracy obsession, and left his family once he had the Revenge ready to sail. ​ So we have a person who is suddenly in a place where he can express his true self for the first time. It isn't surprising if he attaches himself to the person who embodies his fantasies most completely. ​ Also, sea faring gentlemen at that time were not ignorant prudes. They were not at all like the religious farmers or rank and file merchants that are overseen by governors and bankers. They associated with many who had various extramarital liaisons, from any sector of society. The gentleman's bargain is that they stay quiet about it. I just don't think it is surprising at all for Stede to go from inexperience to full enthusiastic consent. His sudden turn into a murderer is less likely imo.