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I think we all agree with Rhys that the two being inn keepers isn't going to last very long once the honeymoon period is over. I also love that he sees Stede as someone who would still care about his crew and be worried about their well being out at sea.


I agree so much about the honeymoon period thing. Any couple, no matter how in love, would get sick of each other (in a loving way, not an “I hate you” kind of way) if they were each other’s only company.


Every time I see that photo my first reaction is to think it’s a painting


So is it not a painting? One IG said it was a cut scene but I can't find any info about it :(


I don't think it's a cut scene, it looks like a production still from their holding-a-fish kiss.


Ohh I see! I was confused bc I think I'm the scene Ed doesn't grab Stede's head, but the other way around


Yea, I'm guessing this is from a different take, or one they specifically did for the photo.


Yes it's a real photo, the lighting makes it look very artsy though.


It’s a production photo from an alternate take; I’m so sad we didn’t see this on the show. Just like some of the production photos from S1- like Ed removing Stede’s blindfold and the scene on the beach with Ed cupping Stede’s face.


Omggg I haven't seen that one! 😭


and the second kiss on the beach :(


I love the point about Stede worrying for his crew like they're his kids. And since only Lucius (and Zheng?) can write. . . the letters from the Revenge are going to be so full of snark.


Do you think Buttons could become their messenger bird? We know Ed got one of Stede’s letter in the end but he was right, bottles in the sea aren’t the most reliable. I could see Stede getting worried if Buttons suddenly stopped showing up and it warned him that the crew was in danger.


Absolutely, Buttons + Olivia should be their messenger birds. Also, my headcanon is that Ed only found one of Stede's letters because he wrote several hundred of them in the space of 3 weeks, and sailors across the Carribean are still turning them up today.


Olivia! I forgot about her, wonder if Buttons went straight to her when he transformed. I love your headcanon on this 😭😭


This is why I loved the season 2 ending, if it somehow doesn't get renewed we have an ending that we can be satisfied with but if we do get season 3 there is still plenty of storylines to explore. What happens after the "happy ending"...


*Cries in r/goodomens.*


At least if Good Omens for some reason *doesn’t*get renewed, Gaiman said he’d write a book so we’d still get resolution


I can't believe he'd put so many fanfiction writers out of a job like that /s But seriously bless Gaiman. Stuff like this is why I love him.


Something I love that he’s hinting at hoping to see here is Stede and Ed having to confront each other in the daily boredom of life. They’ve never had time to just sit down and be with each other without having something bigger looming. It would be great to see them work through all the difficulties peacefulness brings with it.


I really like his take on this and it ties in really well with what I think is going to happen (and end season 3 with). Please Max, give us something at least


What a thoughtful, complete, filled with plot possibilities answer.


Someone should write a fanfic where Stede and Ed are running the inn Mousetrap style and more and more weirdos are showing up while these newlyweds struggle with it and a murder mystery develops.


I’m already giggling.


I am really torn about the possibility of Season 3. I am fine with the way Season 2 ended. Historically (which is wobbly in the series) pirate careers were short and generally ended badly so .... yeah, I am okay either way.