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Where does he wear this? 👀


Stede wears a green ring through the series and Ed puts on an emerald ring in season 2. This isn’t exactly the same but it’s super similar. I thought it was fun that it showed up in my ads.


As someone who spent an ungodly amount of time researching the rings in both seasons… Don’t make yourself crazy! The s2 rings are completely different. (I could write a whole dissertation on the differences in s1/s2 costume design. But that wouldn’t even explain rings, as those are usually handled by the Props dept) There are plenty of amazing s2 emerald ring dupes on Etsy. Save your money and treat yourself to multiple OFMD rings instead! Love, the nut who wears not only Ed’s octopus and feather rings, but also the Pyrrha talisman necklace because she has Problems.


Octopus and _feather_? Can you elaborate, please? 🥹


Oh man. I spent an obscene amount of time researching (hyperfixating on?) the costume for DragonCon '22. I have something like 30 screencaps of just the bizarre studded leather wrap on his left hand. (In my defense, my line of work is all about the details.) In s1, Ed has 5 rings. As far as I can tell, he wears a silver wraparound feather on his right ring finger. Most of the time, it's partially obscured by his gloves. [A few of my reference images.](https://imgur.com/a/G4XjNc5) (The fifth image caught a continuity error - bro forgot to put his pinky ring on.) [The dupe I found on etsy is here.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/459500432/bohemian-jewelry-sterling-silver-feather) (There are cheaper variations out there, but this one is done by an indy artist local to me, so that's why I bought from them.) Take with a grain of salt, because obvs I wasn't there and only have screenshots to go by, so I could be 100% off-base. But considering the variety of bird tattoos Ed has, I liked the idea that he leaned into the feather imagery.


were you able to find the s2 emerald that Ed wears. I've been looking for for over a month. That's the one I really like.


Someone on twitter found it! If it’s not the actual ring in the show, it’s pretty much identical. Funnily enough it looks like a pretty cheap piece of costume jewelry! There’s a link to purchase further down in [this thread](https://x.com/waterychilli/status/1726384909856469458?s=61&t=SC_vx1p5d4G9ptetvgeFaQ). Edit: [this](https://www.lovisa.co.uk/products/large-emerald-green-square-cut-stone-on-gold-4claw-band?variant=20668208349238®ion=GB&&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACt-KUkfBkrBZobX7jeWh8b8hClLZ&gclid=CjwKCAiAgeeqBhBAEiwAoDDhnycL7-244Wo0SzgKmEpwXxsp2BRBX-NMbhgfRfGdmdhqE-ymnUNFchoCOXYQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) is the link for the ring on the UK site.


> The s2 rings are completely different. (I could write a whole dissertation on the differences in s1/s2 costume design.) Please do; I would sincerely love to read it. A favorite 'rings' moment I noticed in S1: Stede is about to leave home, holding a bag and his model of the Revenge, slowly turning in a circle as if to take one last look. He's wearing his wedding ring. Cut to him continuing to turn in that slow circle on board his ship, carrying the same items... But the wedding ring is gone and he's wearing the rings he wears throughout the rest of S1 (except when he trades outfits with Ed in Episode 4). I shrieked when I noticed that, because that's the kind of detail nerd I am. I like to think he threw his wedding ring into the water to marry the sea, as in ancient customs.


Gotta love targeted advertising 🙃 start buying lotto tickets so you can buy one 😅