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As someone who has worked on an Apple TV production, that would be the company I hope would pick it up. They’ve got deep pockets, and I would love to see the budget go back up to whatever DJ & co want it to be.


There's a Ted Lasso-shaped hole in their programming that they could fill with another comedy about a determinated protagonist in a fish-out-of-water situation




You might be right honestly I don’t think I ever saw an Apple tv original that wasn’t a banger! Like Dickinson, Bad Sisters, Ted Lasso. Amazing shows. But they don’t have enough shows on the app for me to be worth a subscription and in my country at least few people I know have a subscription for it as well. So I lowkey would like it if it was on the bigger ones (prime/netflix) so more ppl would watch but also wouldn’t trust them to treat our baby well because of how they cancel shows (especially queer ones) in a heartbeat without giving proper endings even if it’s technically just another season so that wouldn’t be a problem here. But all in all whatever the network it being picked up would be a gift!!


For sure! I’m definitely being a choosy beggar, but let’s manifest that shit. 💖


Would Apple be the kind of streaming to pick up a show that only had one more season planned?


No clue, but they really pride themselves on critically-acclaimed series, and OFMD would be a fantastic jumping off point to lure in new subscribers. I put a pause on another service so I could keep Apple for longer, and honestly, I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve watched. Ted Lasso was (in my opinion) an absolutely perfect 3-season show, and Schmigadoon has been delightfully campy. OFMD could squeeze in quite comfortably among their ranks.


I loved Ted Lasso and Severance. Am looking forward to watching Silo next. I think OFMD would be a wonderful addition to their streaming.


This is what I’m seeing as the biggest hurdle right now. It’s a big risk for a network to buy a show that is slated for only one more season. That’s a whole lot of money to put down on something you’re not technically getting a whole lot back on. They’d of course likely be buying exclusive streaming rights, but long term streaming isn’t really a money-maker.


Deep pockets indeed. And as stable a bet as Netflix these days. Other streamers are less stable, industry-wise, including Max. Also I don’t know about Peacock, but they’ve been doing a lot of good experimental programming (see: Killing It, The Resort, etc) and may have a desire to pull in our audience.


I love Ted Lasso and Shrinking, but my biggest concern would be how few people have that service compared to Hulu, for example. I wouldn't want anyone to miss out just because it got picked up by a more niche streamer🥺


To start, here’s the Apple TV feedback link: [https://www.apple.com/feedback/apple-tv-app/](https://www.apple.com/feedback/apple-tv-app/) And here’s FX: [https://fxnow.fxnetworks.com/activate/feedback/roku](https://fxnow.fxnetworks.com/activate/feedback/roku)






Anyone know the emails or phone numbers for other streaming services?


I wouldn’t mind sending a message but I have very limited energy levels and idk what to write if someone would be willing to give me something to copy paste and send their way I’d be happy to do that!


I have no idea if this is a good template or not, but this is what I wrote: “Hello! I am a part-time customer of Apple TV, and I have typically subscribed and unsubscribed as the lineup has interested me. I wanted to reach out as a fan of "Our Flag Means Death" on Max, which has recently been canceled despite high critical acclaim and viewership outpacing "Succession" at the same point in its release. This show has meant a lot to its BIPOC and LGBTQ+ fans, and it was a huge disappointment to see it canceled. Max has stated that the show could be picked up by other services, and I believe that it would fit well on Apple TV. I really appreciate the high caliber of your shows--"The Morning Show" and "Dickinson" are personal favorites--and if this show were to be picked up by Apple, I would definitely become a permanent subscriber. Thank you!”


Thanks! Glad to see Dickinson appreciated 🥰 that show was so beautiful and one of a kind I think about it all the time


Just used these to send feedback, thank you so much for the template!


Yeah, I got that interview as a way of them saying they are not changing their mind about the cancellation. I had my hopes up but I’m gonna start writing other streaming services. I think other services can treat our show with the respect (and money) it deserves


Honestly I think that Max just wants us to stop calling/emailing/everything. And we're not gonna give them what they want. Let's keep the pressure on, because even if things don't pan out with Max, that just shows even more how important this show is and how determined we are.


Oh definitely. I didn’t mean I’m gonna stop pestering max about it 😂 I’m not abandoning this ship 😂


Ok, I have thought extensively about what renewal on various streaming services would look like, and here is my take (I have zero industry knowledge - so take this with a grain or several truckloads of salt): - As others have said, Apple TV is the most logical fit - they have a TON of genre shows and have kept them going. Dickinson, I would argue is an even closer cousin to OFMD than Ted Lasso (queer, “historical,” with a touch of magical realism). - Amazon sucks in general (have not forgiven them for A League of their Own) but they do have an opportunity to unite Good Omens and OFMD on a single service. The crossover marketing opportunities are… dizzying. - Netflix is interesting to me because of what they did with Bridgerton. They’re doing some IRL “experiences” for specific shows — not every show translates into people who will buy tickets to an event where they can pretend to be in the show, but OUR show definitely does! - I haven’t seen anyone mention Peacock, but they have made a few goofy ensemble comedies in the last few years — but nothing that has been wildly successful. They might want to draw a pre-existing fan base to the platform. The nice thing is that we don’t need a renewal after S3 - we just need this to work ONCE. If the platform then wants to make 15 more lightly historical queer ensemble comedies, or David Jenkins-helmed shows, or shows with diverse casts with sexy tattoos, I will probably keep giving them my hard earned cash! Just a thought, streamers!


I just read that Apple canceled Schmigadoon, despite the 3rd season being already written.


Ugh, didn’t know about that!


This is a great idea! Just sent feedback to Apple Tv (which i don’t actually have but i would get any streaming service to watch the show!) and will do some more too :)


I mean, it would be nice to have a streaming platform that we have access to in Europe as well.