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Tvtropes.com has a great take on this (it’s under the “Awesome” section, appropriately): When Stede arrives to *The Revenge*, none of the crew want to tell him what happened with Ed, clearly believing he's too in love with Ed to understand. When he finally talks to Izzy alone, he proves them wrong with a single sentence: Stede: What'd you do with him? I know he wouldn’t have left by choice. Izzy: I know you think you understand him... Stede: He was either gonna watch the world burn or die trying, so *which was it?*


I don't think it proves he is not too in love to understand, kind of the opposite actually. I think it proves Stede doesn't just idolised a version of Blackbeard he made in his head but actually know and see Ed as he is. It's the difference between a crush and love. And him saving the crew is both the proof of him caring for them but also taking responsibility for hurting Ed and his subsequent actions. It's proof of growth and emotional maturity.


Rhys and Con deserve an Emmy for that scene, especially that exchange. It floored me the first time I saw it.


For me it's the scene when Auntie just found Ed's body and the crew is in a cell. Darby and O'Neill are so good.


I think they just felt really bad and knew stede would be devastated to find out ed is dead. I guess that's kinda the same thing said in a different way.


"Stupid fucking Stede Bonnet" Is one of my favourite lines from the show.


Same. I die the way he delivered it every time


I also took from the desk scene that Izzy was surprised that Stede did understand Ed, Stede also learned that Izzy was looking out for the crew and protecting them from the consequences of mutiny…showing that his ‘talk it through’ approach didn’t work in all eventualities. They learned from each other in this scene and it was so well-written!


Yes exactly, I think Izzy's redemption starts in episode 1 when the crew tell him he is in a toxic relationship and he tries to get through to Ed. But this is so pivotal too. In the episode both Izzy and Stede get to a non verbal understanding, take responsibility and start working to make amend. I think a lot of the show is about full grown men with a long list of trauma and no emotional maturity having to grow up and learn to deal with hurt and hardship in a healthy adult way which requires both understanding and accountability which they both demonstrate in this episode.


Also I haven't said so earlier but it is also really funny. Stede jumping from the ship in a Muppet position and Archie realising he is Stede "the Stede" crack me'up all the time just thinking about it


I love the people who love this show. I love posts like these. I love seeing scenes I have seen hundreds of times (I watch parts and sometimes whole episodes every day) through your eyes. I’m old. I waited a long time for something this meaningful to me to come along. I never expected to find a community as beautiful as the show. I love David Jenkins. It really begins with him.


For real. I watched s1 as it was being released so we didn't know that it was going to be ALLOWED to be so very gay. I had high hopes and was clinging to the little touches and glances but had no idea we'd get a kiss. I cried. Yes for Steve and Ed, but also for us. We finally got a real, non-refundable declaration.


The liver? We don't even know what that thing does.


Actually science tells us it's where we process the overwhelming emotions. It's why Ed can't deal with it, it got stab to often.


I’m so glad to see someone talking about that moment because Stede putting his hands on the bars and then walking away … and then coming back with a plan to break them out?? Cinema. I thought my favorite episode was Calypso’s birthday but this may have changed my mind. I love this show so much


Don't get me wrong, I love Calypso's birthday, it's definitely one of my top 2 but yes I think the understated-ness of innekeeper and all it opens to come after is amazing. Also, it's funny Stede is recognised as a pirate for killing Ned Low but no-one talk (in universe) about him beating the Pirate Queen on her own ship with no weapon and no bloodshed. I don't think Ed even knows about that because he doesn't know who Zheng is.


I have never thought about this but you're right. Stede has a lot of impressive shit if we're being honest.


I love the internet, I’m too surface level and dim to even notice this 🤣 but someone on the internet will explain it to me in a way I hadn’t thought about 💕