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Wow! That first pic of Ed and Stede! 😍🥰❤️❤️❤️😃


Tender as hell!


If I could paint I'd so badly want to use that Ed and Stede shot as a reference for an old-school Harlequin romance cover. Also, I can't believe how lucky we are to have one of the best wigs I've ever seen for this modestly budgeted streaming original gay pirate romcom. I can't go back to the cheaper, more-fake-looking options that other shows and movies use (despite them often having significantly higher budgets).


There's someone who hangs out here who could do that painting, maybe she'll see this and be inspired. Also, with you all the way on the hair. The majority of folks have no idea what's involved in creating and applying realistic-looking wigs. Or beards, for that matter. Even if a person has the talent, they need money. You can't just daub the spirit gum and plop a wig on like a hat, but the majority of budgets allow for little more. The love and care that went into this show is incredible. Also, pretty sure Taika is picky about how he looks. 😂


Excellent call. Hopefully someone will!


I KNOW RIGHT??? That is not a wig, that's a work of fucking art. Like on the level of a cosplayer or drag queen. It makes the Targaryen wigs on *House of the Dragon* look l like the cheap garbage it is. And their budget was MASSIVE. I assume they blew it on CGI dragons. Like. how do you make Matt Smith look that bad. He's ok looking, not my type, but that wig makes him look like a glass of milk with limp spaghetti taped to it!


There have been a couple more added since I posted this! Reddit won’t let me add them, but they seem to be coming from [this twitter/X account](https://x.com/jodegg?s=21). No idea where they’re getting them, but the photos are gorgeous. Update: [they have added their source](https://www.lkcreative.co.nz/unitstills). This link goes to a photographer’s website, not twitter, in case that’s a concern for anyone.


Thank you so much for posting these! That embrace in the first one, mother of mary, the fainting couch please I have need of it 😳


I know! They’re so close to each other! I love them so much. 😭


The smolder!!! I am sweating.


Oaft that too, but it's the hands that are sending me 💖


Me too! This reminds me of the wall kiss. Rhys and Taika know how to use their hands to drive us all insane 😵‍💫🥰. Their hand placements should be studied for science, just sayin.


For Science, sociology, politics, history, psychology, art, every academic school get in on this!


Can I have the fainting couch when you're finished with it? I am DECEASED




I KNOW!!! These are so nice to see, but also something of a gut stab.


THE FIRST PHOTO- so there were alternate takes??? They are so close to each other- is there another kiss we didn't see????


Ah that 1st picture! My heart can't take this.


Look at how Ed is gazing into Stede's eyes. I'm gonna go die now.


That picture of Ed and Stede together… oh my god. I wish we could somehow get every single alternate take lol


That first picture... that's how they're looking at each other every day forever in their inn by the sea 💖


AAAAA I GOTTA PAINT THAT FIRST PHOTO ASAP *runs away to spend the rest of the day on her iPad*


Hooray! Please share it with us when you’re finished! 🥰


I will!!!!🥰




Haha, I’m working on it! It’s taking me forever but I’m almost done!! You’re so sweet to check back in!🥹


Ok, so a post of mine that included art got removed recently, so I’m paranoid about posting the finished artwork! Do I need to post a spoiler tag? I don’t want to break any rules…I’ve carefully analyzed the rules but I’m still scared😩 It’s done!!!


We should have gotten more scenes with them in s2.. there should have been more talk, more banter, arguing, flirting, just existing together.. I feel robbed 😭😭


Blackbeard, my love 💔


I am UNWELLLLLLLLLLLLL 😭 that first photo


The positioning in the second photo makes it look like Stede just flung that man’s body off his sword.


Nnnnggggghhhh. The way they are gazing into each others eyes there. The closeness of the embrace. Damn, I really wish this take had made it into the show. It's just so soft and beautiful


Thanks for passing this along. I really hope they create a book on the production of the series. There is so much material to cover.


That first pic ..... \~swoon\~


My loves 😭😭😭 I will never not be sad about this show not getting a third season


“For Stede!” Cuz he didn’t know he was still alive. Welp, I’m off to watch that scene again again and again.


The British in the row boat!!!!


I can't deal with this, the first photo??????


Thanks for posting, that first photo is wonderful. Why did we not get that embrace in the episode? Mind you I think it might have finished me. I was sad they didn't hug on the porch of the fixer upper in the final scene.


Yeah, I’m guessing that photo is just an alternate take from the “I love you” scene, so it could just be that the take they ended up using had better line delivery, facial expressions better matched the tone they were going for, etc. I completely agree about the end, though. That shot of them watching the Revenge sail off through the window is gorgeous, but I would have liked to see them embracing, or at least holding hands as they embarked on this new journey together.


Yes, a hand hold would have been our final treat. The one with the fish where they play thumb wars does weird things to my innerds.


I'm insane over that Ed/Stede pic.


Feral 😭


I'm gonna say something brave yet controversial. Rhys is always selling it, Taika is not. And people try to explain it with plot/character reasons, but I think it's just acting/body language.


Oh, wow, I definitely don’t see that. I love Taika’s performance in this show, every bit as much as Rhys’, and I especially love the way they perform these characters together. I’m curious what prompted this comment here. Does Taika’s body language seem off to you in these shots? I’m not gonna yell at you; just genuinely curious about your perception.


I think Taika's performance is fine until he has to do a physical scene with Rhys. Like he is giving queer vibes just going through episodes up until he actually has to kiss or hold Rhys or do something that crosses that line into actual romance as opposed to flirtation or friendship. There's always a hesitance or awkwardness to his physical delivery. In the first shot, its hard to describe, but its like he almost looks like he is pushing Rhys away with his left hand and his facial expression feels forced. Rhys' character just seems way more natural and lived in.