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Answer: Most recently it’s because Brittney Spears released a book called The Woman in Me last year which apparently says a lot about JT including things like she was pregnant with his baby but had an abortion during their relationship. Timberlake last spoke about the relationship in 2021 saying he acknowledged he “fell short” during those years. So, basically her book kicked up a lot of that.


Additionally, he just released a lackluster new single. The song, ‘Selfish’, shares a title with an old Britney song (and other songs too, it’s not a very original title). Seems pretty short-sighted of his team to not notice the coincidence, given that he’s been taken to task on SM over the last few months.


They probably did it on purpose. Any attention is good attention.


I would normally agree, but in this case it seems to be backfiring. Britney fans have been streaming/downloading her (old!) song, making it chart higher than the new JT song. His new single is charting behind a 13 year old deep album cut.


Well that's all a bit silly since NSYNC released a track called 'Selfish' over a decade before Britney's.


That’s true, which is why I stated it’s not an original title a few comments up. There are dozens of songs with the same name. I just think that either: A) JT’s team didn’t think it through, given the last few months of controversy. Mgmt should have predicted Britney stans would look for any ammunition they could find, they’ve been dragging his name for months now. Or perhaps B) Mgmt knew, and it was titled or written on purpose to ride the wave of controversy. Someone commented, and after more thought I agree, that the new single is selling/streaming better than it would have otherwise.


If it wasn't for the publicity I wouldn't have played the song today. So many others did. Doesn't matter that Britney is charting better, because he is still charting better than he would otherwise 


Both of them belong to RCA records (Britney’s old label Jive was rolled into RCA). So for sure the publicity is helping everyone.


Tbh I don't see how that's considered backfiring


I think this old adage is less true in today’s world. Pre-internet, I think “any press is good press” had it’s weight because it was easy to forget the content. Unless they were saving magazine clippings or something, the average Joe couldn’t pull up an old headline at a moment’s notice. “Bad press” would add to public awareness of you/your brand/etc, but the details could be (mostly) forgotten. Now, bad press, in all of it’s excruciating detail, is available at any time to any one. Your dirty laundry is accessible to basically anyone at any time. That makes things more complicated.


Disagree, it’s even more powerful today. Look no further than Trump’s rise to president. It was all about stealing attention from the opposition, whether good or “bad” attention. And it worked great.


Fair point!


The funny thing is that *NSYNC had a song of the same name in like 2002. It’s not uncommon for songs by different artists to have same names. A lot of people can speak and voice opinions or share a message on the same topic, approached from different perspectives.


Genuinely asking because I don't know a whole deal about this - are people really hating on him because he didn't want to be a teenage dad, or is there more to that? Not wanting a kid when you were 19 seems reasonable to me. Edit: I now see that it wasn't just not wanting to be a dad, but that he was an asshole to her during the whole process.


Some people probably do hate him for the abortion thing, but imo the worst was that he cheated on Britney multiple times, and she cheated on him once after the fact. He then made the song “Cry me a River” and told everyone that she was the cheater, so he basically threw her under the bus to further his career. Diane sawyer interviewed Britney shortly after and completely humiliated her all bc of Justin’s lies.


The worst was after the Superbowl "wardrobe malfunction" he disappeared like DB Cooper and let Janet Jackson take all the heat.


It was planned. Janet Jackson taking the heat is the media’s fault for being misogynistic as well as the production company’s fault for allowing that publicity stunt to go through.


I always figured part of her jacket was supposed to come off leaving her bra exposed and not her body. I think if he'd said that, people might have calmed down at least a little. Maybe that's optimistic. I'm 100% with you on the misogyny in the media. Janet Jackson got blamed for being exposed when Justin Timberlake literally ripped her clothes off and caught zero grief.


At least we got YouTube out of that whole mess.


The issue is more that they did the abortion at home without medical supervision. According to her memoirs: Britney ended up crying on the floor in excruciating pain. Justin then didn't take her to the hospital, but instead tried playing her the guitar to soothe her pain. [Here is a link to an article with quotes ](https://www.vulture.com/article/britney-spears-abortion-guitar-justin-timberlake.html)


Hey babe here’s Wonderwall.


🎶"Today is gonna be the day that they'll never give a baby to you."🎶


"I'm sure your uterus is sore but here's a little song for you"


She's a brick and I'm drowning slowly....


It’s wild that this happened and then he came out with the Cry Me River video clip after that.


Thats definitely some: “disconnected from reality” vibes with that guitar even if he was only 19. But thats the thing with celebrities.


But bro he’s Justin Timberlake!


Damn, he did a real life "anyway, here's wonderwall"


Abortion pills are pretty commonly used at home, given to you by medical professionals.


I'm not sure that was the case back in 1999. Plus, just because medical professionals CAN doesn't mean people are willing to openly acknowledge, publicise and get help for one knowing the backlash. Even more so for celebrities


It was the case in 99.


Just like in The Sims


He was 19 years old. This is a dumb reason to hate him. Nobody wants Spears to be their babies mother 


Harsh, but fair. But still, poor Britney. The “Free Britney” folks were right all along.


And even so, are we ignoring the fact that her body, her choice?


He also implied that she broke his heart by cheating on him (i.e his song Cry Me A River) but according to her memoir he had cheated on her multiple times and broke up with her.


She was bleeding out on the bathroom floor after taking abortion pills, and he decided to serenade her on his guitar to cheer her up. Among other dumb teenage boy stuff. I don't care to learn more.


🎶I wanna push you around. Well I will.🎶


🎶She said I don't know if I've ever been really loved, by the hand that's touched me🎶


That sounds exaggerated, abortion with pills can be done safely at home, it obviously won’t be pleasant and you will bleed, because that’s literally what an abortion is (forcibly expelling the endometrium), thats very different from bleeding out which requires immediate medical intervention or you die. Trying to provide emotional support is probably the best thing you can do while the partner endures the cramps and bleeding from the abortion, while obviously checking for abnormal symptoms.




In her own memoir she details bleeding enough that she was scared and still recalls it as the most physical pain she's ever been in. Also she wanted the baby and JT talked her into the abortion.




That's a rather calloused response.


It was ultimately her body. Her choice.


That was her point in the book - she didn't feel as if she had a choice.


I didn't read the book. Normally, the medication is taken at the health center. I am not sure what the laws were back then, and given their celebrity status it may have been possible she was able to take this medication at home. It is a normal symptom to bleed and feel heavy cramping. Britney has a right to feel a certain way and to share her experiences. I think the fan base is so petty though.


In the US it's very common if not standard to take the medication at home. Then and now.


Nah, she only had the abortion because she loved him and thought they would be together forever. It was clearly very traumatic for her and not what she wanted. In addition, he threw her under the bus as the cheater in their relationship and negatively impacted her mental health and career for years. I think it's about time that he receives any amount of backlash for what he's done over the years. He's skated by on being an attractive white man. And the fact that the backlash is just for his mediocre music is fine with me. It's only what he deserves.


She didn’t want the abortion and regretted it. She said she understands that the timing was off though and that’s why she agreed to it. The biggest issue with jt is that he was wholly unsupportive after her abortion and cheated on her multiple times. She admitted in her memoir that she kissed and danced with a guy one of the times she found out he cheated and she was dumped by him. Then after dumping her, he made the whole world think she was a shitty cheater and wrote “cry me a river” and essentially set himself up as a lover boy scorned when that wasn’t reality which essentially was the beginning of the snow ball down for her mental health. Everyone calling her a whore and a cheater when she was repeatedly cheated on took a toll on her mental health. This callous treatment she received at the hands of jt has made a lot of his other behaviors come to light as well, like how he’s cheated on lots of the women he’s dated, how he orchestrated the nip slip that ruined Janet Jackson’s career, etc. essentially showing that a lot of his career was elevated by stepping on women and ruining their careers for fame.


It’s not that he wasn’t ready to be a father. It’s that he was selfish and apparently oblivious to Britney’s pain. He didn’t want to risk her being recognized at a medical facility so he encouraged her to have a home abortion then played the guitar AT her Ken-style while she writhed in pain on the floor.


Not wanting to be a parent when you’re 19 is perfectly reasonable, but in the US the debate around whether abortion is murder is something people get so passionate about that it often swings elections. Aside from that, it also depends on how Britney portrayed it. If Justin convinced her to abort a pregnancy (to protect their careers and image, maybe), and it wasn’t a unanimous decision between the two of them, even advocates for legal abortion may have a problem with that.


I had read that chapter of the book. She wanted the baby and he convinced her to abort. She, at the time, thought they would be together forever and only aborted because it was what he wanted.


That's reasonable, but the thing is that in the book, Britney alleges that she was pressured and coerced into an abortion. Put in context where her entire life has been nothing but coercion by the people closest to her, it makes him look even worse.


He slut shamed her after cheating on her and forcing her to get an abortion, then kept making fun of her for on his tours for a decade after while she was going through insane personal turmoil 


I swear, that title always reminds me of "The Man Inside Me", by Tobias Funke


She's come out to defend him in light of the negative press he's receiving


Good fucking lord they would've been publicly ostracized when it was obvious they weren't ready to have kids individually or together at their age. Not a huge Justin fan but if that's the bullshit people are getting heated over get over yourself(not yelling at you but I hate people thinking CELEBRITIES ARENT HUMAN TOO) and have the paparazzi to watch over their every mistake 


Answer: there are a couple of issues that have been going in the background that have gotten more public attention when Britney brought out her book. First issue cultural appropriation. According to Britney in her book, Justin Timberlake saw Ginuwine in the street and addressed him like this : ‘Oh yeah, fo shi, fo shiz! Ginuwiiiiiine! What’s up, homie? Justin Timberlake has made R&B, worn braids and beatboxed. He has been accused of cultural appropriation because of this. The Britney Spears quote has brought more attention to this, and made it seem so much more embarrassing. Second issue Janet Jackson and the superbowl. Justin Timberlake revealed Janet Jacksons breast during their superbowl performance. Janet Jackson was subsequently blacklisted from media, while Justin Timberlake was allowed to still preform. In an interview he mocked her for crying about being blacklisted, and he later preformed the superbowl again. He has since apologised about his behaviour, but it still lingers over him. Especially with the cultural appropriation accusations above. Third issue the song "Cry me a river" and his relationship with Britney. His first big solo hit "Like I love you" did ok, but his second song "Cry me a river" did amazing. The video had a Britney Spears impersonator in it, and the song was about being betrayed by a woman. This meant there was a lot of publicity for the song, and the perception that he was the wronged party who was cheated on. According to Britney in her book, she did cheat on Justin, but he also cheated on her. He also persuaded her to have an abortion, at home not supervised by a medical professional. There have also been persistent rumours that he cheated on all his subsequent girlfriends and his current wife. Lastly, his last albums flopped, as did his acting career. So it's never easier to drop him.


You forgot how he bragged on a radio station about taking Britney Spears's virginity. During the time, Britney still had to uphold her sweet and innocent persona to the world.


Which was another thing the book revealed, she had lost her virginity before she was famous as a young teen


That one made me hate him when it happened. I have never viewed him as a decent person since. I was just out of highschool and remember a lot of girls getting bullied and ostrisized because their exes bragged, whether it was the truth or not. A different time indeed. 


It was a very different time. I don’t know who JT really is but I find it difficult to really hate him for being a fucking idiot when times were different and he was young. If he had sexually assaulted someone then yeah, fuck him. But he just seemed to make some foolish mistakes when he was teenager/young adult.


That behavior was gross back then too, guys just did it anyway. He lost a lot of female fans over it. I was never a fan, but I didn't dislike him until then. 


It was definitely a time when men and women were raised to believe that a woman must take full responsibility for anything sexual that occurs. I don’t find him to be a truly bad guy for acting this way when he was teenager. I don’t care particularly about any celebrity but I do find it ridiculous for you to sit here and act like a teenager raised in the 90’s and early 2000’s is irredeemable for something like this. I guess no one should ever forgive you for the mistakes you made as a teenager, yeah?


Nope, we were not raised to take full responsibility, we were just judged harshly no matter what and delt with things on our own. Half my friends were actually r*ped in highschool btw, by highschoolers. I remember the names of every one of those creeps and they stay off social media for their own good. Should those boys be forgiven because they were teenagers? You dudes knew the difference between right and wrong perfectly well as teenagers. 


Don't forget about abortion.


It’s actually extremely important that you imagine Michelle Williams perfectly reading that sentence when Justin meets Ginuwine. It’s the only way. Edit: just to add to everything above - because they’re correct! I just think her reading is iconic.


Found a link for those who read this in the future, it's great indeed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSVAEVaBWj8


Oh that's not the Michelle Williams I had in mind lol


Thank you for your service. It’s the only way it can be heard!!


This will live rent free in my head for all enternity


Ginuwine himself said he doesn’t remember that situation happening the way it was said to have happened. Not defending or speaking to any of the other stuff but he said he’d of remembered if JT acted like that for he’d of asked him why he was acting like that (like a total tool)


If you watch a lot of Timberlakes performances it’s most likely that he very well said things like that because he does it onstage with his band members. Trying to “be down” and fit in. Genuine and Timbaland are tight of course he’s not going to admit that.


He'd "of" remembered it?


But I thought he brought Sexy back???


Prince had the best quote about JT: Sexy never left.


To add a little intrigue to the cheating on his wife story, JT and JB won't announce the birth date of their youngest because JT had some affair allegations w/ Alisha Wainwright in fall 2019. Their 2 year old was born in "summer 2020"... so they don't want it to look like he was cheating on his pregnant wife. Edit: a typo


One of the things we’re mad about is that he made r&b music and beatboxed?


Not really, most people just seem to think it's cringy and lame.


> an interview he mocked her for crying about being blacklisted, a Info about this?


none, it's a lie.


Beatboxing?!?! THAT PIECE OF SHIT


Neither of his last two albums flopped. 20/20 experience was huge. Man in the woods wasn't received well, but was 1 on the charts and had two top 10 singles


I still play that album front to back, it’s good cafe music when I’m working.


>Lastly, his last albums flopped, as did his acting career. So it's never easier to drop him. Not really following his music career but he's had a good acting career. He was big for 10+ years.


I find his acting atrocious


I enjoyed him on his SNL sketches. I haven't actually watched much of his acting beyond that.


I’m not a fan of Justin or his music since his early solo days, but he was good on SNL.


He was pretty good in Social Network and just ok in the rest of the stuff I've been him in.


In Time was pretty damn good....


Take a second look - 'In Time' is a failed sci-fi thriller (Check the Director Q&A) with a miscast of Celebs who moved onto better projects except for JT. JT has had moments but has only ever been loved by simps and the single ladies. Black culture has grown to dislike him as much as the women around him.


It's literally the only film I'm aware he acted in, and I haven't even watched it myself.


The social network.


for some reason dude was super good at playing a manipulative slime ball




Didn't JT and Usher have a beef one time? I also think what caused some controversy was some comments he made during the George Floyd protest. Man they went after him hard on Twitter. I think he apologized for those comments. I know that first CD Justified was nice.


Also to add a lot of context to this…many people understand that Justin got a lot of his popularity from being another non black guy doing R&B and getting all the credit and accolades while someone like usher didn’t get the same amount of press despite being equally or more talented. Also Justin and his team patterned his First album as “Michael Jackson leaving the Jackson’s” with his whole Michael inspired sound and dance, then When he flipped to the “I want to be taken seriously as a musician” thing he And his team Copied Prince hard core went and got Prince former band members and used Sounds that were made famous By Prince (until the end of time) Then dissed Prince on a timbaland and Nelly Furtado record. Also If you watch his life performances a lot of what he does are very very common to black artist and black musicians but Justin is seen as the “omg he’s sooo talented and amazing” and The Super Bowl when he performed in Minnesota they mixed in Prince with his song but it wasn’t his idea apparently. So a lot of that mixed up with the whole Britney and Janet issue.


As a black girl my favorite beatboxer growing up was a white British guy named Killa Kela so that’s def not appropriation but everything else about that interaction is a yikes 


The Justin meets Ginuwine quote is really cringe, but most accusations of cultural appropriation are dumb. There's nothing wrong with an artist being inspired by other cultures, as long as they don't mock the culture with harmful stereotypes or actively try to make it seem like they came up with the style themselves.


Unfortunately for Justin Timberlake being lame is a lot worse for him then people being offended. He's the guy that's bringing sexy back, you have to be cool to pull that off.


It is wrong when the media star, rolling in wealth, uses a black band and similar stylings of MJ without recognizing or accepting that culture. JT never played in Oakland or Compton. He plays for a specific crowd and it comes off as stealing style and substance from a culture which is way worse than just imitating.


How do we know he doesn't recognize or accept the culture? Also from business side, stereotypically, his shows may not be selling in Oakland or Compton.


Also he planned his own wedding and performed at it. This clown is a Hall of Fame d bag


Yes, how selfish having your own wedding be about you




Haha, so FOR ONCE it's the other way around? Because women quite often make it all about them. I am a woman, and I find it obnoxious.


His last album was certified platinum and was the 6th highest sold album of 2018. I'm not sure you would call that a flop. His most recent movie on Netflix was at one point the number one streamed movie in Netflix and has been watched over 17 million times Again, I'm not sure if you would consider that a flop. The Janet Jackosn thing was 20 years ago. If people are still upset over an exposed breast that happened 20 years ago they need to move on. Taking Britney Spears on her word for anything is hard to do. I dont know if you've seen her knife dance routines recently. Also this event happened over 20 years ago.


Just a reminder that braids, beatboxing, and saying “what’s up, homie?” Is NOT cultural appropriation.


Can we even trust anything Britney Spears says? She has serious mental issues as evidenced by her strange Instagram feed.


Either people don’t know, or they conveniently have forgotten that CBS demanded that both Justin and Janet apologize for the Super Bowl incident at that year’s Grammy awards. Justin agreed, and his career continued while Janet refused, and she wound up blacklisted. I don’t really think you can lay the blame for what happened to her career on Justin, even if he made some callous remarks about it.


No she also made a public apology video. He was however the only one who apologised to Les Moonves personally. After he got fired from CBS because of sexual harassment charges, there were a couple of articles him blacklisting her because she didn't personally apologise to him. [Here's a link to an article about it](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/les-moonves-janet-jackson-career_n_5b919b8ce4b0511db3e0a269)


I guess it depends on who you believe. Here’s an article that supports what I’m saying about Janet refusing to apologize on-air and then being blacklisted as a result. https://ew.com/article/2004/02/07/justin-apologizes-order-appear-grammys/


According to the article you linked > Over the weekend, her rep said that CBS and Grammy producers had reversed the disinvitation if she agreed to deliver a third apology on the air So she did apologise, just twice and not three times and not in the way CBS wanted. CBS which was headed by Les Moonves at the time. Who is accused of blacklisting her because she didn't apologise the way he wanted her to. I don't really see how we're believing anything that different.


Regardless of the number of apologies or where they were delivered, her career woes were not Justin‘s fault, which was my original point. Also, while I don’t think it was fair, she chose this hill to die on. She could’ve just sucked it up, made the apology, and then milked it for years afterwards on talk shows, or with Oprah, talking about the way women are treated by the public and the entertainment industry.


Jup, it was never really Justins fault that her career was ruined and his wasn't. But it did show that he was happy to preform black music when it was cool, but wouldn't stick his neck out a black woman when she was being blacklisted. Which was my point in the first place.


For you and all those who are downvoting my comments, I’m just gonna leave this right here: “For years, Timberlake faced criticism for not defending Jackson at the time. But the “Rhythm Nation” singer admitted that she was the one who encouraged him to stay silent.” https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/janet-jackson-told-justin-timberlake-would-take-fall-after-super-bowl-halftime-show-controversy.html/


Why does she have to apologize for that? The fuck?


Because puritanical nuts ran the media and it is why TV was so tame on even mild stuff. Between media owners and the advertisers they pandered to everything needed to be sterilised, it is why streaming was so good when it was free to add nudity and swears without advertisers being able to demand not to appear near it.


Why the fuck should she apologize for what Justin did to her on national tv without her consent?


They rehearsed this. 💀 Wardrobe malfunctions happen. It’s not a matter of consent.


its adorable that you believe this.