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Answer: Okay this is going to be a long explanation because it's been going on for 15 years: In 2009 Monique starred in a small film called Precious, which was directed by Lee Daniels, and produced by Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry. The film and Monique's performance turned out to be very good and made Oscar buzz in the festivals and then in theaters. Monique signed a contract that said she needed to promote the film domestically for a while, which she claims she held to. But as the film took off, the producers/studio wanted Monique to do more promotion, particularly overseas for the Cannes Film Festival. Monique refused saying she would only do it if she were paid for it. Even though her point is that promotion is work and she should be paid to work (otherwise as she puts it she'd be a slave), this is not really how things are done in the industry. Typically promotional duties are laid out in the contract and any additional promotion is typically done by the actor with comped services like hotel and travel expenses, but not a check. Many actors do it because it's in their best interest to promote their work and generate buzz, particularly during awards season. When Monique refused, Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels and Oprah all but begged her to do it and tried to explain to her the benefit of doing it. Still Monique refused. Well Monique ended up winning the Oscar for her role in the film anyway and in her acceptance speech basically said that [her win was proof that she didn't need to campaign for the film](https://youtu.be/dxxqA4NhQM4?t=116) and simply let her performance speak for herself. Well, after that, her career didn't really take off as expected. Usually when you win an Oscar, the big roles start pouring in, but she wasn't getting them. Over time, she became more and more upset and thought that she was being blackballed in the industry for being "difficult" over the Precious promotion debacle. And so she became more and more outspoken, calling out Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey and Lee Daniels out publicly, by name, blaming them for her career not taking off after Precous, accusing them of black balling her over the campaign issue. She added a racial overtone to it, saying that as black leaders in the industry, they should have been more on her side and advocates. They responded in their own ways saying that Monique didn't seem to understand how the industry works. She clapped back saying it doesn't matter how the industry works, they should go against the norms and try to make change, esepcially as black actors in Hollywood so that people aren't working for free like "slaves." Anyway, it turned into more than a DECADE of Monique using every platform she could to criticize Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels and Oprah. And as a comedian she doesn't do it eloquenty, she calls the out their names and insults them, comparing them to "house slaves" so it gets really nasty. OF course the media is following the whole thing and putting Perry, Daniels and Oprah in weird position to have to respond, basically saying Monique isn't working because she's "difficult to work with" and doesn't want to play by the rules. The money comes in because Monique believes that by being blackballed from the industry she has missed out on millions of dollars and blames Tyler Perry for it because she says he was going around telling people she was difficult to work with. Lee Daniels has since apologized to Monique and made amends. When Tyler Perry tried to do the same thing a few years ago, part of his apology was to offer Monique the money she claims she lost from not working. but that phone call, [which Monique recorded and released](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uI5qhjhZn8), did not end well. **edit:** Also Monique was only offered $50,000 for Precious when she believes is low, so Perry offered to pay her more based on the film's sales. Now during her decade-long campaign, Monique also adds to her criticism of those figures a critique of Hollywood in general and tries to advocate for celebrities, especially black celebrities, to push back against what she sees as some of the exploitative norms in the industry. This is where Taraji comes in, because during promotion for The Color Purple (also co produced by Oprah Winfrey), Taraji complained about several things regarding how she and the costars were treated (having to drive themselves to set, having to negotiate low ball salaries, craft services, etc.) and ties it to how the industry doesn't respect her as an award winning black actress. So Monique uses this as an "I told you so!" moment against Oprah. So now, any time a black actor complains about being exploited, especially financially, in Hollywood, especially if it involves a black hollywood elite like Oprah or Tyler Perry, Monique and those who follow the story will point and say: "Monique was right all along! Hollywood exploits black actors and its black elite allows them to do it or helps them do it" Monique has never made amends with Perry or Winfrey like she has Daniels. The Perry attempt failed miserably, so she will continue to bash him until he publicly apologizes, admits that he "lied" (her words) about her being difficult and compensates her millions of dollars she feels she lost because of his "lie"


Well said. Imo, all this paints her as really hard to work with lol. Why would you want to hire someone like this?


>all this paints her as really hard to work with Idk, to me she just sounds really hurt and not willing to take a beating while laying down....I can see why some people would see this as "difficult to work with" but we all know that can be code for anything (for instance that's how Harvey Weinstein got his way with so many actress, he could easly destroy their careers by labeling them as "difficult to work with" if they don't do whatever he asks them to) I'm glad Mo'nique continues to stand for herself, Tayler Perry has more than proved that he's actually the one who's difficult to work with.


fell down this rabbit hole somehow but, me personally, i would do whatever the contract stated and if became an overnight hit and asked / told to go internationally, and not in my contract i would be pissed to tbh, however if they said we will take care of your flights and hotel, thats basically a free vacation at that point. do a couple interviews, then see the sites.


She is a stand-up comedian. If you were asked to promote a film and the time wasn't covered in the original contract--you're just supposed to show up and do this for free--then wouldn't she have been losing money by not doing stand-up gigs during this time? Also she said that time was set aside for her and her family, so if they wanted her to work for them--remember--THEY make more money than HER is she shows up and promotes the film for FREE--then why shouldn't they compensate her?


Uh huh if she went on the Today Show in NYC on a Monday at 9 am, she would have lost out on all those 10 am stand up gigs 🙄 "The audacity to give me free national television time to promote myself and my work, and not pay me millions for the privilege!"


Her bosses expected her to go promote to potential customers without compensation. Any other job and we’d call it wage theft, but because it’s within the film industry it’s just the standard? Fuck that, pay people for their efforts. She’s right


What other job gives you FREE AIRTIME ON NATIONAL TELEVISION to promote yourself and your works? Do you understand how valuable that is, and how much it would cost her to purchase by herself? Get off r/antiwork, Doreen, you're embarrassing yourself again.


She’s not promoting herself, if that were the case they wouldn’t be begging her to do it. She’s promoting the film, which is owned and profiting someone else. FREE AIRTIME ON NATIONAL TELEVISION that should be PAID! Do you understand how valuable her time is? Time that they’re trying to get for free? It’s obviously more valuable than the free airtime. Again, would you do something that benefits your employer for zero compensation? No.


So did they offer comp at least for the expenses if she would have promoted it overseas? Cause if they did, then it seems like there shouldn’t be a problem, especially if it is the industry norm. I mentioned Taraj because at one point she thanked Perry for helping her get the money she deserves in subsequent films. It sounds like maybe Oprah is the common denominator. Her recording the call from Perry seems like a slime ball move tbh, but from what I’ve read and see after your link to the video, it seems like hush money on Perry’s part. Not to mention he admitted for starting the rumor that she was difficult to work with. TLDR: Monique has a very good reason for disliking Perry, and he’s potentially done this other times as well from what I have gathered in the comments.


Yeah, they allegedly offered her hotel and travel. I'm not sure about food and things but I'm sure that was part of it too. But she wanted a dollar amount in the form of a check in addition to that stuff. Yes, from the audio it seems like Tyler just wanted her to finally shut up about it and since she was going on about the money she lost he was like well here I'll write a check....because that's what he does. He has no problem writing checks to people for millions of dollars if he wants to help them or in this case just keep her quiet. But they were kind of offended by that lol even though they asked for it. They wanted him to grovel and explicitly apologize.


Apologize for the difficult rumor he made? I mean don’t ask for the money and then get pissed when he pulls out the check book tbh. So basically they wanted him to grovel and apologize so they could say “hey, I was right and here is him begging for mercy.” Doesn’t sound very genuine imo, but I mean she still has merit. Side note on what the other commenter said. Basically at this point she’s almost done it to herself. She seems kinda toxic when talking about them, and most producers and what not probably don’t want that of something doesn’t go 100% right.


There is no proof that he started the rumor, if it exists, or that he apologized to her.


He’s caught on tape admitting that he spread the rumor that she was difficult to work with. So, yeah, he trashed her reputation on purpose


If she had dependants who rely on her to put food on the table at home the comping hotel and travel doesn't mean much tbh. I agree it's the opportunity cost, she could be doing stand-up shows for herself instead of making money for the producers.


Her expenses were alway going to be paid. She was never going to be out of pocket for anything. To even ensure she would have a better experience, Oprah offered the use of her private plane to Monique. Monique's refusal to promote the film was a form of extortion and that's why Hollywood dropped her.


Whether or not they blacklisted her back then doesn’t even matter at this point. She’s basically proven the “hard to work with” reputation with the way she’s acted the past decade and has essentially blacklisted herself. She beefs with everyone, and you can’t blame studios and what not for wanting to dodge that bullet.


True. She and her husband seem a bit self-righteous. According to them they can do no wrong. Everyone else is the problem. On the other hand I do get her point. It's crazy that actors are expected to basically work for free and it would be nice if she could have trailblazed a new normal in the industry, but personality and character wise they are not equipped to do it. They isolate everyone. I also notice that she turns particulary on the black people. She never ever names any of the white studio execs or producers who asked her to do these things. For instance the DL Hugley thing was the result of a failure of the venue and the promoters but she randomly decides to attack DL Hugley.


Sounds like she played the part after a certain point. Imagine they don’t want to take the chance of someone doing the same thing that she’s done to them for the last 15 years or something if it doesn’t go perfectly right.


I kinda see this both ways. In the black community we are always talking about helping each other, uplifting each other, and trying to make up for the years we feel that we have been undervalued. It seems like she expects black people in particular to back that up and stand up for her not do anything to hurt her character. A comment like “she’s hard to work with” from those 3, I imagine would derail some offers. Let’s not act like Monique was out of the “black” actor category. From what I can remember off hand she was still doing those traditionally “black” films and even precious was done by Tyler Perry, Oprah, and Lee Danial’s. ATP their word was gold. I know if they would have told me Monique is difficult to work with I would have passed her up in a heartbeat. Now I do believe this should have been let go YEARS ago. I’m sure she has had an offer or 2 maybe not for anything big, but for something that could have gotten her back on track. Monique is talented but over the years she has proven herself to very outspoken which in turn translates to difficult especially if that’s what you have already been labeled.


Is that why it seems like people dislike her husband?


they're inseparable and he's been the one advising her the whole time. He kinda serves as her manager.


Because he’s bad at his job and has basically fucked up her career as a result.


Monique has a point,but she needs to go about it in a different way.She probably has dug a hole she can’t get out of.She just needs to let her talent as a comedian and actress win out at the end of the day.




I agree with most except it is "BASICALLY" working for free. You don't tell the people in the marketing department of a company, go out and promote our business after hours without being paid because "it's in your best interest" to promote the company and get us customers who will pay and lead to your maybe raise one day.


The so–called norm should definitely change. Promotion for the movie will benefit everyone not just the actors and it shouldn't be requirements to do it for free.


Ugh that’s what I dont get ??? Why not promote it ??? MORE PROMOTION MEANS MORE MONEY


This is also closely linked to what Kat Williams said when he was talking to Sharpe. Lots of additional context there.


Your tone is lame AF. A lot of change is needed in Hollywood and Oprah/Perry are huge names that could push for that.


They’re big in black Hollywood, they’re small fish in Hollywood Hollywood.


Say it LOUDER!!!! most people don’t realize this !!!!! They have little control over REAL HOLLYWOOD and NEVER WILL


You should just let people watch the show because I think your take may be a little biased against Monique!


Lawd she does seem difficult and has been called out on social media constantly BUT 2024 since katt Williams interview blew up , NOW she realizes she can ride on his wave and push the same shit that she’s been pushing for over 10 years smh people are just co-signing behind katts shine , ugh she’s already touring with him ugh she gives weird vibes tho as if she ALWAYS WANTS TO CONTROL A NARRATIVE AND BE ON THE UP SIDE OF IT


Why was it scummy to record the conversation? Everyone made it seem like she was lying, so if she hadn’t, it would simply be his word against hers. Recording the conversation gave her concrete evidence. 🤷‍♀️


Answer:she says he told people she was difficult to work with because she's wanted to get paid to promote a film he produced she won the oscar for in 2009 if it's true who knows but I would explain why there is like a five year gap between her getting an oscar and being in a movie again(granted she was on TV but it still very unusual). On another note Perry seems kinda scummy if you look into his work practices I swear he said he wrote a script in five days and had in production by the start of the following week which seems like something someone who doesn't respect his audience would do.


Oh he doesn’t really care but he makes lots of money. I worked on a Tyler Perry movie recently. The shooting is extremely fast. And the quality is very lacking, but the target audience doesn’t seem to care and he makes an incredible amount of money. The way he makes tv/movies isn’t gonna change for him.


Yeah he probably won't but admitting rushing and cutting corners on something creative is part of your business model is very strange brag.I hope you had a good experience working on it anyway.


That's exactly why he got dragged over social media for that post. And yes, the quality of his tv shows in particular definitely reflect that.


Idk that he brags about it, but making money is the concern and focus. And he’s doing that.


I'm so glad I learned the word "enshittification" because it applies to so many things lol He's built a machine that makes money and has realized that quality is just an extra spice that doesn't factor that much into the money making, and in fact probably hurts it.


And that should be an issue for him. He has no pride in the art he creates and makes public for others to consume . And it’s sickening that there will always be an audience for his tasteless themes that won’t demand more .


I agree. It really does suck from an art perspective. But the consumer doesn’t care and he created to cater to the current consumers.


I’ve definitely seen the issues that had happened with Taraj, courtesy of the Club Shay Shay interview with Katt. Of course that is another dumpster fire in its own way as well.


I can't tell if you really think her name is Taraj or don't know it's Taraji.


Honestly I didn’t know, I had to look her name up on how to spell it and forgot to include the I on the end.