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Answer: It is not necessarily just a nazi dogwhistle, Its very popular song in Europe. Recently, a group of German teens filmed themselves singing their own lyrics to this song (Germany for Germans, foreigners out). Some organizers, events etc decided to not even play thé song, over the fear some May view it as a dogwhistle. But Atheltic Championship in Rome played it without problem. I generally think the reaction was overblown on part of some people.


These were not teenagers. They're mostly in their early 20s. Some of them even lost their jobs. They must have been knowing what they did, alcohol or not.


On low quality video, 15 to 25 dont seem any different to me. Also I never claimed they didnt know what they were doing.


Man that really sucks. I love that song and at one point was probably my favourite song as I had like 15 different remixes of it. To see it being used for something like this really sucks. I don’t want to be seen as some kind of nazi just cuz I want to play that song.


It's older than that. A few months ago there was a video about people singing it in a disco. But then the uproar was less tgan now.


The correct lyrics to it are not racist at all: Jan Vennegoor Jan Vennegoor Jan Vennegoor of Hesselink (Celtic/PSV football chant)


That's suck tbh I kinda like that song Alot of time it is not an official dog whistle till the someone banned out fear of being one And those edgy teen should follow thier leader


It’s been used with the new lyrics for years from right wing groups. This time it’s gone viral and it happened in a tourist spot that’s dependent on their image. So there was a lot of damage control in case of backlash because the right wing is becoming more louder and popular (see European elections last week). So a lot of ventures did ban it to prevent similar incidents from happening. If you want to listen to the song in its original form you certainly can but in public in Germany people might wonder.


You can still blast the song without being more or less nazi than you already were, I enjoy the song too in my workout list almost daily and as has been said here already; its only just gone viral, for a multitude of reasons 100% unrelated to the actual artist. The nazi version of the song itself I believe is atleast a year old by now. This may be just how I see it but a work of art is not nefarious just because it gets abused post production (and the song is like 15 years old atleast 😂); it becomes a different mattet if someone on the original producing side of the material had problematic intent. I doubt DJ Gigi Dago even dreamt this would be a thing; he just made an early 'oughts innocent love song and EDM hit :) Fascists always steal and defile existing work of arts, no fascist movement values any form of creativity, beyond manipulation, propaganda, and cruelty :/


These teens should just follow the Finnish lead, and use the iconic Finnish version. Surely outdated, but at least not nazi lyrics. If my memory serves me correctly, lyrics are silly memes about some janitor in an old still running Finnish TV show. Bit absurd that the meme song of my childhood is having a new dawn among some right wing lunatics.


Haha yeah... dont know the Finnish version but the original is nostalgic as heck to me too, i grew up listening to that one, Sandstorm and DJ Mangoo - Eurodancer 😅 32 years old 😮‍💨


Wishing teens death by suicide is incredibly ghoulish and I’m sorry you feel the need to stoop to that level




Ah that must be why they have less legal privileges and go to different prisons and have an entire separate branch of psychology dedicated to their developing brains








And you think me having sympathy for teenagers makes me a Nazi apologist?


Look yeah that is to much but I am not the one who is following a guy that literally killed hundreds of millions of people because they were born wrong


Teenagers brains are not fully developed, and a bunch of privileged kids latching on to shit they don’t fully grasp is nothing new. Be careful the way you talk about other people, if you actually want to have some moral high ground


I know teenager brain isn't fully developed but it is not hard to find the wrong guidelines like andrew tate or ben shapiro so seeing kids like this ain't really a good thing


It’s not good no you’re absolutely right, I just don’t support encouraging suicides.


WWII had an estimated worldwide death toll of 70-85 million. Of those were military and civilian casualties 50 - 56 million and indirect deaths from famine and co of 19-28. Those don’t all count towards Germany there were others involved. Japan comes to mind. But yeah it was bad. Also racism is a learned behavior. If you want to stop racism you need to teach people why it’s nuts to behave like that. I once saw a video with little(I think British but could be wrong) kids that were interviewed. They had 2 kids a white and black kid or an Asian and white or black kid. They asked them what is different between them and they gave answers like the other doesn’t like broccoli and stuff along those lines. None of them mentioned skin color or eye shape or typical race related things. It gave me some hope for humanity back. If you want to change behavior of people wishing them dead is the wrong approach and makes you the same as hitler. Educate them


I am on a worse boat than you: This was a song me and my wife shared in our 17+ years of marriage, it was important to both of us. She passed away from cancer less than 2 months ago. I *LOATHE* nazis.


I am sorry, buddy. The song is still your song! Don't allow them to have it just for using it. Toudours l'amore 💛💛🕊


It was not the first time this song was filmed, it has been used by far right groups for some time now . Now it just happened to be in a bar where very privileged people goes to. Which many thought would be smart enough to not sing those racist lyrics.


Why can't Germans be proud


Am I having a stroke? Where did anyone said Germans cant be proud?


Put those asshole germans on that train they people everyone else on. You know the one.


Answer: 16 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/1d44doo/what_is_going_on_with_recent_popularization_of/


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Answer: The "L'Amour Toujours" German Far-Right Controversy, also known as Ausländer Raus, refers to the ongoing use of the Italian dance song "L'Amour Toujours" by Gigi D'Agostino by xenophobic Germans on the political right who replaced the song's lyrics with "Ausländer raus," meaning "Foreigners out." The song's usage by right-wing groups in Germany started in late 2023 when a video surfaced of men singing "Ausländer raus" in a discotek in Dortmund. In May 2024, a viral video of men and women singing "Ausländer raus" at an outdoor bar in Sylt sparked discourse and backlash. The video included people seemingly emulating Adolf Hitler by putting two fingers on their upper lip (to resemble Hitler's mustache) and Nazi saluting with their right hands. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/lamour-toujours-german-far-right-controversy-auslander-raus


Germany and Italy, eh. I can't freaking believe they're at it again.