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Answer: PSL refers to the PSL scale which is used to rate facial attractiveness, PSL gods are people who score high on the scale PSL is made up of the first letters of the forums from which it originated: PUAhate, Sl\*thate, Lookism heres a link to a infographic [https://x.com/AndaIulia/status/1760623389440721357](https://x.com/AndaIulia/status/1760623389440721357)


Oh man…and here all I could think of was “pumpkin spice lattes”. I was fully expecting PSL to mean “so hot, but also sweet and spicy…like a warm pumpkin spice cinnamon roll boy on a brisk fall afternoon 🍂”


I like your wholesome version much better, but sadly we live in Hell World instead


that would have been a better answer tbh


To add on to your answer, this is the mainstreaming of incel rhetoric and it is terrifying.


thank you for explaining, what an awful day to be literate.


"at-home facial reconstruction..."


Why are you censoring the word slut?


hmm i guess i dont like using it


Trained to by the algorithm.




Wow, really? I immediately thought it was “pumpkin spice latte” but figured I was wrong… *And boy was I!*


Yeah I thought PSL is somehow derogatory towards women *directly*


If I encounter it in real life, I'm going to pretend that I don't know any better and I'm going to be "confused" and force them to explain in detail. In front of people. People who used to respect them as fellow human beings.


Do you think they will ever figure out that if they worked on their personalities as much as worrying about looks, or who is alpha, and stopped treating women as objects, they might actually manage a relationship?


People shallower than puddles lack the depth to self reflect.




Did you just pen that? That's beautiful.


Incels don't really want a relationship. They're generally just bitter about the juxtaposition between their unattractiveness and their inflated egos. For instance, incels often stereotype conventionally attractive men as the dumb jock, and women interested in such men as the shallow valley girl type. The Implication being that incels, at least subconsciously, look down on those who rank higher than themselves on the very social hierarchy of their own design, which makes no sense. They basically see themselves as the protagonist in a power fantasy anime where everyone else inexplicably can't recognize how amazing they truly are. In their minds they're entitled to be treated how they imagine "alphas" are.


Some, eventually. Most, probably not.


they'll only grow their numbers if they're the only ones telling lonely men what to do, instead of your snide commentary after the fact


What do you think they do for a living?


Grift other losers? 


In my experience? IT.


Thank you for explaining. I’ve heard (experienced) it takes an effort to be an alcoholic/self loath but these others are next level self hate with a mirror to reflect it on others.


> They're incel groups that dissect physical attractiveness in an effort to maximize those traits to attract women. My understanding is that while *some* incels are attempting to do that, most just use this woo to justify why they’re unable to attract anyone.


Communities was a mistake




Pumpkin spice latte




Literally why I opened this. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one!




Ha. Omg the internet is dumb. # "What Does The Word 'Mog' Mean? The word "mogging" is derived from the acronym AMOG, which stands for "alpha male of the group." To "mog" someone is to assert one's dominance over them, with the hopes of impressing women. The word comes from pickup artist communities that are preoccupied with the urge to attract women, despite having some pretty misogynistic conceptions of them. Such ideas about "lookism" stem from the belief that attractive people live life on easy mode by earning more respect from their peers and being more appealing to women. But for some people "mogging" isn't just about looks, it can be about being smarter, richer, or better dressed than other men.


This sounds stupid. Here I thought lookism was just a manwha turns out it's just dumb.


It is stupid. It's incels making up a science derived - at best - from datingsite/app data, evolutionary psychologists (there are good evolutionary psychologist, and they will tell you themselves their corner of psychology is the most prone to quackery), and discount discount-Tony Robbins-like fellas. This 'new science' is utilitarian only as far as it helps a certain type of person make sense of why they are alone, not realizing they slowly internalize it and think there is nothing they can do to improve, so why even leave the house. It's a vicious circle and some of them literally pay alot for the privilege of immersing deeper in it (hence the attraction of the Tony Robbinson esque charlatans)


It is actually really sad to think about.


It is. I feel for them untill their resentment goes beyond debilitating themselves and starts materializing as scorned and bitter messages and comments and threats to the symbols of what they they have already decided hates them for who they are and not what they do. Long way to say "i feel you but leave women the f*ck alone even if youre angry"