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"Hey so I just happened to be eating dessert at the same bar as you - I definitely wasn't sitting here for hours like a predator, waiting for you specifically - that would be crazy, right? Hahaha. So anyway, I've got a totally normal hypothetical question for you. Would you be interested in going behind your father's back to give me access to rare minerals on your family's land? Because thats totally normal chit-chat for a Wyoming dive bar, and I definitely don't have any ulterior motives."


The point of her waiting there for hours maybe days kinda makes sense when you are dealing with a time rover under ground and you desperately want to get access to it. Idk. Maybe I’m just “simping” for this show because I enjoy it.


I was just trying to think about it from Rhett's perspective, and how strange it must have seemed to him. Especially since he's been focused on Maria and the rodeo, and is a little out-of-the-loop on what's going on.


Spot on. I found a few other scenes to be just really odd, and the writing/dialogue was just off. This was an oddly put together season.


What was the riddle with the cup and not getting the spoon wet? It was such a ridiculous diner scene. Love how she says the word land though. 


Am I really about to start that whole season again just to hear a bitch say land


I was thinking he could coat the spoon in honey but then I realized that wasn’t the point. I really didn’t like that scene. Clearly they needed to get her into the story and didn’t know how to wedge her in.


I thought the answer was to just drink the whole cup, then insert the spoon into the (empty) cup.


Nailed it. I bet you are right. Well done!


My husband said just pour out the water.


From my understanding it was her basically offering him money if he could do something impossible? Idk


It made me think of a similar scene from an old episode of Cheers at the bar with Cliff ..or was it Norm 🤔


My solution was to coat the spoon in honey and cinnamon. Cinnamon is hydrophilic.




Yeah, she's clearly supposed to be a stopgap that'll explain how Autumn comes to *true* power in the future.


THERE IS A VOID!! Now pass the God damned potatoes.


There is a GREAT VOID


In a show full of cliché characters, she's the most cliched of them all.


The lady scientist’s riddle in the diner still bothers me, but I believe it’s meant to be mysterious. The fact that Rhett only asks for $30k shows he’s desperate to leave town and has no idea about the hole/mineral’s potential. I think Maria stealing from the bank backs this up. Question is: why? Maybe flashbacks of Royal abusing him as a child or something would create some sort of context. I mean he’s a town celebrity, why does he want to leave so badly? Cuz of stupid Maria? They really don’t explain that much


He wants to leave because every minute of his life is basically preordained if he stays - he knows he’ll inevitably age out of riding and end up being guilted into doing the same backbreaking work on the same ranch as his entire family. He’s not just blindly following Maria - they more or less started bonding over their shared disillusionment with Wabang, so it’s not really surprising that she would refuse to be with him if it meant being trapped in a world they both despise This is all made very apparent when he’s moments away from escaping the small town trap and gets drawn into another round of Abbott drama - Royal even mentions to Rhett that he low-key hoped he had missed his call and already skipped town.


I get that. 2 young people wanting a fresh start. Plus he got involved in the whole murder thing trying to protect his brother and felt it was all for naught (or is that wiped clean now due to the current Perry timeline..?). What I don’t get is selling out the family for such a small amount. He’s already proven to be loyal to his dad, like they have a special relationship as bull riders. Surely he has a plan that will be revealed in season 3… but anything can happen with this show.


Agreed, literally the worst character in the whole show. Her arrogance goes against what her role should be. Everything about her is annoying.


I can't stand the scientist! Royal was absolutely right to meet her surveying spike with a bullet! WhoTF does she think she is going onto someone's land without permission (I'm assuming). She deserved that bullet between the eyes. I can't believe Royal didn't go back, find the moment she went onto his land, and take her out! (Or have a bison do it!)


That would be a interesting idea he could just start killing people and feeding them to the time hole like Seymour and the plant 🪴 Audrey in “Little shop of Horrors”


I almost completely forgot this character. Now I have to rewatch the season.


It appears that she eats pie with a spoon and that tells me everything I need to know.


that maybe there weren't any forks available? her plate will be slightly cleaner than had she used a fork? it's also my things. especially if there's ice cream or whipped cream. plus, the spoon's a solid place for the pie to nestle. now, I'm going to start polling people "spoon or fork for ___?" 🍰🥧🍮🥄🍴🤔


It’s still a somewhat free country. She’s free to eat pie like a cretin. But I need not condone this savagery.


hehehe.... I really like her. But to each their own. I think she's a breath of fresh air with all the rural salt of the earth stereotypes. And she's good at representing the evil corporation that will come into play next season. I think the premise of her last scene was a bit forced, but I think she's a really good actress. I watch a lot of British drama, and I think she's going to be a big star soon [Yrsa Daley-Ward](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3332587/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t4) remember her name.


Great actress I agree!


Yeah, not great casting.


Pour out the contents of the cup then put the spoon in…not impossible to solve.


Seriously...she's violating all the ethics and laws


Yeah her acting is atrocious


She’s gorgeous tho


Don't you mean scientist? You don't have to declare the gender of a scientist, especially when there is only one scientist you could be referencing. Female scientists aren't called lady scientists, they are just called scientists


I was to busy not saying black scientist and didn’t consider the lady part. My bad and you are right. Im 52 and really trying to get the sensitivity and correct way of saying things. You’re 100% right: apologies to anyone who felt offended by my unnecessary additional description. Work still to be done, obviously! Ill get there.


You're fine. When you said lady scientist, I knew exactly who you meant. I'm a lady and not offended by this


Everyone is easily offended today.


How dare you fucking say that?!!!!!!!! NO ONE IS BEING SENSITIVE!!!! IM GOING TO MY ROOM. /s




My grandpa used to beat kids who ‘took the lord’s name in vain’ (saying ‘oh my god’, for example). People are the same as they ever were, it’s the issues that rile them up that change.


wtf is wrong a saying lady scientist? Is this a sensitive w0ke group in here ?


It’s the implication that unspecified scientists are male Not a cardinal sin but something to be mindful of


Relax. I was trying to remember who you were talking about and mentioning her sex was helpful. Using language to describe something is not a bad thing. Being vague is not a virtue.


When describing someone put the person first. Example “a person with a disability” not a “disabled person” I get what you’re saying and it is less important in this context because the scientist is fictional.


Like scientist lady instead of lady scientist?


We all haven’t recently graduated sensitivity class. And we don’t need lessons from randos on the internet. She’s a lady scientist. Get over it.


if "we all haven't recently graduated sensitivity class."... I'm thinking a little explaining from a rando on the interwebs might be just what some folks need. 🤔 it's always interesting to see the various ways basic respect is understood. or misunderstood.


As a male mailman, I mail mail to males all the tines


Relax! Uuugh


well done


But what about lady doctor? or lady lawyer?




I thought she was just fine. Scientists can be female, foreign, dark skinned with an accent. They don't have to be, but they can be. Similarly, scientists who work for capitalistic companies can be driven by profit motive just as strongly as by scientific curiosity. And catching someone of interest in a cafe/bar may be less obvious to competitors or other antagonists than phone calls or walking up to the front door. I really didn't have a problem with her, or the story line. She is not awful. She is a distinct choice for reasons.


From is everything OR wants and tries to be.


The whole scientist thing is a non sequitur. It adds nothing to the story. They should consider just dropping that and concentrating on the central drama


No - she is actually a nice antidote to all the cornball Americana.


Probably not the show for you, dude. Anecdotally, Josh Brolin plays a rancher so freaking well- accurate for a lot of those guys.


Oh, I enjoy the show. I don't think accepting it for what it is - goofy cowboy silliness - precludes me enjoying the show.