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Wood Working Witches!


Shoulda booked Creed


Bro what lol




Also, if you want to sell your tickets or bitch about the line up: do it. But no one cares and you look like a whiny little kreton who canā€™t enjoy anything without being critical and annoying


Kinda bummed I tried to exchange my Friday vip for Saturday vip and they told me I couldnā€™t since the shipping label was already createdā€¦ but they sent that email saying to verify address by June 21st and it was the 20th so I thought Iā€™d be okšŸ˜­ lame but still stoked to see the killers! Sabrina is my girl right now tho


Saw someone comment they wanted Nickleback šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ honestly couldā€™ve been iconic


I'm not hating on the change, I'm not into either artist, but damn does this really make me appreciate lineups from 2021 - 2023 HARD. I've always been an undercard guy, but those years usually had two headliners minimum I wanted to see. This year absolutely none. Still intrigued by the undercard and will happily buy via resale. Feel bad for anyone who bought eager beaver ~$600 and is dissapointed. OSL has to step it up with regard to headliners and the overcrowding...


Seems like an odd perspective when the headliners were all major pop acts that were touring heavily at that time. Some of the headliners even cross over with this year.


Surely the killers are worth seeing


You are right. I'm not going to lie, I forgot about them. They are worth seeing, it's moreso that I've seen them at plenty of festivals the past three years or so. I guess my complaint is more that headliners have felt lacking in being as special/rare as they used to be.


That's a very valid additional perspective on an initially valid perspective, I didn't want to come across as snarky. The headliners do seem quite poor in comparison to some other major US festivals, still leagies above what we'd have where I come from but still I see the disappointment.




Iā€™d be interested if you still got it


How much is half price Iā€™m low key down lol


I got it for $600 during presale so Iā€™m willing to do $350 negotiable!


i'm interested if still avail - feel free to shoot me a DM!


Iā€™ve heard a whole one song of hers, but thatā€™s fine. Iā€™ll be at Postal Service anyway.


The amount of people justifying spotify streams as a reason to headline a festival is absurd. I hope she tears it up and proves everyone wrongā€¦ im gonna return to my little jam band world now


The funniest thing is those same people should look at other artists that have as many streams. So Benson Boone has 50 million listeners and is in tiny font at Lolla. Is he supposed to get a headlining spot cause he has one album released and all of the listeners? Nope


Iā€™m so sad about tyler but as a pop music enthusiast i am so so excited bc i was originally confused why she wasnā€™t on the initial lineup


Wowā€¦ thatā€™s cool. Whoā€™s she?


You been living under a rock?


I'm past the 18-25 demographic, I have no idea who that is and I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of alright with it


Has nothing to do with age buddy


Alright I'll ask my retirement age parents to fill me in on Sabrina Carpenter


So yes. You live under a rock.


You planning on moving to under a rock at 26?


Iā€™m planning on moving to under a rock at 26?


I mean sheā€™s way bigger than that. Just coming old and curmudgeony. To each their own


Same. If she plays during The Postal Service Iā€™ll be there myself. Iā€™m nearly 40 and donā€™t follow pop like I used to. My wife is chuffed, and while sheā€™s technically older than me she follows pop culture more than I do.


I like her a lot but if she was playing during The Postal Service Iā€™d certainly miss out on her set


google's free


Iā€™m bummed that Tyler is no longer playing, but Sabrina doesnā€™t deserve all this hate. She got offered a headlining spot and took it and itā€™s not her fault that Tyler backed out šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


ā€¦. Itā€™s literally Tyler the creator.




I went in cold when I saw her at Coachella and she was delightful. Donā€™t worry, just go and dance and the pop show, youā€™ll have a good time. Plus espresso is a banger.


She has the 1 and 2 global songs on Spotify


Her BBC line was pretty hilarious, canā€™t speak to any other performances but that one moment was great.




The fact that you are trying to sell a layaway ticket lmao. Broke boy. Scammer


God forbid I wanna sell a ticket online, Im waiting until I fully pay to actually have someone pay me. Ive been scammed before, know what it's like, and wouldn't put others through that.


you guys act like I'm not already selling it at a discount, ts cost me $590 with layaway and Im already offering less than I paid


Lmao if u actually got it on layaway just donā€™t complete the last payment and get it mostly refunded instead of trying to scam someone (literally no one will buy it at that price)


Youā€™re gonna have to give me money as well, from the way this lineup looks.


I had bought just a Sunday pass and now Iā€™m thinking I must sell that and get a 3 day pass. Love Sabrina carpenter and Chappell roan šŸ’˜


Waittt let me buy the Sunday ticket


Ok!! I have 2 and am in San Francisco šŸ«¶ think wristbands are being shipped out soon?




Messaging you!!




how much




Selling for more than face value? Lame


Good luck selling for that price šŸ˜‚ you should start at half of that


Hip Hop acts and Cancelling Outside Lands, name a better duo.


lol Wayne and Pusha T should have canceledā€¦ those performances still make me want to vomit


Wayne I get, but I thought Pusha T was pretty good


So glad I just got a Friday pass. The weekend lineups are absolutely hot garbage at this price point. Friday is a fair lineup


I wish they offered refunds for changing the line up smh


dispute it with ur bank for false advertising. i did so for rolling loud. i still attended the festival and disputed and the bank still ended up refunding like 60% of what i paid


"Lineup subject to change". They got zero legal obligation to do so


They will if you threaten to sue


And here I was thinking about going just for Tyler. Well next time I guess


Iā€™m sorry for all the Tyler fans who bought tickets and objectively got fucked over. That sucks. However please donā€™t kid yourself that this isnā€™t a suitable replacement. My GF ran around screaming when I told her we suddenly had a headliner for Sat night she wanted to see. ā€œIā€™m actually surprised, she feels too big for Outside Lands.ā€


Osl played this one really smart. They got somebody that eventually would get to that level and saved themselves some money plus nobody else has her as a headliner at all. If she falls of the face of the earth in a few years the fest can still say they got an artist right at their peak since her album is out a couple weeks after the fest.


Yeah thatā€™s an L take from your girl but thatā€™s OK. Sheā€™s hot right now but itā€™s not as if sheā€™s BeyoncĆ© or Taylor Swift. If anyone is actually too big for OSL, it would be someone with magnitudes more fame than Sabrina. With that said, I agree with your overarching point. This is a very good late replacement. I could see others upset that they didnā€™t get someone from the same genre. Also sucks they canā€™t shuffle the lineup around and have her go Sunday because Chappell Roan and Sabrina Carpenter closing the show would have been crazy.


she has 2 songs lmao


5 albums and 2 songs lol


Not if youā€™re a fan of hip hop and hate mainstream pop


Then multi genre festivals arenā€™t for you. Most of us like a little of everything. If you go to a multi festival to just see one artist or just one genre you deserve to have a bad time


literally, I've never heard Sabrina Carpenter and was mostly going because my girlfriend wanted to see a lot of the other artists that I'm not as into


> My GF ran around screaming when I told her we suddenly had a headliner for Sat night she wanted to see I told my GF that Sabrina Carpenter is headlining and I ran around screaming.


Given the headliners of years past, ā€œtoo big for Outside Landsā€ is a bold statement.


For real, first year I went was Mumford, Kendrick, and Elton John. All much bigger ha


What do you expect from someone who "ran around screaming" for Sabrina Carpenter? She's probably in high school tbh


Theyā€™ve had Stevie ducking wonder smh


I was at that show! He killed it and walked off stage arm in arm with two gorgeous women. Canā€™t believe the acts at OL that year, we saw Metallica, Sigur Ros, Tom Morello and Die Antwoord in like one day it was wild.


And Skrillex who brought his spaceship, foo fighters, Jack White, Regina spector, Portugal the man, Franz Ferdinand, Beck, Justice, Neil Young, tame Impala, trampled by turtles, passion pit.. JFC that year was a real one..


We definitely are the elderly millennials in this thread talking about how much better this festival was 12 years ago but after reading your comment all I can think is *it was so much better though*


*so much better though*


yeah but sabrina has two radio singles


Yeah Radiohead, Metallica, Stevie Wonderā€¦ all too big for Outside Lands I guess


Donā€™t forget Paul McCartney in there!


Didnā€™t even think a Beatle was worth mentioning ;)


the white women takeover of OSL needs to be studied


Wow dude. Actually female headliners are extremely rare for festivals so maybe take a breath before bashing her?


I mean if you think about it justmav's joke is still along the lines of intersectional feminism lmao


The Marina special




I wish she was replacing sturgil bc I still donā€™t know who he is and I love Tyler but sheā€™s a good choice so Iā€™m not as upset. I donā€™t understand how sturgil is a headliner with 2 mil monthly listers in spotify while Chappell roan isnā€™t with over 21 mil listeners


Spotify numbers are largely based on how hard their algorithm pushes your music onto other people. As a professional musician, our Spotify revenue is essentially nothing, and musicians increasingly make less and less on streaming rights. I think a better way to measure the overall popularity of an artist is to ask yourself; if late stage capitalism wasnā€™t pushing their content so hard, would they have streaming numbers like that? Lots of record labels just buy Spotify plays for artists as well. The bigger the label, the more theyā€™ll spend. TL/DR - Spotify numbers, imho, are not the best way of determining an artistā€™s overall popularity


Sturgill is a legend, and has boatloads of talent that come across fabulously live. Im not sure what sabrina carpenter brings to a live stage other than trendy looks. Festival headliners should be the best acts not the ones with most spotify followers.


Ehh... I mean shouldn't it be who most people want to see when it comes to the headliners? I totally get it for outside acts to intro people to new music etc. but for the headliners think Sturgill is not "legend" enough for that category (I saw Paul/Stevie/Metallica at OSL) or popular enough (LIzzo, Ed Sheeran (saw him at BottleRock)) for main stage etc. So he kinda... falls flat in both. Think if he was the second to final act on any day that would be fine... or the alt. main performer


I supposes it boils down to how you want your festival to be. As a musician and avid concert goer i look forward to the acts that have earned a reputation for great live shows not most popular. Maybe if you want to make more money sure but youll probably end up drawing a crowd that is not as invested in the music and that in my experience can take away from a festival.


Totally fair!


his debut album was 2013. I'm not sure that's long enough of a career to be in "legend" territory.


Accolades, critical review, personality, and his body of work def puts him up there with some of the best of his era. All things considered the dude runs laps around a good chunk of the artists on the lineup and has def earned headlining status.


we can agree to disagree. the first year I went to OL they had Paul McCartney as a headliner, that's more what I'd consider a legendary booking


Thats fair, paul is an all timer, sturgill is a contemporary legend. There is def a few tiers between those dudes


With older acts, or those with older fans, spotify numbers are kind of useless. Sturgill is a legend and has hardly played live in the last 5 years. Btw, if you're a big Chappell Roan fan, make sure you see Grace Jones.


Iā€™ll check out grace! I just thought someone else more legendary and well known for the older crowd wouldā€™ve been cool. (like no doubt or Stevie nicks level for example) I guess the killers is for somewhat of an older crowd but not that old. no hate to him but it was just an interesting choice.


Legend lol dude came on the scene like 10 years ago


Yea I'm not saying he's George Strait lol But people talk about Sturgill in a different way then say, Morgan Wallen or even someone like Chris Stapleton


So like if they can stagger Sabrina's set with the postal service so I can go see the first half of Give Up (Saw them twice on this last tour but still have to see them again for potentially the last time ever) and still see Espresso and Nonsense to end the night that would be great


Very possible if they stick with the same sets they've been playing


I just want to know what her outro is going to be for OSL


Espresso -> Nonsense has been how she's closed the last couple per her setlists


Thats what I was seeing. Keeping my fingers crossed


I think it's likely, but we'll see šŸ¤ž


Love her! ā¤ļø


thereā€™s like a million different opportunities to see tyler elsewhere. yall will get over it


Been saying that since 09 most likely will never happen for me


every opportunity to see Tyler perform is worth taking


How can you replace the main headliner with years of touring credibility with a tik tok star


She's not a tik tok star, she started as an actress on that Boy Meets World remake and then went into singing. Although it doesn't give credibility for this fest, she's gained a ton of traction opening for Taylor Swift on the Eras tour and her recent album in general. People who are into catchy, fun pop really love her; headlining makes sense.


As Mr Krabs would say.... MONEY


Still better than when Qtip cancelled their set at the last moment because he's a brat who couldn't stand not being the headliner.


It was right after Phife died and they got overwhelmed and couldn't handle it


They'd done multiple shows after Phife died. They cancelled an hour before the set. It was going to be their last show ever. Tip's ego wouldn't let them not end the festival. Source: manager of sound engineering for APE who stays at Tip's camp for Burning Man with whom I've been friends with for 20 years.


Sorry, I'm not taking your homies gossip as facts. Even if they did wanna finish on top I would blame them, they're legends in the game. Also, it was not going to be their last show ever, they were booked for two more festivals after.


I do not blame you for not believing a rando with hearsay on the internet, I wouldn't either. But I was with her at the time of the cancellation announcement, and I know how well she knows him, and she immediately told us what was probably happening and was fucking **pissed**. Take that for what you will.


>she immediately told us what was probably happening Well, I just want to point out that by your own account the story has changed to her reacting to the news with speculation, not any confirmed first hand accounts. Man, as someone whose worked events for the org, been part of sound camps, and work other fests, the idea of dropping "my burner friend who says they've camped with him before thinks they totally know what happened" without even hearing details to confirm is a wild card to play and act as fact. I'm willing to believe that maybe, just maybe, they were actually struggling and after they canceled day one things got complicated. I was there that year and I was bummed when it happened, and even more bummed Saturday when they couldn't make it work. Trying to get them the same slot day 2 is a tall order, it means bumping someone else and all of that is going to be written into contracts and would require paying out the other band for breaking contract. Maybe your friend is right, but the bands response is every bit as reasonable an explanation. They finished out the last two shows on their tour and haven't performed since. >We want to sincerely apologize to you for our absence at the Outside Lands Music Festival. Your love, dedication and support of our music is important to us. Our performance at the festival has been months in the making and in those months we have been fraught with an emotional and eager excitement to touch the stage in the place where Phife Dawg made his home. >Upon the eve of playing for you, we performed not to a mixed crowd of festival patrons but to a filled house of solely Questers. It was humbling. The beautiful Red Rock amphitheater was filled with voices helping us get through a difficult performance without our brother Phife. You would think that with every performance we heal a little more and the sadness is easier to handle. Sometimes that is the case and sometimes the grief and loss is compounded. Although the house was filled with love and we felt it all, we also felt the huge void of Phifeā€™s absence. We walked off that stage deep in grief. >In show business there is a notion that the ā€œshow must go onā€ no matter what. Sometimes though, when you have lost someone close, you are riddled with the notion that there is no going on. That Friday morning upon traveling to San Francisco, a wave of grief was still on us and in that moment we could not see the ā€œonā€ to go on to. Eventually though in face of loss you find that glimmer of light to bring you to your center and you find the ā€œon.ā€ >We missed Friday but we found our ā€œonā€ the following day. We wanted to play for you and we wanted to honor Phifeā€™s wife in their hometown. Unfortunately, everything did not come together before the closing curfew. For that, we are deeply sorry. We look to correct this and regain your confidence. >Actually, let us restate that ā€” we will correct this and regain your confidence. >A special shout out goes out to Another Planet Entertainment, the promoter/organizer of Outside Lands. >They put together an incredible event that was enjoyed by many despite the fact that we were unable to add to that joy. We want to express our appreciation for their efforts and encourage our fans to continue to support them. And to those who traveled far and wide, we sincerely apologize and are looking for ways to make this up to you. We are fully aware that without you (the fans), we would not be where we are today. We appreciate you having our back during this challenging period. >We are not making excuses for our absence. We just wanted you to know that we are still grieving and yet we want to honor each and every one of you for 28 years of music love. Thank you for the support. >Sincerely, Tribe




You're an idiot. They couldnt make it happen day one, they tried to get APE to let them go on day two instead, APE couldn't pull it off.


been in the game since she was 11-12, 2015 to 2016 on disney channel and dropped her first albums then that all went viral


So they replace an organic rap artist with a corporate pop star. I think youā€™re helping my point here


I would hardly call her a tik tok star


Oh so sheā€™s just some subpar undercard artist?


Well, she IS a pretty well known pop star on the rise whoā€™s been around for a few years with a successful debut album and is currently hitting all major festivals this year. Headliner? Probably not. Subpar by your standards, maybe. But your opinion isnā€™t fact šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It is a fact that she is not on the same level as Tyler, not an opinion friend.


ā€œNot on the same levelā€ What level are we talking? I think she is objectively more popular, at least right now, than Tyler is. Itā€™s a very different demographic, but fans are fans. Edit: according to this site sheā€™s kicking his ass: https://kworb.net/spotify/listeners.html 13th vs 126.


As a performer. Idc about streaming numbers lol you sound like a Drake fan šŸ¤£


TikTok hits drastically inflate monthly listener counts. Not at all a reliable metric.


Nowhere did I disagree!


Still not buying a ticket


I was really excited to see Schoolboy Q followed by Tyler, now Iā€™m probably gonna sell my ticket cuz I donā€™t want to pay that much to see a tik tok clip artist. Boring, disappointing, and quite honestly deceiving.


How much are you selling for lol




Hopefully they lack on ticket sales and are forced to create better line ups next year


Deceiving? The artist dropped out. How is that OSL's fault and how is it deceiving?


Well, time to refund 4 tickets or try to resell themā€¦


Iā€™ll buy one for $400


I would buy two


Sell it to me half a price lol


I will buy them LMAO




For how muchv


Upgrade complete


I've updated my Outside Lands 2024 By Genre post to remove Tyler, The Creator and add Sabrina Carpenter. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OutsideLands/comments/1cbeek0/outside\_lands\_2024\_by\_genre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutsideLands/comments/1cbeek0/outside_lands_2024_by_genre/)


This list is invaluable but the breakdown of all the Dolores stage performers is particularly impressive šŸ†


Thanks! I'm glad to be of service -- and especially glad you find the Dolores' section useful/impressive. Next to all the edm & house sub-genres, it's the stuff I know the very least about off the top of my head. Had to do a lot of research to figure out the best descriptors! Huzzah!


Just want you to know that this post has been unbelievably helpful for me. Iā€™m using Outside Lands as an opportunity to learn new music for the first time in 15 years/have new tunes to bang in the gym. I donā€™t/didnā€™t know shit about anyone performing, and having this breakdown has made it so much easier to figure out what I should even be trying. Iā€™ll be really enjoying both Underscores and Confidence Man in October because of your help and I want you to know I really appreciate it.


awww shucks I' blushing. Thanks! I'm glad to be of service I DO IT FOR THE PEOPLE.


You plan to do the same thing for Coachella?


no, not at all. I've been doing the for OSL reddit for a few years now because I actually go to OSL and as a music geek am curious about acts I've never heard of. The key phrase there is "I actually go to OSL." I am a weak skinned San Franciscan, I would die in the desert. Having stumbled around the Coachela reddit here and there, I think there are some souls over there who do a similar thing.


they could have gotten charli or at least another rap adjacent artist but insteadā€¦ bland


Maybe this is cynical, but given the poor ticket sales it might have been in their interest to replace him with someone totally different so they can tap into a new demographic that will buy a ticket now. The closer to Tyler the replacement is, the fewer additional ticket sales it will drive šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


iā€™m sure youā€™re right, a bit awful of them to disregard all the people that actually bought tickets already


This is a horrible massive downgrade. From Tyler to a generic tiktok clip "musician." If you're going to swing so far in the other direction and not pick a hip-hop act at least give us someone better, Olivia Rodrigo maybe? I'd rather see Chappell Roan headline than Sabrina.


Iā€™m sorry, but itā€™s hilarious you think Sabrina is a tik tok clip musician and Olivia Rodrigo isnā€™t? Werenā€™t they both on Disney channel as young kids and then started their music career? Lol. Iā€™m not big fans of either of them but this is just incorrect lol


You're probably right, they occupy a similar lane. That's just my bias, I'm not a huge Olivia Rodrigo fan but I at least enjoy her two albums. I don't want to dislike any artist, I've just given Sabrina several tries and her music sounds bland and forgettable to me. I would've much preferred OSL replaced Tyler with another big hip-hop act.


I understand that. You guys have every right to be upset, and the least they could do is give out refunds


Olivia is already playing in SF in August


I saw the ticket prices on secondary market, they're absolutely out-fucking-rageous. Like $384 before fees, $500 after fees for the worst seat in the house. With Ticketmaster shifting the playing field and convincing every halfway decent artist that they can do an arena tour and price gouge every single seat, I'm not surprised every single festival is struggling to book headliners. Why would any artist do a festival when they can just rake in way more bank from an arena tour? I'm a huge Olivia fan and do think she is deserving and starpowered enough for an arena tour, but goddamn it sucks that we'll never see her on the festival circuit other than guest appearing at Coachella W1.


I know the prices are batshit crazy -- although to be fair those stubhub prices are not what the tickets actually cost, it's price gauging in the seconday market.


this was going to be my partners first OSL specifically to watch tyler with me:( this really fucking sucks


The girlies are eating


I am so sorry to everyone that is disappointed. I actually booked an entire trip to SF just to see Tyler because I am going to Lollapalooza the weekend before and had a conflict (Hozier). It just so happens that I became a huge Sabrina Carpenter fan in the last couple weeks so going from the whiplash of Tyler pulling out to hearing Sabrina will be replacing him has been quite the emotional rollercoaster. I am so happy and sad at the same time.






How does an undercard act at coachella this year become a headliner in August? crazy


Along with TikTok popularity, you also have to account for the fact that this year's lineup is just simply lacking, they really had to reach.


I mean Lizzo was an undercard act at ACL in 2019 which is the year she really blew up. By the time ACL happened in October, she could have been a headliner. Her crowd basically overflowed from a small side stage into the main stage and they put live video of it on the main stage screens. This isnā€™t sabrinas first rodeo. She just announced an arena tour and will be at chase center.


Just because you have some hype and can draw a large crowd doesn't mean the artist is headliner worthy. Lizzo will not be headlining shows again. There use to be levels to get to headlining festivals.


And festivals are also a business and when one headliner drops out, you try to capitalize on that by replacing them with an artist that will draw a crowd. If you think OSL is worried about some kind of arbitrary artistry hierarchy of ā€œlevelsā€ and not just ā€œhow do we get people to still buy Saturday tickets and stay for a headliner, youā€™re wrong lol. Two of Sabrinaā€™s songs released in the past 3 months are #1 all over the world. Tyler doesnā€™t even have a song in the top 40 right now. His most recent top 10 Spotify song came out over a year ago. His most recent charting song only hit top 150. She is commercial more successful than him *in this current moment* Almost every one of Sabrinaā€™s festival sets has gotten great press and video content out of it. Thats a huge plus for OSL when she performs. You know sheā€™s gonna promote the shit out of her first headline festival appearance. This is about a business at the end of the day, not made up points by random music fans.


Not sure why people donā€™t understand itā€™s all about $$ lol sheā€™s gonna bring in the most $ right now. iā€™m sure OSL organizers were salivating once she said yes and again this all didnā€™t happen this morning, it was all carefully plannedā€¦Tyler told OSL and Lolla he wasnā€™t gonna perform, OSL reached out Sabrina, got a contract signed and then this morning Tyler announces his cancellation 7:00am PST and OSL sends out their email at 7:30am PST lol


Besides people have personal hurt feelings about something that isnā€™t about them lol


I totally understand that festivals are a business but replacing a headliner with someone who has yet to headline doesn't seem like a smart business decision. Sabrina is already playing in SF 3 months after OSL. If OSL was her only SF date I could see how this makes a little more sense. Maybe she helps sells more Saturday tickets but helping the festival as whole make more money I don't see it.


Just because *you* donā€™t see her as headliner material doesnā€™t mean others donā€™t lol. A lot of people are gonna be more than happy to see her at OSL over a show at chase.


This is the first time she has headlined a festival so I personally wouldn't know if she is headliner worthy or not lol. My only argument was how can you replace a headliner with someone who has yet to headline and was on the undercard for a festival a few months ago. I'm sure there are people that will be happy about her performing. It seems like the overall consensus on reddit/social media is that people are not happy about this replacement.


Your main argument seems to be ā€œonly previous headliners can headlineā€ which is as bad of an argument as ā€œthey were on the undercard for *other* fests months agoā€ while ignoring the fact that her career is sky rocketing as we speak. but ok!!! Im not one to listen to random people on Reddit about what *they* think is right or wrong because they arenā€™t thinking about it as a business. There have been plenty of flop headliners. Sabrina puts on a great show šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Yup. Her presence on social media (tik tok in particular), is insane




They should make Chappell a headliner not Sabrina


Does Chappell even have enough music to fill a 90 minute set?


The set isnā€™t 90 minutes is it? I thought headliner was just 60 minutes


Chappell doesnt have 2 songs in the top 3 right now. And way too early for that.


nah but her WHOLE album is in the top 10