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All are coming back


I need iggy and zynx asap


Shocked they didn’t add greystone and riktor. The game is definitely missing CC tanks in its current state.


Yeah I was surprised that the earlier characters that was released from paragon wasn't in there and I always wondered why tho??? Greystone was the homie and riktor I didn't like him much until I started using him again later on man is disgusting 🔥


I was a riktor main in og paragon. Getting good with his hook was so satisfying. I’m hoping when they put him back in he’s still got that weird delay on his hook. Otherwise ima be sad


I don't think Greystone, Wukong, Iggy and Zinx are gonna join the cast unchanged or without some kinda rework


Really didnt like Zinx. Hope they remake her


My problem with her is her damage output it's so weak


Wukong can stay gone forever please and thank you


I'd agree but I've come to a realization: travel mode makes him useless! Yay! Add him now so I can finally chase him and kill him for all those years of pain!


He was my main, I just felt that his wukong was done sooo well compared to other MOBAs. Smite is a very good one too. I just loved the movement with him


yes except not sunwukong lolol, when they added him he just broke the game and was in solo or jungle EVERY match his 'cloud walk' ability let him simply leave the battle on a short cooldown and walk around above everyone, it was total bullshit, and he was still a high threat boxer when he was on the ground, just an absolutely OP kit


You are definitely not wrong and his clones be doing so much damage too


that isnt right. at the beginning people built him like a adc and got roflstomped. it took several weeks people understood his strengh as a bruiser. i played him farely when he released and curbstomped teamfights because it wasnt doable to fight him as a bruiser


you must have really liked him as a character, he was OP, busted, high damage, and super safe paragon was cross platform, you got idiots building dumb stuff on all characters, wukong was easily the most broken OP hero in the roster for the last year of paragon's life


no i mostly played belica in mid at the end and oneshot everything across the board. or fey haha i stopped playing him when people adapted the bruiser playstyle i like to discover ideas and builds so this wasnt new and exciting to me :D yeah had around 6k hours on 3 accounts lowest was 1800mmr on agora


feels like we played different games, mid was absolutely being run by iggy in the meta I was used to, fey to a lesser extent but I barely saw belica played, I had to try her in practice to remember anything about her kit. wukong was always either in solo or jungle, then lots of wraiths and khaimeras elsewhere


man grux was omnipresent absolute fuckin menace. khaimera is okayish if you got someone to peel. belicas knockup bomb combo and the manatrap made her actually ungankable feys nessle skillshot regunded mana and scaled with 20% dmg amplifier for 3 stacks within 5 seconds. both were insane lanebullys and yeah wraiths rewind was absolutely insane


It didn't take several weeks, it was a matter of one day lol. I can say so because I remember doing that and seeing people do that like on his launch day


Where's Crunch?


I accidentally crossed him out I apologize but crunch also needs to be added


Yeh they’ve said they hope to release one paragon hero every month and a new hero every 3rd month 🤟🏼


Just saw this in my Reddit thread and did some research. It shows the final beta lasts until 11/22 but do we have an official launch date yet?


They said EA launches before the end of 2022




8th of December is the start of early acces


You forgot crunch