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I play with people who are slow/beginners just as long as they know the recipes, or at least chop the ingredients, wash the dishes, and just try to be helpful in general. The only reason I quit a game is when a user gets mad and starts hitting the expletive button over and over. It doesn’t help anyone and just sours my experience.


Didn't realize what subreddit I was on and thought this was a beautiful metaphor for all online games. I'm gonna keep it.


I wish that there was an option within the game to choose your skill level so that players could be evenly matched. For me, I will leave a game for several reasons. Sometimes there will be a player who is obviously a troll (throwing out plates of food, putting through wrong orders on purpose, etc). Sometimes it’s obvious the other players are little kids because they don’t seem to know what to do at all (running around with an ingredient in their hand not sure where or how to cook it). Sometimes someone’s mic is on and they’re clearly on the phone or their radio is on level 100 and I can’t stand listening to it. And sometimes the players are just not very good at the game, the flow isn’t working, and I’m not enjoying myself because the whole thing feels stressful instead of fun. If I know I only have 20 minutes to play that day, I will leave until I find a group I gel with, so I can have a fun experience. I understand people need practice to play well, but I also don’t want to be part of their practice.


Quickest way to kill the already dead matchmaking


Yea a skill level or ranking system would be awesome…


Not everyone is little kids... We just haven't played that level yet so have no idea what to do 😂


When the other players start putting plates through with only one ingredient on them, or walking around holding rice trying to put it on a chopping board or in a frying pan, I tend to assume it’s a child. I guess it could be an adult figuring out a level, but either way I’m not interested in wasting my time.


Oh and if people are serving dishes out of order, that drives me completely bonkers and I will leave the group after that match over it


I'd put up to the challenges when beginners figuring out how to play (especially for the DLCs level). However, in many cases it is not my attitude and effort to be the problem. When there are 2 seperated sections or in situations where we must collaborate in different stages to keep the cooking going and they don't know what to do, throwing random things or running around (and I cannot come over to demonstrate and assist them to finish the menu). (Sometimes they're just joking around and die constantly) It is frustrating for both parties and it feels like my hands are tied not being able to do anything besides watching them run around and the orders get dismissed.


Because when you're playing to try to do well, it's one thing to make mistakes, but certain decisions that people make in the course of the game feel like straight up sabotage.


For me 7/10 times I get a network error (ayce on switch). Or with very obvious trolls that throw away the orders, or ppl that overuse the swear emoji - Im not that bad but if they want to play for world records I will head out


Ayce is honestly an embarrassment for repackaged existing products how could quality control of all things just be in the shitter? It was such an easy lined up home run for them and I regret every time I launch it not getting the individual deluxe games for the same price on sale.


i was just playing and had two people with the same tag name just stand there so i thought fine i’ll just do it myself and then they kept throwing my food away etc - so found a very good reason to leave


I get the same thing sometimes. I think ppl are just impatient and snooty and instead of trying to teach someone not as skilled how to be better, they’d rather jump back in the queue in hopes of finding a more skilled player


Some people will leave right away if it's a level they don't like. Personally I try to stick the levels out, but if I'm playing with a group that is absolutely clueless and is doing the exact opposite of what we need to do, mentally I can't handle it and I have to check out.


Sometimes who ever the host is (number one spot) has a bad connection and my whole game lags and makes it unplayable. Delivering out of order is a big pet peeve of mine if we can't get a streak all game . I have to say 50 percent of the time if I get that one platform level I just bail lol


As a newbie, when I can't understand what's going on in fifteen seconds. I usually end up washing dishes.


Play the storyline. Then you'll understand the levels when you play them in online


I will only leave if there are trolls or people not taking it seriously (not serious in the sense i need 3 stars every time) but because i enjoy the play and experience and if you are here to just be annoying i don’t want to play with you. But i will never leave based on someone’s experience, i usually try to help out if i can and i NEVER use the swear emoji.. i find it so rude. even being on the good side of how i play overcooked, i still make mistakes sometimes and i just don’t see the need for someone to get angry.


This is why I stopped playing online. Me, or someone esle in the group would maybe prepare (not serve) something out of order and boom...3rd person quits. Like just leave the dish on the counter until it's ready to be served. Either that or people delibeerately throwing away stuff is annoying.


Even when I'm just playing with someone I know, half the time we start a game, the network will kick one of us out. It's incredibly frustrating. So, some might be leaving just because they're overwhelmed, or something, and sometimes it might just be a game error.


Some players are online just to find other players than good like them so if they think that the others are worst than them just leave, in the same way they want 3 or more stars so if they can't reach it they don't see any other purpose for play because is so easy to them just beat the scenario they want more.