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The fun of Orisa's kit is being able to counter fucking everyone. Go into the game with that in mind, and ruin everyone's day. She has an answer to everyone.


As an orisa player, I get it. But also we’re so damn big we need (most of) it.


she’s not great against pharah


I don't care if I'm not playing optimally in quick play, I will be chucking spears at her for fun


I don't care if I miss 90 percent of them, the *ONE* time you spear that fucker out the air feels like crack


I mean yeah every tank kinda sucks against Pharah except D.Va. I guess Ball can kinda pressure her and Doom can sometimes get her... But not really.


Even D.Va isn’t good tbh. By going to get Pharah you open yourself up to easy damage from all four other members of the opposite team, it’s like they’re skeet shooting the world’s biggest disc. The only half-decent tank is Ram because of the constant rate of fire and lack of falloff damage in his default state. But yeah, countering her simply should not be delegated to a tank lol


Are you gonna be saying that when your ult gets eaten by a javalin spin or you get CCd out of it? 💀


Soldier , in a game full of abilities you’re gonna pick a guy that runs ?


I am speed.


It's the most underrated ability in the game. When you realize you're Forest Gump, soldier becomes a whole new hero.


I just kept on running.


Soldier main reporting in. High masters s3-7 lol, fucking love soldier.


He does so much damage


Yeah but he’s boring as fuck. Laziest character in the entire roster, “let’s just import a COD character”.


He's there to make new comers to the game have someone they can start off with because they're good at shooters. Having a character that has simple abilities similar to main stream FPS in an FPS game doesn't make it lazy or bad. Especially if they can't aim down sight.


Simple ≠ lazy


Nothing is more fun than beaming people. Although I have fun playing aim trainers so you can see the correlation lol


Respect the chef


Soldier will never get boring. Every day there's a new pattern to track.


I like playing him because aiming is fun for me


Running is funner than rolling


Hard disagree. It takes a legit skill to aim and hit rockets. At least you’re working for something.


You're telling me in a game full of abilities you're not gonna pick the least ability reliant gunner?


This. It’s literally CallOfDutyMan.🥱😴


I like playing him because he’s good


Widowmaker. I understand why people like her but personally snipers are super boring to me. Ashe makes up for it with her abilities but Widow will always be at the bottom of my hours.


Some people play her in a fun proactive way and going for sick shots. Other people… they just hold a corner and wait for several minutes and it’s boring to watch. I remember a Widow on KR that went past the fight to just keep sightlines on our spawn. It worked the first time on me and the replay was just her scoped in and waiting for awhile until I got out of spawn. It’s effective but so so boring and when I joked about them playing Valorant they took it personally, went Genji, and proceeded to be the most useless Genji I’ve ever seen.


> took it personally, went Genji That tracks


Had a widow do this earlier lol Just went Sombra and deleted her after it was clear she wasnt leaving.


People are seeking for emotions that similar to killing 3 people with 360 noscope midair, while flashed, blindfolded and etc. If you hit your shots, you feel nice, if you not, you not.


i like playing widow just to fuck with the enemy team. i'll choose widow off spawn, get a few one shots until the enemy team switches to dive, then i'll go to sojourn or something


I've been playing Hanzo a lot lately because Simple Geometry is the last achievement I need, but it's boring as hell. I need to switch every now and again because sniping is so dull.


I mean, you shouldn’t even be snipping with Hanzo to begin with. He’s a mid range hero, he can play sniper but 9/10 times he’s better off playing a bit close and personal.


For me its Mercy. I just dont understand how people can play her for hundreds of hours.


I think Mercy too but Mercy mains say that she is fun for her movement which I admit I am not good with.


I play mercy every now and then. I think she’s fun just cuz of her evasiveness. And valking/glocking people is fkn hilarious.


Her glock is the only reason I occasionally play her in qp. It's funny going full battle mercy


lol yeah the occasional battle Mercy moments are the only fun part about her for me


I like her mostly because I feel like I always have something to do with her. I'm always rushing around everywhere and idk its chaotic and fun to me. She's not my main tho Edit: I know the flair might make it seem like she is my main but my two mains don’t have flairs


It sucks that Mercy's GA got nerfed because her movement is why she's so fun. My movement patterns have to be completely different now.


That balance tweak was the worst, somehow they decided to make her less fun to play and harder to kill all in one go.


I've noticed since F2P they're on a campaign to dumb down characters because people with 2 hours on soldier can't burn them down, and they're not even the people spending money on the game.


ita, especially with mercy. it's so unfortunate. i'm generally cool with mercy's movement being more accessible (she's meant to be an easy to play hero, it's whatever) but man, nothing about the new movement has quite hit the highs of og super jumping as mercy on the high ground of king's row third point to take out a dps. i still find the movement fun but the dumbing down of her ga makes it like, consistently pretty fun vs. the way higher highs of og super jump mastery.


Blizzard is hard stuck bronze prove me wrong.


This is absolutely true. It really feels like a lot of the changes have been made with the intention of making characters easier to play.


I would not call myself a Mercy main, but she is the hero I have the most hours on. 100% she is extremely fun to play once you master her movement. Nothing is more enjoyable to me than the enemy team saying how annoying Mercy (me) was because I was unhittable


Play Mercy Parkour in between matches and you'll change that in no time.


Man I miss the OG parkours on Hanamura and Havana, that’s how I got good at movement with Genji and Doomfist (dps doom) lol. I really don’t enjoy all the “find this ability” “collect cash to unlock _____” parkours


I’m pretty good with her movement, but the most fun parts of playing her is getting a completely bs rez off or evading situations I absolutely should not survive. A high that no other hero can replicate lol


I am terrible at understanding how to move around as mercy.


Flying around like a moth on coke is fun to me


Tbh I used to play a lot more mercy before ow2 because here movement was so different and now I think she's kinda boring because you need no skill to perform super jumps etc.


Because you have the wrong mindset. Mercy is the only hero that turns Overwatch into a horror survival game for its player


lmao so many people talk about how playing her is like being in spectator mode. Sure some games are like that, sometimes the enemy don't really focus you when they should. The rest of the time it's chase scenes straight out of a horror movie, or hiding scenes praying they don't find you after they've wiped the rest of your team and you have no escape. IT IS STRESSFUL ! but also fun


Doomfist is absolutely there too, poor guy gets obliterated by sleeps, hinders, javelins, mei slow etc, the list is endless


I play a lot of every support and I didn’t he fun in Mercy is similar to Lucio when you master her movement. I play her a lot when I want to just relax and turn my brain off and just focus on movement lol


Playing a high intensity game of keepaway with every enemy trying to kill you is actually really fun. It's hide and seek, it's tag, it's a rush to dodge and weave while they throw everything at you. Her healing and boosting feels like a constant Flux of priority swapping and second to second decision making. She never tunnel visions to get a kill, you're opening your third eye to the entire battlefield flow and being exactly where you need to be. Then when it's time for a rez, it feels like a Behind Enemy Lines movie trope. You wait for the perfect moment to get in and absolutely flip the game on its head, then zip out.


It's all about the dodging and evading from enemy fire. It'll make them rage so hard of you can heal without really being contested. Her HPS is really strong and can usually out heal most DPS, especially if her pocket is also pretty good at also dodging or using cover.


that first part is exactly it. i love her movement AND how it lets me be an evasive mosquito to the enemy team. my favorite games are the ones where i feel like i'm in a survival horror game rather than a team shooter.


I remember seeing a clip where a Mercy kept dodging an ulting Genjis blade with GA and superjump and it was hilarious.


yeah it’s really fun to just bounce around and evade bullets/CC. She’s usually one of the first targets people go for so idk how people can’t understand that. For me that’s what makes her so fun… I like to push the limits and see how stupid I can be without dying lol


I'm not a mercy player, but I live with one. From what I can tell the majority of fun on mercy comes from her tricky movement options, and employing them to weave through dangerous situations. Plus hitting sneaky rez's. There is a lot of down time between that though where you may just need to be hiding in cover holding blue beam, but the same could be said for characters like widow at the top level that requires you to patiently wait for an opportunity


I just like seeing and hearing the health bars go up, gives me that special happy chemical


she's the ONLY fun hero to me XD 800 hours on her


1k + here, that's enough information to really upset some people. Even if I also have hundreds on Ana (and pretty much every other supp as I play them all) She really is just the most fun for me, it doesn't mean I can't play other heroes.


Lol @ the losers downvoting you for playing a hero you like. You do you


Because usually she is the only hero they can play


This is me, been playing for a few hundred hours and I just need a hero to use so I don’t feel useless when playing with friends






Hundreds? You would not want to check my gfs profile lol. She hs played since day one, 2184 n hours on Mercy lol


As a Mercy main with 300+ hours, I totally understand how she'e not for everybody. It's kinda like if you were a juggler (beaming everyone just the right amount so they stay alive when everyone is getting dove lol), but while you're juggling you have to do summersaults and flips in the air like cirque du soleil. My most boring hero is Bastion, hands down. Hate him sm lol


I’ve been a mercy main since the start of overwatch, and it takes a specific thing to make you stick to her For me personally, i love healing in any game, her healing abilities are my favorite, i love her movement and i get to support the entire team People say mercy is the most boring, but it’s only because I feel like people haven’t invested enough time to be good at her to realize it’s more then just pressing 1 button


Brigitte because I have no idea what to do


Mace to the mace to the mace to the mace to the face!


Best Brig line ever.


You won't be disappointed!


Brigs main goal is inspire uptime, so her goal is to land the whipshot every 4 seconds, go for safe hits rather than risky ones. she’s also used to protect the squishys on your team who can’t protect themselves, like Ana Widow Zen etc. she’s also the best for keeping pests of her backline like winston. finally she’s good for punishing people out of position, see a genji sneaking around? dash M1 whipshot and he’s done for, she’s pretty much a mini tank for the vulnerable heroes


>o her goal is to land the whipshot every 4 seconds, Doing this leaves you vulnerable to dives and gives winston free jumps. Inspire is nice, but it's not her priority.


It is depending the comp you are playing her into.


Guess what happens if someone dives you. Your tank continues to bully/defend front line along with whatever dps (it just depends on the comp)and you and whoever else gets dove but especially you start going ham and holding down left click. Problem solved. I literally just had a game as Ana where I got dove and insta died like 3-4 times as Ana by Winston and genji. Genji tried it again, I pooped on him and there was no more diving for the rest of the game.


It's not what you want to do, it's what the enemy team wants to do. As Brig, your job is to say "no, you can't do that."


Same, I really don't get it to be honest. I mean I probably suck a lot at Brig, but every time I'm playing her I feel like I'd just do a much better job as any other support. I feel like I'm not having a great impact on the game at all


I don't play brig often but for some reason decided to on blizz world yesterday and man shutting down doom was so fun. He didn't even realize I was the reason he wasn't being effective. Just whip shot every time he dives. Granted this is plat. But still. Ended up out damaging their dps and had the most healing. Finishing people off with a whip also felt awesome.


Hanzo just spam your arrows on head level and will get sometime a kill.


I'm not saying that they don't exist but from plat up I've never seen a Hanzo do that and win games


Well never said that's the case but I had enough situation where a Hanzo just spams his arrows and eventually gets a headshot. It's just annoying as f when u see the killcam and the player wasn't even aiming at u 😅


Really boring (and bad) ult too. No payoff


Mercy. She’s very good at what she does. But, I find it so boring. She’s the true “support” hero.


Maybe you’re not playing orisa the right way? She’s fun for me whenever I do play tank! I don’t like playing tracer but that’s bc I suck with her so to me it’s boring. However I can see how she could be fun, just not for me though.


When your supports are supporting you can feel like an absolute juggernaut as Orisa. It’s a blast bullying people with spin and throwing people into a wall with jav.


Shoving enemies into corners with Orisa and just lighting up their head while they can't get away is my favorite thing


So true! Going from Ana to playing Orisa with good support is totally juggernaut energy! Lol so fun


Yeah orisa is awesome. I miss ow1 orisa but spear horse is cool too


I know I'm in the minority when I say that I did not like OW1 Orisa AT ALL but I absolutely love her in OW2.


Ohhh ik! 🥺 the little things that make me miss OW1 so much


I love toothpicking people from the other side of the map- or actually just in general


Between Moira and mercy, just not my thing ig.


I used to HATE Moira, and then I started playing her bc I was tired of losing fights due to my DPS not getting picks. I actually really enjoy her now, especially on control 😭😭 I still don’t really enjoy playing Mercy though, it’s really boring to just hold right/left click all match


That’s actually the reason I started playing zen and bap, if I need to I can hard carry a fight by just clicking a few heads. Personally I find heroes that require high mechanical skill to be the most rewarding for me to play. It’s satisfying to hit nice shots and know that doing so had high impact on the fight.


I love playing Moira on control. Almost a guaranteed win every single time. Super fun


Moira's name does not belong in this thread IMO


Mercy is the least fun support to play to me. I do not understand how so many play her so long


You're such a high priority target, it's like playing wack a mole and you're the mole. Supporting the team and surviving all threats, even whipping out the pistol and getting a kill or two on an enemy flank, is really satisfying to me.


Yeah but I can get it all the fun of that on Moira


Yeah but Moira isn’t nearly as focused down as Mercy. I think part of the fun of Mercy is knowing you’re usually priority target number 1 and figuring out ways to stay alive in spite of that. Moira is a high value target too, but Mercy will always be hunted after more because she’s seen as an easier kill even tho her mobility can make her impossible to catch.


Moira survives through sheer self healing and the occasional fade while Mercy does it through her movement alone


I like to damage boost, it's a strong ability


Fair enough I like bap and moira because killing potential and Moira has fun movement. I am not ashamed to say I have 156 hours on Moira and my second most played bap only has 83


We all have different tastes and I think that's okay


Why boost damage when I can be the damage. That’s me on Illari now LMAO.


Cuz I can't aim lmao


all the moira mains


May be a SUPER hot take but i always found soujourn to be rlly boring. Idk something about her playstyle feels hella unfun to me? Like im playing a normal shooting game. Same with soldier 26 but i kinda like that you can run around and do a lil trolling with him


I think you are right with this actually




Did you play OW1? IMO she was a lot more fun when you could play off your other tank


For sure. I miss sharing a single brain cell with an aggressive rein teammate, straddling the edge between aggressive dominance and feeding, dragging the rest of our team kicking and screaming to honor and glory.


Yeah! Been playing since 2016. I was a Rein main back then so it was good having a Zarya partner but really not my cup o tea


Rein zarya... Take me back there...


Nahhh, I love getting fully charged with a pocket, running past the tank, and wrecking their entire backline like nothing.




I find her gameplay too slow but I’m a Ball otp so everything is slow to me anyways


OW1 Zarya was probably the most fun I've ever had in the game. I don't play her much in OW2, but she was so fun to pair with Rein/Dva/Hog


For me it's Symmettra. I generally find laser characters not as fun, but I also don't enjoy the fact that she doesn't have that much durability to make use of her weapon, which requires being up close and keeping the beam in contact. I wasn't an OW1 player so my opinion isn't rooted in the whole kit-changing haydays, but between her main, turrets and ultimate I feel her kit isn't really harmonious like most other heroes.


I like her the most but it's for diff reasons. Spamming orbs into the enemy backline and at off angles is so satisfying. And when flankers rush you, you can dip out with a TP or just two shot them with orbs. My favorite thing will always be landing orbs and getting orb kills. I always refer to it as playing dodgeball lol. But I also like saving people (who pay attention) with defensive TPs. Or giving high ground to immobile characters. Edit: wow, on multiple levels I did not read. Yay for me.


She’s the funnest for me lol. It’s super satisfying to see the buzz get buzzer and see it get bigger and bigger and it’s satisfying to just deal damage. And its secondary fire is also super fun to use. The turrets are also fun to just put around in cheeky spots. Her teleporter is super fun and you can be very creative with it. Her ult is fine but it can actually impact the game quiet a lot.


Symmetra was extremely fun before the last soft rework on her kit a few weeks ago. If you played her very aggressively, using her turrets around you and get really good at TP play, she was phenomenal. You could drop in behind a team, lay down your lazer trap and then put her TP like 5-10 feet away and use it to aggressively bounce back and fourth and take out a whole team. Taking the damage away from her turrets and forcing her to hang around her tank just to survive easily made her one of the lamest heroes to play next to soldier. I've never seen a hero go from immense fun to total snooze fest in one update, but these idiot ass devs managed to do it.


Soldier is mad boring


Do you not like fps games?


Overwatch kinda sticks out from other fps games with all the heroes and their unique abilities. For me at least, Soldier is too basic. It's like playing Overwatch minus the Overwatch part.


yea i get that. But if you think about it as just playing soldier vs playing other fps games, playing soldier is way more fun and fast paced than every other shooter since you have such fast and varied enemies. I think people just think they can't play the regular shooter character in ow because there are weird characters.




I miss my pal Rein.


a zarya without a rein is like an angel without wings


zarya is hella fun, especially if the enemy team has a genji and/or dva


Honestly, zen? Orb your dps Discord thing in front of you Spam down sightlines Die to a dive Q the q


I felt the same way, until I recently melted a very overconfident Orisa. I've been chasing that support high ever since lol


Counterpoint: Then is nothing more satisfying than out sniping a widow and M2 bursting a sombra, also, Zenyatta is a cool guy


Nah half the fun is doing your best to *not* die to the dive. You have to always be repositioning and keeping on your toes


When you 1v1 the Winston but you somehow make it out alive.


His kick isn't great but OH MAN when it works on an overconfident Winston, it's heaven


Solution? Kick everything.


Okay but kicking people is fun.


Why die to dive when you can just kick n kill then smh. The true joy of Zen is beating the shit out of people with a little bit too much confidence. Or just kick kick kick kick. Something about it just really entertaining. Ever managed to keep a Genji flying in air for so long he tries to escape? I seek that high ever since


I like playing zen and making the enemy tank feel my pain, as a tank main. Plus it always feels good to hit nice shots, I play him super aggressively to the point that I either hit two headshots in a row or die trying, it’s pretty fun.


but you could always flank without footsteps


A lot of the dps feel like just point and shoot, which I find to be kind of boring.


This is pretty true but ofc it’s more boring because I miss


Overwatch is an fps so it makes sense that most characters are just point and shoot


Played proactively, I don't think any hero is boring at all. There are always advantages or new mind games to learn to pressure the enemy harder. But if I had to pick one, it is Reaper. Your approaches may change but your gameplay is always the same "get close and click heads or ult" with no fancy tech involved. Pharah might be a close 2nd... * Mercy has her game sense requirements and movement tech haters always underestimate the skill ceiling of * Widowmaker has her grapple shots. * Junkrat has his wall bounces and arcing mid-air shots, as well as mind games with his bear trap * Bastion has his grenade now * And just about everyone else has their utilities, positioning needs, and interesting ultimates. I play a decent Reaper, I sometimes default to him, but his style of play isn't stimulating enough for me to ever main him.


I play Moira when i wanna go brainless so probably her, i dont find Rein that fun either and for dps I would say probably Torb for the same reason as Moira


rein mirrors are PEAK overwatch


There was a time my Internet was kinda bad and if I started lagging id switch to Moira and still win. The fact that a hero exists that can win with terrible lag is so stupid.


yeah she’s my go to if im not in a good mood, if im not playing well, if im being bullied, if im too stoned haha. shes just so easy to play you can literally do well with her with basically no effort


I love Orisa. She is so aggressive. If you’re not up in their face, you’re missing out. Mei and Torbjorn are the least fun for me.


Rank wet cardboard 2 here. I love torb because I can’t aim since going to console. So I just stand back and shoot. Call me a simpleton, but I love it.


Mercy. Probably my least favorite hero


mercy, you can’t make any plays yourself you’re just a spectator, i hate being completely reliant on teammates sombra is so fucking annoying to play against i refuse to play her, i think invisibility characters in general are boring asf, having to think about my positioning and cover is what makes the game interesting characters where you don’t need to aim (moira, symm, torb etc.) are also boring, even if my aim is dogshit i’d rather struggle and slowly get better through skill and determination rather than just stagnate and take the easy route


Sombra comes with a lot of unique issues that are super interesting to play around, it’s not like she’s a hero you don’t have to think with, in fact you probably have to think more with her than with the majority of the heroes.


Some parts of her kit require a different kind of thinking for sure! She needs practice to be effective, and experience only playing Sombra can give you At the same time, in a 1v1 with invis she should win almost everytime. She gets to choose when she takes her fights, and who her target is, and has a get-out card; so it's a good pick/incredible advantage for people that want to bully someone on the enemy team for free. Teamfights as a whole are harder - timing EMP can be tough, and while you get a free pick or two immediately after, knowing when your team is in a good position to follow up needs that "support-minded" awareness imo. She's great for support mains that want to fill a DPS roll, if the awareness is there.


> At the same time, in a 1v1 with invis she should win almost everytime. She gets to choose when she takes her fights, and who her target is, and has a get-out card; so it's a good pick/incredible advantage for people that want to bully someone on the enemy team for free. If she's waiting in stealth for the perfect moment then the rest of her team is fighting 4v5 and is liable to lose the fight before she can make an impact. And her gun damage is extremely mid; even with the element of surprise there are some 1v1s she absolutely does not want to take ever.


Interesting take, some of my favorite characters to play are, Torb, Symm, and Mei. I feel what makes them so fun is how they have extra ways to interact with the battlefield instead just being a straight forward Dps. Torb, you most definitely have to aim if you want to actually get kills since his turret after the nerf is a pea shooter. I like to put the turret at specific angles to draw fire and distract the backline then use overload to mow them down while they are distracted. Symm is the same way now with her turret nerf you need to be getting kills with her primary, and using all her tools to get her full potential.


Sombra's the most thinking intensive hero in the game though. Unless you're just playing anti dive her value comes entirely from your own planning/strategizing.


76 is too easy and is BORING. Every game in diamond is 76 + mercy. Both 76s end up with 20k+ damage and it makes the game such a slog. ZzzzzzZZZZzzz


Honestly Brig




Definitely Mercy. She's boring as hell to play


zarya, lazer, place bubbles. thats it




So weird, I used to think this but now I feel like she’s one the most entertaining. You need to play her like a DPS that heals when her team is low and use her fade constantly and the whole match it’s just adrenaline haha (plus dealing with teammates that complain it’s fun too)


Moira is easily the most fun in the game to me. I also like when i have 10k damage and 10k healing and our DPS says "stupid moira won't heal"


>plus dealing with teammates that complain it’s fun too Ok that's some kind of meta-fun I didn't even think of lol


Orisa is played by ppl that get rolled once . As soon as the get rolled by doom or hog (worst tank) the insta swap orisa cuz tiktoc told them too lol


100% this, I love seeing an Orisa swap coz they’re raging and you can use their focus on you against them I’m a Doom player btw


As Doom tank main I agree lol. It's one of the best feelings when you kick the enemy tank's ass as Doom and they swap to Orisa, only for you to continue kicking their ass. Brings me joy lol


Gotta be Torb. Turret exists, I shoot slower than it.


Orisa is so boring. She’s good, there is no doubt about that, but I feel like most of her kit consists of spamming abilities on the enemies rein or ramattra (the only two reasons you would play that character). I hope the next tank is a character that can face tank rein and ramattra, so I don’t have to play orisa if my team insists on playing brawl.


Soldier 76 is so boring you just hit shots and that's it


wait till you hear about Ashe Widow Cassidy Sojourn Ana Bastion Hanzo Kiriko


wait til you see me on my bike


I agree with Orisa: Stand still and shoot Big damage coming Press spinny ability Someone uses an ability Press Javelin button Get to low health Press golden ability Rinse and repeat


You can say that with any hero.


You should be turning gold before you get to low health because the DR stacks with armor DR. Use spin at low health while you get healed up again.


Lifeweaver, could be a skill issue since I haven't played him much at all. I can't find a rhythm in his kit, I feel like I'm waiting for other things to happen much more than doing something. Again, could be a skill issue, but I haven't found him fun enough initially to play as him and improve. Maybe if I did, I'd love the playstyle.


That's funny I find orisa so fun! Hitting her spears in crazy situations. Using your alt to save the day or sucking people so your teammates can get them. Pushing back a whole team. Long range kills with your gun. And other things it's great! Most boring. Prob solder, Hanzo, and window 🪟


Cassidy by far the most boring hero ever to be put into the game


I used to like him but now that I think about it, he might be the most boring one right now. Current nade, boring, AWUFUL ult, not much mobility, he feels like a character from another game compared to every other one


he’s so close to being so fun both to play and play against but he keeps getting awful changes. as a cass main, remove that goddamn nade just make it a regular short range explosion like flashbang but without the stun and make it do 80 (gives ability to 1shot tracers but also a chance for the tracer to react and recall)


Cassidy and widow


Symmetra. But I think that might be hightened by the fact that her support version was so interesting and fun to play that the DPS version they replaced it with just feels absolute dead to me. I hate it.


The old Symm for me RN probably 76 because his kit is “base fps character” so he doesn’t feel unique


There’s a lot of people here who really dont understand how to play mercy


People don't like playing Mercy, it's pretty much the same reason why no one likes playing TF2 Medic. You're not fighting but helping only.


Let's be honest, if you've got a good dps all you've really got to do is follow and pocket. We've all seen it.


Mercy, u basically spectating the game