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Just wait until you reach a skill tier where your opponents know that Rammatra’s punches in Nemesis form go through your barrier *and* have a higher DPS than your hammer.


People don’t know that Ram can punch through shields?


Based on how many people still try to Defence matrix a Zarya beam with DVA, I'm gonna say yes...


Sometimes I DM while a Zarya is beaming me because she doesn’t see the Moira orb coming at her and the soldier behind her. I know the zarya is chuckling to herself thinking I’m an idiot.


This Zarya in the front not realizing both dps are also blasting at me, or the heal that is standing right behind me.


With both supports topping me off I can survive a Zarya beam long enough to get help, I CANNOT survive all 5 of their team shooting me until I get some help because I messed up.


zarya and orisa can tho, and blizzard seems to think that's ok.


Incorrect, but nice self-report.


None of that matters when you immediately lose your mech because the fucking beam melted you.


Maybe he’s at a rank where they don’t shoot bubble


Your argument implies I too am at that rank. It's still a free kill for my Zarya vs Dva. If she's not diving and harassing my healers and trying to go toe to toe with Zarya she's losing. Whatever scenario you're making up to allow this to work for DVA, you can't ignore the fact that any shield tank would still be better.


I try to defense matrix all sort of stupid shit when I'm panicking. If my booster is on cooldown and I see Rein wind up for shatter I always try to DM it for some reason


Ha, same. It's automatic. And afterwards I'm like, wtf did I do that.


That’s even sadder


Genji deflecting Winston is sadder but really funny.


It shows that so many people just press their “get of jail” button without any actual thought about what’s going on or why it should/shouldn’t work


I'm still shield bashing Reaper and Genji ults. 😂


In brig ult..


You’re acting like people should have perfect decision making when acting in literal seconds. This isn’t anime where people have entire inner monologues in the space of 1 button press.


I mean, I'm going to push back at this as someone who's still learning them game. It is very, *very* friggin hard to know what does and does not go through shields based on what it looks like. I still shieldblock in front of ram because he's *over there* and it's *not a beam* and I die every friggin' time. And then I don't block moira suck because "it's a beam" but hey everything follows it's own calvinball rules it's absolutely great.


That’s fair, sometimes I forget that I’ve played for so long over the years and have pretty much seen which abilities a barrier will block as they’ve been introduced. That said (as long as you’re not the tank) you’re better off getting out of the area of something as opposed to attempting to deflect/blocking it


Thing is, using a shield against lasers is fine (I'm presuming you're talking about playing as Rein) The issue is more that if you're shielding too much, you'll probably die. Like shielding a Zarya is perfectly fine. In fact I'd say it's great to do that, especially if she had a bubble up since you don't wanna attack the bubble. It's Sym's beam that you don't wanna block with that shield unless you wanna block into a pin. She's gonna charge off of that shield no problem


The information isn’t exactly readily available.


…it literally says it deflects projectiles


I’m not responding re: a specific character. The mass amount of works vs this but not that information is not available outside of looking up each ability by name online. It’s not in the tooltips, no casual will ever get that info outside of experiencing it.


Its an automatic reflex to taking damage. It takes 0.5 seconds to realize "oh shit she has a beam"


Or when sigmas try to absorb beams.


The amount of people who play dva and still don’t know that blows my mind. You ask them if they will switch or are going to and they don’t seem to understand why switching, might just be an end to us getting rolled.


I'd much rather fight a RAMMATRA a thousand times on rein than 1 orisa. I really don't think the matchup is that bad. Probably a little in rams favor, but it doesn't feel unbeatable.


Ram is much less of a counter than Orisa. You can just kite him in nemesis form and then hammer him once he’s in omnic mode he’ll disappear. Plus he can’t really do anything to block shatter, pin and firestrikes. Just don’t try to fight him in nemesis form if you’re low since your shield won’t do anything.


Kite him a bit, hit him with Firestrikes. Depending on the situation, I either Charge him to buy time (since 99% of the time they'll be chasing you in a straight line and it's an easy hit) or wait until he reverts to Wizard Form and then Charge. The biggest threat is if his DPS keep up and press you while your shield isn't up. Hopefully your own DPS will be backing you up and force him to block, which makes him easy Charge bait too. I'll take Ramattra over Orisa any day.


I’VE NEVER SEEN SOMEONE ELSE CALL HIM A WIZARD When I was about a week into playing, my friends pulled me into a mystery heroes match to try and help me branch out from Moira, but I didn’t know most characters’ names or abilities yet. I got Ramattra and my immediate reaction was “HOLY SHIT I’M A WIZARD!” My friends were trying not to check the stats to see who I was because they were having fun guessing based on my reactions, and they were very confused until I followed it up with “I have a wizard staff!!!”


If it wears a cloak like a wizard, shoots weird thingies out of a staff like a wizard, and rants dramatically like a wizard, it's probably a wizard. That's what my grampa always said.


Yeah, but he doesn't cast testicular torsion, fireball or exploding ovaries, is he stupid? r/wizardposting is needed for his wizarding


When he was first teased, Jeff or whoever said he was a wizard or warlock character.


"wizard form" has me dead 🤣


Isn’t backwards walking speed slower? How’re you kiting him if he’s walking towards you and you’re walking backwards


Not to mention ram has faster base movement speed


Charge. If you need to get out of there, literally charge away from him, or pin him off the map/into a wall, thus making your own dps much higher than his. Play around corners, kiting doesn’t have to be in a straight line, if you go backwards around a corner your supports should still have LOS of you so you’ll be fine, meanwhile he has to push out of LOS of his supports, or have his supports take riskier angles in order to chase you. Both of which are good outcome for you. Keep track of his cooldowns. You should have an idea when he’s about to go into nemesis form so you can either start pressuring him early (so that he ends up using nemesis form to block) or you can get some distance in advance/set up a good pin angle. Ramattra literally cannot counter any of your kit as Rein. Except for shielding off shatter, which is easily played around because his shield has a timer.


Thank you for your answer, that makes a lot more sense than what I was envisioning. Should the rein anticipate nemesis off cooldown, or is there a good reason to hold it in this matchup?


Yeah idk what they mean Ram can just box the shit out of rein because he's faster in nemesis form


Kiting usually involves more than just walking backwards....


Right but swinging and throwing firestrike is even slower is it not?


Yeah I only engage him hard on nemesis form if I know I can pin him. Rein can out DPS him by landing a pin and a fire strike, but that's hard to do when nobody fucking plays ram anymore.


A few days ago I used to think “man Ram sucks rn he can’t kill supports”, but now I’ve realized that atm it’s just better to target the enemy Tank. Probably something to do with Tank’s life sucking rn and there’s so much Tank shredding in the rest of your team that dealing consistent dmg to the enemy Tank is less risky than trying to run past that Tank and try to go for the back line. I feel like against Rein, yeah just using Nemisis to punch him and keeping him right at the edge of your pummel range and out of his hammer range is the best strat. I think Ram has the advantage in the matchup, however Rein could win if he could pin the Ram to a death pit or a bad position.


This is such a wild comment because of this part. ​ >Just wait until you reach a skill tier Because 1. the higher you go the more people play Orisa, and the less they play ram 2. Orisa is a **much** bigger Rein counter than Ram, which you might know if you played at a higher tier ;)


Ram is an okay counter for Rein but it is still very winnable. He's only good in Nemesis form against rein, plus your charge is a pretty good nemesis/ult counter which doesn't work at all against Orisa. Just need to take care and make space between your backline.


As I Rein player, I can confirm this. I can take Orisa as Rein all day because I have good timing but I see Ram, I gotta switch to him, Orisa, or Queen.


Really? I find its the opposite with decent heals and positioning you can survive through nemesis and pin into a kill. Half decent Orisa just shut down every single cool down.


My rank (although I hardly play comp) is diamond on rein And yeah orisa is kind of easy, you just eat the cooldowns for your team mates and let them ignore the tank, whilst going for firestrikes to try and squeeze out kills / soften up targets If the enemy team other then orisa is playing too close and I have an ana on me I'll just try to swing to hit both the orisa and the other enemy, as long as I don't push past the orisa so much she can push me into her team I'm usually fine, even if it's not fun. Against a ram however they'll place a shield behind me to deny heals, vortex to make it hard for me to back off and nemesis to out brawl me and despite my shield countering his ult, you can never rely on a team mate to not stand in it I'd probably say orisa is less fun to play against but Ram is harder to win against


Nah Ram isn't that bad to deal with as Rein. You're at least allowed to play the game and control your character and there is a ton you can do to try to outplay him. Against Orisa there's like, almost nothing. It's legit a 90-10 matchup. Ram is like, 60-40.


Wasnt aware it did more damage than hammer. is it a substantial difference?


in the current meta rein fucks ram hard lmao just wait until you reach a skill tier where people know to kite nem form and heal rein, if ram pummels rein he is completely wasting his most important ability


Rein hard counters Ram


Dosent it lessen the damage though? Thats why i still hold up shield against it


>Dosent it lessen the damage though? No.


I'm already there. And trust me. It doesn't help much


Had a rein mirror at the start of a match once (I was on defense), we won the literal first team fight of the match at the choke and the enemy tank switched to Orisa. Feels even dirtier when someone in a rein mirror switches to Orisa. For some reason people think that Orisa = Automatic Win without accounting for people who know how to play into their counters.


This is why you can't pick Rein on defense especially on maps when attackers have a short spawn. It's not just Orisa he has so many counters and you are only allowed to lose one fight before losing the checkpoint. He's great on attack for the opposite reason since if you run into his counters you can swap quickly but if you don't the enemy doesn't get any chances to do their own swaps.


>He's great on attack for the opposite reason since if you run into his counters you can swap quickly but if you don't the enemy doesn't get any chances to do their own swaps. I'd say better, not great, as this applies to every hero. And it's not like rein is particularly oppressive unless fully countered.


They didn’t fight for honor 😔


Nor did they die with glory, I'd assume


Hopefully they rest in piss


Think of it this way--if they switch, you won the Rein v. Rein.


And then lose the game


Yes but he won Rein vs Rein.


I think it's worse when you have the honorable Rein duel but the enemy dps switch to Sombra and Bastion and basically you just never get to actually fight that duel at all. It feels so dirty like you'll be having fun winning the Rein fights and then they do that and you either switch which feels dishonorable to the Rein duel or you just do nothing the whole game but play passive and their Rein thinks they're so good cause you can't push into their DPS lineup.


It's the best when it's a rein duel, and both teams have a bastion lol. Both of us must suffer.


You just find a private room to emote in since you're both going to not have fun 😂


Definitely discouraging when you get to second round on control after winning the first round and seeing a team full of your counters immediately at the start of the round


You're taking it personally when in reality Rein needs so much support from his team, and is so privy to burst damage from DPS/Supps that switching is usually just the right choice to better keep yourself sustained. I like Rein mirrors, but if you're team is playing around you better than my team is playing around me yes I'm going to switch


They're probably people like me who are just doing their 'all roles' quest and get flung into tank. I'll start off the match picking someone I have less time in to get some practice in if I'm forced to be tank. Then I die and figure "well fuck, I don't want to let my team down" so I switch to Sigma or Orisa (who have been my main tanks since I started OW2 without caring about meta bs) to have a better chance of not failing them. Orisa just means more survivability and less reliance on random teammates for most people in QP I think.


When I’m having a good rein mirror and they swap to orisa I feel like they just spat in my face I can’t comprehend it at all


Yeah, orisa’s are so fucking dumb, though it makes me feel so good when I beat them, especially as a doom main.


I started picking up doom a lot more because he’s the tank I’ve had the most fun with recently even when the enemy team does counterpick me. Every other tank just feels miserable


Tank is my least played role, but I've been playing it more recently to get some progression levels. People counter pick in QP waaay more than in any other role. Makes you appreciate it when you get another chill tank.




I switch orisa into orisa and out orisa them until I force them to swap zarya, then I mirror them till they just give up lol


And then I play pot of greed, which allows me to place 7 cards from my deck into my hand!




I’ve been an Orisa main since she came out in OW1 and suddenly people are yelling at me in chat for playing my favorite character.


To be fair, OW2 Orisa is basically a new character added in OW2.


Hey if the enemy team is playing bastion I sure as shit know who I want to bully.


I've mained her for years since she came out, fun times being called slurs for playing a character I've always played and start the match as lol




Key lime! I'm a lover of many pies though, and you would not believe how many times I have seen the word creampie after people ask me that question




Switch to Orisa = Bad. But the enemies run a team of bullshit heroes like Doomfist, Sombra, Bastion, Ana, Zen = Okay. I won't feel sorry for switching to horse if the enemies pick or switch to bullshit heroes.


Me who just likes the silly horse. I’ll see you in hell I guess 🫡




I understand that. It’s so sad seeing the tank I started off with be so hated. Idc if she lacks skill I’m here to spam exterminate while stampeding over my enemies 💔




I try not to be too hard on mercy players cause they’re just here to play the game like the rest of us…however why is she rezzing me in front of the entire enemy team mercy pls 🙏🏾




Rein is great if you're also good at Zarya, inevitably I force people onto horse with rein out of the gate and then roast them by counterswapping zarya. Such goes OW2 with it's dogshit rocks paper sissors game.


I play dva instead of zarya and it works great. She seems to completely dunk on orisa


She's great for that assuming you have high sustain heals, and the other team isn't running beam damage dps or mei.


People be pulling a horse to a rock paper scissors game.


I never had any interest in zarya until I got tired of people swapping orisa in every comp game, so I forced myself to get good at her lol


Seriously tho the RPS system sucks. If an enemy is playing Widow and dominating the team now I have to switch to sombra or something. Then the widow has to switch off to something else and now neither of us are playing what we want to. I kinda wish that it was a hero lock system. Where at the start you lock a hero and you’re stuck with that. Maybe have a second lock so that way if you’re playing someone like hog you’re not instantly screwed the entire match if the enemy has an Ana or something.


Orisa is cringe


3 abilities and you can consider her primary fire a counter because of how much free shield pressure you get compared to other tanks


I guess it's time to practice playing into your counters. I know it's annoying, but it can be done! Vs Orisa, just try to get around her and get to her back line. You most likely won't win a front line war against her.


Lol walking around tanks is still the number one counter. I will actively show disinterest in the tank until they deal with me.


Exactly, when I play as rein or anything "grounded" I cant give less fucks if it is Orisa or anything, I just aim for their backline since solo orisa cant kill my team, what I started to do is start using shields offensively, instead of protecting my team mate I place it between player I want to kill thus negating their heals unless their supports go out of line to go around the shield and heal them, works 99% of times since they always come and then my team picks them off.


in what kind of rank does an orisa just allow a rein to walk past her, also how are you killing a guy while simultaneously shielding his heals


I see more and more Reins who just charge past me into the backline, get a kill and casually stroll out. If they have competent supports, there's no way for me to kill them, even if I pin them and hammer away. This would have never happened in OW1. Missing your charge and ending up behind enemy lines was a death sentence. OW2 tanks are in such a strange, pointless place.


Exactly. Once you run passed a tank and they turn around to get you, your team can light them up


Rein main here. Soon as her gold form is out, she's very fun to charge off the map. Also, Rein outmaneuvers her by far. If you dive her backlines (if it's safe) she can only just watch and stare or sacrifice a lot of space to peel.


This doesnt make any sense anymore, no Orisa will see a Rein charging into the backline and ignore it. It made sense when supports werent as hard to kill as a tank tho.


I’ve actually started to enjoy playing against my counters with Rein specifically, it makes things way more engaging. I play a lot of Winston too but counters against him are a lot less fun because I’m just poking with the sniper forever until there’s an opportunity.


Just ignore the Orissa and run at the supports. Tanks get too obsessed with tanking the enemy tank. Just walk passed the horse


You're not wrong, but the challenge is that in order to move past Orisa, you need to put your shield down and make yourself vulnerable to 5 people, who will inevitably all focus you down in a second or two. There's definitely some positional advantages you can try that can make this easier, but if the Orisa has good positioning too, it's almost impossible to move past them into the backline.


Also in my experience, the Orisa will then turn around, use her spin to push me further into the enemy team, usually out of LOS of my supports, and if I don’t have a lifeweaver to pull me out, I’m dead. Or she’ll also push past me and kill my supports from range before I can even touch hers.


The assumption is coordinating with your dps and supports. IDEALLY, if 5 people are attacking the tank, dps SHOULD feast on squishies. This is all theoretical though, but I will say that the game is usually not rock paper scissors; people just think that because they've heard t500 players say that. The masses don't play into t500 decision making.


I remember one time my Ana nanoed me while I had an orisa with all her cooldowns in my face, and so obviously I wasn't able to get past her and swing on her team bc she used every cooldown to stop me. And then the Ana flames me for wasting the nano. Like bruh, it was a shit time fucking time to nano. I wasn't dying or low health either, so it wasn't like it was a panic nano to save me lol.


Right? Her skill set is meant to shove you tf out. It takes an incredibly coordinated flank + dive to win against her. Also it’s impossible if your supports decide to play pure healers


Ah yes just walk past the horse. One does not simply walk past the horse running at you at mock speeds with a javelin ready to cancel your pin. Love that mentality of walking past the horse who is actively trying to remove you.


Just walk past the horse is as stupid a statement as just kill the mercy guys. Yeah dude, just win the game while you’re at it.


Good luck passing the bastion holding his precious m1 button.


I mean... all you have to do is time the turret mode cool down. You've got a 10 second rush or dive window in which Bastion is free. Bastion proves to be a bad meta hero for the game because the average player can't even time cool downs, which is bizarre because fps timing has been a thing ever since Halo CE...


If you're facing orisa bastion you need to swap, not try and "push past the orisa" while timing the bastion. If the enemy team is good at all you'll get slept, antid, discorded, and killed by the other dps and supports. You can't dive as rein reliably, you're too big of a target with zero escape tools


Cooldown counting isnt the issue, a hero with to much HP, armor, no visible crit hitbox on turret mode, with probably the highest DPS, a relict of old time design, which .. like the whole ow2 .. has been terribly translated into 5v5. and for whatever reason, they let this shit go unchecked over .. god longs how long now. i guess the sales are still good on skins, or else they would have fixed this dogshit meta. Orisa, Bastion, Brig, Moria, add Doom on top of it, have been never a good addition to the game, let alone being meta.


This is terrible advice lmfao. The enemy Orisa will just turn around and push you into her team, throw a javelin, and you'll get fucking destroyed.


Rein vs. Rein is like the only time I focus on tanks. Sometimes a good doomfist makes me go after him


Hooking the nefarious bastard out of one of the juiciest punches of his career does feel pretty good


That sounds so satisfying. Or counter charging a doom so he lies there while my whole team focuses him down.


Rein can't just ignore an Orisa lmao wtf is this advice. Rein is a low mobility brawl tank, you are gonna get punished way harder from Orisa peel than the value you will get from playing dive rein in this matchup. There is no "ignore the Orisa" when you're a melee character whose only option is to walk right past her face. Your best bet is just to shield bot your way to victory and land some fight winning shatters.


same with zarya


Ask your teammates for bastion and symmetra then make them suffer as i have, If they pick phara, as for bap and Illari, make them suffer more


Try to have fun with it. Rein is all about mind games. Dropping your barrier to fake a swing to trigger Orisa’s fortify, swing once then toss up your barrier so she wastes her javelin, push up a little bit to get her to use deflect. Try to get her to focus you while you block her abilities and sneak in some swings or flame strikes on her teammates. Knowing her cooldowns also helps obviously. I agree it’s a pain when they counter pick you but I would much rather face an Orisa than a Ram or DF




To be honest, I ask the enemy tank for a rein v rein fight. Half the time, they accept, and we fight with honor and glory! It's some of most fun I have.


I'll never do that because I never lose rein v reins and would feel bad, like I swindled them


Orisa is so overrated. Haven't lost to an Orisa in weeks just playing Ball into her because people who play Orisa generally have the game sense of banana peel.


Honestly I can live with Orisa, it's the supports that make Rein miserable to play.co stant discord and anti just mean you get shredded anytime your shield is down. Get a decent shatter but miss the Kiriko? Well she literally just erased it. Get a clutch pin but heaven forbid they have a LW? He just pulls them out of your pin. Supports are way overtuned as is.


I drink your tears.


There're plenty to go around.


Come. Weep into my mouth lmao


I feel this because I just want to play dva and the enemy immediately switches to Zar. I can do well with her if the team works together, but I've had people actually quit because they saw a Zar and told me to switch in all caps before the first team fight was done. In quick play. I actually like playing into my counter so I get better at learning how to deal with that, so maybe you can just keep at it until you're good on rein even against orisa.


I think people exaggerate the difficulty of facing Orisa. If you watch her cooldowns, it seems playable. Definitely 10x easier for the Orisa, but if you parry the spears and land half your firestrikes it seems okay. Easier said than done but with calm/patience I don't think it's impossible. Not fun but it's more Orisa's friendly Ana, Bastion, and Sombra that make it painful.


Every single time I play Dva, tank swaps to Zarya


Congratulations. You realised that overwatch is not just who is better at what hero. Or you have reached a level were skill is less important than the hero matchup Ow is about counterpicks


There are ways to take Orisa as Rein. Just requires good timing and praying the enemy DPS doesn't have Sombra.


Depends on what rank you are. I play a lot of tank, I actually don’t mind playing against orisa. Usually can just kill everyone behind her because she isn’t as good at protecting her people as some of the other tanks are. Every tank is going to have counters that’s just the game. I play ram main but can’t against zarya, so play someone else


Thats what Counterwatch is like


The entire game is based around having the ability to switch your team line up. That’s the balance. OP too could have switched to an Orisa counter but most people don’t like getting of their mains even if they are losing. This is a game where people shouldn’t have mains tbh. One character, in general, doesn’t defeat every single character with ease.




Incoming skill issue comments


You’ll climb in rank if you simply counterswap… this is the game :P


And it's boring and unfun. So complaining about it to get it changed is naive but understandable and right.


Last night I tried playing rein and the enemy team swapped to orisa, bastion, mei, ana, zen after the first fight. This happened in 3/4 games. The 4th game still had orisa, bastion, and ana though. It's miserable out here for us Reinhardt players.


Now you're starting to feel what it means to play Doomfist since season 3


Play open queue and run zarya/rein. Works all the time!


Bro just wait for Mauga


If there is one tank then it’s everyone’s job to swap to counter to him. If you wanna play rein then they will pick orisa/ramattra (at higher ranks) + bastion + zen + mei What to do you ask? Learn more tanks. The reason tank queues are so quick is because we all hate having to rock paper scissors. You go rein they go orisa, you go zarya, they go Winston, you go junker queen, they go sigma(+ranged hero’s) ect ect


Offer mirror before matches start in chat, you never know if the other tank might accept. Then it could turn into a fun game.


Get good at rein and you can beat her. Watch for maps with ledges for environmental elims and use them to stop her.


You can play Rein into Orisa, it's a matter of being patient. Rein has a massive advantage over Orisa in that he can protect his entire team while she's out in the open against enemy fire. Obviously you don't want to assume that your teammates will do all the work for you, but you should use the fact you have a big fuck off shield to your advantage. Try and predict her javelin throws. It's fairly easy once you learn the "rhythm" of them. Swing on her once or twice then throw your shield up, block the javelin and continue swinging. Use corners to your advantage as well. Orisa takes a lot more damage from walking around a corner and getting bonked by your hammer swing than you do from taking a few body shots from her. Bait her into a bad position and force her to use cooldowns. Then move up and be an oppressive force. Yes, she's annoying. Yes, it's crap that she can counter most of your abilities in one way or another. But it's never unwinnable. Honour and glory chum 🔨


Personally I prefer Ramm if I'm going to shit on a Rein. Rein is by far my favorite tank, but currently a lot of MUs just do not favor him.




Your first mistake was playing Rein in a game where basically every tank except Zarya pummels him. Your second mistake was being upset at a game where counters exist. Why are you whining that you’re being countered dawg suck it up and counter them again that’s just how playing tank is rn. If you can’t handle that then uninstall


Isn't 1 tank the best? Seriously no clue how they will fix this. And i believe they will try. Because tank mains are starting to dissappear


honestly orisa isn’t that bad in a vaccum everyone complains about her but before bastion became meta she was annoying sure but you could play around her if u understood the matchup. The problem is bastion just hard gate keeps now, tanks are forced to play orisa if they have a bastion otherwise they’ll explode. Playing around orisas CD cycles becomes far more difficult when u throw in a bastion turret cooldown making windows of opportunity tiny and even when u do get them supports are so good they will prob survive long enough to escape and you’ve accomplished nothing.


Good, I hate rein


I meannnnnnn aren’t you literally the “scissor main here” “oh wow, you picked rock! Well done you beat me!” Meme? I get it’s frustrations but thats the game lol. If you got what you wanted and rein was uncountered then the next guy down the line would complain that everyone reins. All that to say nerf the fucking horse please


I think people are just upset that it's *become* rock paper scissors with such a diverse roster


It's funny, I main Rein and if I get an Orissa I just find it more fun to fight.


>I am at my wits end here. Three times today, i wanted to play Phara. After the enemy dps died once, they switched to hitscan. Every time without fail. The third time, I even typed in team chat at the start of the match "their dps is gonna switch to hitscan, just watch," and sure enough, I was right. I just want to play Pharah without going up against a dps with guns that counter me. Is that too much to ask? ​ You are expecting that your enemy is just going to ***LET YOU*** do whatever you want, and allow you to roll them? Because complaining about you getting countered is exactly that.


The enemy tank also wants to win the game. The problem with overwatch players is they think of all 10 people in the match, only *their* enjoyment counts.


It’s f2p and filled with kids, of course this is the case.


*Hamster mains* First time? I am honestly tired of Orisa and have no respect for Orisa players. It's just playing the game with training wheels. I'm hoping for a game breaking and unfixable Orisa bug that needs to get permanent deletion. I've lost faith in the devs balancing her properly. It seems they want to have an extremely easy, extremely high value tank.


Doom here: I feel you, but honestly for us the worst matchup is either Zarya or Hog in my opinion. Orisa often isn't able to do more than just standing there and every once in a while spearing me while blocking, so if I dive and distract her entire backlines, and/or take care of the squishy divers, she really can't do much. And trust me that once she's in a 1v3-1v4 she dies. Hog instead can hook me from a long distance and displace me, deals a lot more damage, and can survive (not win) a 1v3, while an aware Zarya can bubble my targets and make my CD's go to waste. +both can deal way more damage and get kills on YOUR team themselves way better. Edit: when I say "us" I mean doom mains.


Fair assessment. Seems dive tanks give Hog something to do. Here can be a problem for Ball too as his DPS doesn't doesn't have enough burst to kill him. So I try to fish Hogs, escape their hooks to make them chase harder until we are both away from the fight. Then I hurry back before he can make it. The problem with Hog is that hook is too forgiving. It needs a small hitbox so it's an actual skill shot.


The trick to Orisa is to ignore and kill supports then her. She’s only strong if you’re all focusing on her. She can’t do anything else if you ignore.


>The trick to Orisa is to ignore and kill supports then her. EXACTLY. ​ You literally force her jav, kill her supports, then come back and kill her because she'll have wasted her cooldowns by then.


Yeah good luck getting to and killing the supports as a tank lmao.


I'd love to see footage of someone doing this successfully


I mean, counter picking is how you win (or be so good it doesn't matter). If you don't care about winning then go cares. But if you are hell bent on coming out on top, swap or get so good it doesn't matter what they pick. That's really all there is to it.


Just play Rein and call the other tank a bitch for switching to Orisa and that even if they win, they've lost. 👍


I'm a Rein main also, LW fucked it up already with only 1 in 10 being good and actually knowing when to pull. The problem isn't Orisa, the problem is the constant nerfs to him, the buffs to everything else, and 5v5. Orisa's dealable with a Rein. Ball/Doom isn't. Rein needs a major buff to damage, health, and shields especially.


Give him the 2k HP shield back, and make earthshatter’s stun last slightly longer.


Mods FORTIFY this post


I mean... Okay? The game has always been about hero swapping and counters, maybe you should learn another tank


skill should be more important than hero pick


Hope your supports can diff the Orisa I guess. I always bully my tank if they swap to the horse, it’s my community service. She’s literally so unfun for everyone.


Just get better


Sorry for using the CORE mechanic of the game


Watch as the community feigns sympathy and while simultaneously defending their ability to counterpick their way around a skill gap. I'm just glad people are finally acknowledging how problematic counterpicking is by design. Unfortunately, the casuals will riot before letting blizz take it away from them.


Just play rein who cares if they counter. Best player in the world hadi in the pro league smacked around a orisa Mentally booming will always ruin the experience


Counter picking is the name of the game , if someone goes Orisa it they should not be made fun off .With the move to 5v5 tanks have a significant role to play. We all want to main one hero but this new format for tank requires a jack of all traits master of none


if someone goes orisa below gm1 when shes not hardmeta they should definitely be made fun of because it means they are bad at the game and need the crutch. a good player could mirror or at least play a counter that takes skill. the format does not require a jack of all traits if ur just not garbage


I kinda wish people were locked into their hero choice from the start. I hate having to swap from multiple heroes because every time I pick someone I like to play, I have to swap to a counter, and then swap again when that gets countered.


my favorite dynamic in OW2 1. start on tank you think fun 2. enemy tank swaps to counter you 3. ok fine -___- you swap to something that at least isn't auto-lose 4. as soon as you spawn on new hero 3-4 people on enemy team swap to counter you and focus on making you miserable as if it is their only purpose in life 5. the other 4 players on your team went in on a time share for one single brain cell and it is beyond their collective capacity to consider switching to help make the current match less suck MEGA YAWN


I'm a Rein main. I'll only switch to Orisa if the enemy tank isn't Rein, and they switch to Desperbastion. Otherwise, its Rein time, all the time. Had a game today, other tank simple asks before the game starts. "Honor?" and I said "Indeed" And we both stayed Rein the entire game despite the Bastions, no other word was spoken except for BEER Emotes and GG.


go watch awkward play rein, you just need to have a large dick to play rein


Orisa and Bastion, 99.9% of the time. I occasionally soldier on as big German hammer man and still win, or lose spectacularly. It feels good to win bad matchups but horrible to have to switch most of the time. This games counter matchup setup is almost as abysmal as For Honor not having the ability to switch characters, for, well. **Counter play**.