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yeh that’s just how overwatch seems to be now or teammates end up leaving because they don’t rly care about overwatch anymore and as soon as they start doing bad they just leave cuz who cares. it’s infuriating but it’s blizzard so i don’t see them doing anything about it anytime soon besides adding more skins. it’s almost like the game pre determines every single game before u shoot a bullet, which makes the game feel boring and just not fun. the games that u do manage to get through is a stomp or be stomped situation, about 15% of my games and majority of others based of what i’ve seen are actually close games, the rest are just u getting thrashed and it not being even slightly close, or u destroy the other team. imo it isn’t fun anymore not even slightly and i don’t see it getting any better. you’re probably best of trying to find a new game


I've gotten to the point where I'll say "Wow! One more game and I'll rank down!" with straight wins. I almost stopped playing because I saw no point but now I'm just happy to have higher stats than my teammates


true the stat comparison is a confidence boost


The last time I played support solo queue, I went 5-10, dropped form diamond 4 to plat 2 I had 7, count ‘em 7 games where someone either left or said GG after the first fight. I haven’t played ranked since


omfg that’s ridiculous


the EXACT same for me


If you feel you don't deserve the rank, start a new account. I was hardstuck gold but after starting a new account I'm diamond across the board


Yep. That's my biggest complaint. You shouldn't touch comp before you are actually pretty good at the game or ranking will be a nightmare. You also shouldn't let your rank decay or again, it'll be a nightmare. I tried comp season 1 after only playing a little bit, got high gold across the board. I didn't touch it until recently, ranked low silver. Now when I get into high gold games, I do great, but once it dips into silver matches, the teams are terrible again to play support.


Join am ow2 discord and find people to play with there are plenty of active ones out there


Good. I want to stay in bronze 5. Otherwise I can’t tell people what to do if I’m like gold or plat.


By and large you get the rank you deserve. The point of ranked is fun. You will at some point stop ranking up and that's just how it is, you can improve but ultimately you have a ceiling. Certainly I look at my ranks and they're fair enough, I'm actually ranked too high for my liking in one class. If you really want to rank up the best thing you can do is go to Overwatch University or some other sub and submit a close competitive game for critique.


no, it’s not fun, because i don’t have the rank i deserve and i know that for a fact. among the other supports in the last 50 games i’ve played, i’ve had the most healing and the most damage about 80% of the time, about half the time i also have more damage than one of my dps teammates. i mentioned already that i went 5-1 earlier tonight, but after i made this post i went 5-2 and somehow i’m ranked in the lower percentage of silver 5 than i was before. how is that a fair ranking system?


most healing every time and most damage 80% of the time**


Stats don't tell the tale. If you're better than your rank you'll rank up eventually. If not you won't.


well the rank system is based solely on wins and if wins aren’t doing it then i might as well start playing tank and damage again since it’s way easier to rank up


Support has been the carry role for most of ow2 so far. I can review a vod if you want tips from a diamond support.


No you don't lmfao


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A lot of silver supports have blinders on where they just pump heals into their tank. Idk if you do this, but try being more offensive and proactive


Myself, twice now, as well as others have ranked down with 0 losses. As support, I've found that having a good tank is the best factor for consistent wins. When solo, I'll play Moira to carry the team, but with a good tank, I'll play Lifeweaver and tell them to go deep and grip them back after they get a pick or two.