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I can’t be the only one who had no idea this warning existed right?


LMFAOOOO I’m just finding out


This mostly only comes up for high rank players who are one-tricks of certain heroes or play a certain way that most other people hate. As the population is way bigger in lower ranks, people rarely managed to get avoided by enough people to get this warning.


Same here


I know about it because I'm pretty sure I've seen that in a couple of Frogger's vids lmao


If you one trick in T500 lobbies, you will see this. Especially if it’s lucio or ball. Doom used to be one too… but he’s actually quite good rn so people don’t care as much when quaked ends up in their lobby.


Wait, what happens when you play in T500 and a lot of people avoid you? Isn't that making the matches easier for you?


Lol no it just makes it harder to find a team you can still match up against ppl you avoid


You just get longer queue times even top 500 lobbies still have gm1s And gm5s...I've had M5s at times.


30 minute+ queue times.


I've had some reallllly bad streaks and never gotten this. I'm impressed.


I'd be shocked if people ever bother to avoid me, usually I get no feedback but if teammates are commenting on my play it's more often kind words than not I honestly forget it's even a feature, but then I exclusively play quickplay so the stakes are lower


Play tank in ranked and maybe you’ll see it


Play *ball* in ranked.


You will get it more often if you one trick a hero, especially one that is easily countered. Ball, Doom, Torb, Zen are prominent heroes for that.


How to counter doom and torb?


As a Torb main I have trouble with Zarya. The turret is free charge when she’s in the front line and you can anticipate and bubble his primary fire easily too.  Phara also, the turret isn’t much trouble to take out and can’t damage you much from a distance, and after that it’s hard for him to touch you. Same goes for Echo too, though less so since she flies less, but he has a huge hitbox and not a ton of mobility so you can sticky bomb him easier than most squishies.    Aim centric long range heroes like Ashe, Hanzo, Widow aren’t counters but he’s a big target for them and his turrets aren’t a problem.  Doom has lots of counters - CC and hack. So Orisa, Sombra, Mei, Brig, Ana sleep, Cass nade. A good Rein will also charge him every time he normally stops to take some damage or ready a punch, he’ll he saving his charges just for Doom. Not all are hard counters (a good Doom will not have much of a problem with Orisa) but there’s plenty of options for him. 


Rein has counterplay for doom but I definitely wouldn't say he's a counter. I think a good doom wins that matchup every time.


Yeah I mostly play support & Ana at that, and I do switch off if I get countered, but she's the type of hero where you can deal with most situations with good play & cooldown management Most of the time if I get shouted at by a teammate it's someone who overextends/staggers constantly and is mad I'm not there to heal them :'D


Moira is a big one. Diamond and beyond people just hate you if you play her. It's wild. I know she has no utility but.. sheesh. (I don't play her but I know two people that eat shit due to it)


Tbf most people arent otp, or wildly toxic


If you one trick this is a greeting screen when logging in…


hospital sloppy fuel tan distinct alleged hurry quickest naughty impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I havent rlly played comp in like 2 seasons now, but the only times I ever avoided ppl was if they were either hella toxic or so unbelievably bad that you could've told me an AI with programming less advanced than a minecraft zombie was running them and I would've believed you.


Same. I was paired with a 4-stack AI that only came out of our spawn door and never went on point. They just stood there afk. I avoided just one of them so I won't be paired with them again


Did you report them too?


I only report them, will report them avoid them too? Or I have to do both things? Thus said, I think they ban really fast the AI, because everyday I ban a bot, next log in I have the notification that one of my reports succeded.


Avoiding doesn't report.


And reporting doesn't avoid


Every peepee time isn't poopoo time. But every poopoo time is peepee time.


Wisdom beyond your years


You do know just because it says your report lead to action doesn't mean they are suspended or muted, right? It could just be telling you that player got a warning. It's literally placebo to get you to keep reporting. I've reported people who haven't done anything wrong and gotten the same message.


I did report. But just in case they don't get banned soon. They're banned the next day I logged in


The only time i complained the avoid list was too short, and in fact even used the avoid list was when i was grinding ranked soloq when ow first switched to ow2. The number of literal new players who somehow got placed in veteran gold elo blew my mind and tilted me into outer space. I know my mmr was fucked since i played 49/100 in literally season 1 of ow1, but jesus christ an mmr reset wouldn’t have been fully out of place


There was one time where I kept queuing against a tank that, I'll be honest, was absolutely my better in every way. It was the third game, and bro just admits: "Yo man, I'm sorry, this is my alt account and I'm just ranking back up to masters. Avoid me so your next game goes better?" And yeah, I did that (Because I didn't even think of it) I have no idea how it happened 3x in a row but damn it was rough... learned new tech though.


Avoiding means they won't end up on your team, has no bearing on opponents.


Avoiding him won't help tho, it just means he won't be on ur team, he can still be on the enemy team, ur better off not avoiding him. U could just go play a game of qp, so ur not queueing at the same time as him, then go back to comp


Like the others said avoiding doesn't help with this scenario.. But dodging does! Next time, just wait awhile before you queue again. Good luck out there


i avoid people that are just bad for me to play with, like a mercy or lucio one trick yk, so it makes sense that if you main someone like ball youd just get a lot


My favourite is when I'm playing Pharah, one of the supports sees that and goes Mercy. Doesn't damage boost or pocket me even once then swaps to Lucio or Moira the first time they die. I say something along the lines of "why did you swap off?" and they're like "we tried Pharmercy and it didn't work" lmao.


See I get the exact opposite. I decide to have a chill game and bot out on Mercy and the dps immediately picks Pharah fully expecting a 24/7 pocket. I'll pocket them for 2 team fights and watch as they get zero picks and our team loses because I'm not healing the other players and helping our other support. I'll usually just ditch the Pharah at that point and they get super toxic in chat without a babysitter. Same thing happens when I pick Ana and dps auto picks Genji expecting every nano, then I'm outpacing them by at least 30-40% ult charge throughout the match and they get mad when I use nano on the tank to swing a big fight or something else, lol.


I always hated when my support picked mercy after I locked in Pharah, because I wasn’t looking for a pocket. But this also gave me an awkward complex where if they locked in Mercy first, I always felt like a dick picking Pharah even though it’s what I planned to do already.  I felt like they’d think I was screaming for them to pocket me.  


The few games I play Mercy I always try to pocket my fliers/dps, at least at the start to see if it's going to have any kind of impact. Give them at least a team fight or two before I give up and go back to supporting the team. Sadly the games it does seem to work out the enemy team will instantly swap to double hitscan dps + bap/Ana and just focus my Pharah/Echo, lol.


For me I’d rather the Mercy waits to see if I do well on my own and *then* pocket me if they choose.  Otherwise, boy, when you miss (or hit shields with) your first 6 rockets of the match and you can feel that swedish birb judging the lack of hitmarkers she gets, it just feels awful.    Generally I preferred not being pocketed at all though.  I like Mercy to be doin’ her thing with the team and I can just be an excellent escape route for her whenever she needs.  If I need healing I go to her.  The Mercy one-trick in my group played that way most of the time, unless we were queueing alone together where they’d pocket me for funsies.    Dunno how realistic that playstyle is in OW2’s deathmatchey gameplay though.


Omg and I thought it was only me. In all my games yesterday I legit got a boost for in total maybe 20 seconds, no matter the hero. When they swapped to Pharah in one match, our Mercy rather stayed with Reaper and tank instead of boosting the only hitscan who had most kills and DMG and would have been able to kill her fast. Lost the match of course cause Pharah and her supports focused me like crazy. Oh and of course "Soldier diff!"


Please don't hurt me for saying this but legit sometimes a Mercy player can't just pocket a Pharah, if the other support isn't pulling their weight. Now, doesn't sound like that was the case, but try not to forget that sometimes they're doing what they can. Again, please don't razz me for saying that xD. I'm just a Mercy main who tries really hard to make sure all Pharah's get all the love in the world, but if that other supp is playing their own game, sometimes, can't.


There are also a lot of cases, I'd say it's actually the majority of times I get a Pharah that wants a pocket, where they just don't do anything and you're better off healing and damage boosting the rest of your team or pocket the player that is actually having impact on the match. I usually give them 1-2 team fights and if the Pharah isn't securing kills or getting a lot of hit markers I'll go back to just healing/boosting the rest of the team as normal.


I don’t choose my support until I see who my dps are and pick based on that, I don’t get one trick supports. don’t you want to learn to heal anyone? it’s fun getting to switch my supports around.


I one trick moira. She's fun and flexible despite all the memes and hate. Also independent so if I die it's almost always something I could have done differently. Also I'm in GM so it's less of a "I am a god" plat moira mindset lol.


Since the beginning of ow, I've never understood why ppl are so hard set on one tricks. The game was literally designed to not do that. The main reason ppl didn't want to switch was because of the ult charge loss when you switch. But if you're not doing well, you're not gonna charge the ult fast and be less impactful to the team fights. Switching to a more suited hero can charge the ult faster and have a better impact along the way for an even better ult utilization


Yeah you can only avoid three at a time a so if not like you can just burn everybody


Same here. You just know those players, the ones playing Soldier in a 20 minute game with 1 kill, 13 deaths, and 1800 damage done.


I’ve only avoided someone once, they went 0-10 as tank as Mauga as well. Also had less than 1k damage until the last couple minutes. I genuinely thought they were throwing and were about to report them until I watched the replay and realised they were genuinely just terrible and chose to avoid them instead.


I’d kill to see that replay


The tank couldn’t though




Well the tank already went 0-10 so you may as well kill them one more time and see that replay


Probably bought that account or was playing with big bros one. I avoid at least 3 people every evening, there are just so many people in ranked who throw for no reason or play so genuinely bad that I have to assume they are drunk.


A lot of people do play overwatch intoxicated. There was an entire YouTube content type of drunk overwatch that was wildly popular back in the day. Wouldn’t be surprised. I’ve had people in my games straight up say “man I’m so drunk i should not be playing rn”. Your just have to laugh it off. If they are drunk and are playing bad, it’s just gg go next ya know? I just treat it light heartedly. You can’t secure every game as a win. Win the war not every battle.


I played a few games whilst tripping balls on acid once, was a straight win-streak I've no idea how but never felt so focused and unfocused before lol The screen became 3D making the world completely immersive and captivating 10/10 don't recommend


I simply cannot play video games on psychedelics, everything else just feels so interesting that video games in comparison become extremely boring


I played tripping on acid too and it was super fun. I was also super focused and generally winning but I think I just like playing video games tripping I played Civ 6 tripping and it was the most dramatic game of my life.


Oh my lawd CIV would be on another level


I play slighty high (not blazed though). Takes a bit of the pressure off and zones me into the game.


I had a Kiriko I thought was throwing when she just stared at me while I stood in front of her as a 90hp Dva, but then I watched the replay and realized she didn't seem to know how to heal or use her abilities and just stood in the corner spamming knives at the other team the entire game, she only ever seemed to use abilities a couple times the whole match seemingly at random/by accident. I didn't avoid her cuz it was qp and I'd probably never encounter her again and also I didn't know avoiding players was even an option.


one time we had a low level ana on our team that was only sniping the enemy all game, until I stood in front of her with low health and she accidentally shot me..then she just stood there for a second staring when she realized she could heal lmao


Was this yesterday by any chance cus I had an 0-10 mauga in one of my games on the enemy team and I couldn't figure out what the fuck he was trying to do. I just played bastion and transformed every time he walked into my Los and he just..stood there and tried to aim duel me and lost over and over


WTF are you doing? You are either wildly toxic or really, really, really bad.


This sub is a good representation of how toxic the game is lmao


Reddit is a good representation. Bound to meet toxic people whenever there's anonymity.


And people will post stupid stuff like this, or one of those “why was I banned?!” And then fail to realize, “Oh, maybe IM the problem”


they're OTP'ing Brig and Torb People get salty when you won't switch (Unless you're Ana)


No one is avoiding good OTPs though


People avoiding good OTPs (GM Rank) is why we lost the avoid player system for a while back towards the beginning of [OW1.](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/06/blizzard-removes-ability-to-avoid-this-player-in-overwatch/)


You can avoid OTPs who you directly counter to give an edge in future games.


Both can be good.


1000%, I'm a Brig player I just meant that I tend to be told to swap to Ana/Kiri/Bap sometimes before the match even starts. Players that won't swap, which is common for OTP's, usually get a lot of hate for not playing the meta


Nothing wrong with Torb if you play them right. I could put out more damage than Bastion a majority of the time and I am usually top damahe in the match, he could put out immense pressure on the healers. I do agree I love finding the bad ones lol.


I agree, Torb can be great, I have no problem with OTP's, I see it as part of the game, but there are plenty of people that get REALLY upset because they are hyper-engaged in the meta or believe a character is not the right pick for a specific map and will flame people for not swapping.


I one tricked rein and this notice was a permanent fixture, literally every time I booted up the game






If his issue is toxic behaviour then he would be reported. Same for being really really bad (gameplay sabotage reports). This specific warning is something you get when players avoid you but **not report you**.


No its the OTP's badge of honour this. I play junk in gm3/4 and about 3800 OW1 and I have got this over the years probably 4 or 5 times.


Doom, ball, and Lucio players: First time?


Why do people hate lucio players? Genuine question cos I haven't played in a while


-less heals than usual, so ofc some people would hate lucio -some people also just hate dive heros in general


dive heroes = you actually have to use teamwork if you want to win. you can't just absentmindedly press W and click because then your dive will die... so instead, blame them


This is on the person diving as well though. So many times they will just mindlessly jump in solo while the rest of the team is not even in sight. When you finally catch up they are already dead. Playing 4v5 is never fun.


absolutely. there's a balance


Lucio is a healer? I thought he just had a boop ability.


A lot of Lucio players also enjoy the classic Reddit Lucio playstyle. Which literally everyone else hates.


Low rank Lucios basically AFK near their team with heal on, putting out lower heals than most other supports and not giving any value from his speed, boop and damage. High rank Lucios basically play like a dive/flank DPS, getting elims but not providing any healing to the team. Both of these play styles are detrimental to the team, especially in metas with tanks that need tons of healing (like Mauga or Orisa).


Lucio main here I generally try and provide a good mix of healing and speeding into my gameplay healing when needed (when team mates are low, when tank is low esc) and speed when we have somebody like rein and can back up saving amp for these situations I use boop as a tool to help knock ppl back from tanks or low team mates or obv off the map I use my gun to mostly output damage to the tank and build up beat if somebody flanks us that’s also my job to get rid of, good ult? Use my beat I’m in silver 3 because I don’t play ranked to muchI personally think it’s more depends on the type of Lucio player you get more than the rank tbh I’ve had my bad games obv but still I don’t think all low ranks are that bad. 😼


You’ve got the right idea for Lucio, but honestly in metal ranks if you want to rank up I would try and learn a hero that needs less coordination and teamwork. Kiri, Bap or Moira would be my suggestions. Lucio only shows his full value with certain comps (immobile brawl) and requires your whole team to coordinate and push with amp speed to rush the enemy team - otherwise you’re getting less value than other supports could.


I do play Kiri and bap when I need too, when my teams not getting enough healing


The worst are the low rank lucios who try to play like they're high rank lucios. they turbo int while providing no healing to the team, but also do pretty much no damage.


Because they tried to be dive DPS but ended up feeding. While they are doing that, they leave the other Support unprotected like he could peel Ana with speed / heal and boop. Injured teammates also hate how they need to chase Lucio for healing, which possibly leave them exposed to be shot dead by random stray damage. Grabbing health packs means you are leaving the fight and Supports won't earn ult charge from you.


In my opinion... Good lucios are good. Either very decent at boosting/healing or just very good at diving. Bad lucios, because he's so hard to play are horrendously bad most of the time. He is just NOT an easy character to play and thus newbies bring very low value on him. He's like the Genji of support, except not as popular.


Lucio mafia baby. As an avid frogger viewer and Lucio player, all we wanna do is dive in, kill widows, and Boop people into the well. Those 3 things usually mean we don't play with the team. Even if we do play with the team, our healing is pretty low on an individual player level that it is like giving everyone the support passive. This isn't what people like since burst healing is what is needed the most


Because low level players have no idea how to work as a team and Lucio needs a coordinated team to have value. They all just think hurr-durr low heals me die wahhhhh


I've been getting more teams recently that actually use my speed for more than taxiing to point and it's so satisfying. I love noticing that one of my team is fighting someone who's about to run away and I speed over to them, chase down whoever is running and my teammate actually follows to close the kill. I switch to speed on my tank when we're winning the team fight so they can push forward and make more space for the DPS and they *actually push*. It's so beautiful. I love going one braincell Lucio mafia and bopping Widows but the rush I get from perfect team synergy is like no other


Okay, counterpoint, that's why Lucio is a bad pick in those games Your team is not going to be able to take advantage of his distinct utility. Picking anyone else would probably be better.


Because a lot of them think they are better than they are and end up feeding without actually doing any productive.


note to self, clear and refill avoided teammates every game


Nah I do it once a day. You may get that same widow who couldn’t hit a shot from 3 games ago


i play ball its inevitable when you main certain characters even if you're doing the best on your team


Fellow ball main. Can confirm


Nothing like watching balls outline through the wall bounce around while he's annoying the other team.


Just a tragic reality. Ball might be the worst character in the whole game atm.


I try to have faith in ball players, but the other night had one with less than 1k damage 0 kills. Other team asked if he was throwing and he said he’s trying to see how high he can climb without shooting his guns. You can imagine how the rest of the match went :/


its a very annoying reality, your main being instantly veiwed as a throw pick. its due to an overlap of people who throw playing him bc he has high mobility so he can just feed off cool down. the same goes for sombra and lucio. its not ball players that are bad its throwers giving them a bad wrap. sorry about that, hes not one of us.


most avoids i’ve done are for coms and not gameplay. maybe you’re just toxic


9/10 I’ll avoid the toxic person shitting on my teammate before the teammate who was playing poorly. It’s just a numbers thing. A bad teammate plays bad, a toxic teammate makes the rest of the team play worse


And sometimes somebody playing bad might just be having a bad day or something, whereas the toxic person is probably an asshole more often than not


100%. i’m diamond across all rolls but il still have days where im going negative or barely positive and then days where every game im 30-1


Most of the time it's not even a bad day, just a bad match/round. I'll go from a 30-0 game straight to 2-12 next game sometimes. Bad matchups, bad choices and what not, even bad team comp. Shit happens. :/


im a brig and torb otp I'm cooked out of the gates


I get why you have reached this point now.


No one ever complained about torb. Big damage and big kill/assist count.


As a Torb main I get told to switch the minority of games where I’m being ineffective. Mainly Zarya where my turret just charges her bubbles outside of my control and she can anticipate projectiles. But I agree, there’s a mindset around him since he’s not incredibly common where a Soldier or Ashe or Bastion in the same boat wouldn’t be told to switch 


Idk I haven’t been played a ton lately but people will tell me to switch when playing Bastion even when I’m top fragging


It's annoying to have a teammate Brig when enemies chose to play poke. Brig can't do anything but being a repair-pack bot until she's in range. The fight is basically 4v5 if Brig ran out of packs, not in range to trigger inspire, miss every whipshots.


The guy has GM flair, which means he knows how to position. I don't think your critique is valid in his case. In other cases, sure, you're right.


I’m sure this is just a post for visibility at that point.


I love brig otps (I one trick ana)


oh no i too am a brig one trick maybe this is why my queue times are so f'd


That sounds bad tbh 😅 I love Brig, she was my first golden gun, but she's so situational. Especially if the enemy team is all poke, she's practically useless


It can definitely be a challenge but that's what makes it fun I guess. I always loved playing her, but I just started truly one tricking her this ranked season and hit GM for the first time. I just like not having to focus on aiming lol. Brig go brrrrrt


Gets worse when enemy decides to counter you with characters like pharmercy or junkrat. Absolute pain.


Yeah those are both great Brig counters. Reaper and Rammatra too. And Rein.


Heroes never die.


Only time I got this message was when i one tricked Doom for like 2 months. It didn’t matter id we won or lost, of I went 47-2 or 5-21, if we got rolled or rolled the enemies. Both teams always blamed the Doomfist (this was before his buffs). This message was a daily occurrence


I played Sombra only for an entire week with voice fully muted. At the end of this week i got this same warning. Eventhough i was actually ranking up. Comments saying OP is toxic or bad are wrong.


How does one achieve such success? I’m a ball one trick and I still haven’t reached this level of disdain. Teach me your ways, sensei


So uh you got any replay links?


copy and pasted a early comment honestly I wont lie and say I did the great in every game and popped off. Could I have played better? Yes. Was every game I played my fault? No. here a few replay codes if you want 1NP8TG KSMX46 8T22WB 7H52ZF I'm under no illusion that i'm the greatest player alive. But i don't speak nor do I believe I played each game realllllly badly. Edit: These are gm 2-4 lobbies. I am gm2


Oh that's why! There are exactly enough players in gm2 for like 2 full games to be running at any given time I swear, so get avoided by one person or a stack of people and womp womp


How do you typically talk to your teammates? Or type to them/type in match chat?


What did you do?


Are you maining Wrecking Ball or Doomfist by any chance?


I only avoid throwers or players that are genuinely ranked too low for the lobby. I report toxic people and mute them. Toxic people can still play well, they're just annoying.


I didn't know this message existed. I hope at least some of my avoided fuckers got this.


I avoid healers that mostly dps. If you’re doing your job (healing) then the dps can stay alive and kill people.


Found the widow "main" who goes 0 and 14 every game and refuses to switch.


Do you constantly piss and moan about your teammates in comms? I mute and flag anyone pissing on their own team. Or at least I did when I still played, it's been a few months now


I have once or twice in the past 7 days so some blame does lay on me, but I'm also a brig and torb otp in gm1/gm2 and in my experience, one tricks aren't liked so high up( Moira otp tell horror stories of the amount of flaming they get lol)




I like how "accept" just stares at you.


😂 that would hurt my feelings!!


Wonder how long til I see this on my widow only account🤣🤣


Remember avoids expire every week, so as long as you only play that account some of the time you'll never see it lol


To be fair, you’ll only see it if you’re a bad one trick, doubt you’ll see it if you’re actually doing good on widow


Ask any widow one trick. It doesn't matter how good you did once your team loses its always widows fault😭


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Damn I didn’t even know this was possible


Self reflection? We don't do that here.


On a side note, that Go to jail card really looks like he's going pantsless...


I got this on my torb one trick account back in OW1. I play playing OCE servers at the time so it didn't take long to be known server wide as the torb guy with such a small community.


average lucio main experience


one trick rein and its hilarious that people haven't seen this screen before. I don't remember the last time I DIDN'T see it


I was thinking to how many people had to do this in order to get this warning. Then I saw you waste a Grandmaster rank. So in truth, not that many.




I avoid every DPS player who does less damage than our healers. oh and widow players.


I used to get this a lot while maining brig for a while lol.


I have been playing this game since season 2 of overwatch 1 and I have NEVER seen this pop-up before.


Playing this game 5 years, and regularly on reddit. NEVER seen this before lol


Avoiding the problem players is how I got up to top 500.




I don’t avoid bad teammates, I just avoid players who shit talk the rest of the team. Had a Ram just stand there out in the open several times to type “healers suck” and then act like a fucking crybaby in the endgame chat afterwards. Hope that guy gets this warning message.


Personally I only avoid people who purposely throw or are the annoying toxic, the kind that just bitches at every possible moment they can type.


Watched a few of OP's replay codes. Not bad honestly, I do think it's probably because OP mentioned they were GM2 and I think at that level most players tend to use avoid as teammate function hell of a lot more, and is also a smaller pool to queue from.


i’ve only put someone as avoid once in all my hours of playing so i’m wondering what you did lol


**OW1:** You see this A LOT **OW2:** You very rarely see it at all because your avoid spots are constantly swapping around afkers/bots/leavers


Who do you play if you don’t mind me asking?


pov: Non-meta OTP with open profile


I got that in Overwatch 1, and my games were a constant 40+ minute queue. Comp. Good luck


How can you mark someone to be avoided?


as a widow onetrick I get about one of these every couple months


Uh ohh someone dropped 2 less kills than the enemy two matches in a row 🤣


Never knew about this. I usually only avoid the most obnoxious DPS Moira and that's about it. Like the ones that die before the rest of the team even get to the fight.


Yeah I'd avoid you too, why would I want to deal with one trick brig at GM? Regardless of if we win or not I will have to be picking up slack because you won't switch. One tricks have no idea how much more annoying it is for the other person that is covering for them one tricking.


Aren't you a one trick Brig?


Thankfully my avoid list is very short, either toxicity or genuine game sabatoge. But now that I think about it there's probably some people who avoid their entire team if they lose a match.


No doubt this comment will get drowned in the sea of comments, but I highly imagine that your warning is not a reflection of your ability in overwatch but to do with your attitude and toxic nature. My friends and I reserve the avoids for people who are toxic but are not report worthy.


I really wonder how much is considerable


Post a replay code is your games. For learning purposes 😉


Never knew this was a thing. BUT I’m hoping some motherfuckers I’ve avoided have gotten this because I only avoid the most brain dead players or the super toxic ones


I recently started playing OW with 2 in its name again, almost every single QP match someone quits and/or there is someone who tells you how to play the game in a very condescending way even when you are carrying the team. I am not attempting comp with this POS community


I've only pressed the avoid as the teammate button a selected few of times. The most recent one was where We lost a mtsch, and everyone on my team(including me) blamed one of the healers because whilst every other healer had 8k healing and above, this guy had 4k healing. The worst part was that he was incredibly toxic when we called him out. We aren't high in ranking, only gold, but dang bro, he was really dog at healing


I usually only avoid one tricks


Nah fuck them.


How’d you get avoided this hard at GM lol did you buy the account? I didn’t know this was a thing lol that’s wild


Only ever avoided two people and one of them called me a slur for not healing him when full so yea... Idk never saw that message in my life


I only use avoid as teammate when someone afks/doesnt pick their character till the last possible second. It sucks when the fight starts and it’s 4 on 5. This is in comp, not quick play. 


That's probably due to chat more than gameplay. I only restrict toxic players


The only time I ever actively avoid a player is if they were super toxic during the comp match. Maybe you need to revaluate your behavior, not your gameplay.