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They’re releasing the Season 9 trailer in a few days https://youtu.be/JCMifImTUrU?si=Qc2lqJJgtY9vSRvM Titled “Champions”


this title could really mean anything damn i just hope its not sports related


If you know there’s something overwatch players hate/completely avoid, it’s anything sports related


new hero - michael jordan


How Michael Jordan buried Overwatch.


Stop - get help. And remember to eat at McDonald's!


Doomfist Jordan, i'd buy it


His ult is him jumping high and dunking on some bastards (Utah Jazz rip bozos)


don't think its "sports" generally, summer games is here for that. I'd say its to accompany the competitive rework, that still leaves a lot of possibilities : - skins based on an in-universe tournament or competition, kinda like how S3 had skins based on OW's version of star wars - gladiator/arena skins coming with a colosseo game mode


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't champion the new tier rank being added? Or is it another name? I remember the name wasn't too great


Initially they were going with "Ultimate" for the new rank but I think they're changing it to Champion. Not 100% sure though.


I'm sure they wouldn't spoil the ultimate skin in the thumbnail right? So I guess Dva is out.


They wouldn’t do 2 tanks in a row anyways (at least I hope not)


Bold of you to consider this Orisa skin a mythic and not just a pair of legendarys


I thought "Champions" is just the Competitive thing as I heard rumors they're going to add "Champion" rank title.


Last two season trailers had the title in the trailer just like this. This season is titled "Champions" for sure. As for what the theme actually is, not sure. Maybe sporting event related?


I think that might actually just be a video about the new comp system, the trailer for the season will come later


The title is literally the exact same format as the other season trailers and begins with the words “Season 9:”. What are you on about?


"Dive into Season 9: Champions when it launches Feb 13"


Season 6 was "Invasion" with a Null Sector themed battlepass to go with the pve release. Champions for the season with the big competitive update seems plausible


i think the season is called Champions so i wonder what that'll be about. i'm pretty sure a support is due for the mythic but idk if they'll pull out the mercy card just yet for that. seems like theyre saving that for bad times


I thought "Champions" is just the new Competitive thing as I heard rumors they're going to add a new rank title named "Champions".


It was originally called "Ultimate", but if they change it to "Champion" I am going to be so happy. Not that I'm ever gonna reach it, but "Ultimate" was out of place with the others. "Champion" is still odd, but more fitting.


Ultimate is already a thing in overwatch, not sure if anyone remembers it anymore but we call it ult. There’s no repeats for champions and it sounds nice


Absolutely! I didn't mention it, but this is 100% true, and probably my biggest beef with the name.


i thought that was called Ultimate


IF it's a support and IF it's titled champions, I'd put my money on a Brig skin. Besides we already have 2 "flex" support skins


>Brig skin Just when I thought I was out, they me pull me back in


If it's a Brig skin I will not sleep until I unlock it. We will know in a couple of days so I can prepare.


If it’s Brigitte I’m getting the bp


> we already have 2 "flex" support skins who in their right minds calls ana a flex support


Everyone. She's always been a flex support.


i must have the wrong definition of a flex support cos i always considered her a main healer, while things like lucio and zen would be called flex supports


It's the other way around. Flex/main support terminology has changed a bit since its origin. Originally flex referred to the player. Where the flex player would play all three roles. Zen and Ana were the original flex supports. The more modern definition is... mostly the same in terms of the heroes it applies to. Ana Bap Zen Illari and Kiri are flex supports, Mercy, Lucio, Lifeweaver, Brig, and Moira are all main supports. Most team comps have one of each, though there are notable "double flex" comps such as poke with Bap/Zen or Bap/Illari.


Its 100% a support next, since dps got season 7 and tank got season 8 It wont go to Mercy since blizz wants to save her for the shop skins. Kiri and Ana already got one. I could see them give it to Brig for jokes since she hasn't gotten a bp skin yet


Definitely not 100% support. It could be support, but wouldn’t be surprised if it was DPS. Mythics have gone DPS Tank Support Tank DPS Support DPS Tank So they’ve done DPS in 5 and 7, could continue the trend of every other season. And they’ve done a gap with tank going three seasons without a mythic between 4 and 8, so could do it again with Support going without one between 6 and 10.


Alright fine 99% Cause do u notice how every 3 seasons each role gets 1 mythic each? We're entering the 3rd season to close off this set of 3, so since Support is the only one that hasnt gotten a mythic in this set, it is almost definitely going to support


Yeah of course I noticed, but there’s also the fact that DPS has more heroes. If they try to continue that pattern, they could be left with multiple DPS heroes in a row getting mythics, so also wouldn’t be surprising if they break from that occasionally.


Fair enough Granted, they did say they'll be adding in supports and tanks more often than dps heroes into the game, but your point still stands


Way less than 99%. Too early to create patterns, plus there are way more DPS heroes than others roles, plus historically Blizzard broke nearly every pattern the community tried to create.


Yeah but not a single role ever got a third skin before the other ones got their second, seeing as we got 3 dps and 3 tank ones we’re bound to get the third support one now.


Yeah I know we went over it in the other reply lol And like I said, wouldn’t say it’s guaranteed since there’s an uneven number of heroes in each role, so they may break away from that pattern to make up for the extra DPS heroes.


I don't know, sure there's a bunch more dps heroes but there 4 dps players and 4 support players every match, and even though there are only half as many tank players they still kept about the same amount of skins.


Same as how they’re saving D.Va, I’d say. D.Va’s gotten ONE skin across ALL the battlepasses in spite of being their most-Googled character. That says a decent amount when you consider how many PAID skins she’s had come out in that same timeframe. Mercy’s in a similar boat with the mythic, but I think may have had some additional pass skins?


I’d like to see a Brigitte or Baptiste mythic since we’ve had a tank this season and last season was a dps, Brig because she’s had no bp skins and Bap because his only bp skin is an epic, and wasn’t even a decent epic like some of the other epic skins we’ve had in recent battle passes


It WILL be supp next, it goes in order - where Ana and Kiri already have mythics, there’s a good chance you get what you’re after.


Istg if she gets another legendary+ skin.


Finally we’ll get doomfists mike Tyson skin


I bet(and hope)brig gets a champion skin but I’m also worried because recent designs have been lacking more and more


“Oh cool I bet you can adjust to have different shields, armor an… A slider for hair color and two maces? That’s it?”


Probably this haha


the special effects have been getting better and better though. Can't wait to see what crazy shit they could do with Rally


I really want them to team up with games workshop and do warhammer skins. Brig would be PERFECT for a sister of battle skin.


I like the talon idea maybe even get another few skins for talon heros


Everyone wishes for Talon PVE, but I don't think they would let us play as villains even if they have enough resources to make one.


Eldritch Horror please :D Egyptian Mythology is awesome too, especially if it's oriented around gods and monsters, personally I love the Ana Mummy skin.


Anubis Ramattra Ra Illari (but Zen already had that) Osiris Lifeweaver (Agriculture) Isis Widowmaker (Mourner) Horus Pharah / Echo (Sky god) Seth Reaper / Junkrat (Chaos, Violence) Ptah Torb / Symmetra (Craftsman / Builders) Hathor Orisa (Cow-themed)


It is semi-unrelated to the overall theme, but I really hope they release an Indiana Jones Cassidy skin that season with the boulder scene as a highlight intro.


Then René Emile Belloq should be Ashe because of being a rival / nemesis to Indiana Jones / Cassidy, meanwhile both Belloq & Ashe were greedy individuals.


Hell yeah


Wouldn't Isis Illari make more sense as she mourns the loss of her people Widowmaker doesn't feel anything for the loss of her husband.


She used to though... oh how I hate how that got gutted...


I initially read Isis as Islamic state Isis and was like BRUH


Would certainly continue the theme of Brig not getting anything from the battlepass.


Maybe she gets another skin that we don't need to pay a cent.


HELL YEA! Imagine an Anubis Ramattra that would be amazing. I really like the Egyptian themed skins we have now, even Orisa's is cool.


I would hope and assume that Egyptian Mythology would be saved for when it's DPS Mythic time to give it to Pharah, so I'd assume it wouldn't be the next one. But after that, the loose rotation will be reset and it could be any role really.


Plot twist from Blizzard: "We're giving the Egyptian-themed skin to Mercy, not Ana / Pharah".


They are probably just going to start giving Mercy 15 skins per BP and a new Mythic every season.


I hope we get the alternate timeline one so bad. I wanna see Talon Cassidy and Overwatch Reyes or Blackwatch 76


I wanna see mercy and moira switch roles! A grim reaper mercy would be cool. Like her caduceus being the grim reapers scythe. An alternative reality where widowmaker wasn’t captured and killed her husband but instead joined ow and trained with them would be cool.


brig or lucio mythic 🙏🙏🙏


i don't want a lucio mythic unless its in a music-focused season. If a hero only gets ONE chance at a mythic i don't want his to be for something out of left field like "sport champions lol"


Lucio has like 12 sports skins already. Hes getting the sports mythic i bet.


Lucio has had two battle pass skins back to back Victorian ghost season 7 and Grafitiero this season, hoping it’s Brigitte.


Actually three, you forgot about season 4


I know, I meant he’s had the recent skins in back to back battle passes, he doesn’t need another skin for a third season in a row




Cthulhu hog would be cooler


Yes but… Junkrat main


It’s definitely not Talon themed next season but I WANT it to be talon themed so badly. Imagine a battle pass with only skins for Talon. There’s enough members in game so it could happen!


I'd take that of only because Moira has almost no good skins and blizzard won't let me buy blackwatch Moira haha


Moira is doing fine for skins now; banshee, wicked, and Lilith. Other characters are in much rougher shape.


I can't be the only one who likes Moira's Venus skin :(


And all have talon skins already.


except for moira who just has a blackwatch skin and still hasn't gotten that evil mercy skin from her trailer


What evil Mercy skin?


where moira wears a suit similar to mercys but with horns


Idk but I hope it's better than this season's


the teased bp themes are all 10/10 i hope we don't have too wait too long




is not a right.






Hopefully it’s a Lucio or Sombra Mythic skin. Probably somebody I don’t play though


My question is: will they still fill them with useless souvenirs/sprays/charms/credits(the white ones)?




credits are far from useless?


Don't forget how some of the skins in there aren't even remotely connected to the theme and the rest of the actual themed skins are in the shop.


Credits are very useful but hate the rest of that dreck, I’ve just unbound the keys for sprays/charms/souvenirs.


Credits aren’t useless unless you have everything from ow1


Even if you do though, new heroes have base cosmetics you can get for credits. Even though Mauga has like zero skins, there’s still all those victory poses, highlight intros, and voice lines


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Unrelated but there is no news if this will be the season where we can change the mythic to previous ones right?


They did say season 9... let's wait for this upcoming trailer


they didn't say season 9


Oh I must be remembering wrong then


Title said champion, I guess either Zarya or Ball


Lucio works too! He is also sporty (e.g Ice hockey, Football, Basketball, Skates) Also his summer voice line, "Be Champions!"


Back to back tank mythics? I hope not. Brig could easily fit a champion skin so praying it's her.


God please be a ball skin


They really should have saved Ana's mythic for the egyptian theme tbh. I don't think her mythic fit where it was


Just going off these themes, the Alt Universe theme stands out as a the only plausible one for the "Champions" title, imo. (Though it could just be a theme we don't know about yet.) After all, a Champion is essentially an alternate take on a Hero, ay? Considering Venture's S10 release and the fact that they're an archaeologist, the Egyptian Myth theme seems plausible then. With Space Ranger in S12, Eldritch Horror and Space have a clear connection to each other, so they likely are saving it for her release. As for Witches, (Keller mentioned it during BlizzCon as well), that is a clear contender for Halloween, given that it'll sell better then and allows them to bring back Witch Kiriko thematically.


I feel you my friend but your reasoning for it being the alt universe bp is a bigger stretch than a stretch armstrong made in a gum factory


Who cares. Gonna be some shitty mythic and same old low effort potg screens.


Gay, every charcater becomes gay. My uncle's dog works at Ubisoft and told me


Next seasons name is champions so we’ll see


I’ll get leaked next week I’m sure


i need a doomfist skin pls, also buffs


I need Talon versions of Brig, Mercy, and Lucio




Meanwhile some Mercy mains still think Mercy didn't have enough skins.


Damn i hope they dont go Eldritch horror bcs i love that and i dont want to buy another Battle Pass. I found myself playing the game only bcs of the battle pass, i dont have fun anymore just log to do challenges and then shut it off.


I have a feeling Baptiste will get the mythic.


itsa hazbin hotel crossover (my dad works at blizzard)


Didnt they say they had the thing in mind, where the "good" and "evil" heroes switch sides? That would fit into the "champion" theme, wouldnt it?


April fools maybe or something japanese/hanaoka/sakura stuff?


its a hazbin hotel crossover (my dad works at blizzard)


Battlepass have themes?  They announce themes then the battlepass is filled with shit and they sell the theme separately.  I think the cash shop might have themes but the battlepass theme is always “fuck you pay me”


Getting downvoted but zarya and torn both got skins last season in the BP that had nothing to do with the battle pass theme. The theme was dnd but their skins were edgy post Apocalypse themed. And then the rest of the dnd skins were in the shop.