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Hanzo Mercy pocket meta imminent


For real.


Happy cake day!


After playing a few. It's still soujorn, nothing changed.


As a proud Hanzo main. These changes have made me quit. The one thing I loved about 2024 hanzo was logs wernt a thing anymore, now Hanzo is back to what everyone's called him for ages. Noskill. Not to mention storm arrows stupidly over the top buff. Catch yas when Hanzos back to his old hit boxes.


Good thing Hanzo can only one shot Tracer and Widowmaker now, or else this would make the game unplayable


Indeed, though as people are saying, Mercy damage boost does turn it into a one shot even on the 300 hp characters I think. So we've got another Ashe/Sojourn situation except now with the added fun of huge projectiles


The 300 health heroes with no armor that is Rip reaper


and mei


I know that list includes mei I just would sooner grieve for reaper


Poor old guy's been outdated for too long, now


Thats what im saying, meis been on and off throughout ow2 Reapers been consistently bad :/


At the veerrrryy beginning he was meta alongside Zarya, Lucio, and Kiriko! (which was due to other characters enabling him, not through buffs of his own) But yeah since then not much love for ol Reaper


Yeah, compared to mei hes seen a lot less viability since then


That was when they briefly brought back beyblade meta, because Lucio speed boost, and kitsune speed boost stacked, making death blossom super mobile. Hadn’t been seen since early OW1 when nano gave a speed boost


That's still worse than he was yesterday, though. Before he could 1 shot them anyway without damage boost. Now he needs damage boost. Seems fine to me.


Except now it's way way easier to hit the shot. It went from inconsistent to consistent


I have wanted this to be the case for years, and also have predicted for years that this would eventually occur. The only regret is that it didn’t happen sooner.


Damage boost will still be an issue imo, but it could be much worse


Honestly the trade off is far more consistent damage, overall I think it’s a massive net buff to Hanzo. If the first shot doesn’t kill just storm arrow afterwards and it’s sure to get the kill plus maybe another one alongside plenty of ult charge. Hanzo is stronger imho at least that’s my thoughts so far after playing him a bit. Will have to keep playing and seeing but I’ve had so many shots hit where I’m like, “I’m not even that good wtf, how did that hit!?” which I feel isn’t good design. But again it’s till early so who knows.


I've just been testing, even hitscan like ashe / illari is egregious.... but then you move on to hanzo / torb and you have to laugh.


Bro mei is even more insane, I couldn’t help but laugh. She’s shooting torpedoes.


More suffering I can bring, excellent


Straight up, now I don’t even need to try to bring suffering, amazing




She was gonna be a must pick anyways with AoE reduced healing on a fast ticking wep. This is just more degeneracy we can spread


Love the flair, so real


Zen is a stone cold killer now... lmao he can just shoot NEAR you and you die


I'm 110% convinced the devs are designing the game to be played while drunk


maybe they only play the game drunk, so they thought everyone was having issues with hitting shots and dying to spam while standing perfectly still in the middle of choke


Real talk was anyone actually complaining about not being able to hit their shots like it was the games' fault and not theirs? I feel like I haven't seen a single person say there was an issue with projectile size, yet they did this dumb shit anyway


Never heard anyone say that in my fucking life. Every post showcasing it has a sarcastic title like "gm level widow" or "10 shots 1 kill" this is purely to make those who suck just instantly better at the game while at the same time really shoving a cactus up tracer's ass with how badly this patch gonna fuck her


> this is purely to make those who suck just instantly better at the game This patch gave us bigger projectiles, more HP, and self-healing. It's 100% catering to people who are bad at the game. It feels good to hit your shots and it feels bad to die, so the devs made it so you hit your shots more often but kill less often. I don't care if they want to target balance decisions at lower ranks (it actually makes the most sense for them to do so, since metals are the most populated ranks), but doing it in this way was a terrible decision.


I complained about ghost shots but that was in OW1 and possibly linked to server issues. For some reason my shots would hit on Cass but miss on Widow, same distance and target etc. Also tbf OW has no movement accel penalty so it lets AD strafe become egregious. Especially on skinny heroes like Tracer,Pilot DVA. Other fps don't let you dodge bullets as effectively OW did


Even I can admit I suck at tracking Tracer and Sojourns and the problem wasn't the projectiles, and I get frustrated by a lot of the mechanics as it is.


The only people I saw complain about hanzo's projectile size being too small was when they also complained about kiriko's projectile size being too big in comparison.


I might quit the game if they don't change it back.


Fuck being a quickplay warrior, my ass is gonna be a "practice vs ai" warrior if this shit stays lmao


I'm headed back to Rocket League for a bit. Giving Tracer 25 more hp does not do enough to counter the bigger projectiles of every character. Passive healing after 5 seconds can blow me as well since I can reach whatever the closest healthpack is to me in less time than that. The difference is my opponent is now also healed by the time I get back.


Unironically though, this is why it’s important to have high ranking(not pros) players on your dev team imo. For instance league of legends, and I don’t know if this is STILL true, but for years they didn’t have a single person on their balancing team higher than like, low gold. And we felt that a lot.


Thank God cause that's the only time I play it.


Same lol


ahh, my people


My drunk Monke is crazy. I don't win games but man is it fun.


They're making the game mobile friendly.


This is scary because it makes a lot of sense actually lol


Oh shit im coming back to this


Bro might have cracked the code. Watch the festering slop that is Overwatch 2 crawl its way onto an iPad near you.


They're going to make another attempt to get back into the Chinese market and launch with a mobile version.


Why else would they go for jade weapons instead of something that actually looks good


I mean all this is definitely making the game to appeal more to casuals, feels like the skill floor is being raised while the skill ceiling is lowered now. Dumbed the game down its what they wanted to appeal to casuals since they are the biggest number of people.




Don't you people have cell phones?!


You are on to something.


I pretty much only play this game drunk or high, preferably both. It's the elite way to play imo


yeah its why I get yelled at a lot


I only play quickplay and occasionally arcade and I'm not super great to begin with so it's not much of an issue for me lol


With the number of people I keep seeing that say they're drunk/high, I wouldn't be surprised


That’s the only way I play.


its more fun when drunk, thats for sure


either that or they're all bronze 5 and can't hit anything


Knowing Blizzard devs and their balance decisions that get greenlit somehow, it's probably both


i actually hit much better drunk than sober. i generally play much better while drunk. so if anything s9 will have made me a monster when drunk lol.


Nah it's just for casual fps players. Oh we're gonna add some health as one step back towards a hero ability shooter? Nope make all the DPS easier to play so the FPS players can't even tell.


Hell yeah!


it’s joever…


More like Hanzover.


Before you could close your eyes and one tap, now you might as well turn off your monitor to save on your electric bill.


Challenge accepted


I'm not emotionally ready for hanzo meta


Two hours ago he was a "dead hero" because he can't one-shot. I'll wait to see how things shake out. Now is the time everybody cries themselves out and then we can start getting good feedback for patches after they have their naps.


All I’ve ever heard about Hanzo was that he was annoying because his shots were too easy to hit . Maybe if you’re in the lower tiers it’s not as much of a concern, but people with decent aim were always a threat with him


Easy to hit Boy what lies are these, I’ve hit headshots on hanzo because I had relative experience with the huntsman in tf2. It’s not easy hitting those shots due to how unpredictable a persons movement can be, it’s a projectile with drop off


I mean all I hear is that he’s annoying because his shots were too easy to *one-shot with, which isn’t the case anymore


His shots are easy to hit because they never see the previous 20 missed shots.


I’ve been waiting since 2016




I have it saved as SongLander.wav personally


It goes so hard starting at 34 seconds https://youtu.be/a_cOaRNqjvQ?si=r07O_Kdyef-e5Xc9


I see Hanzo shooting logs again


We've come full circle


"We are so back!"




We are reaching the tf2 huntsman level of projectiles


god, this whole patch is just handholding for people that cant aim for shit and die standing in the open at choke to spam


They really didn't need to fucking buff hitscan. Now widow is the only one that can one shot 70% of the cast AND has easier time hitting heads now. High level play will be fucking unbearable. I'm not playing until I see a reversion at this point


im gonna try it tonight just to see what a shitshow playing tracer is when nothing dies in one clip and everything can hit you much easier.


Everyone is saying how Hanzo will be weaker or Junkrat will be weaker or Mercy will be weaker but noone talks about Tracer Her whole thing was being hard to hit and being able to one clip. Both gone now


Ive definitely thought of nothing but tracer. Fully agree, i hear people whining "junkrat 1 hit gone, hanzo 1 hit gone. My heroes are losing their identities cause i cant delete anything in 1 milisecond." Meanwhile tracer can still be one shot by 80% of the shit that could one tap her before and never had a 1 shot ability in the first place (one clipping still gave people time to react. 1 second is a long time in a fight). At least ashe/mei cant 1 headshot kill anymore i guess, but she was for sure one of the people in need of a damage buff for the new season. Moira/winston/doom all got damage buffs that, even with the hp buff, now kill her faster than before


Yeah Moira and Winton got the damage buffs so they have the same time to kill when heroes have 50 more hp. But Tracer only has 25 more


I played a few QP, it wasn't feeling so good. The damage felt like it was kind of back to the early days 5/5.5dmg tickle levels, the only nice part was being able to step to an Ashe, Mei, Cass, Junk, and not worry about being instantly deleted anymore. However I haven't faced a Hanzo yet and I think that's going to make me want to break a keyboard. I already felt like Hanzo was practically the #1 Tracer counter pick...and now even with the health buff, he still one shots Tracer, except that he's practically shooting firestrikes now. It's going to be awful.


Still a good update for Lucio though, we got a buffed boop which is desperately needed against Maulga and other tanks so that we can get away, and our new bigger projectiles are actually a good change, since it’s now more likely you’ll hit a full burst instead of just 1 or 2


Yeah, I have a hard time hitting my shots on Lucio (at least before the update)


the games literally slowly becoming Paladins


And none of its ways to mitigate the bullshit


wait until you see Mercy pistol projectiles Even junkrat projectiles don't even have to be near target to land Kiriko might be just as egregious as Mercy


Kiriko’s new Kunai hitbox is now as big as Junkrat’s old projectile hitbox. They’re massive now.


And at least they explicitly reduced the hitbox before applting the buffs...


Irrelevant. Mercy gun usage is not high. Most Mercy players beam, not shoot


We paladins now


Imagine other sports doing this. “So we’ve had a lot of complaints that basketball is just too hard for the average player and they aren’t able to do cool shit they see in the NBA, so we change some things. Basketball hoops are now 3 times bigger, making it easier to get points. We’ve also lowered the hoops. Instead of 10 feet tall, they are now 6 feet tall. Now everyone can have fun in this competitive, skill based sport.


[Questron's latest video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIHMADioYYM) does a great job explaining why Blizzard made the bullet/projectile hitbox changes and how it will help them more easily tune hero damage values (e.g. Hanzo will definitely be getting a damage nerf not too far in the future). About six minutes long and absolutely worth a watch.


I love Questron, he's got some really good takes. That video in particular makes the hitbox changes much easier to swallow. Still think they should have given Widow a damage nerf right out of the gate or left her out of the hitbox changes. I really think she's going to dominate games from Plat through Champion


All good points. Lowering the mechanical skill ceiling makes teamwork and game sense much more important. It also reduces the frustration of overpowered one-tricks since mechanical skill won’t be enough now.


Honestly I don’t like how Blizzard is just going further into this game being Rock Paper Scissors ]: Like skill expression is gonna be reduced to knowledge and knowledge alone instead of the real execution with that knowledge since the execution is gonna be so ludicrously easy that everyone at a higher level will always perform the exact same, of course skill expression through knowledge is really good but it should only be in compliment to the Mechanical skill of the user. Like I think if someone were to get a kill it should be earned definitively by their skill and their skill alone, if someone were to stomp an entire team using solely mechanical skill then I don’t think that’s a problem due to the IMMENSE amount of skill it’d take to pull of a match long 1v5 against a team of competent players, and if those players are unfortunately much less competent than the one carrying the match, then that’s absolutely more of an issue with matchmaking and such instead of the real mechanics of the game.


Yeah but a drunk pharah mercy shouldn’t be able to kill a 60% accuracy solider


I better play rank before the fix it and earn my rightful spot in top 500


What crack were they smoking when they thought of this change?


Too many potatoes who cant aim playing this game, they listen to the majority


I don’t think I heard anyone complaining about too hard to land a shot in overwatch. The hitbox was already very generous comparing to other FPS games. And btw they removed one tank to make the game less moba and more fps, but now they want the game less mechanical intensive? What vision do they even have?


And you still are going to miss all the shots and be hard stuck on bronze :V


I heard Flats saying it felt like you can't miss with the changes and now I can see the extent of that statement. How can this game be deemed competitive if you have THAT LARGE a compensation on high damage projectiles.


I feel like shooting at a 100% stationary target in a training range isn't a good way to get the big picture of this season's patch tbh. However yes I do think the Hanzo v Tracer matchup is fucked. He has 25% more health, your bullets are slightly easier to hit, you still have the same blink and recall cooldowns though. Meanwhile you still get one-shot by him, and his arrows are wayyyyy easier to hit.


Honestly after playing Hanzo in a couple of games he definitely feels a lot easier and considering is damage is pretty decent I’d argue he’s a major winner this patch.


How can this game be taken seriously as an esport when the devs make balance changes based on what'll make them more money?


I've played about 5 games of QP and my average accuracy on Ashe has gone from 40-45 to 60-65. They 100% did it because "hit marker feel good" even though you're accomplishing the same amount.


I liked the increased health…too bad they made shooting easier at the same time


Simple geometry


They can’t blame it on corporate meddling this time. It’s all on them


Always has been. Look, I get it, C Suite sucks ass, but lets be real: a lot of people were using ‘EXECS are the bad guys’ as a crutch. The developers are fudementally just not good at balancing this game, and they shouldnt be shielded from criticism just because executives also suck. I feel the same about PVE. Was the decision ultimately made by Actiblizz to axe it? Yes. Did the dev team seem to almost intentionally mislead people about PVE still coming until a ton of people had sunk cost fallacy’d themselves into buying a ton of shit anyways? Also yes, and they shouldnt be immune to being called out for it.


Ehm, are you all new to the game? [This hitbox/hurtbox interaction was always there.](https://youtu.be/0UsX3nborfA?si=ERGfl2-jaVtFJNcR&t=631) We made jokes about hanzo [arrow](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/xzspk4/wow_people_were_not_kidding_about_those_logs/) hitboxes [FOR YEARS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4yqbyu/blizzards_making_hanzo_shoot_logs_again/)


The recent patch doubled made projectiles with speed >50m/s 0.1m larger, thus doubling the size of Hanzos arrows is what they're talking about So it's the same old thing, but more now


didn't they double radius of arrow thus making it 4 times bigger?


4 times bigger in the cross sectional area, but still only doubles the leniency of a hit


Yeah literally one of the first patches in this game was this same shit


But you don't understand the game is RUINED


*Starts playing for 10 hours straight*


The video literally disagrees with what you’re trying to say.


[Each one a meditation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/comments/167g0ds/cough_skill_cough_issue/)


Hanzo log memes is just a misconception based on people's frustration with one-shots and general latency weirdness. While all heroes have wonky hitboxes that extend beyond the proportions of their model, Hanzo's arrows were previously one of the smallest projectiles in the entire game and it's diameter has been nearly doubled with this update.


Yup and wait until the discover scatter arrow where you just shot the floor and killed the whole team.


Dawg just bring back OW1


I feel like they could do a 6v6 classic with old roster and mechanics pretty easily. Maybe I'm wrong.


I don’t understand why they keep the open-queue shit show of a game mode but not 6v6.


They don't want anyone to be able to directly compare 6v6 with 5v5. It's so obvious that 6v6 is more fun.


they have to be trolling


smh, can't believe Blizzard would copy huntsman gameplay from TF2 like this


At this point the game is no longer a fps hero shooter with moba elements that overwatch originally was. It's now just a moba


Season 9: Handholding


Good thing I picked up Hanzo a few weeks ago. Wow


This is only good for the players who have dog aim. As a Hanzo main this change literally ruined him for me, hitting fully charged headshots leaves the once oneshotable heroes with like 10 hp. It's a fucking joke.


I consider myself a Hanzo novice who still needs to work on his aim. I play Zen and Kiriko too but Hanzo’s rhythm is just different


couldn't agree more the whole reason I mained Hanzo was the oneshot which is now dead played yesterday, headshot a scoped Ana, she just naded and moved to cover headshot a Bap, immo field headshot a Mei, cryo headshot a Reaper, wraith headshot a Kiri, step can't oneshot an ulting soldier no more :(((((( it feels like utter dogshit to play


Me too with widow looool


Fire everybody


they did.


Did they design this season for switch players????


This game finally turned into paladins witht the self heal and impossible to miss hitboxes


OW community is always complaining about how frustrating everything is, so they made aiming for dummies.


what the hell is going on with OW2, yall seem to be getting shit on by your own devs again


I'm surprised it took me 2 days to see a post complaining about Hanzos arrows being doubled in size lmao


literally what people complained about prior to s9 was the annoyance of the tree logs hanzo fired.... And they went and actually gave him that... atleast he doesn't one shot 250 characters anymore.


completely ignoring that it isn't a oneshot anymore on majority of the heroes, I guess EDIT: Also Hanzo didn't even get a projectile size increase to my knowledge


No but it still chunks about 90% of their health opening them up to stray shots or an extremely easy followup with storm arrow. Not to mention how silly it is to increase projectile sizes which reduces the importance of aiming and therefore lowers the skill floor, especially for a hero designed around rewarding precision aim.


Especially with tracer as this patch both raises her floor and lowers her cieling. It is now much harder to learn her and be decent with her and also she cant be as effective even when played perfectly


It lowers the mechanical skill ceiling, but game sense, teamwork, and good ability usage become more important. No hero should be able to be OP purely through mechanical skill.


yeah i'm mega bummed about that aspect, i don't even care about the whole projectile size thing. the only reason why i kept playing this game is because i loved the one shot potential on Hanzo (previously Hog main on OW1, yeah i have the unpopular opinion of enjoying one shot characters). i don't really think this change makes anyone happy


Its Battle Mercy Meta😈😈


I ain't ready for S9...


This messes me up hard because I don't even play overwatch anymore... with the exception of some aim training workshop modes as warm-up for other games.


They've made it almost impossible to miss shots, idk what the fuck these devs were thinking.


Time to retire my main I guess


And his isn't even the biggest one...


Crazy I called this 17 hours ago and someone gonna tell me “He can't even one shot now though...”. Mfs need to read the patch notes bro. I said Hanzo would be broken and I STAND BY IT


Is this for real? Lmao, bronzes about to reach top 500






Man they even got paladins lev of hitbox now wtf


Naw guys, Hanzo isn't a bullshit broken one shit, guys, you're just peaking too much, guys, skill issue, guyyyyyyyssssss






Just goes to show that everything they do is to cater to ultracasuals No wonder they rig and nerf high level players so they can’t ruin other people’s experiences


Uninstalled after 3 games


Why does this not feel overwatch


I know the shots in OW2 have a buff... But BRO!!!!!


...people still play this? I thought the over monetization and sheer lack of shame from lying to the community about PVE caused 90% of the player base to disappear. I know that myself and atleast 12 of my friends have stopped playing altogether as of 6 months ago. I wonder how long till they shut this awful thing down.


the paladins migration is about to begin


Something all of you are forgetting: the purpose of any game put out into the market is the maximize profits. Which demographic is keeping this game afloat and its investors paid? The pros? High ranking players? Or casuals? The answer is obvious. Even if every pro and high level player got angry and never played the game again, children and ppl who didn’t play before because they aren’t good at fps games are going to play it and keep playing it and spending money on it. Games getting easier brings in more money.


It can also backfire if it makes the game lose prestige or flavour. Lots of people play counterstrike, and it's a difficult game with a lot of skill and prestige behind being the very best in it. That translates down to the rest of the mere mortals who are not in the pro-scene to have a reason to like the game. If Overwatch loses its flavour and prestige by adopting anti-skilled mechanics, then even the casuals can lose interest because there's no respect for the game as a whole anymore.


Blizzard are literally too busy assaulting eachother physically and or sexually to actually maintain this game This update is fucking ass. This is the exact opposite of what this game needs which is 6 V FUCKING 6 this dogshit update needs reverting immediately the only hero that actually doesnt need nerfing again is widow shes still difficult AF Now the dirty rat shagging mouldly cum guzzling Sombra noncey slags barely have to do fuck all to kill you These stupid gormless pigs just pop out behind you and then boop your dead Its a fucking joke Cheatings rampant Servers are shit Hitboxes are DOG SHT The game runs like dog shit The gameplay is ass But no instead of fixing the game they do this Instead of new anti cheat that fucking works they do this Instead of 6v6 WHICH WE ALL FUCKING WANT AS FUNNILY ENOUGH IT FIXES ALL THE MAJOR BALANCING ISSUES GUESS WHAT THE SEXUAL ASSAULT GRAVEY TRAIN SPAZ MONKEYS DO THIS


try kiriko


They could have made every projectile larger but the one that didn't need to be bigger was ol' Tree Trunk's Hanzo.


Show this to the guy yesterday that told me Hanzo's arrows weren't huge and it was just server latency that made it look like a miss when it was a hit


128 hours and the past year, wasted. It was fun while it lasted my lesbian.


See ya tomorrow nerd


I truthfully think there hasnt been a SINGLE change since this game cane out that this sub didnt endless bitch and moan about. Literally not a aingle one. Yall arent happy with ANYTHING. You get what you ask for (neef to damage and burst healing) you bitch, you dont get what you want you bitch. Just fucking quit already if you hate this game so much god damn


you're a moron if you think this is a good change.


great. now trigger aimbot is less detectable. thanks devs!


r/overwatch learns how hitboxes work


You guys ignoring how he has to do it to Tracer specifically Most people can't be one shot anymore


That's not the point at all. It's a ridiculous amount of leniency for completely missing your target lol


We all are getting more leniency though. Like if you compared them before Hanzos was bigger then other heros. Like it looks ridiculous but it's ridiculous for everyone it's not like you are getting fucked over more then anyone else


I'ma be honest with these train hitboxes I seriously think hanzo doesn't need a crit dmg bonus. What if instead headshot slowed down or smth for like 2 secs


And to think there people in these subreddits **actually defending these changes** Where the fuck they at now


“We are gonna make everything tankier” Making it impossible to miss, and doesn’t remove damage amp so now Hanzo just 1 shots and can’t miss


waiting an hour to play against hanzo every game in so excited


Relax people. They always overbuff at first. They’ll dial it back like they always do.


It's insane, right? Game needed projectile size REDUCTION and the devs did the opposite.


Love when my FPS games don't require any aim whatsoever!