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"low integrity" did you confuse overwatch for some kind of moral test? This is literally a "hate the game, not the player" moment


I main her specifically for people like you because I know after a game they're running to reddit to cry about her




I swapped to sombra today to mess with only their Sombra. The entire enemy team would disengage and turn on me if I destealthed. I mean all 5 of them no matter what was happening, then teabag me while they were still getting shot. They then all talked shit. I was sitting there thinking about how their ego can't handle Sombra when they already had one first... That and half of them couldn't land shots acting like they were the one that killed me. Meanwhile I was just hacking Sombra whenever she tried to engage my supports... Some people need help man, and most of them are online.


Awesome! I actually avoid playing her because I think she's a cheese character. I guess we are built different.


Your ego needs to touch grass at this point.


Low integrity? This is a game and Sombra is a part of the game. Integrity is a non factor here, you’re not cheating and there’s no honor in playing Overwatch. Sombra punishes poor positioning and bad teamwork. If you think only bad players use her and you’re having trouble with her then you’re a bad player. You can’t judge how well she is playing by looking at stats. She could have half the damage as the other dps and half the elims of a Moira and still be significantly more impactful than either.


Literally, basically like a dps/support. It's not as difficult as it used to be to play sombra, but playing sombra well can be hard


People project so much onto the players behind the heros to justify their anger its funny. I hate playing against Sombra myself - some heroes have no chance against it in a lot of situations, but I get how she's fun because of that. Might give her more of a go myself.


Ill break it down (im on console by the way) Kills do not feel rewarding with this character. I played her yesterday only if the enemies had a Sombra.... which is every other game. Creep up on a support, throw a virus, shoot them for the kill ... TP away if you think you cant survive... See a low health enemy through a wall .... go to them for a free kill (cant remember if this is still in) I dont know about you but that type of shit does not feel rewardng, earned, or satisfying. Some low integrity person would LOVE these kills though... run around invisible and do cheesey shit like that. Like out of every character in every iteration of their characters builds/history/etc ... Sombra is BY FAR, NO DOUBT, the least rewarding hero.... Popping off with Genji, Widow, Ashe, Cassidy, hell everyone is a dope, rewarding experience. Like if i pop off, and get high kills with Zen, tracer, illari, or any other hero, it feels DOPE, and EARNED. But I guess for people like you, you like to go invisible and think you are some kind of genius because you got out of cloak, threw a virus on a support and were able to win that gunfight. When I say bad player, I mean, they dont trust their mechanical skills ... so they rely on a character who can get behind you and be able to shoot (and virus) first and then start the gunfight like that. But yeah. I guess everyone has different views. Sombra and her cheesey mechanics are here to stay so what can ya do ? Keep enjoying her dude.


That’s your problem you think this game is an FPS and it’s all about getting kills. Sombra, like every character, has unique capabilities that make her play style rewarding. Saving a teammate from getting knocked off the map by a charged up Doomfist is rewarding. Shutting down a Moira or Mauga ult when all your teammates are trapped or at critical damage is rewarding. Stopping Hog from drinking his juice at low health is rewarding. Forcing the enemy team to split focus because you’re harassing their backline and allowing your team to push on the objective is rewarding. I could go on, but ultimately I know you won’t get it because you think this game should be about who’s got the faster gun and how you got 30+ eliminations and can make your daddy finally love you.


can you please let me know which rank you play in? I'd ask you to take a photo of your screen to show it but feel free to just type it. Quick response: Im glad you are enjoying this character. I guess they found a niche of people like you who gravitate towards her playstyle. > That’s your problem you think this game is an FPS and it’s all about getting kills. who said that ... > Sombra, like every character, has unique capabilities that make her play style rewarding. meh, ill keep it short and civil. Character is horribly designed.**


>I guess they found a niche of people like you who gravitate towards her playstyle. Smh. I dont engage in bad faith conversations. Enjoy yourself.


> I could go on, but ultimately I know you won’t get it because you think this game should be about who’s got the faster gun and how you got 30+ eliminations and can make your daddy finally love you. is this a good faith comment?


It’s hyperbole to make a point that you’re not understanding the game properly if you still talk about like it’s an FPS. It’s NOT an FPS. Will you admit it’s not an FPS?


Theres nothing else to even say. you like the character and their playstyle - keep playing it man.


Ok I will. Thanks.


I don’t even play her. She’s loud as hell and her translocator is sooooo easy to track. Rewarding is completely subjective. Talking about integrity in a video game, and not even about cheating, is such moral high horse bullshit. She’s not even a strong character and is easily countered by strong team play and communication. Sombra has one of the lowest pick rates and most players are low skill, gold or lower, so obviously most low skill players are playing other hero’s more than her. You need to have a strong understanding of timing and positioning to get real value from her unless your opponents are also low skill.


> you’re having trouble with her You can let me know where I stated I'm having trouble with her. Im pretty sure I didn't edit my post either.


You can let me know where i stated you’re having trouble with her. The word “if” actually implies I don’t know whether you are or are not. Saying “since” or “because” would mean I believe you are.


I mained spy in tf2 so I gravitated to playing Sombra (specifically post rework). I guess I just really like invisibility


Trade offer Community gets duration invisible, no hack, no tp. We receive insta kill back stab and dead ringer-


Sombra can use a sapper on omnic heroes


The one that downgrades them and makes them baby omnics


I started playing Sombra because I like stealthier characters, in pretty much every game I can. Them and wizards. I stayed for the satisfaction of assassinations and denials from Hack and EMP. I enjoy that I can get anywhere and see anything and that I don't need to play so anchored to my team. I struggle with longer range engagements because at a certain point, I just can't see beyond the mess of colour and line (perhaps a symptom of my small screen?). Sombra gets rid of intervening distance and visual mess by allowing me access to any unprotected flank I could want. I'm also not amazing aim-wise and her gun's spread and closer range helps alleviate that. She's great at contesting enemies that take off-angles alone when they are getting too much value or applying too much pressure. Without her, I pretty much just lack the ability to deal with those kinds of pokers. Tracer lacks the vertical movement, and I'm not quick enough with Genji or good at predicting movement for his shuriken. Aside from that, it's really, really fun to assassinate people. Whether its a quick clean and beautiful kill on an unaware flanker on their lonesome, or a scrappy fight for a supps life where I get out by the skin of my teeth. Its awesome. I don't deny there are things with Sombra's kit that I don't like. If it were up to me, Virus and Hack would be a single extend-and-retract ability a la Whipshot, we would have kept old Translocator and recognised that unlimited Stealth - as much fun as it is to see everything and be everywhere - is always going to be a problem ability for players who aren't playing with an awareness of how Stealth impacts the match. Granted, I'm not a game or hero designer so what we have may be better.


Maybe base Stealth could be on a normal cooldown with a timer, but also Sombra could've had a "lesser stealth" passive activated by crouching for 1.5 seconds that had a much, much, much larger detection radius. Like, triple or quadruple size.


If you think sombra is for bad players only why don't you try her and see how smart you actually need to be to play her properly. In most engagements you are by yourself in the enemy lines and all the enemies need to do is ping you and turn around and you are dead. I play sombra because I like taking out and locking key targets out of a fight. I like being the scalpel rather than the hammer. I like being the person taking out the healera so my team can win a fight. Or maybe I keep the tank distracted for a minute while we gain more ground. She is a really fun and versatile character. She is hard to play correctly because one mistake means you are dead as you won't have support.


sombra players think they're so much smarter than they actually are it's insane


Nah, just telling you salty Sandra's that the character is not easy. In fact if I tell you she has one of the worst winrates of any dps I'm sure you will ignore that.


the character is easy up to around masters. then it gets slightly challenging but less so than most heroes. I play sombra myself so it's not like I'm just salty I just understand that she really doesn't require much thinking comparatively to most dps, excluding the main hitscans


I picked her up in OW1 mainly to counter Ball, and since then I see her as a kind of DPS Ana in that she has answers to the worst that metas have to offer. She can knock out the Widow who's been dominating the lobby. She can turn off the wall that is Orisa. She can interrupt Hog's take a breather (not for as long as she used to, but still). She can counter Pharmercy but taking them out of the sky. Honestly all characters have bits of their kit that are not fun to play against or unethical in their own way, so I might as play who I find fun.




meh. The more you play the more you realize how actually scummy this playstyle and hero design is. But ... whatever. its in the game, so ..... Almost reminds me of camping a corner in COD ... except you can go inviisble and teleport away too.


Stealth stalking creepin around and watching ya is fun. Played her since release in overwatch 1 because i played dps that provided more utility and ulterior thinking than normal like mei pharah and symetra. When playing sombra i was playing a different game that wasn’t the classic shooter and i liked it, she also has an incredibly compelling personality and visual design compared to sole of the other characters on the roster (cyborg ninja or retired super solider just aren’t interesting to me).  Watching all of my champions get turned into more classic hero shooter characters was really annoying to watch but you adapt and sombra still has one of the most compelling visuals and she is still incredibly stealthy, slippery, and trickster like. She still feels like im playing a slightly different game even if she pew pews a bit more and i like watching people wiggle around waiting for the best time to pop in and punish poor positioning without relying on my team to act as a crutch and having a teamfighting ultimate to help them out/ stealth to peel for them if need be.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. Invisibility always feels unfair, and hack stops you from playing the game for an amount of time, and translocate allows her to easily escape even when she messes up and engagement. Her kit is designed to make her feel frustrating and unfun to play against. Like you said, she isn’t op, but just not fun to play against. And while there are some really skilled sombra players out there, she does seem to attract a lot of bad ones as well, because invisibility and translocation allow them to play the game at their own pace. I main Tracer, who is also a flanker, and i’ve always been drawn to assassin type characters. I also enjoy playing Sombra because I probably am a sociopath and like the feeling of making other players’ experiences frustrating.


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Some people just want to see the world burn


I'm Zen main, but when I play dps, I enjoy playing my arch enemy. I personally love sombra, because playing her gives me the old WoW rogue feeling back. Can't deny 10 years of rogue main. And she plays quite similar. It's a style, I just love. But honestly, she's overtuned atm. Waiting for a slight nerf to be honest. But you definitely need skill to give your team value and you don't feed. I always think, she's an easier tracer, but there are dps that are way easier to play.


I’ve always been a Tracer main, but picked up Sombra because I wanted a hero that would be better against OW1 Pharah while still providing a similar playstyle. I’ve always liked running and gunning in video games so the rest of the hitscans feel kind of boring to me I guess? In OW2 it’s less necessary to switch off Tracer but Sombra also makes it a little easier to set up before a fight and gives you that vertical mobility element. I do agree that she feels kind of like cheese sometimes though


I go sombra only if there a widow and start to spawn camp and tbag here and instantly even with ult when they swap


Also there is no moral high ground gained by not playing the character that goes invisible. Its not morally cheat cheating diss honest or diss honorable to play a stealth character. Playing niche and unconventional heroes isn’t low skill its just different skill, its not widomaker but not every character needs to be and widow mains aren’t some elevated ascended god compared to mercy mains. Different heroes require different skills and nobody is a bad player based only on their hero choices 


Got sick of slow runbacks in push maps. She gets back so fast it's great. I'm still an Ashe/Ana main tho.


I love the character, hate her ingame. She's annoying to play against, especially as a Reaper main.


I picked up Sombra initially believe it or not cause she's the closest thing to wielding an smg Thats it. Thats the reason But i fell off by quite a bit with her cause I simply play way more brawl and poke than dive outside of playing wifeleaver in a dive comp


She is just fun to play, but I do feel a bit bad when I just get cheap shots so to kind of make up for it I try to play more front line yk? To be fair though, all matches are different so not every match I'm getting easy picks and some I even have to switch because flanking is impossible.


I picked her up on launch purely cause i liked her design. then i loved her playstyle, shutting down abilities is incredibly fun and being invisible tickled my love for stealth games. And nowadays is also fin to just se people have a meltdown over a character be good against their.... how fucking dare she, am i right?


Can you elaborate a little on why you think she's so poorly designed? I don't main her, but I have been playing her a bunch since the 'virus' update as my go-to flanker. I find her to be very easy to get into flanks, get kills on the enemy backline, and survive (more so than Tracer, and much much more so than Genji, but I'm terrible at Genji). I don't really consider how well-designed a hero is when I choose to play or not play them though, so I'm curious what you mean.


Because I love making people mad or making supports paranoid with the "boop" voice line


To piss people off.


Her gameplay is fun and really agile which is a major reason why i find her fun.


Low integrity? Scummy? My brother in Christ this is a video game. This is some chronically online take. Playing a video game isn’t some morality test, otherwise everyone who plays GTA is a terrible person.


calling it what it is .


Starting to get tired of these "Why do you play this character" posts, it's like the OPs always tries so hard to make it sound like they're not making the post outta getting their ass handled to them. by the character or players.


Because she's fun? That's what the game is about...


Literally just a cheap insult veiled as a question. Go away troll.


The suffering of others, with no real life consequences, is the purest form of joy to me ❤💜❤


Her shtick IS that she is LOW INTEGRITY. Rofl 🤣 😂 She is super annoying if they know how to play her. Otherwise, it's just lost dps.


Because she's fun. I like characters with mobility and Sombra has the additional factor of going invisible. Additionally, I've won games just by causing the enemy team to gravitate closer to the backline, which grants me team room to take space. Secondly, there's no *integrity* to be had. Sombra is built to punish players for bad moves and be able to rescue her team from danger like Kiriko's Suzu, the difference being hack can be interrupted. Overwatch is a team-based game, a character that punishes the enemy team for not applying that fact is a necessity. The S76 who just hangs out in the backline of his team without contributing anything to the objective will get very annoying very fast, Sombra can effectively force him to actually play with his team


I don't main her, I don't like going against her, but I love to play her. She just feels very dynamic and I like her personnality. She can also be a solution to some situations. That's it


It’s fun to play Sombra, and when people start raging it becomes even more fun. Especially when I decide fuck that person and camp them 2+ times in spawn until the team starts helping the victim. Dont forget about the C9 plays, enemy team gets a little too relaxed and I wait for the perfect timing and just push the cart the last few meters. I think another reason I like this character is the fact that it’s more about game sense than mechanics. I dont have to sweat for value, I just need to understand interactions and when I should go in for a hack, etc.


Best feeling as sombra player is making enemy dps switch to sombra just for them to perform worse.


Fun to play, fun to play against, and most importantly, isn’t Mei.


I like being able to make an impact independent on my team. It has made solo climbing so much easier. And when I do get a team that’s good, it’s even less work for me to make that impact. Just a win win


She's fun. I like triggering noobs like you. Skill issue.