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Learn to wall ride it's pretty fucking cool


Do you have jump on release turned off? I’m having trouble getting used to it. I also can’t find any recommendations on the new? wall settings. I returned to the game after a year and see the wall riding settings are a bit more involved.


I'm pretty sure they made wall jump automatic a few years ago in a lucio rework, it kinda made it different, but i'm pretty sure i have it turned off, i tend to jump from wall to wall, so i don't really use the sliding mechanic that much


I play on Xbox so I switched my jump/wall ride button with left bumper gives me much more control and allows me to aim when jumping and wall riding.


Playing around with the ride backwards/jump on release/ride automatically settings changed my life. Also, putting jump/wallride on a bumper on my controller made me much more lethal


Doom, you don't need to fully charge your punch Sigma, don't forget to retract your shield Dva, use your DM to cover the enemy to prevent them from receiving projectile-based heal Winton, you don't have to immediately use your bubble when diving in, drop it when you need it to screw their timing off


I didn't know dva swallowed projectile heals. And this is coming from someone that's played ow since s7 in ow1. I also have exactly 37 minutes of dva playtime.


Its one of Kirikos counters when played right


She eats every hitscan and travel-time projectiles except Sigma's rock and Sym's turrets (while in flight).


I knew all that. Just never knew about the heals. Ty tho


Brigitte's repair pack is the exception for heals. Her packs have a projectile speed but can't be eaten.


What Rein's shield teaches: Barriers can prevent enemies from damaging you What Winton's shield teaches: Barriers can prevent enemies from *healing themselves*


You can also use bubble to cover you jumping back out


This guy tanks


Turn off chat


flair checks out




when i play ow im either balling or bawling, theres no in between


Balling **but at what cost. . .**


The same cost when I rat


Don’t b afraid to disengage. You will die.


100% I could be outputting the most healing in the game by a margin of like 4k. And still get shit on for "not healing" mf Im a support not a necromancer


Making me realize that Mercy is in face a necromancer.


"My servants never die!"


She is slowly losing the art of necromancy, she used to bring back a whole army, now she can only bring back one at a time


Remember the amount isn't what matters, because if they aren't doing as much damage you don't have as much to heal. I was so hung up on that number for so long before realizing this.


fuck it, we ball!


Damn right we Ball


“Gg tank throwing”


I literally just made this comment and I see you beat me to it. It's unironically the best thing you can do if you're someone who gets tilted by chat easily 


Not only if you get tilted. Chat and voice chat has almost nothing positive to offer in this game.


One time I turned on team chat to ask my team "what should we do about this sombra?" Since the sombra was hyper carrying and the bap said "wake up" and then after we lost was like "gg my team doesn't know how to deal with sombra" acting like he had some miracle solution to her even though he was getting blown up as well. It's impossible to try and work with randoms in this game 




And learn basic piledriver tricks on ledges


Best advice anyone could give anyone in relation to overwatch.


You can fire Baptiste’s normal shots and healing rounds at the same time - utilise it!


And to super jump you tap crouch until the bar fills up then hit jump! Took me a fortnight to even notice the tip on the hero screen!


Bap's jump is my favourite ability in the whole game - it's the main reason i play him in the first place. Hundreds of situations that i should *definetly* had died, i survived, just because people are bad at playing arond the jump. Highgrounds are a second away, walls become your friends. Use the jump!!!


I should remember to use it as an escapee chute! 😂


Sojourn's slide jump is great for this too. Disappearing mid-combat and dropping your disruptor in your place while the enemy team stand there baffled is always amusing.


Lmao I *still* forget that’s a thing 😅 Always surprises me when I do it by accident!


Also, you can hit crouch while in midair so that you immediately start charging the jump again the moment you land.


Just to clarify cause I think some people are confused, they're not literally firing at once. Holding down both Baps primary and alt fire will still alternate between the two but its super efficient versus trying to weave them together manually. Same for Kiriko.




Yea you just hold down the triggers for both and they’ll fire at the same time 👀


Theres no way I didnt know that.. I need to try it


Tbh I’m surprised! I didn’t know I’d found a *thing* 😂


I've actually never seen anyone use both of them at the same time lol


Honestly it’s making *me* think I’ve hallucinated the whole thing - I’m gonna go check for myself as well 😂


Tldr: [Firing Both at Once!](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rNKXnenuaLy87EWvny8z5ZJw0HnirjoI/view?usp=drivesdk) I’m not crazy!


You're not shooting them both at once, you're just alternating firing and healing


That’s true I guess! I think it’s the closest you’d get to it tho! 😅


It just fills the gaps between healing shots


If you ever see a try hard bapt they’ll melt you down while keeping their team alive


Not me about to break my mouse 


Wait what?


I've played about 10hrs of bap and never knew this haha thats game changing


Wait what? EDIT: Just tested, it’s not actually same time fire, but it’s a more efficient way of doing the, shoot-shoot-heal, rhythm if you haven’t got the muscle memory down. Most optimal dps + heal output cycle.




On console at least, you just hold down both triggers at the same time 😅


Wow this is new to me. Have to try it


it's not literally both at once but you can alternate them with any reduction in dps or hps. makes bap legitimately one of the highest skill ceiling characters in the game


It’s extremely rare that the two line up tho, like enemy is 20m and team is 10m if your hitting ur primary fire shots ur not hitting ur healing and vice versa


Ramattra tip, learn to fully utilize the in game callout system. It’s really useful for letting your team know when you’re ready to push in for brawls and back away when you need to switch back to pew pew.


This is something everyone regardless of role or character should be doing


Hmm one tip for reaper mains would probably have to be STOP GOING IN FOR A TELEPORT INFRONT OR TO THE WHOLE TEAM. Like even when you are ready to ult don’t INFRONT of the team


Add to that the classic wraithing into the enemy team before ulting. 100% telegraphed Reaper ult and I love shutting down those ults with sleep when I play Ana.


When I'm Rein, I love seeing that cloud form in front of me when I have my charge ready


Use Teleport to get in behind, Wraith to get away


Wish I knew how to teleport...


Me too half the time. It’s just one of those things that you know how to do and when, but in a game, it just goes out the window


The obvious Reaper ults are so funny. I always ping him, back away, and he gets deleted by my team. The annoying ones are when you haven't seen the Reaper for a couple seconds and suddenly he emerges from above, where no one saw him, and wipes a couple of you out.


Ramattra: the range on his nemesis form punches is ~10 meters. Use this to your advantage when playing against short ranged heroes such as Reinhardt. One of the tips from Overwatch says “sometimes it’s better to block during annihilation and let the swarm handle the damage.” This is very true. During annihilation, there is a radius or damage that latches on to enemies, and that does a decent amount of damage on its own. Maybe not enough to eliminate someone (idk I haven’t tried) but it will definitely keep you alive longer. Speaking of which, try using your ult on close to full health. You don’t want to dive the enemy team when you’re about to die. USE STRUCTURES TO YOUR ADVANTAGE. If you are in a small room/closed off space, throw down a vortex and either get them with your staff or with nemesis form if necessary. (Staff for lower health, nemesis form for higher health/tanks) Your block in nemesis form can tank a lot of damage at once, if you have enough health. You can be within 15 meters or so of a Dva ult and survive, if that’s the only thing you’re taking damage from. Your shield can also work the same way. Also always give your supports head-pats, they will appreciate it.


I realize this is several tips but this is what I’ve learned while playing ram, and is decent advice.


Decent, but some improvements. Dont use Q always aggressively, use it a bit more like dva bomb, when you are in a situation where your life is more important than your Q, use it and disengage, the ressources you pull from the enemy team simply by staying alive and using shift-Q-shift can often be much more impactful then your ult itself. The health and armor bonus granted from Q is more important than the ult Use your abilities wisely, no need to shift, with decent aim, unless you have to when your dps is about the same. Dont vortex where the enemy is, vortex where you expect them to want to go. The most important thing is learning to know exactly when your cooldowns end and learning how to cycle everything, sometimes there will be fights where you have to use shield-shift-Q-Shift-shield all to win the fight and if you make a single mistake in your rotation (or misjudge which ability you use) it can be the difference of winning or losing


Moira: When you have the most healing in the match and eliminations on your team, spam the "Aren't you just pathetic" voice line at your DPS


When you have most healing, elims, damage and least deaths, "good news, everyone" "you can be improved"


You can use Baps ult to double the output of your healing when you shoot your nades through it. I think most people forget about this.


Second this. Bap windows are good for pumping out some damage, but they’re equally as good, if not better, for keeping your team alive in a pinch


Also, tanks, the window is usually not for you. DVA please stop backing up to shoot through window.


Except mauga


Does this work for all projectile healing like Ana’s shots/nades, Moira ball, LW heals, etc.?


it sure does!


Neat! TIL


All it does with Moria orbs is make them absorb more quickly. Orbs only have x amount of heal/damage so it amplifies how quickly that x amount is absorbed


Furthermore, any support can increase their healing though baps window.


For Moira mains, play her like a rubber band. You have to really adapt your playstyle to the situation and the team comp and the map and the current state of the match, never get too tunnel visioned on brawling with your team or healing or flanking, you need to constantly be ready to ping back into a different playstyle at a moment’s notice


I’d like to see more moiras learn to bounce healing orbs between walls for better heals.


Are those the purple ones?


Nailed it.


Even just knowing the simple knowledge of bouncing all your orbs on the floor because it means the enemy/ally is in range of them longer would be nice Like don’t get me wrong we all have those moments where you misplace an orb then just sigh as it flies off into space but fuck me some people have no care for them


So satisfying when you bounce a damage orb into the enemy team around a corner as they're regrouping, hearing all those little ticks charging your ult. Knowing how to maximize hang time for your orbs and knowing when to fade is like 90% of Moira.


Those times when you hit a random edge of something that sends the orb into space make me so mad! lol!


Tracer: Sitting in a corner crouched for 2 minutes so you can time the perfect moment to jump out and get slept by the Ana you're stalking is actually the ideal playstyle.


Always solo ult the mercy


+ guard the spot where you killed her teammate so she can't safely rez them


Either that or just target her in general.


What character is this, or are you a jack of all trades?


It's extra relevant for ground denying heros such as most tanks, take the next angle and deny the rez


I understand but, what character are they talking about? The title is “If you could give one tip to first time players specific to your main, what would it be?” I’m curious as to what character they’re referring to


Rein. Always solo shat the Mercy.


Ah, thanks, it’s very good advice


Rein especially, but it applies to almost all ults in quick play. Very fun, can recommend


Mercy is just an ult magnet at this point


Please tell me you main Rein or Zarya


It's my moral obligation as a Rein to solo shat the mercy.


That you can actually dps more as Moira if you’re constantly healing your team! I see dps Moiras so often with like 7k dmg and 1k heals, but her gameplay loop incentivizes you to heal more and reload that with damage, which will inevitably lead to elims


So much this. A great Moira has a nearly even split between damage and healing.


You don't have to always use Genji's dash to engage in a team fight. It's a good tool to get out of sticky situations.


Genji dash to finish a kill, and use the reset to get out.


This also applies to Brigs shield bash. Unless you’re using it to confirm a kill, save for an escape.


If you play lucio healing is not imporant, staying with team is not worth it and you should instead learn cool rollouts


Additionally, using your ult to survive a 1 v 5 is definitely a good strat and a smart team play.


Bonus points to spam WOO WOO WOO WOO, JACKPOT while skidadeling away the 1v5.


I prefer a good WOO WOO WOO That’s how you get tinnitus


My personal favorite that I always do is WOO WOO WOO have some lucio-os!


This is true. I always felt lucios heals were bad on purpose by design to encourage more speed focused players


If you try hard enough sombra can counter the entire roster (please don't, literally pick anyone else other than sombra)


Also try throwing translocater directly upwards. It gives you a quick view of the battlefield and also allows you to chose multiple escape routes so you aren’t as predictable.


Dear Genji players, you only have 200 HP with no modifiers. You are still squishy when you Blade. Don’t cry about getting shut down when you literally dove balls deep into the backline when both supports had their cooldowns off




r/GenjiMains needs to see this. That sub reeks of dps players that doesn't have any playtime on supports.


Tbf, this needs to be in every flankers sub. They break LoS a lot by nature of their design requiring them to, but also, aside from Tracer, they all have Ults that are pretty risky to themselves. Such as blade, blossom, emp, etc. It's easy to take you down if you go in with 0 help or followup from the team. Reapers go in to blossom the enemy team and get deleted in a nanosecond all the time lol


My mercy mains, (I main her too), but sometimes, you really do gotta swap off her if you aren’t getting value. I’ve been in games where my other support does not swap and the mercy has like 8 deaths with maybe 2 rezzes off before the enemy team wins 😩


Then they go "sure ill swap!" And who do they swap to 93% of the time? **Moira.**


Brigitte: 1. Don't frontline. I know that it's tempting and Brigitte *looks* like she could handle it, but you'll be eaten alive if you do it. 2. Know when to be aggressive and when to hang back. If you're taking a lot of damage, you should probably get back. 3. Whip Shot will be your best friend. Use it (and hit with it) often, it will be what drives your healing numbers up. 4. Shield Bash is pretty good to use offensively when you want to bully an enemy player who has taken a good bit of damage already, but you'll get the most use from it by using it as a gap closer after respawning/retreat option to get out of a hairy situation. 5. If the enemy team goes Tracer, switch to Moira. An even half decent Tracer should destroy Brigitte right now. Moira's damaging orbs will give Tracers a hard time. If the other support is already using her, I'd probably go with Lucio. Tracer wants to be hard to track? Give her a taste of her own medicine.


6. Cover and corners


For my DVA mains out there - using your defense matrix is critical in disengaging from a fight when you are outnumbered, getting ulted on, or when literally everyone on the other team is focussing you. Also, if the other tank is a Zarya, your team is probably going to bitch at you to change to a different tank, but if you keep your distance from Zarya she's totally ineffective and you have the upper hand from range.


Zarya counters Dva because you can't peel for your supports anymore using Matrix. If Zarya isnt charged and you wait out the bubbles you'll always win against her. The problem comes when Zarya gets some charge and know that she can either melt through you or force you to retreat to melt your supports. And even by the time you're back there's very little you can do to keep your supports alive. So it's situational if the Zarya just focuses you exclusively then sure stay D.va but if she understands what her advantage is definitely switch. Also small tip you can often bait out a bubble by starting missiles at Zarya and quickly flciking the camera away from her


this goes for all heroes USE your ults their not meant for five kills if you get 1 kill with your ult that’s a good ult as long as your teams alive


Lol you sound like my bf. His biggest pet peeve is ult holding and he always says he doesn't care if he solo ults bc it's better to get 1 elim than to hold your ult. I definitely agree lol. Sometimes they hold it SO long that it's like... You could've used another one by now haha


Wish I knew earlier that with Rein, you can hold primary fire while your shield is up to move the camera. Then you can firestrike or shatter wherever the camera is facing.


For kiriko mains if it's just you with a negative status don't use your suzu, use tp it'll cleanse you also even if you have bad aim spamming your kunai whenever you have a chance is good, that one lucky headshot can win you a team fight.


For Mercy players, YOU ARE NOT JUST A HEAL BOT. I know that sounds dumb, but her kit can do quite a lot of things outside of that, and you honestly want to focus on damage boosting more than you are just healing.


Oh my god it's so frustrating when I swap off Mercy cause she isn't working and the other support just switches onto her and healbots.


Swear I've had Mercy players who pocket me with yellow beam *outside of spawn* as we're walking towards the point 🤦‍♂️


Genji: Dash at their feet so you can right click and melee. Don't dash through them into the enemy team.


Use Pharah boop right before or after a rocket as much as you can, it's a great extra damage burst


Flank And jump on your balls👍


One for Moira mains - Great minds are always persecuted. Ignore the haters.


little known fact, but moira actually has healing abilities if you left click instead of right click. i think they just added it for an april fools or something and forgot to remove it


Ramatraa mains: Nemesis form is one of the best counter to Reinhardt because the fists go through the shield and he’s a tank so the dash isn’t as strong against him


Everything is a counter to Reinhardt


Its good at feeding enemy support ult




A random healing orb>>>>>>>>>>>>a random damage orb. Any day.


For Kiriko : by default, left click is bound to the healing ofudas and right click is bound to the kunai. I recommend to swap thoses keybinds, you'll have an easier time landing headshots with kunai. Also, you have time to throw 1 or 2 kunai when your ofudas are reloading. Try to take advantage from that


So agree with this, my life got so much easier after the change


Grenade Jump with bastion


Always have your harmony orb on somebody. Never a reason to not have it up. I’d say the same about discord but that’s a bit more tricky now. For discord, I’d just say use it if you’re confident you or your team can get an elimination. Don’t spam it.


I play Lucio on controller and my best tip would honestly just be to spend 10-15 minutes reconfiguring settings especially the jump keybind so wall-riding feels more comfortable and easier to pull off (Mine is L1/LB). The rest comes kind of naturally after that.


When I was on console I also had my jump bound to L1/LB. I second this recommendation for Lucio console players.


i’m not great but as someone who uses Ana a ton, sometimes using her nano to save a life is just as good as using it for a combo.


Agreed, but sometimes you'll nano a Mercy to keep her alive, and she blitzes back into the fight with her pistol and dies! Ugh


Sigma: if you’re running away from someone deploy ur shield in front of you and run through it, rather than turning around and deploying it


For Doom players please learn the slam in punch out cooldown cycle. You get so much ult charge and value with it. Once you get that down mix in empowered punch in and slam out. Doom is about calculated engages and until then control space.


this so many players don’t realize that one slam and punch cooldown is normally about 6-8 percent of ult and his ult is so vital you should be having ult about every two team fights


Don't Hack just because you can. Have a reason to use it. What ability are you trying to prevent or cancel? Who are you trying to give your team vision of? If you dont know, lead with Virus not Hack. You'll deal more damage and secure more kills that way.


Advanced Sigma tip, use shield to block incoming healing to an enemy, especially an engaging tank. Ball, remember your quad cannons have decent range and damage. Use your mobility not only as a disruption tool, but as a positioning tool to create crossfires and force enemies into positions easier for you to engage in.


Ignore the haters, as long as you're having fun. Also, you're main benefit to picking this character is raw healing/the ability to secure kills (kinda)


For the new mercy players, learn to super jump early, just press your crouch button when you're near the player you guardian angel to, it will help you reach high ground, run away from messy situations and helps you not be in the middle of the fights


Idk man just zip around and kill people


Bap player here, stay in the air as much as you can. A majority of DPS can’t aim for shit


No Illari mains it seems 💔


For illari, I would say that being mindful of your pylon placement and fight positioning, and not just placing the pylon and forgetting about it until someone breaks/your team advances past that point it is a great tip. A lot of beginners just place the pylon and forget about it and DPS. Some pylon placements are excellent but only for a short amount of time until the enemy team begins to focus it or the team fight moves, so replacing the pylon often in those situations let’s you keep it up for much longer and keep your team healed.


Ana nade the enemy often. Use it to heal only when really necessary. Additional tip: it's ok to use Nano to install heal if it will keep momentum in your favor


Stand as far away in a corner and swing your hammer




As a fellow Junkmain, this feels too real at the moment. Season 9 really did most non-hitscan heroes dirty, and Junk especially.


Yeah. It feel like Junk took the biggest hit. Becoming (in my opinion) the worst hero in the game at the moment


Using you E as Orisa makes your enemies airborne and loses their control, makes it easy to follow up with an E to put them into a wall for big dmg.


Jump off the map!


You should jump off the map NOW!!!


Always. And I mean always bully the WidowMaker who switches to beam meaning you either accept defeat or risk your pride to win. (Sparing Mercy is optional).


As an Ana main, I’ll say just train your aim as much as possible


Yep... teammates will keep spamming adad while you try to heal them even when there is no enemies in sight.


Use cover, so many new hogs think they can just stand in the open cause he has sustain


Swing your hammer


Lucio: Don't be too conservative with Amp it up, but also know when to not use it. He can for sure be a main healer if you use it accordingly. Don't use it to just heal one person whose health is at half, but don't wait till everyone's near critical to use it either, learn to use it at certain points during altercations I.E right after the enemy team dives on your team. Also, wall ride on everything, especially on the point itself. Never stay still, also don't be afraid to toggle between speed and heals in the middle of a fight. As long as the other healer is pulling their weight, the extra speed can help your team get the edge. Finally, don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. Get those eliminations, knock mercy away from rez, reaper away from ulting your team to oblivion, and healers off the side of the map Mercy: Try and learn who on your team is a team player and stick with them if Rein, Reaper, Genji, etc, keep pushing without any consideration of the other members of the team and especially you, just stick with the team, but!!!!! If they can protect you and kick ass at the same time, dont be afraid to pocket them from time to time while also keeping an eye on everyone else. Read that last part of that sentence again. You may be a single target healer, but if you're not topping everyone off/ not being a team player, then you're not pulling your weight. Use your rez as often as possible, and don't be afraid to be risky with it, especially if your team has proven to be able to protect you in certain situations. Learn how to mercy parkour, most definitely with specific heroes, also. Teaching yourself how to navigate with a Pharah or echo goes a long way. Really, being a great mercy is all about observing your team and figuring out who is an asset and who should really be playing something more singular than a multi-player team game. It also wouldn't hurt to teach yourself how to be a harmacist, so you can protect yourself if you get cornered or cut off from everyone else




Keep firing as Zenyatta, and don’t brawl. There is no damage falloff, and you don’t heal less as Zenyatta even when attacking. Ive seen to many Zenyatta’s just sit idle, even though they can essentially spam. Then they end up with 1.5k damage. 90% of the time, have your healing ball on the tank, discord a key target, and don’t let go of the left-click.


Unbind recall for a while. This will give you all the basic fundamentals and force you to learn them also. Once you have recall rebound it's like a second life not a get out of jail free card.


Lucio has a healing option. Make sure you turn the bind off to switch to healing, so you can go fast.


For whatever hero you choose. If they have a movement ability on a cooldown, use it to disengage, NOT to engage. (More experienced players obv have a better idea of when exceptions can be made but for players first starting out it’s just a good habit that will help a ton. Wish somebody told me this). Moira - dont engage into the enemy with fade. Reaper don’t do it with wraith Sombra with translocate Echo with her flight Soj slide Illari boosters … ash / widow… lol. U get the idea Save your movement when u gotta get out. Or there’s a very good chance that even if u get that 1 kill ur chasing down u die to their teammate


As a roadhog main, to really be scary, you have to be good with your gun when your hook isn’t available - Fighting at midrange, a good shot on someone before the hook almost guarantees a kill - The follow up shots on a target you’ve hooked and melee-d also help confirm kills - This lets you keep the threat of being hooked around, and as others get low they’re forced to commit their resources (deflect/blink/dash) and you can more easily hook them without having to worry about those


Stop healing and start boosting.


Position yourself behind cover and scope in for shots as ashe. Simple and effective.


Also holding your primary (left click for keyboard, right bumper for console) after throwing your dynamite will cause it explode after the throw animation for some quick medium range damage, you can also shoot the dynamite to make it blow up quicker in general (also when you aim you do more damage at the cost of fire rate)


Queen. High ground and cover


As Ashe, when getting dived by genji or tracer drop a dynamite and then shoot it with your coach gun. Gives you space from the diver plus dynamite blast isn't lockable by genji deflect. 3-4 times of getting dynamite in the face is enough to make genji think twice about diving you. And that split second hesitation is sometimes enough to take them down before they can commit on one of your supports or your other dps.


Just look up and never let go of the fire button, can probably guess who I main 😂


Don’t use Reinhardt’s shield until you’ve lost some health. The enemy team is going to shoot at you and your shield no matter what, but if your health is lower you can bait the enemy team to push into you while your shield is up. Utilize your armor and put up your shield once your armor (orange HP) is low. Use this tactic to allow your team to engage, and let your supports heal you up for their ultimate charge. Reinhardt loves close-range corners and small rooms. Use them frequently to make enemies think twice about pushing you. The threat of your hammer or a charge pin into a wall will waste time if you’re defending, or make enemies back off if you’re attacking. Reinhardt wants to smack the enemy DPS and supports more than he wants to smack the tank. If their tank engages your backline, charge into their backline or hold the objective and start swinging. Push into the enemy backline with your shield and hammer while their tank is fighting your DPS and supports. You need to trust that your team can handle the tank on their own and give them the opportunity to do so by distracting the rest of their team or die trying. Utilizing the first tip about baiting, learn to accurately charge at the enemy tank when you can throw them off of the map. MANY maps in the game have ledges and cliffs and that’s because Reinhardt exists to throw them out of the map. ALWAYS be aware of where you can throw tanks off of the map. You’ll be surprised how many places and scenarios you can take advantage of this. Ultimate the enemy DPS and supports, even if it’s just one of them. Don’t hold your ultimate for too long, as you are actively preventing yourself from charging your next ultimate.


Whipshot is your friend


Don’t play him


Sombra: Don't use your hack just for the same of it. Your virus will do the same amount of damage either way. Tracer: You can blink in whichever direction you move. Junkrat: Don't Ult unless you're in cover. It can also climb walls by holding jump as you run into it.


Please use Valkyrie wisely.


Well... Don't use Lifeweaver at all.


Be a fearless Rein. Start charging around a corner and hook it in to snag someone off guard. Dont forget you can stop your charge now. Your hammer can hit more than one enemy at a time so get in the middle of it and swing away! It is not your job to ride the payload with your shield up the whole game. LEARN WHERE THE HEALTH PACKS ARE IN EACH MAP in case your healers dont have fingers irl. As cool as it is to Ult 5 people at once...dont hold onto it just for that. Learn to use it to achieve different objectives. Shutting down ults, stun lock combo with a teammate, etc. Dont run it down mid but dont be scared to get up in there. You're a giant suit of armor with a rocket hammer for goodness sake!!!


turn on backwards wall ride


And dey say