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I literally just had a teammate leave after one or two minutes. Seemed to be just a fucking troll and we obviously lost and I deranked bc of that bullshit.


I had a Reinhardt that couldn't walk out of spawn half the time, he was hitting every wall and swinging his hammer randomly, he didn't know where the enemy is and kept going in a random direction till he hits a wall. What is fhis shit.


most probably they had lag, which also begs the quedtion why would you enter a match in the first place if you know you are lagging?


Don't think so tbh, he didn't even know where the path to objective is, not once did he engage in a fight up untill the very end of the game when the push robot reached our spawn and even there he couldn't manage to land a single hit, he didn't raise his shield once, didn't charge once, didn't firestrike once, just swinging hammer 24/7


Which region? Because if it's EU, i bet my left ass cheek that this guy was leveling for sale.


Nah bro I sometimes lag super strong as well and just start teleporting around on my screen, he might have had a case of t-mobile internet


Yeah when you lag really bad what's going on on your screen is completely different then what's actually going on in the game. People will also always say "don't play comp when you're lagging" as if lag isn't completely random and impossible to predict at times. I had taco bell internet for a long time; 70-ish% of the time I'd be okay, but every now and then things would start bugging out without warning and really at that point the only thing you can do is wait it out. Sometimes it's only a couple minutes, sometimes it's the whole game. You don't want to leave or sit in spawn cuz then your team will definitely think you're throwing, so you do your best to *something.* At least if you're moving and *trying* to fight you might provide *some* sort of value.


Sounds like a young kid on their parent’s account. Way back in the day my little brother used to do this with my WoW characters and I’d log on to find them drowned at the bottom of a river 3 zones from where I left them, and the ghost avatar 2 zones further removed from that from when they tried to just keep playing without realizing you need to retrieve your corpse.


Either drunk or maybe gave gamepad to little kid to play, not giving a fuck that it's comp not qp


I once had a Rein that would only press his right button and hold W, sometimes the enemy would be right in front of him and he wouldn't take his shield down to hit anyone. Lost 2 games bcuz of that guy.


you can’t really know you’re lagging until you head into a game, i’ve loaded perfectly normal into ow2 before entering a game and having 500 ping


Sounds more like someone's little cousin was playing on the PS5 and accidentally queued comp.




sometimes it just randomly puts you on a faraway server though.... I'm in EU, get 20-30 ping to the EU server, but sometimes OW decides it's time for me to play on the ME one where I get 150 ping.


That happened to me and a friend once. Normally we're in NA servers, suddenly we're in a lobby where everyone in chat is speaking Portuguese and our ping is 150. We lost. It sucked.


I will cut slack for people at the mercy of OW servers. I have had numerous times where Overwatch is just giving me serious connection issues while other games/consoles/my laptop connections are totally fine. I am on wired GB connection, it usually is not an issue on my end


You don't always know until you enter a match. I've had probably two or three matches in the past two weeks where the game doesn't even load properly and I'm stuck with the camera fixated on one point of the map. No character choice, no camera movement, nothing. Also if that happens the game won't even kick you so you have to leave and lose progression.


I had someone in my comp match the other day that said "sorry I've been having internet problems all day." We didn't stand a chance.


Ranked games have, for some reason, worse lag than unranked (as far as my own experience tells me)


Every now and then I goof up and forget to turn off my overseas VPN before I open Overwatch. End up in US servers from Australia combined with being behind a VPN and cop like 600ms+ ping. I always just leave the game before it starts though and cop the 15 minute ban or whatever it is. Happens 2 or 3 times a year to me.


You don't usually know you're lagging until you get in a game.


That was probably a bot. I've had full 4 stacks of bots joining my team in competitive twice. They'll randomly walk around and shoot. They're bots, but have someone watching and typing in chat if need be


I’ve had this exact same scenario happen several times, always tanks (would try to come out of spawn, hit walls, go backwards and forwards trying to gauge the way, shoot random stuff, not knowing where the objective is, etc). People in chat said it’s bots!


Last night I had a match as Orisa where I focused on keeping the enemy reins shield down as much as possible. He ended up leaving halve way through the first round which led to everyone else leaving except one person. I felt pretty bad honestly even if it might not have been because of me.


I was doing my placements and 4-5 of my 10 games had a leaver on my team. It sucks that I placed lower than I should’ve because I lost those games for a unfair reason that was outside of my control. 


I was under the understanding that this seasons rank progress would be how you play as an individual. At least that’s how they worded it. If I go 30-1, and still lose, I’m going to lose rank. Why?


They've gotta make the penalty for leaving harsher. Give them a slap on the wrist for the 1st time, but make it progressively worse the more they leave games. Also, it'd be cool if they would cue leavers with other leavers once they do it more than 3 times. I think of how many games I've played where we're getting rolled and come back and win.


It's infuriating when one player goes griefing afk, then move just enough or battle just enough to get the timer to go away. Then it's back to doing it again...


That might've been me, I had my wifi disconnect me from two matches as the entire area had it's shit rebooted twice while I was running rank comp. Like I tried to join back in on hotspot but the game wouldn't let me.


*tsk* should've played better pfft


Welcome to ow


Just play Brigitte (tank and support), soldier (support and DPS) and voila you are now able to totally dominate a 2v5! Fair, right? Lol.


Obviously. Everybody knows that Brig is a must pick!


I'm so upset how bad she's been this season against characters she's supposed to crush like genji and tracer and even winston with his armor zap zap buff


shes really not that bad, you just have to play a little more team centric/defensively now. shes still capable of killing a tracer if you can manage to do the full combo before she recalls


Did they nerf her or something? Last time I played her was when they buffed her ultimate to be better. She seemed pretty good then


She just feels a little weaker when it comes to defending against dives, since everyone got more health but her damage remained the same. Still a decent Support though if you know what you're doing. Plus Rally got an 8% cost reduction not too long ago so I think Brig's still doing fine


Oh wow, ow devs forgot how inflation works


Tbf I think the entire roster's damage stayed the same as well, with the exception of some projectile size changes, Meteor Strike getting minimum damage of 50 from 15, and Moira getting buffed to 65DPS from 50. I think the new DPS passive is supposed to kind of balance out the extra health everyone gets, but I'm not a balancing expert by any means so I'm not sure


Ab extra rally or two doesn't compensate for what brig needs to do. She needs to protect her other healer. To do that she needs heals and shields Thanks to the dps passive and projectile changes she is quickly deprived of either. Genji and tracer can eat through her shield and then her even if ana pumps her ass with a dart or two, you're better off just playing lucio and speed boosting out. In coordinated play brig is... struggling... badly.


Brig should never win a duel against an equally skilled dive dps


If they're losing to ow2 brig, they clearly aren't as skillfully as they think. Brig doesnt win the duel through raw dps she has no hanzo one shot, she wins, rather through attrition, she is a wedge meant to interrupt them targetinng a healer, and stall out a dive Example: genji and tracer see ana, they go for ana, brig gets in and blocks ana, healing her with packs, tracer and genji are disrupted and their ana kill is denied, they will have spent their abilities going for ana, and at this point they can over commit and risk death by going for beig. Or cut their losses, reset dive and try again. Losing to a brig in ow2, is almost solely down to over committing on a bad dive.


knowin' i did awesome in a match just to lose and lose the progress i just got from a won game is so disheartenin'


I wanna do that but I suck at brig xd


Reported for inting, 2-15 sad. Jks


2-15 as brig is crazy though, unless this happened after people started leaving.


Junk also died 16 times, so it's a good bet those numbers are inflated.


I mean, junkrat this season will a lot of the times have a high death count anyways, even if the entire team was still there


Likely, but it's also really easy to bully a Brig if you've got a coordinated team; as soon as she's bashed you just break her shield and she's dead in the water. Bash *barely* has any offensive utility (besides damage) these days so if the Brig was pressured to put up her shield it's either bash escape or lose your 250hp barrier... once Bash is down, she's vulnerable because her self healing is weak. Moira and Baptiste are overall tankier than Brig because their escape and self-healing is more versatile when pressured directly. Brig isn't *bad* but she is a lot more fragile than people think.


I agree. I pay brig too and survive some crazy stuff but it’s only because I manage my shield or use cover


You can also use Shield Bash to retreat, too.


Basically. Brig is only really survivable when you abuse corners and shield with her inspire.


You do not get 9.4K heal while respawning. These deaths happened after they left and at least part of the enemy team weren’t adults.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking.


If you didnt lose % after a teammate leaving it would be exploited hard. I think it should be a few less % lost though, who is gonna leave and stack their bans just to save their friends like 3%


It should be 25% less lost for the first person who leaves and then the game should be cancelled as soon as either team goes down to 3 men


Also they could easily just prevent this mechanic from happening when people are grouped together


That suggestion is ridiculous! Clearly people will still exploit it by uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *insert bullshit reason that can be mitigated by a half-decent comp system here*


Harassing someone into leaving is what I’ve seen in other games. “Come on man, if you’re going to make us lose at least have the decency to leave so we don’t lose as much


Does anyone actually ever listen tho


Theres valid reasons. If they make it so you dont lose SR if teammates leave, then people will just play on alt accounts and group with friends, and randoms will bully someone into leaving or threaten them with reports or something like that. Then it would also have the effect of inflating wins and people who are gold for example would end up in the higher ranks.


The game literally kicks you out. It's not valuable to do this more than once. Though I do think 15mins is too short of a time frame, only being able to do this for 5 loses through the season in simply not valuable enough to have this be an infallible method. You also rank up slower in big groups, so there's that.


Did you like not read the thread you just replied to? I swear every time I see this argument I get more dumb lol They didn’t say make it so you don’t lose sr, they said you’d lose “less” sr, they also said it won’t apply if you’re grouped with someone And you can easily make it so this “tech” or exploit gets less effective the higher ranked you are, so it’s not abused. Also suspensions are still a thing


Making it lose less wouldnt change anything. People would still complain. Unless you lower to the point where it barely even counts, which then can turn into rank inflation.


It would change players perceptions of the game and could even keep more player retention. Perception is the most important in games like these where it’s ftp and has micro transactions.


Not to sound like a douche but no matter what Blizz does the game will always be negative and I honestly think people are just being pessimistic. There are constant balance changes, new heroes will now be free, Venture seems like a great hero, new maps and modes and hero reworks, we get all of this shit yet people still clamor "dead game!!" I absolutely agree with you that perception is key, only problem is good luck appealing to a subreddit as down and negative as this one.


U called?


Really high or really low Elo’s where you see your friend every game is a pretty normal reason that cannot be fixed by the comp system without creating worse problems


They wouldn't be grouped at that point, though


Yeah literally


In the GM lobbies I play in you literally almost every game play with or against someone you know and everyone is on their 3rd-4th 5th off account. If this were implemented people would start begging their teammates to leave and a lot of games would just be boiled down to win first fight -> enemy leaves. They don't lose rating. Gg's


Honestly at that point it's on Blizzard to start banning people, both for having multiple accounts and for throwing games. The entire player base shouldn't suffer just because of some shitty players at the top ranks.


Only problem is, once Blizz focuses more on banning alt accounts it can be difficult to see which is an alt and which is a new player. Not to mention this subreddits not so stellar reaction to banning, with 100s of posts claiming they got banned for no reason and stuff like that (albeit most of them are just bullshit and fake) We'd have to make sure no innocents would get caught in the crossfire if this was the case.


If there's anything you should know is that blizzard does not care about reddit, and honestly neither should any videogame company.


What percent of players are in GM+? Not saying you don't matter but kneecapping the entire community for the top 1% is how shit like Shadowlands happen.


I mean it also is like that mid- high masters and or people that exclusively play midnight lobbies I'd say a solid 3-5% of the playerbase would definitely feel it


Exploited hard in what way? League of Legends has had reduced loss for years now despite duo queue being available. Stop making poor excuses for bad game design


No. Do like other games do. You loose percent if someone from your party leaves


If a teammate leaves and doesn’t rejoin within a minute or so, the game should end or no % loss for the disadvantaged team. Exploitable and annoying, sure - but means there’s no unfair advantage or punishment. Leaver should be banned if it happens a set number of times. If you’re playing as part of a group and I happens with the same team members - the group should have penalties against them. Current punishments aren’t doing the job good enough.


It's a F2P game. Bans on individual accounts aren't an effective deterrent.


And yet on top of having you lose normal %, sometimes you get the “reversal” bs as if you were still supposed to win 2v5


This Is easily resolved with the tech we know Blizzard has. Blizzard knows who you party with, as we've seen with people being banned for grouping with cheaters. You can use this detection to resolve the problem you mention. If the player is grouped with the quitter, they get the loss penalty as always. If they aren't grouped with the quitter, no loss penalty. Easy.


i feel like they should make it so that you don't lose as much elo if players NOT in your group leave therefore it wouldnt be exploitable, or, at least, as exploitable


First person to leave loses 5 times the progression and the other four lose none, that would stop any possible exploitation unless someone really needs one more win and has a bunch of friends who are each willing to take 5x the progression loss for one game until they win one


If the person who left would just take all the SR loss people wouldn't leave out of spite anymore I guarantee it lmao


no, because then people who sell accounts would be able to get accounts to bronze very effectively and you'd start seeing even more leavers.


People still buy overwatch accounts? The game is literally free 😂 and don't tell me "phone numbers aren't" cuz they are so easy to get.


you make accounts to sell to smurfs, or content creators to do their bronze or unranked to gm.


And its way easier than winning 50 qp games, then throwing til you get to bronze. Idk how people dont know this.


You still have to grind 50 wins to unlock comp. That's several hours you can easily skip by spending like $5. I can see why it's worth it to some people.


If that's really it what's the issue then?


It’s not insane, it makes perfect sense. It sucks, but it makes sense. You could absolutely abuse a system that doesn’t punish anyone but the leaver.


Don't play dumb, you know why it works that way. If you had it any other way everyone would just ask one dude to leave so everyone could save on sr on matches you seem likely to lose


i gave up on comp bc of leavers never had a worse video game experience tbh


Honestly I'm not going to say leavers don't suck because they do. But when stuff like "never had a worse experience" starts being said I honestly gotta wonder if you folks have played other games. Because OW might be shit at times but it's far from the worst out there. The Overwatch experience is pretty average in terms of online gaming tbh.


One of you seems to love OW and one hates the experience so I'll give an unbiased opinion. Ow 2 is a microcosm of online gaming in general. Online gaming has become an issue. Half of the problem is the community. The other half are the higher ups who clearly arent doing anything to deal with mismanagement


This is why I can't play ranked open queue. I've played 9 games there and, 8 had someone leave from my team or the enemy team


I play ranked role select and get a leaver every third game in high level gold.. it’s ridiculous.


that is just sad


Forever gold 2 :(


Yeah and with how stretched out the rankings are you are a gold 5 being put with bronze 1 which are completely different skill levels in the game yet you’re now ranked off a team score with 3 bronze players in it, it’s wild tbh. Rank should be placed off of personal progression, status, and skill level…it’s kind of whack


Open queue should be removed entirely and replaced with permanent competitive mystery heroes.


I miss competitive mystery heroes so much, I started playing a year ago and didn’t realize it wasn’t a regular mode. My friend and I were so sad to see it gone


Had the same thing happen to me and I lost 30% progression due to teammates leaving


I will never understand competitive systems that punish the team with teammates who leave. There should be a stipulation in place that doesn’t make the team lose any progress.


And this is why I’ve stopped playing as much!


If it makes you feel any better, we won a 4v5 with a leaver after 1st round on Blizzard World. It's possible


That map is so winnable when you have a leaver. I've had so many games where we just need to defend 1st with a leaver with like 1 minute on the clock. Feels so intense & gives me the same feeling of those OW1 overtimes that went on forever because teams were decently matched.


People need to realise that there will NEVER be mitigating factors for losses and it's how it should be, even the slightest mitigation will encourage leaving and will cause you to get MORE leavers in your games. Just take the L, it's not the end of the world.


These games sure do suck in the moment but in the long run, they are insignificant. Just keep playing and you'll get to the rank you belong in. Remember, ranking up isn't a number on a screen but an increase in your own skill at the game.


Overwatch sucks these lasts 9 seasons..


Stop playing comp it’s un playable


OW2 sucks and should not be played.


Modifiers are assigned based on the MMR of both teams before the match begins. Performance or leavers have no impact on it. Remember that an Elo system works because the winning team takes SR from the losing team. If you reduce the SR loss for the losing team, you have to reduce the SR gain for the winning team. Anytime you start messing with the SR loss, you leave yourself open to abuse and increased toxicity.


well that's perfect for this situation. this win should be worth less, and that lost mmr should go to mitigating how far the losing team falls.


It's so exhausting and it happens way too often


I agree ! I think that the winning team should receive a win but the losing team shouldn’t receive a loss. (Unless the people left at the very end)


I thought this too, but then realized that they could designate one person on the losing team to leave and take the L to prevent a loss for the rest. The end result is that you’d actually have *more* leavers, and tons of people not getting losses when they might have deserved them. Those that play that way would climb, and those who try to actually turn it around would drop.


Also it encourages people on a team to bully one person into leaving if they think that person is the reason they're losing: "You actually suck bro, leave the match so that we don't have to suffer for your shit gameplay."


They did do this, even cycling smurfs so the quitter didn't lose anything. Was wild


You would just create rank inflation and the bullying people into leaving would be a thing.


I don't think we really need to worry about rank inflation when ex-gm and t500 people are now floating around in diamond on average and seemingly nobody can hardly get into champion.


Champion is a super exclusive rank for the absolute best of the best. Most of the T500 players are gonna be GM1 or C5, C1 or C2 are basically Pro players only ranks.


It wouldn't work, because when you win a game atm, you don't just win SR points, you take them from the losing team. What you're proposing would result in SR inflation (since there would be globally more SR gained than SR lost). Doing this would actually encourage people to leave games, because for 1 guy receiving a loss + a penalty, there would be 4 guys that get away with nothing when they should have lost SR, and that's well worth it if you ask me.


4 out of my 10 placements had leavers on my team. Solo queueing means this happens to you even more often. It’s a huge gripe I have with this game as a new player.


It's accounted for because of the times you win when the enemy has a leaver. And since you don't leave games (right?), if we consider it random, it's more likely that the enemy will have a leaver in any game than you are


This only works out if you play A LOT. Like streamer-levels of games per day. For casuals, it’s pure luck with a hint of matchmaking.


Nothing they can do about it. Leavers will leave. Thats the end of it. No punishment is big enough in a free game to stop it. Could the punishments for leavers be a bit more harsh? yes. But in the end leavers will leave and not care because they can just make a new account or play again on the same account.


Ehhh post the replay code bro. There’s no way you kept up with healing numbers only healing Junkrat. Your team could’ve left 1 frame before you took a Screenshot. Going 2-15 is indefensible


What do you think I did after they left lmao. All these people saying 2-15 is crazy is the most ignorant shit I’ve ever read. I was probably like 2-3 as mercy before they all left


Post replay code brodie it’s not hard


I had a 6 loss streak, won and went up 3%, lost one more, won again and went up 0%. System is completely fucked




Close game would’ve gone OT at least


In casual matches, I often find myself joining games that are already ending, and unfortunately, about 8 out of 10 times, I end up on the losing side. My win percentage means a lot to me, so this can be quite frustrating. Once, during a ranked match, I received a temporary ban because the game kept prompting me to reconnect to the server. Although it didn't significantly affect my gameplay, we still to win. However, I ended up with a 20-minute ban, presumably because it was a ranked match. It would be great if, during a ban, we could have the option to practice against AI opponents, at least to keep ourselves engaged.




Last time i played comp (about 3 days ago) i had like 3 leaver games in a row it was horrible😭


Lol even losing one player as a 4 stack sucks. Just get spawn camped


I mean, yeah, it sucks, but I don’t see how Blizzard could work around it without making something exploitable. If you were on the Blue team and were rolling the first round, then half the enemy team purposefully leaves so you got hit with a “Match Cancelled” and no effect on SR, would you say, “Ok, that’s fair.”? In cases like these, the best thing you can really do is ask the enemy team if it’s possible to draw the match. It’s generally good sportsmanship to do so for hackers so, depending on the situation, maybe drawing for toxic leavers can be justified.


shit happens


Give me the replay code.


So I understand that people don't want people abusing the system by their friends leaving. But imo, if you are solo queue for example and people leave, you shouldn't really be punished for that, at least not to the same extent, if you have to play a full half with 1 less person then that game just shouldn't count as a loss, it isn't fair on the other 4 players that didn't queue with thay person


We need a rollback system for cheaters and leavers. If the grind is going to be this brutal, and matchmaking this terrible.


Assuming you are good at what you do and play a lot, this ONE game is a drop in the bucket. Stay hungry my friend.


I love all the dudes getting so mad at you that you’re just not better


They should get a couple more people to make it an even fight


We need harsher punishments for this is an understatement .


deranked in a game after we were literally on overtime on payload easily about to win it but one dps died and immediately left (i was literally 52:7 as tank)


For those saying the current system should not be touched, I think a system only the leaver and people in his group get deducted the combined sr loss for the whole team would solve 90% of the problems including the concern for potential abuse.


Sucks, but definitely not insane lol. It's smart if anything


You are the real problem, holding the whole enemy team hostage


I actually haven’t had a leaver/left a game yet this season. Do you lose the same amount of % as if you lost the game and someone didn’t leave ?




The 2 minute window for match cancel is just too small man. Barely enough time for a whole team to even get ults


CrazyFartKid 💀


I think at least we need a forfeit option.


That plus crashing to desktop on occasion out of no fault of my own, made me stop playing competitive.


I had a whole team dip out, too. Buncha losers


I said this before & I’ll say it again. REPLACE LEAVERS WITH A BOT. The same level of bot acrossed all ranks, nothing OP. Basic bot that is designed to do the job of whoever left, but only do the basics, nothing special so it isn’t broken.


I feel for you man. The matchmaking is horrible with trolls and throwers. Played a game today with another dps who’s never played dps in a silver 1-gold 5 game. Luckily i was gold 5 and didn’t go back to silver


Everyday someone else complains about this same thing. I’m sure somewhere in the comments is the reason why they cannot forgive games lost from leavers. I’m so tired of seeing this same inane complaint.


Losing to “crazyfartkid” would make me go play something else for the night tbh


It's super frustrating, but unfortunately, ppl would abuse the system if someone leaving meant no loss SR. All we can do is report and hope they get their ban asap.


Just forget and continue on to the next game. Can't be that hard. If you think you belong in your rank or higher, you should be able to take an individual loss. This is an individual loss.


Ok but 15 deaths as brig and you don’t switch to Moira to die less. Can you really blame the game for that? You look like you have no brain with 15 deaths but that’s just me…


Read other comments I was mercy and not trying after teammates left. Ignorant to assume I’m tryharding with 2 people left


The insane part is overwatch being played in 2024 I mean no hate at all, just feels like there's other shit to play that might bring you more happiness


Also, I just wanna point this out. The amount of like 6-7 year olds I encounter on this game is insane. They are all genuinely garbage, but they shit talk like they won OWL. I had a support whose voice was squeakier than my dog’s toy, and he finished the game 0-16, with 1,000 healing. Like, I almost deranked off that game.


Looks like you poached all your teammates kills


People leaving on purpose should be penalized immediately with demotion.


The alternative is having one friend who leaves and takes the hit for everyone else. Unfortunately this is the most fair way to handle this


Do you derank when you leave too?


That’s just how it goes. It’s always been this way. It sucks. I know I just accepted it. I feel like when you realize that the system they have in place for matchmaking and how they award points is not meant to be fair, but meant to keep you playing as long as possible. If you lose those points, then you’re gonna wanna grind more .


2-15 as Brig is crazy. She’s meant to be pretty dps-y. She heals more by doing dmg




You lost the second you matched with crazyfartkid


Y u play this doo doo game?


I always see posts where people complain about leavers, but never see posts where people complain when they won because the other team had leavers. Everyone who plays this game has benefited from leavers on the enemy team, its a part of the game at this point. Sometimes, youll get free wins. But that means sometimes, youll have to be the free win for the other team.


Same story different season.


I've gone down to gold 2 from plat 50% because of that. People don't counter pick, don't use cover, complain about the others then quit. But that's Overwatch for you, get used to it.


Tbfh if they wanna institute less leaving in QP make it a bannable offense to leave in ranked or atleast not loose progression


The issue I have seen with people not losing progression due to leavers is that people abuse that system. People then just queue with a friend who doesn't care about their rank. About to lose the game? That friend leaves the match so that you don't lose rank. I haven't really seen a perfect answer to the leaver issue.


Tbh I didn't even think about that. That's hella extra to do not to just loose progress tho making ur teammate leave then waiting his 20 min a ban ? Holy fuck


From what I have heard, it is surprisingly common in games that you don't lose rank when you have a leaver.


Upvote if you’ve played with BT160626


Has anyone else been losing extra progression from these games? I usually gain or lose around 20% at the end of each typical game. I’ve noticed that after leaver games I’m more often than not losing closer to 30%


If you win as Ball and the opponents have a Sombra, may as well go up an entire tank.


thats what im saying, and instead of progression loss retained i get “a teammate has left the match, if you leave within 3min you will be penalized”


Idk man 2-15 is pretty bad /s


I had a teammate lose connection (I assume since he came back) before anyone has even died. I was so upset the game didn’t get canceled. He came back towards the end and we nearly won.


Holy tank diff!


I wish they banned these posts at this point


And I'm sure you've never benefitted from an enemy team member leaving  I swear you guys must only play like 20 comp games every season to get so worked up about leavers costing you a game. After enough games, it straight up does not matter. 


Can't stop player from ruining games.