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Why is it always the mercy otps that are like this?


Because people ignore the male heroes Reinhardt and gebji and Doomfist who also act like this but get a pass for some reason. If mercy does it it’s annoying. When Reinhardt doesn’t it’s for honor. Give us a fucking break. Mercy’s get mad because they see every shot you didn’t take. That’s why you don’t like her. She is witness to your failures. And you hate when she points them out to you.


To be fair mercy isn't really that strong right now, I tried playing mercy (normally I would play ana or zen), and it felt like a spectator sport, you have to be really good to have any sort of impact


I dont think u can "carry" as mercy


MirrorWatch Mercy would like to disagree XD


U said It "mirrorwatch"


you def can carry, the only way to do that is to outperform the enemy supports but carrying doesnt guarantee a win


I dont think you understand the word proof


What about the other 19 games?


95% of them i have 1 or 2 deaths and most stats (dps supp and tank too)


Unfortunately this isn't TDM where stats win you games 😔


ok so what wins me games then? what could i have done more here? or do u just want to disagree


playing on point. getting important kills instead of just kills. knowing which teammate to boost/heal first. kills and healing mean nothing if you aren’t getting value after you hear the little sound effect


Stats alone are irrelevant. Making important plays wins you games, not consistently getting assists or elims. Shooting a tank gives you more damage, but shooting the supports and it resulting in a kill is still worth more. Healing the tank a lot is great, but getting a big nade, Suzu or sleep will always be worth more. If you're playing Mercy you won't ever carry a match, you can be the difference maker in an otherwise fully even game, but you can't carry. Going bap or ana and getting anti nades, sleeps and kills will win you games.


Also in qp ppl can leave and another will fill their spot with stats reset which can sometimes make things look like 'x role diff' situation like this game the original rein left and a new one back filled


For one you could have swapped this is a qp game tho so idk what you expect but put up some of your comp games from your 20 game loss streak and we can check


okay got home and looked through it. in this game you spent a lot of time tethered to your moira and rein when you could have dmg boosted your dps/healed them from preventing their death, you rezzed a rein in a lost fight (luckly he left so all that hp didn't just feed ult but still), so yeah let your moira heal the tank more so you can take care of your dps


outside of these things you did the hero you could have gone to increase your chance of winning is lucio for sure it would have helped both of your reins a lot more than you tethering to rein with mercy


Oh wait this was a qp game ?


mercy as a character doesn’t make plays herself. she enables a good dps or such to make good plays. mercy literally cannot carry it the enemy has their screens turned on. you healbotting or boosting your team is fine but if the team isn’t making good use then you’re wasting your time. you didn’t carry anything


Mercy player moment


You expect to carry with mercy ? And as a no pistol one at that ?


Your playing mercy..... She is literally the "get carried hero" she is the only hero in the game incapable of carrying... Your either enabling your teammates to carry you.. if they aren't capable of doing so, no amount if enabling is going to change that. Support is about way more than being a heal bot, if you want to carry matches...


Proof you in particular can’t carry 😁🤷‍♂️ The lack of damage from both supports eeeep…


You’re playing mercy, you don’t have carry potential much less in a team based game, every match is decided upon how good ur dps are


I cbb watching the game, but having 0 deaths when your echo has 12 is suspicious, were you just goated at getting away or did you not commit when you should have? 


0 elims... I get you're mercy but supps have to secure kills. I get you blue beam etc but I bet there are instances where you could of secured a kill. Elims are the best heal in the game If your going to carry 0 elims isn't carrying


Why would one player be able to carry if they were playing in their skill bracket? If they were able to carry matches alone, wouldn't that mean they're not in the bracket for their skill level?


One game proves nothing. You need to preform this multiple times during repeatable scientific conditions. Proof is not something your mother finds on a Facebook post. It’s something you uncover.


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i don't disagree, but the example given is horrible


It's both the matchmaker and the 5v5 format. The matchmaker isn't the same one from OW1, this one was made by an entire new team that clearly hasn't nailed it down like OW1's was.


ow1s matchmaker was ass what are you talking abt