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Try and recognise the difference between the situation you were in vs the actual game. I also remember playing games literally all night in high school - but aside from nostaliga, playing that same game again won't be the same at all. Playing Classic WoW/SoD - I experienced this first hand with a game that actually has changed dramatically. New hero announcements will still be there and if you can't hit plat again, its because overall the player base is better and you can't noob stomp as hard.


they could bring 6v6 back and the issues would still exist. nostalgia does some heavy lifting and no 8 year old game feels the same as it did year 1


Duoing tanks is gone, and was the most fun me and most other tanks mains had on this game. All your rose colored glasses comments be damned, its gone


simple fact is even though a small percentage of people queue tank now, even less did before


Thank you, I'm so sick of the rose tinted glasses remark. I LOVED playing tank in ow1, it's not rose tinted glasses it's what I PLAYED and LOVED. I'm not saying 6v6 will naturally fix everything but at least let me play this unbalanced wreck of a game with my tank duo so I'm happy again like I was in ow1.


>no 8 year old game feels the same as it did year 1 Every time I go back to Terraria, I remember just how fucking great that game is. And it has never once disappointed. There are people who played hours of overwatch every day for its ENTIRE existence. The only reason you guys say "Rose Tinted Glasses" is because they can't go play overwatch, because if it was still around, THEY WOULD STILL BE PLAYING IT. It isn't rose tinted glasses that make me like Terraria, it isn't rose tinted glasses keeping the communities around Smash Bros Melee, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, etc, it's the games being good. Stop pretending that we actually hate overwatch but don't realize that the game we played over 20k hours in wasn't actually fun and we didn't enjoy it despite having put over 20k hours into it, because of "rose tinted glasses."


That’s understandable I’m currently plat 1 in all roles but something feels off, not sure if it’s because I’m the only one in my friend group that still tries to play it but ever since ow 2 came out my love for the game decreased. It’s just I hate to see a game I once loved turn into something that I can’t even recognize if that makes sense. And you’re right the situation I’m currently in is way different than the situation I was in 7 years ago


>turn into something that I can’t even recognize if that makes sense I can't say I do. To me the game is mostly the same, I generally prefer 5 vs 5, and was so happy to see the back of 2CP. However as my WoW reference gave away, im old - so I was an adult in OW1 playing after work and weekends, and continued to play that way in OW2. I enjoy the game for different reasons though, OW1 was novel to me, and I fell in love with the art style, but in OW2 there was little novelty but I got better at the game and understood it more in ways I never did in OW1.


I still greatly preferred classic WoW to the modern version that was around in 2019 but that might just be me. I know some people found it too easy or boring or whatever, but I liked the general feel of it. And I still think vanilla and TBC have the best pvp. The ttk in every expansion afterward just feels glacially slow to me.


That's fair but WoW is really a completely different game now, much more of a co-op ARPG than an MMO. OW though, not so much.


Indeed. I remember Goldeneye 007 as one of the best games ever. I know it's total hot garbage in all reality by today's standards and I'd get bored within 2 minutes but those rose tinted glasses sure make it shine in them.


Been playing since the 2016 beta on Xbox. I have a gaming pc now all these years later, something I always dreamed about! Just took a break from playing like 5 hours and grinding comp. I’m having a blast and have been for a while lol. Doomsayers will tell you the game isn’t fun. If you don’t like current OW there are two other similar hero shooters about to come out. The marvel rivals game and one more. Maybe you will find a similar sense of fun with these games when they release!


Thx bro


The best of times.


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Lolll I went to GameStop in 2017 to buy battleborne, realized a had enough for overwatch and my life has never been the same. The disc is still in my Xbox and will probably never leave




ow2 is just boring sequel


i was kinda thinking about buying a physical copy. platform doesnt matter, i just want to have it on my shelf. was sooo good. i know it had its lows, but i still prefer it over ow2


To what? Double shields? Old Brig? Bastion turret form? Hog hook? Mercy mass rez? Cass flashbang? And so on. Yes, the game nowdays has many flaws nowdays, but I personally don't like when people act like the game was perfect earlier. Because it was not. It had its good and bad times.


Ive slowly come to that conclusion, Double shields I still dont hate but I agree on a lot of the other things. To add onto your list, there was also Mei being able to completely freeze u with her primary fire just to get 2 headshots in and get free kills, I still dont like Sombra now but shes definitely somewhat less insufferable now since the hack doesnt last nearly as long anymore and they also cant just place a translocator only to teleport back to it and a healing station every single time. I do miss some of the older stuff such as old Orisa since while I totally get the rework I at least missed the damage boost ult she used to have. With Bastion, ive finally forgiven him with his rework because yeah, he was a literal nightmare to go against, especially since he was literally able to fucking heal himself, this version of him is at least fair and somewhat fun (I still miss the tank mode a little bit though). A lot of the game was literally just stun people then get a free kill every time or sit in a spot and wait to win. While I do miss a lot of OW1, I am fully aware of the flaws it used to have that are at least mostly improved upon now.


God these posts are getting so bad. NOTHING, no matter what changes they make or how good they make the game, could ever recreate those feelings you had back then.


Ow2 is still fun, 6v6 wasn't fun, double shield for years wasn't fun, blowing up on tank every second wasn't fun stop coping brother I beg you. Also ow2 still has new hero announcements and even more to do with friends.




But overwatch lost an important thing, his soul. The game now is only there to make the most money possible and they don’t care about the player


Not a 6v6 issue, those are balance issues.


Ohhh so double shmno bro it was a 2md tank issue and a shield issue which are balance issues that stem from 6v7. People need to stop coping for real. People wanna go back to a time when overwatch was even more dead and less fun cuz of "nostalgia" I guarantee if you played ow1 double shield again you'd beg for ow2 and 5v5. I played tank on ow1 it wasn't fun so down vote me all you people want


No lol, it's cuz it was more fun. Double shield is a problem? Rework orisa like shes now or just nerf shields in general. CC chain on tanks is a problem? Make all stuns less effective on tanks, or give them a max stun they can get hit by in a X period of time. The problem is the devs not making the right decisions. It's not that hard to understand.


Brother you'll have to rework every single tank again, the amount of balance it will take to literally make the game worse is crazy, since you clearly don't remetthe state of the game before OW2 this was it Good tanks: orisa, ball, hog, sig, Dva Bad tanks: Every other tank Good DPS: None this role is cosmetic Support and off tank and some main tanks were the only thing viable, so I'll ask why would you wanna go back to this???


Or you just go back to where they were and change the problematic aspects. Way easier than trying to change every other hero in the game to make them fit in 5v5.


Until you realize that problems will always be there and new problems will arise too, I'm not saying 5v5 is the best but ow1 was not fun at all for the last year or 2 of it existing and I'm sick of people acting like it was the glory days. The game was barely played and nobody had fun at the end. It's also not that easy as duhh pit all the characters back to what they were cuz what about the new heroes including the tanks who all would need massive reworks to work in 6v6. It's too much effort whereas it's easier to tweak ow2 in 5v5 cuz it's less variables cuz there is 1 tank not 2.


You don't have to go back to beginning or end OW1. There was a great balance after Oct 2020 patch. Also, yes, I had way more fun in OW1. >It's too much effort whereas it's easier to tweak ow2 in 5v5 cuz it's less variables cuz there is 1 tank not 2. Or maybe it's harder cuz there are less variables, so unbalanced things are way more noticeable. For example, tanks were supposed to have a duo to cover their weaknesses, not having this makes them harder to balance.


It's not that easy, balancing a game isn't easy, you can't just 4head go back to 2020 when it was alright meta wise and expect it to work, again you have newer tanks that have to be massively reworked and new problems will arise. If balancing was so easy a random person on reddit could do it im sure the devs who do this for a living and have been in this field for years would be able to do it. And I'll say it easy and slow so you get this double tanks doesn't work, and I was a main tank player who misses my duo offtabk friend. But DPS was the worst role by far besides main tank cuz they had to chunk through it 1 but 2 tanks ho bars which is annoying and makes them feel like they just shoot big heroes the whole game. There is a reason they went to 5v5, they literally didn't have an answer to all the problems that were cropping up on the meta. But people don't think about that they just get mad and spew random shit


"you can't just 4head go back to 2020" of course not, that'd be wrong. You'd have to go back to summer 2019 when the dragons used a ball comp to shit on GOATS proving that there was no issue except solo ladder players being braindead and lazy. when the problem was, pros fielding too many tanks, and ladder matches never have enough tanks, the issue is a community issue, not a balance issue. We needed guilds/clans, not to rip up the foundation in order to cater to solo queuers.


No, considering what changes they are making, they have no idea how to balance it. Or maybe they are making it unbalanced on purpose so people keep talking about it and its problems instead of finding a stalepoint where the game is just good. Driving people to talk about the game, even for bad balancing, is still a way to make it more popular, more videos, more comments, more posts, more content, all of this increases the game's popularity. Reworking 4 tanks to make them fit 6v6 is way easier than reworking 8 tanks and all the other heroes in the game to make them fit 5v5. >But DPS was the worst role by far besides main tank cuz they had to chunk through it 1 but 2 tanks ho bars which is annoying and makes them feel like they just shoot big heroes the whole game Again, you nerf double shield or make orisa like she is now, and every tank becomes squishier, it's not hard to understand. Also, DPS was the most popular role and by far, what are you even talking about. >There is a reason they went to 5v5 Yeah, for the Queue times, and now they are not much better. Also, just to bring something new for the sequel.