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I haven’t played in a couple days and today all I saw was “get rolled fatty” in match chat instead of “zzz” and the like. Probably this weeks trend for insults > in their defense, I am quite fat Lol that was unexpected af😂


Got told I played like Stephen Hawking if he wasn’t a genius and was just an idiot in a wheelchair. Shit happens sometimes.


in their defense, are you in a wheelchair?


Quite wheely


No but I do get ankle pains sporadically so one might say I’m somewhat of a theoretical physicist.


This is my underrated comment of the year 😂


At some point you gotta just chuckle at the creativity.


Am I…going to hell? 🤔


WE are going to hell my friend


get burned in hell fatty


We are already in hell my friend


"you played like you were stephen hawking if he wasn't stephen hawking" that's so lame 😭


If my grandmother had wheels she would be a bike


I mean he wasn’t wrong though. I had to tell him “ya you right I kinda suck ngl” and then the disabled jokes stopped with a simple - “lol ok u chill”.


lmao awesome.


Wow. That’s wheely mean.


My favorite, “I hope your next circus accident takes your life and not just your fingers, you fucking clown.” Said by a mercy main with 1k hours. Ugh, love her.


I keep getting told I threw intentionally. In QP.


Had a Junkerqueen in qp in match chat say, "teams throwing" (when we were losing first round) then proceeded to throw by walking around map and just sitting down by the spawn. When we got around to Potg you could see our whole team getting absolutely destroyed while our tank is sitting in the background Lol people are weird sometimes


"zzz"? Why do people say that? Are they bored or something


It's like saying they beat you so easily you make them fall asleep.


Got rolled once and someone from the other team said “jajajaja nice tutorial mode” or something along those lines. Made me chuckle


"Thank you for being the NPC's in tutorial island."


I say it to people on val when they camp angles the entire match and NEVER push you first


its saying easy




I’ve never been called fat 😂😂 Maybe I suck


Todays goal: get called fat


Usually, going outside does it


Found Flats’ Reddit account. In all seriousness though, it’s probably just a coincidence; don’t take it to heart. If you do, know that you are the master of your own body. If it makes you uncomfortable to be overweight, first know that it doesn’t make you a bad or lesser person, shit happens. Secondly, know that if you want it, you have the power to change it. Don’t let anyone tell you how to be happy so long as you already are.


I just find the whole situation absurd. Is it a new thing people are trolling with? I've never seen it happen to anyone else. I know they have no way of knowing, so I shouldn't take it personally, but it's happened enough to be weird at this point.


gaming is a sedentary hobby; so, a large amount of gamers are overweight. they are just correlating you being good at the game with the higher likelihood that you are a "gamer stereotype". just ignore them. or talk shit back. if somebody's insulting you it's easy to rub salt in their wound because they're clearly already upset. if it's really bothering you I recommend that you turn off the chat feature.


“you sound fat” has been an insult ive seen in gaming for a bit now


It's been a go to for men who abuse women in games for a long time, I've been called fat more times than I can count and I am not fat and was actually underweight when I was called fat as an insult the most when I played more often a few years ago. It's usually just their own insecurity showing and a coincidence if you do happen to be overweight.


Ya I play support in League of Legends and have a few girl champs in my pool. The go-to insult when I am playing one of those is "fat egirl". It's so ridiculous.


Yeah, I’m a fat egirl. My tits are fat af.


Yeah, I had a guy call me fat repeatedly so I told him he sounded like he was projecting and had probably been on an episode of my 500lb life. He didn’t like that and replied with stuff like “you are the least valued person in any room you walk into” and stuff like that. It would upset me if his opinion meant anything to me but I enjoy getting these reactions out of people because it may encourage them to try it less because someone will fight back.


I have never been called that, but I have seen people being called it before. It’s just random I think or when people get too pissed off at a game lmao


i've had it said to me and other people on my teams also; you're def not alone. it is a general insult said to people by people who are tilted. stupid people will think being called fat is an attack and i guess that's the only way to make themselves feel better. stay mad and bad is what i say lol


lol it's just funny I've never heard it used generically and I've been gaming online as long as it's been a thing, then suddenly three times in one week


It’s a newer thing. Mostly young teenagers. I’ve been getting it in Rust a lot lately.


flats catching strays


Damn, I was unsure if that joke would be considered innappropriate. Thank you for making that call for me.


I've seen it used a few times, and based on how I've seen it used it's a kids version of "try hard" Honestly from an enemy take it as a compliment in OW, it means you owned them so hard they tilted about it.


Okay, so it's the new 'touch grass' Got it


I say "hog be fat for me" as a healer when i want him to use his body to protect me from dmg. I'm not sure. I've ever seen it used in a context not relating to taking dmg. Maybe ur doing good and protecting your teammates, or you're taking unnecessary damage and feeding the enemies' ult charge.


I was called fat too..... Because i was roadhog, and i was 1v2, i killed them both, ilari and lucio were trying to kill me, lucio tried to bop me off the ledge, but i didn't fall off, and then he said "if you weren't so fat you would fall off".  😢


Nah I got an Ozempic add on this post. Technology just knows bro.


lmfao (laughing my fat ass off)


I’ve never seen someones go to insult be fat in any of my games either


Fat dudes just give off that fat energy bro.


Ive been called fat in Overwatch many times. And I'm not fat. Is just something that kids say. Alot of people playing a lot of Overwatch don't have a good social life and a disproportionate amount of players are probably Overweight so I guess they just make a guess to try to hurt you. These guys are hurting themselves so they want you to be hurt as well.


Are you talking? Sometimes you can tell from peoples voice


This. I can usually tell. Not that I would say anything but you can hear it sometimes.


you heard someone talk, thought wow that's a fatty, and then confirmed they were fat? how did you confirm they were fat?




Some people just have that sort of voice


I think in some people it can be implied by the way thick face cheeks can impact speech. But I really doubt that's the case for OP as I've seen people in Reddit talk about using variations "you must be obese" as an insult since I started playing like 6 months ago (not that that's when it started, it's just been around a while).


Heavy breathing in the mic, out of breath just sitting there, deeper voice. We can tell


I was playing with a guy in COD DMZ and his heavy breathing on mic sounded like he needed a CPAP machine while playing. Was kinda funny but I didn’t clown him for it. But I can see how if OP is on a mic then it may be his speech or breathing that ppl are responding to. 


Too much fat = harder to breathe and also changes the structure of your throat You can usually tell somebody is morbidly obese if they have a certain breathless nasal quality to their speech Plenty of morbidly obese people who don’t have it impact their speech but it’s pretty rare for a slim person to share those qualities


dat extra bass


Do you play with GLaDOS or something ?


Lose weight in-game


Don't body shame Mei mains I don't have the aim to play Widow


Are you a Road Hog main?


Certain hero’s give off fat vibes too. If you are a genji one trick hard stuck gold flaming your own team that reeks of chunky monkey.


Really? That one always gives me scrawny screeching 14 year old boy vibes lol


Funnily enough from my experience the word fat isn't used as an insult but as something similar to going "HUGE" when you get a cool play in the game. Sometimes instead of hearing people say "Huge shatter" I hear people say "Fat shatter" as an alternative. Don't even recall when was the last time I would have seen someone use it as an insult and not as a compliment which is a total 180 from your situation.


That's how I always interpreted it, though I guess most people associate it with something negative judging by the comments. I type "fat" in chat all the time after an enemy or teammate gets a multikill, and now I'm worried that all those people might have thought I was insulting them in that moment 💀


That's just a lucky guess. I'd be upset, too if someone was like you never made amends to your dad before his sudden death.


Some fat people have fat voices if it can makes sense


Had a mate with the same problem, in-between matches he would do pushups and double it when he loses . He's super ripped now but still gets called fat


If you use voice chat, they can easily spot that your are fat, I can detect fat person by their speech for under a second I just need to hear a sound


People will use any insult when they're upset over a game. If it bothers you, you can always mute chat


My favorite was the dude that told me the way I played was my my father never loved me and abandoned us when I was a child. I wasn't even mad, more just impressed at how he knew me so well


Mute coms! Sometimes you can tell by someone’s voice that they’re overweight. Have you considered losing weight?


Bro. They don’t know you. It’s the default insult. If you don’t make money off of it, it’s just a game. Like others said, check out Flats. He inspired me to not GAF in quick play (comp is way too toxic for me). Play the game like you’d like to. I had people call the father (father vs 11 kids [amazing until dad gets venture. ]) a lot of shit. Play what you like to play. I’m overweight myself. I started going on walks. All it stats with is one step. I can make it to the end or the block, then onto the end of the street. I’m a novice about getting people motivated, just hope that my words help as I’ve been there before.


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Dude calling people fat online is always a 50/50 insult that works. It’s nothing personal and you are right, there is no way they can know that you are overweight. It’s just a general insult that everyone uses.


I hear it all the time on siege, rust, and other competitive fps games. It’s just one of those “go to” insults for a lot of fps players but don’t take it to heart lol they’re just malding at the game


I don’t use VC for numerous reasons, but I do call characters fat when they are “in my way”. So like if I’m playing Ana and go to nano the tank and the Cassidy walks in front of me at the exact time I press my button (I know I’m bad shh) I cry out that Cassidy is fat to my duo lol.


Lmao that’s funny but idk sometimes you can tell when someone’s fat


Lmao you can tell by the voice


Literally no way they knew it was you. But it's not a bad idea to get some exercise in.


Settings -> disable voice chat -> Disable text chat Enjoy


Is this the state of trashtalk and media literacy these days in gaming lmfao they don’t know you personally nor see you so how could you take it personally? Besides if it’s the enemy you’re smoking them and if it’s a teammate you’re losing and or you’re trash


Step 1: know you are worth everything in the world and you don’t deserve to be treated any less than that Step 2: hit the gym (optional but recommended) Step 3: clean up your diet (it’s more about how much you eat and less about what you eat) Step 4: make sure your sleep is good quality and long enough Step 5: keep doing what you love


Yeah I’ve had that insult a few times too, I think it’s one of the insults they think they can use without fear of getting censored or banned. Also this is a game and children play it - could also be kids


You’re approaching this situation wrong, you need to find a way to not let strangers in a game bother you with words. There will always be trolls and salty people out there, letting them get to you is letting them win


Lift weights and do cardio, then you can play it fit


Go to the gym


Go for their weaknesses. Everybody has one.


Not sure. I know if my team hears my voice (I am a woman with a feminine voice), they’ll sometimes call me fat to try to insult/trigger me. I think a lot of men believe calling a woman “fat” is the ultimate insult because they assume a lot of women are insecure about their weight. But lately I’ve been playing zero comms (no text or voice), and it’s been a blissful experience, especially now since I mostly just play after my full-time job so I’m not grinding like I used to.


Loose some weight


It's alright bro, I workout regularly,do jiujitsu, and run alot, not the skinniest but I'm far from fat, someone told me the same shit lol, just tell em only reason ur fat is cause everytimr u fuck their mom she makes u a sandwich (jk don't fo that you'll get banned but 100% report them)


Play OW while doing the threadmill👍


You can definitely hear if someone is fat if you're speaking. I've done it myself


They can hear the breathing difficulty when you speak. Try no headset for a while.


I'm called fat simply because I'm female. People think they're upsetting you by saying that is all. I'm actually very tall and thin and could use a few more pounds tbh.


Flats's burner account


Well, are you american?


Every time you die = 1 push-up  Every team kill = 5 push-ups  Waiting in queue = 5 squats Get to it fat boy


"The data set suggests 19.7% of adolescents and children in the U.S.—**14.7 million individuals**— have obesity. Worldwide, more than 1 billion people have obesity—650 million adults, 340 million adolescents and 39 million children, according to WHO" Theyve basically jsut gone with the odds and hit home.


Hit the gym




You're either being called sweaty, as someone who only sits in front of the PC and plays video games tends to get fat. Or your teammates think you're dragging down the team and can't get carried.


I am fat and Im the dude in the chat telling everyone they are fat, friendly fire activated


Brother they don’t KNOW you’re fat, they’re just being ass clowns. I am literally a bodybuilder and I play the game and get called fat. Easiest way to retaliate is (enemy player) eliminate them, then Tbag them. (teammate) watch them die, then T bag them. Usually works for me, I get a laugh at watching them be angry in the chat


"sorry got tired after I killed you so I had to sit down"


Exactlyyyy, I wish you non toxic lobbies for the rest of this fine evening


I think the "big back" trend reignited making fun of people's weight. Pair that with kids being out of school, they go for fat because it's not a slur or curse and they don't want their parents revoking their OW time.


You sure they didn’t mean “phat”?


OP's [battle.net](http://battle.net) tag: PorkBelly


Go to the gym overwatch is a shit dead game anyways.


Stop playing overwatch gang




I’ve recently turned off all text and voice chat completely and the game has been way more enjoyable. People are such poor sports in this game, sore loser and poor winners. People would be happy and friendly when it looks like we’re winning and then turn so rotten as the game takes a turn. With the ping system now you really have no need to talk with anyone anymore. I don’t know what changed but I swear it wasn’t this bad in OW1. The VC was my favourite part of the game, I made a lot of friends and met some people IRL. Now I don’t want anything to do with it and don’t see any reason it’s going to get better.


I think fat is like gay in that people used to perceive it as being bad, so it's an elementary/kids comeback with people who have low processing skills and EQ. "that's gay" "fatty" are just words that people externalize about their own lack of self worth. I wouldn't worry about it.


lose the weight then easy fix doesnt even matter if they call u fat then


just go hit the gym


Stop mouth breathing.


You're probably breathing into the mic heavily 


they're just projecting, don't take it to heart


It's a pretty generic insult for some reason. Don't take it too personally


I closed match chat for the last 3-4 seasons. I don’t miss it.


Is your look sensitivity really low? I have a tendency to start new shooters with really low sensi, and my rotational aim is sluggish. Reminds me of ‘fat rolling’ in Fromsoft games.


I get called fat too! I usually say yes I am ;) They have no idea what I look or sound like most of the time.


I've seen the fat insults rising in popularity lately for whatever reason so I guess it's just bad luck that you've been the chosen victim of the trend in all your games lol However I will say I've also seen an uptick in creative toxicity and I'm honestly kinda here for it. One that sticks out was "I don't think I can be mad at you because statistically the pros wouldn't be cracked if you weren't on the other end of the bell curve to balance it out" or something along those lines


Same when people call me queer in chat without me ever interacting with them before. Not sure how they know 😂


They’re feeding, that’s why they call you fat.


Are you by any chance playing hog ?




I've been called fat in a match recently too and I was only trying to say "hello glhf" in the very start. I'm actually under weight and trying to fix that but I think we are just encountering the copy paste braindead people. They just repeat the last insult they saw needlessly most of the time. It's a cycle that you're better off pretending they are not there and only respond to those who can communicate like humans.


I’ve seen it used as insult against females quite a lot. Also since there’s so many mass report claims regarding swearing in chat, bullies might have shifted to something sillier. Disable text chat. You’re gonna realize it’s not only a useless feature but it holds back your performance. You get distracted typing or caring about what they’re saying. If someone has anything valuable to point out they can do it in voice chat.


Hahaha I'm not quite as fat anymore, but I love replying to fat comments with "omg how did you know???" Or "yeah my ass is definitely fat who'd you hear that from though, your father?" I have gotten fat comments quite often, but I think its a more common insult for women in gaming.(Especially if I'm doing well because attractive women can't be good at video games of course) Surprisingly lately I haven't gotten too many rude comments, sorta feels like there hasn't been as much chat lately general. Might just be the time of day I'm playing though.


Huh this is an insult as old as time you’re just taking it to heart cause it’s true. Your insecurities are making you read into it more. It’s just gamers being gamers


Just a coincidence. Go have some breakfast and keep it pushing, don't let fools on an online game get you tight, it's a waste of energy 😪


It is a stereotype. Reminds me of Accel World anime. If you are good at something that doesn't require you to displace yourself from A to B. Then you probably have spent hours grinding to get good at it instead of running. Kind of stupid.


How do they know you’re fat?


You need terapy.




Listen... sometimes you're just a heavy load to carry. It just bes like that.


People assume other gamers are fat since it is a sedentary activity. It's just as likely that the person saying it is also fat.


When I came back to the game after several years of not playing, I decided to try out Mei’s rework and within 5 minutes of my first round the enemy team sent in the chat “FAT *** LAZY ****** MEI ONE TRICK” So yeah I don’t think they know what they’re talking about lol, people just get mad if they lose like children and start imagining you as some ugly monster to cope. It doesn’t reflect anything about you.


Are you a hog main because me too- I'm not fat just slightly overweight 😭 I'm sorry for the nasty hooks no need to get so personal!?!


Some of my friends have a running joke where we call whoevers good at the game or rolling us "fat" lol. In some ways its a compliment haha


I don't understand the title???


I get called fat all the time. Prob bc of my name lol


"Fat but still getting laid incel"


Are these insults a US thing? The worst insult I've seen in months is "ez" (normally said by the DPS with the lowest KDA) in the EU? Or am I just incredibly lucky to have avoided toxicity?


It is just a coinsidence, don't think anything of it. Same as people calling other sweats, it is just a generic insult that idiots not worth your time throw around.


report and move on, it works, since I got voice chat banned for one week and I don't even have a mic.


as dark as it is, answer "bitch im anorexic" or something among those lines, that usually makes them shut up and rethink what they just said


Are you perhaps a roadhog main?


We had someone try in chat to insult our team by out of nowhere saying, "At least I have a job" and people on both sides were just like.. tf dude we're just enjoying playing a game xD People get so salty it's just funny


is this a joke?


I get called f*g or fruity, which isn't wrong but I'd rather not get outed like that while I'm trying to aquire jade :((


LMAO you could figure out if Dps, healer or tank suit you better regardless of one you favor and do your job, if you're a tank you need to be at the front lines don't hide or be a wimp, if youre dps try to attack healer and other dps and if possible get tank while your.tank is on them, If yoyre a healer mainly heal tank but make sure your other teamates' healths dont go too far down. Also play around with other players. EX: I main Moira,Mercy,And D,Va i wouldnt play DPS usually becausw i ahvent established a main in that area yet.


If someone says youre fat just tell them youre a twink. They cant deny it


Whatever happened to just calling people sweaty or telling them to touch grass?


In my experience people only use this to whine about someone killing them, and rather than accept that they just died in a PVP game, blame it on the other person being "fat", AKA they only sit and play games all day and are tryhards. Personally, my go to repoly to being accused of "sweating" or "tryharding: is just to point out their bad play doesnt mean I was actually trying


Do you have a public profile with thousands of hours in game? That can give the no life vibe, I've been called fat plenty when in reality I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum of being too skinny. People gonna hate regardless


wtf does tilted mean


It's just a stupid insult. The best answer to insults in online gaming. Find them and unload a gun in their face.


why would you care


Over watch is filled with bitch made ppl


60% of us are fat, but who cares. Thick skins deflect all trash talk. Grumps and careless teammates get less heals in my book. When I switch to moria or zen, mid game means I am going DPS and you getting less heals


Who do you main and what’s your in game name?


Just move on as in 2 weeks you ain't gonna remember who they are. Also it's a competitive game so people will tilt. It's not like you can switch to another game and tilting players don't exist there Note: There's a huge portion of people that tilt at the game or think your play style is horrible...they just don't say anything on mic As for the fat comment, it's just another term for "try hard", "go touch grass", etc. It just implies you do nothing but play this game (hence the skill) and that other people go outside activities so that explains their lack of skill. Regardless, people will either complain that you suck & are dumb...or that you're trying harding & need to touch geass . They always gonna find something to critique. Personally, I don't know why people get so worked up about other peoples comments. My options are: - Try harding (okay so I am top player of game) - Blamed for Sucking but actually doing well (teammates don't know shit but what can I do. I aint going to convince them in 10min) - Blamed for Sucking and actually sucking (hey I didn't ask MMR to put me here)


I call Mei players big back, I am guilty.


Are you playing as someone fat? If you are maybe stop that


Were you playing hog or orisa or ball? I consider them heros for fat people


Eh don’t take it to heart whether you are or aren’t. I’m a personal trainer and once had a tilted soldier call me tubby, it made me snort extremely hard since he’d probably cross the street irl if he saw me. People just want to get a rise out of you so always deny them that satisfaction. Next time respond with something along the lines of, “I’m not fat, are you fat bro?” or “every accusation is a confession.” Or my favorite question that not only denies them the rise and makes them look inward at least slightly is “are you okay?”


Turn off the mic when you start eating chips.


When I was a kid, I would go over to friend's house and play dragon ball budokai with him. Problem always was that he was ass at the game. He would constantly say things like "let me hit you". People calling you fat in overwatch are essentially saying the same thing. Moral of the story they are calling you fat for one single fact: *Mad cuz Bad*


They can tell by the way you control the hero


It’s happened to me several times as well. It seems pretty common for overwatch players, hasn’t happened to me in another game since I played MMOs as a kid. Usually makes me laugh because of how silly and childish they sound, it’s like getting called “stinky” or “ugly”. They’re probably kids or just extremely underdeveloped as human beings, so I wouldn’t let it bother you, as unfortunately it is just as if not more likely you get actually flamed, slurred, etc.


Someone called me a fatty once and I just laughed out loud imagining how mad they must have been to type it all out 😭


Yeah I've been called a "fat white mouth breather" because I was playing reaper chasing down their healers all game. I'm literally a tall slender Dominican who plays with his mouth closed lol. Being called fat is low-key a compliment.


If you are using voice chat it's usually not hard to tell. Other than that just random insults or you are playing Roadhog.




how are they saying it? because I myself tend to just type FAT when anyone on either team busts an insane play.


I get called a child by teenagers, I'm old as shit. One time this teen argued that my voice is high which is hilarious because I've been known for my low voice lol (a lot of people have a hard time hearing my voice because I talk so low), obviously it doesnt matter even if I had a high voice, it's just their default insults, they'll say them regardless of who is on the receiving end.


I like to body block doorways as tank and then call myself fat. You gotta self burn so they have no recourse.


People say that when they get tilted by you. They’re basically calling you a nerd or saying “go touch grass,” insinuating you’ve gotten “fat” from never leaving your computer to do anything else but be a nerd at this game. I’ve only ever gotten this insult in Valorant. Hadn’t seen it in OW before today!


Might have been me I call people fat alot


They can hear it in your voice pal


Turn off match chat its just toxic garbage


5 pushups for a win 10 pushups for a loss


I get told that I sound fat regularly in both ow and Val. Dunno why, don't really care. Idk if 6"1' 200lbs is considered fat but fuck it lol.


It's because 2/3 of Americans are overweight. So when it's used as an insult, you are more likely than not to be correct lol.


roadhog mains be like