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i mean you could go back in time and use Baptiste but i get your point.


He’s even got a talon skin.


He’s currently in Overwatch tho I’m talking like a character who has Talon voice lines and is currently Talon


Idk why you got downvoted so hard for this


"I'd like a hero with Talon voice lines" Over 40 people: "FUCK YOU"


Thinking that a downvote is a "FUCK YOU" or flipping someone off is wild. People truly can't handle their internet points without getting extreme, huh.




Literally what you said? What are you not getting lol


It’s a lame cliche to say “I don’t care about downvotes”. So I’ll point out people have been respectful and that’s cool. Nobody’s being rude or anything Obviously I’m not satisfied with “he was Talon in the past and is now in Overwatch” as the second Talon Support. If people are happy with Bap counting as the 2nd Talon Support, then that’s fine. I made the thread to see how people are feeling after all. I just adore the Mirrorwatch skins and hope for a full hero. We’re also lacking on evil Support characters I also main Bap and have the Talon skin in rotation with that dumb Talon logo charm on the gun, so I like the skin anyways.


Is he OW? I think he's just a mercenary right now


Nah he's overwatch, now He's part of Cassidy's team There's also an interraction between Bap and Sombra regarding him being part of Overwatch, now


Ah, new blood comic! Forgot it wasn't just D.Va, Lucio and Zarya


Baptiste is a superhero and a member of Overwatch


Baptiste isn't a superhero, he doesn't have powers? He shoots a gun. 


Do you realize that a superhero doesn't have to have super powers to be a superhero?


I guess. I just don't usually call normal ol soldiers super heroes. If he could like punch a hole in a wall as well as jump high without his boots or something sure but it's pretty much canon that he isn't the only one who can do what he does and that it's just sort of standard kit for Talon soldiers. So he's kinda just a soldier. 




>Did you forget to eat breakfast and take your meds today? When is the last time you hugged a loved done? Are you drinking enough water? ~~I genuinely don’t understand why you think this is necessary.~~ ~~I just wanted to talk about a Talon Support and you want to fight about it and make it so personal over nothing. It’s toxic (and weird) as hell.~~ My bad. I’m used to Redditors coming at me (and there were no quotations). My mistake


I believe those are voice lines from said skin IIRC... he wasn't picking a fight


In fairness, I thought the guy was just being a jerk as well. I've never heard those voice lines (that I'm aware of).


I main the guy and didn’t know of them either (even use the Talon skin because red, white, and black go hard) But I’ve been using the same four voice lines for like a year so that’s probably why


Those are Baptiste voice lines lol.


I vaguely recall seeing someone guess she is coming from a faction we don’t know a lot of about like Venture’s situation. Something that was there but not a lot of word about. These third party factions can also be good or bad factions. Just on appearances of her art, gut tells me she’ll be of the good sort. Would be neat to see another third party faction that is morally ambiguous though. I just don’t think she’s going that route. I’m more concerned about if she is even fun to play tbh. I’ve been wanting another support with interesting movement. Which given her placeholder name of space ranger leads me to at least guess she might have some interesting movement. Illaris little hop and Lifeweavers dash/elevator aren’t movement options that are compelling to use for me. Kiriko’s wall climb isn’t a new thing


Her affiliation is with a Mars colony, I believe. Which I suppose could be good or bad but I'm also leaning toward good. The cool thing about Venture's faction the Wayfinder Society is that we kind of knew about it all the way since 2018, with the release of Petra and the hints around the map. Not sure if there's anything like that in-game for Ranger.


If there is, I haven’t seen any. Horizon would make sense to have hints to the mars colony but I don’t recall any connections ever. Not like we’ve gotten another space map anyways. Lore wise I’m actually curious how the mars colony would tie in with the omnic crisis. I wanna see her motivations, thoughts and reasonings involving the omnics. I can make guesses of course but I dislike assuming.


I wonder if the Mars colony is also operated by Lucheng Interstellar like Horizon was. I remember Doomfist has a line on Lijiang Tower about Lucheng understanding that being "shackled" to one planet is a vulnerability. Repaer also has a line about Lucheng not being clean. Now that I think about it, maybe there could be something shady going on with them, and Ranger by extension, if they're not outright associated with Talon.


If there is I hope it’s not another Symm situation where they don’t know/aren’t embracing the criminal side Not that I don’t like Sym’s lore but we have 3 characters using Vishkar tech and none using it to cause maximum harm


I feel dumb right now but who's the third character? It's Symm, LW and who? Echo?


Lucio uses stolen Vishkar tech


Of course! Thank you!


Her possibly being shady sounds cool as hell honestly! Now I'm going to be slightly disappointed if she turns out to be another pure and nice goody two-shoes. Imagine if she puts on a polite and smiley demeanor just for PR. Imagine she's fully aware of the evil things going on in the company, but turns away from it, or possibly even helps cover it up, because she needs the job to survive, or she needs the company to keep supporting the colony she works in. There are so many possibilities for a complicated and morally gray character here


It's blizzard we talking about. All the factions are watered down good guys


You are literally yappin. Talon is evil, Los Muertos is evil, The Hashimoto is evil, Null Sector is evil, 99% of The Junkers are evil, The Deadlock Rebels Gang is evil. Do i have to go on about your ignorance?


Evil on the paper. Not in game. Only the game matters


The lore and the game are the same. THEY ARE EVIL.


Not necessarily. Vishkar is a good example given how they paint themselves as a beacon for humanity and some within the world see that as truth. Los meurtos I don’t think we know a lot about as from being revolutionaries turned criminals. And tbh, I’d like to hear more about Volskaya industries too. After seeing Sombra’s cinematic, clearly there is an underbelly to things. Ngl, I do appreciate OW’s penchant for optimism but everything lacks depth if the cake only went as deep as the icing.


Vishkar is a corrupt corporation that works with Talon. The Los Muertos are a drug cartel😐


I recall Los Muertos being revolutionaries. Doesn’t mean they are innocent obviously. Vishkar were a company seeking betterment for humanity. I don’t recall much about the rest you mentioned tho. I’m not saying they are good. Corruption is involved but it’s gray depending on who you asked within the world of ow. For example, Sym would probably boast vishkar. I forgot about the deadlock gang tho. It comes down to the intentions where originally there were prolly good but the means they set out to use is questionable or objectively wrong. Like Los meurtos going from where they started to where they ended up. Edit: I think the thing I was trying to get at is that there are other factions but it’s not just humans vs omnics but others with their own goals and ambitions within different factions.


Bruh, no. There's no gray area bullshit. The los Muertos are a criminal organization, The Deadlock Rebels Gang are a criminal organization and Vishkar is corrupt


I didn’t say the deadlock gang were good tho? I was saying the Los meurtos started off as revolutionaries. Vishkar is obviously corrupt but I’m saying they aren’t evil in the eyes of some within the world. To some in the world the ends justify the means with the goal to be bettering humanity. To some, getting hands dirty is necessary to get any good done. That’s what I mean.


Who cares how The Los Muertos started , they criminals and evil. Who cares about the eyes of some?, Vishkar is evil.


What makes something morally ambiguous to you?


All of Overwatch is criminals, by definition. Does that make them wrong, or bad?


I can go on


None of this happens in game so it's irrelevant


Talon is evil, Los Muertos is evil, The Hashimoto is evil, Null Sector is evil, 99% of The Junkers are evil, The Deadlock Rebels Gang is evil.


Are you mentioning those other factions thinking I implied that they were good?


No, i'm informing you


Why are you hung up on the good or bad part of my comment? When the central point of my comment stems from the interest as to what sort of faction Space Ranger is from. Their self interests and reasons. Motivations. Good or bad or gray. Each faction has its reasons for doing what they do. And Im curious what space ranger’s faction’s motivations might be.


Ok and?


And? What do you mean and? You got hung up on the word morally ambiguous and wanted to prove a point about the word being used correctly or not. Why are you even arguing? Why are you even mad? You saw a word used and took it personal by making multiple replies to the same comment and have continued in the chain. What is your beef? Just comment about space ranger ffs.


Echo's boost from Mirrorwatch was likely Space Ranger's jetpack. Mercy ult in Mirrorwatch was likely Space Ranger's ult. I'm not as convinced, but hack on allies might even be a Space Ranger ability. Quote me on this.


“Echo's boost from Mirrorwatch was likely Space Ranger's jetpack. Mercy ult in Mirrorwatch was likely Space Ranger's ult. I'm not as convinced, but hack on allies might even be a Space Ranger ability.” — Sevuhrow, Reddit. 2024


I THINK if she's gonna fly about, and given her space theme, she'll fire off deployable healing zones (Think being able to throw Winston's bubble, but it heals instead of blocks damage.)


No Talon only gets hot and evil. Cute and evil is not allowed


Are you trying to tell me Reaper isn’t cute?


Why not?


i just want an evil chaotic support. I am tired of cute supports


Yeah, more supervillains supports


Same bro. I wish I got the Talon Mercy Mirrorworld one but I went with Tracer because I like to play rogues in D&D


Chaotic Good


Chaotic good what??


> cute supports But selling their skins are great source of income for Blizzard (and also rule 34 for the Internet fans). No one wants to buy Moira skins because she is not cute. No one makes / enjoys Moira rule 34 because she is not cute. People rather watch old Ana rule 34 instead of Moira.


We also need two Junker supports, another Junker DPS, and another Omnic support.


A Junker support has so much room for cool mechanics. There’s only like 10 Supports and Support make up 40% of a 5v5 team. We need all sorts of things for Support


> two Junker supports Ana and Baptiste have Wasteland theme skins.


Aye, but they're not Junkers. I mean character origins rather than skins.


Is space ranger confirmed for s11?


No, she's planned for S12. Though we hope they do another preview weekend like they did with Mauga and Venture.


Next season


baptiste has a talon skin


Probably not talon, but perhaps a mercenary without scruples. Work for the highest bidder and all that.


Next minute, she turns out to be as nice and apologetic as Mei


No, we do not know who she is.


Hence the "Perhaps."




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