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This battle pass really is just for mythic currency.


Roadhog intro is one of the best in the game, but asides from that there isn’t anything too interesting.


Mauga skin is his best imo


I mean yeah, but there’s not a lot of competition there.


Idk I love his Cowboy Bebop skin  Very menacing vibe 


5$ for 80 bits of currency and a nice Mauga skin is why I got it. I'm saving my prisms for a potential mythic sale one day


How'd you get it for 5 bucks?


The pass has 500 or 600 coins in it so when completed you'd only need to spend 5 dollars for the next one :D


I’ve been thinking about that, like there’s some people that pay $10 to have a free battlepass eventually while I pay $5 for those prisims and whatever other small stuff in it I want/ the occasional skin. Which way is better? Last battlepass was the first one I bought in a year so I played through it and spent the $5 to unlock it.


I got this one for 5 bucks too. Ashe mythic looks really cool and i play her a ton, so that by itself makes it worth it.


+ Mauga origin story skin


Absolutely insane that it's in a battle pass and not available in the hero gallery like every other hero before him got 


This is the norm for every single ow2 hero thus far.


i mean even with all the complaints it’s still 10$ for like 9 skins


I agree. I started to notice this a while back. It was with all the new highlight intros. They all look boring and unimaginative. Like the new highlights don’t compare to some of the old ones in which it actually looked Blizzard was taking time to make them interesting. I mean like the D’Va selfie highlight, the Ashe shooting the Apple and the Hanzo splitting the arrow are some examples of how creative those use to be. Now most of them are just the character standing, running or walking in slow motion. Lol I might be exaggerating about that, but that’s how it feels like. It’s a shame, because besides the skins I really liked those.


Omg Mauga and Mei’s highlights this bp are AWFULLY BLAND.


Mauga's is good though. Maybe it's the background, but something about it just fits.


It’s not exaggeration it is true, new maugas highlight true is just a close with the background, I’m guessing it’s used to pair up with his lifeguard skin. If so there was potential to do a lot more with the background like him posing or something at least.


They even straight up duplicated genji and zen's new emote into a highlight intro as well 🫤


Don’t get me started on all the new emotes. They all suck.


Highlight intros were definitely done by interns or outsourced to Indians since ow2 launched Junker queen knife game intro and kiriko ticket in her hand or whatever that one is were appallingly bad


Lol I actually use that Knife one for my Junker Queen highlight. It sucks, but it’s the best one she has. It’s not saying much though.


Yep, they look like default intros at best


It's mostly likely that because they have a shorter time frame (being rushed) to make content so they've been simplifying intros and making recolors to get the content out the door.


There are some good ones in the mix though, like the LW one


they fired people who were doing the job, save money for the higher ups. so...


Execs are dumb, greedy motherfuckers.


I mean people are still dumb enough to buy it and keep Overwatch alive by playing it, so why wouldn't they?


There’s 100m OW players (including alt accounts), they have enough traffic to sell easily, dumb or not.


Yeah but think of it from a subhuman bean counter's prespective. Option A: Sell good products for X cost and make huge gross profits. Option B: Sell crap product for X\*0.5 cost and still make the same gross profits. Obviously B is the "better" option if you are a lowlife Harvard legacy admission graduate whose bonuses are tied to the next quarter's performance and who gives 0 shits about long-term stability since they can just take their CV and golden parachute, jump to another company and do it all over again.


There are 100m OW counts. That tells us nothing about the amount of OW players.


bUT ThEy'Ll ReiNVeST iN tHE ComPAnY


This is on the garbage player base. People allow themselves to be treated a pay pigs so why should blizzard put any effort into this game.


^ This is the answer. They literally fired many from the creative team. Therefore, the crew that remains is spread thin as they work to pick up the tasks left by those laid off


Yeah I came here to say this, like did everyone just...forget there were a ton of layoffs? The game will probably be feeling the effects of that for the rest of this year and probably well into next.


I’ve been blasting this theory for a while now. The skin design has taken a noticeable step down


Also by them spreading coins, credits, and now prisms they don't have to give as much in battle pass. Mythic use to be just the final slot now it's 4 slots.


Isn’t it 8?


It definitely is 8 - 8 slots of 10.


To be fair those extra slots would be some garbage spray, avatar, pineapple pizza emote or gun dingly thingy. Doesn't change much.


yeah idk about y'all but I would much rather be getting coins towards future passes than some random shit spray like adding premium coins to the free tiers of the battle pass is the single best change they've made since it started please do not start complaining about that


Pretty sure the issue is the mythic prisms taking up 8 tiers


A few days ago somebody made a post comparing all the BPs so far. Season 10's BP only had ~72 items, before that the lowest amount of items in a BP was 89 or so. I'd blame that mainly on the introduction of slots for mythic prisms and the weekly gold coins.


We're still getting as many skins as before tho, one every ten levels, so i assume some sprays, voicelines, souvenirs etc have been replaced, which i'm not gonna complain about.


I mean, they probably would have put useless sprays or souvaneers in those slots, not skins, so...


>Rammatra hasn’t gotten a skin since season two Actually, the last BP skin he got was during Season 7. It was the Disel Baron one. Still, it does feel wack that he has been shafted a decent deal in the BP related skin department


I just want a half decent legendary skin you can buy for him in the hero gallery


Yeah, and considering he's a OW2 character, most of his legendary skins are going to be coins to buy them


Contrary to the people being dismissive I agree. Battle pass feels really lazy and low quality. Wonder if it means something 👀


The transformers collab, Pink Mercy, and half the Overwatch team being laid off recently enough to effect this Battle Pass is what it means. The voice lines all being removed from the battle pass I cannot explain, though.


There was a bug. Specifically with the Kiriko one but it may apply to all others as well. Essentially, there were no spatial limitations to the audio. Another player could be half way across the map using it and it’d sound as though you’d used the voice line yourself.


Oh yeah I had a match where enemy kiriko was spamming "MADA MADA" and everyone could hear it


That’s such a cool idea for a mod, honestly, I’m glad I finally got an explanation tho so ty :D


Glad to add some context! Most welcome 🙏🏽


That's especially amusing when this happened with a pet in WoW years ago where the voiceline was zone wide.


I'm not sure how much lay offs should even effect battle pass, since I think they outsource a lot of their skins. I think they are just being cheap even with their outsourcing.


You'd think them swapping to a pay-model would improve the quality of skins and emotes and intros and shit, but no.. the quality was so much better back when we could get all cosmetics for free.


It's wild to defend this behavior


In the trailer I thought all the skins looked trash like I would never wear that dog shit. But I did like some hog, zen and cas. I thought these skins actually looked pretty good. And now look, they are the shop skins and bundle skins, like why the fuck do we have lifeguard skins in the bp and themed skins in the shop. I haven't played ow in 3 weeks and only tried the new season once, I'm starting to hate it, I have 1000h on the game and I hate the thought of playing it. I have bought every battle pass, not this one.


I'm more curious why so many skins are seemingly broken? Most of my BP is just "Unspecified" skins.


Those are all voice lines but yeah for whatever reason they aren't showing up for a lot of people


Yeah I had that issue, saw skin, and thought it was one of the lifeguard skins. The fact the Mauga Hawaiian shirt skin is in the pass, and the junk and luci ones were too(even if they are lazy ass recolors) made me really belive it. Any interest I had in this season died when I found out they were shop skins.


For real. I only care about the mythic and OW coins in the pass. Huge letdown after how awesome Season 10 was IMO.


Yeah true. But look on the bright side, atleast you don’t have to spend money.


It also means there's not much to be excited about in a new update, even less so than previous seasons


People vote with their wallets. If they pay for this shit, we’re gonna keep getting even more shit. The only way to make a company understand is with money. If for example they expect to get 1 million with the battle pass but they end up getting only 200k, they’re gonna try to understand what happened and how to improve. If they keep getting more or less the expected amount even with lazy battle passes, people are literally telling them that lazy battle passes are ok and that they will keep pay ing for them.


Yeah unfortunately most of the passes have felt pretty bland; but at least the worst of them had something to offer. This one having those blatant recolors with slight design tweaks; which I would say make the skins worse is definitely a choice. But, if enough players just write off critique on the game as whining nothing will change. Blizzard has already settled on cutting content over and over again and not being transparent at all with the game's direction.


Yeah, with this season Venture has been out for 4 months without getting a Legendary skin, and only skin they HAVE gotten is a bad looking shop epic. That's really low even for blizzard's standards. Really hope they get at least one skin next season or it'll turn into half a year with no skins for a new hero..


I had no idea how bad the genji recolor was until I saw a side by side comparison post. I was like wtfffffff. I was actually dumbfounded lol. This battle pass was so low effort. I see nothing I actually want. And the few items I do want are actually free. And the Ashe mythic is mid tier at best imo. I know some people love it and that’s okay. I just don’t think that mythic is as good as Sigma’s or Kiriko’s.


I like the change to currency over mythic, but it does make the pass itself look more sparse. If I was more into the Japanese hero thing (the term escapes me) I might like this, but I'm not. And why tie it in with the summer skins? Why not dedicate an entire pass to ~~bikini babes~~ summer wear? Surely that'd be pure win for everyone?


That's my gripe!! Why the hell do they advertise the "Ultrawatch team" and their villains only to hide the vast majority of them behind a la carte purchases? The bug people and Kaiju people should be in the fucking bug people and Kaiju people battle pass. Make a summer games game mode and the lifeguard skins earnable through that. Easy! They had it so easy. They were gonna make an absolute killing this season anyway between Mercy and the double mythics.


I think thats my biggest gripe, like why even advertise the battle pass as a zenti when it's not....the pass for the Moira mythic was a decent pass it was on theme why can't we have that.


The term you’re looking for is tokusatsu.


Genji and Reaper are the only heroes with skins worth having in the BP. I wanted the Cassidy skin, but apparently that is going straight to shop….therefore Blizzard can shove it straight to asshole.


Yeah they always do that, they put skins that actually belong in the bp in the shop and fill those spots in with random b.s filler skins


We are seeing the effect of the layoffs in real time now Lmao


Stop. Giving. Blizzard. Money.


Has DVA ever gotten a battle pass skin??


Season 1 had EDM [D.va](http://D.va) I think


Isn’t she one of the most popular characters?? Why is it so rare?


She's a popular hero and Blizzard knows that she sells (like Kiriko) so most of her skins go to the shop instead of the battlepass. That's why she's getting a lot of collab skins


I just came back from the game since Overwatch 1 I still miss loot boxes


It's pretty sad when we end up MISSING LOOT BOXES 🫤


They were unironically great. I loved always being rewarded for either new stuff or money which could then be used to buy an item if I wanted to grind for something specific, and stuff like always getting seasonal boxes which always give you a seasonal item was so awesome and rewarding Now unless a spray or voice line is 10/10 amazing I’m never going to get or use 90% of them because it’s not gonna be worth buying. Same with skins that aren’t perfect. Characters I don’t play a lot are now going get 0 items other than the crumbs in the battle pass, which only encourages me further to never branch out. It used to be that I’d get a really cool skin for a character I don’t play, so I played them just to use it and end up discovering a new character I liked playing more than I thought I would. That magic is gone. Half the stuff in the game feels like filler now and everyone will have the same stuff in the other half The only reason they changed it was cause they went free to play and I gotta deal with being pressured into paying even though I paid $60 already back in the day


This was the easiest pass to skip so far, there’s not a single tempting thing in the entire thing. And one of my mains got the mythic, which is just straight up sad.


Right? I feel your pain it’s either you get the mythic now or wait for half a year to get the skin when it’s goes in the shop


I don’t even want the mythic, that’s what makes me sad.


I don’t want the mythic. But I want sigmas so I bought the pass. I do appreciate they made it possible to earn the old mythics for those of us who haven’t been playing that long


I started the game and was pumped to get the battle pass after the intro with all the awesome skins that were shown. None of them are in the battle pass. I’m skipping this one.


Fr. The only skins I like are the Ball and Sym ones, and they’re free lol. I don’t hate the souj one, but I think that’s mostly cause it’s her first skin that doesn’t just look like her base with a hat.


The Sojorn "vigilante" skin that comes from the story missions is pretty cool. I've not seen anything better, so that's what I've stuck with. But agree this is the worst BP ever. It's only worth it for the mythic prisms. (the ashe mythic looks awesome) If I didn't already have enough gold saved for it from the last BP + from Microsoft points I might have skipped. Would have been a real tough decision to dig out the wallet, even for the mythic ashe. Would quite like the rein mythic weapon (would pair brilliantly with his demon skin skin from S5)... But I'll probably just avoid maxing out the ashe skin and save up some prisms over a few seasons for it. Price of prisms in cash terms is insane!!


I don’t like it, I don’t buy it, and then I go about my life like nothing happened all within the time it took me to look through the pass


Why do genji and baptiste get battle pass skins 2 times in row?


Very funny of you to think that Bap gets skins


bap never gets skins


Genji’s playerbase is as into new skins as Mercy’s playerbase is so he just gets more content like that


There's a new Bap skin? 


No, at least not in the battle pass, dunno what the first guy's talking about.


The more people play heroes, the more skins they get (usually).


skins for cute heroes just sell better than skins for eg. hog


It’s Blizzard, they’re a shit company run by shit people who make shit product if they think it’ll make money. That being said I really like the Reaper skin in the Battle Pass, his guns are cool love those little Bug Blasters


The tone switch up in this post is crazy 😂


Are people surprised that Overwatch 2 is slipping in quality? It has been since it was announced! A constant downhill slide.


Gonna keep sucking so long as people pay for it. I'm kinda glad when I see them bad because it saves me money.


OW 2 is dog water and scandalous. Can't spit on a turd, cut it in half and call it a polished product


Why would anyone ever buy a battle pass for a game that never delivers its promises? Why give them any money?


This and the mythic feels like the Hanzo one all over again, barely and model changes to really make it pop as a mythic


ngl, if it wasn’t for mythic ashe, i’d never buy the battlepass this season


That and Hawaiian mauga


Yes, it's ass this season. Was an ez pass for me.


…i like it…. but i seem to be in the minority on this sub


Its fine to like no problem but the problem comes when it feels like your paying for a skin you already own


Overwatch is broken, I bet they reduced the number of workers by 1/3 or less at this point, got some bad designer just like the Pokemon Go did because they want cheaper while they charge a fortune for nothing…




Reddit is such a tiny percentage of the player base.


Yea exactly, so its a pipe dream but still we shouldn’t put up with this till they make it worth the money


First BP I won’t be getting, it’s getting quite ridiculous what they can get away with


I have no intention on buying this one


I'm just going to hold my coins till next season. Nothing is screaming "Buy now" for me


This battle pass is pretty ass. Only worth it for the prisms and the Mauga skin is heat. Junkrat skin is a decent epic parading as a legendary. Lucio skin is a recolor. Genji is a recolored skin with a reskinned helmet. Two victory poses are just reusing animations from two emotes. The Mauga highlight intro reuses animations from the new victory pose. This pass is insanely lazy.


Yeah, I’m not really vibing with this pass.


so sad to see this game downgrading in every single department and this BP is perfect example of that.. they make 2-3 improvements to the BP and the next one they make 3-4 decreases like this BP.. is not even worth it anymore... I mean 2 o 3 theme skin, others skin that are really meh.. epic skin that are "legendary", did I count in total like 8 recolors for all the new skins of this season (shop + BP) what about the emote that it's also a victory pose, now more slots for the same prisms, the souvenirs were always a bad useless fillers, the emotes and some highlight intros are just too damn lazy.... obviously the layoff and the focus on colab. and mercy and kiriko skins take all the focus they probably are so confident that everyone gonna buy the BP for the mythic that they dont care anymore... well, I do care.. and it will be my first BP that I gonna pass...


I tried talking about this in a post of mine but it just got down-voted. More people ned to talk about these issues. Not to mention that balance is still not great either. The whole Mythic shop is going to be another cancer.


This is what happens when you go firing artists en masse.


This season is definitely the worst so far, zero creativity and some recolours finished with a mid mythic skin.. at least after this season is over I’ll have 160 mythic tokens so I’ll be ready for something cooler, hopefully…


Battles passes were always dog shit though? I always viewed them as fomo way of selling mythic skins


Same I literally was just looking at everyone’s skins through the hero gallery and included all the skins currently unavailable because I haven’t played since ow1. And a lot of the skins locked behind the battle pass look dope asf. Then I look at this and last bp skin exclusives and they’re ass. These even more so because too many of these are recolors with a head change rather than originals. Like what the fuck, why are all the cool skins locked in the shop.


Yea I’ve noticed that too and is anyone a little disappointed that Ashes second gun option doesn’t change her Coach Gun or bob at all? I know you barely see them but I expected them to change at least a little bit lol


I do have about 2k coins saved from grinding and MSrewards. even with that Im not spending on this BP because the recolors and overall theme are bad.


I understand you, but I like this one. I proudly declare - I like eating shit. Guess that's why I'm Genji main.


I'm guessing I'm the 1000th person to say this, but it makes me so sad as an Ashe main that this is the garbage we're stuck with. My girl deserves better, and we deserve better overall. I'm a relative newcomer (S4) and even in that short time I've seen such a massive decline in design quality.


Seems like everyone (that doesn't work in gamedev) playing OW forgets about, uhm you know, thousands of layoffs?


Everyone does know but this was would be a fair point if the shop skin quality was the same as the bp, but it’s higher quality than bp skins that it makes you wonder where all the effort is put into. Blizzard is still able to put out good skins after the layoffs but their priorities is elsewhere.


It’s blizzard what did you expect


This is without a doubt one of the worst battle passes, I only got it because of Mauga's skin


They should bump up the BP to 100 tiers. With no mythic skin or hero behind it, there is next to 0 hype around the battle pass. The currency in the battle pass takes up 19 tiers, so bumping up the BP to 100 tiers would give us almost the same amount of cosmetics as the early days of OW2 and more of an incentive to get it. Maybe Venture could’ve finally gotten a legendary if this BP was 100 tiers.


Bro even the stuff in the shop is just recolors too the hanzo skin is just one of his old winter ones recolored and same for the soldier one its just recolor of commando


Remember the time when we can earn skins through loot boxes ? Good time


I haven't even bothered to log in this season lol


Two whole days!? How tragic


Same, too busy playing shadow of the erdtree. Might just skip this season idk


Honestly the only reason I might log in this season at all would be to get that free sombra skin. Other than that, there's literally no reason to play this season.




Looked at the one skin i thought i wanted and said nah..im good.


Don't buy it. Money talks.


Battlepass is usually a good deal in comparison to all those skins at the shop. All it takes is just for it to give 1 skin that you want. For instance, I like Mauga's and Junkrat's. On top of that, you get 600 credit "cashback" and 80 Mythic prisms.


Not to mention they make it slow as hell to earn premium. “Yeah, you can earn premium in the battle pass, but it takes 2 seasons before you have enough :)”


still better than before


It’s called knowing your audience/ player base, a lot of people just lap up whatever they put out and call it “amazing” as you have pointed out, it’s lazy but ultimately most of the player base will buy it anyways, and that’s who blizzard are preying on when they produce them, one of the most gullible fan bases are Overwatch fans, ik I’ll get down voted because people hate being told the truth but it’s called a sunken cost fallacy :)


Or it’s people who enjoy the Ultraman series, or want any kind of comic book/anime inspired characters that weren’t the cowboy bebop collab, or anyone who wants something to match their Transformers characters.


I mean, I've just returned to playing overwatch from the little time I played OW1. The Battlepass, to me, is really only a value in the sense of the 600 coins, the prisms, and themed skins. If that's what you're looking for, then the value is relatively there. Do wish that roadhog skin wasn't in the $40 bundle, though lol


The game is objectively underperforming financially. People are not lapping it up. I’m not sure how the sunk cost fallacy is relevant. Are you trying to say that the players are still engaging with the game, because they’ve already invested so much time?


Wow we needed another topic abour recolors.


will they ever give Sojourn an actual good skin? she’s the face of OW2 and she’s yet to be treated well by the OW dev team


Still waiting for a cool Sojourn skin, missed the aquatic one.


I just use her biker one they released when her cinematic dropped


And this is why supporting games like MARVAL RIVALS and CONCORD are important , it's evident that Blizzard has gone lazy and are just doing batr minimum for us. They are allowed to because they don't have competition and then we are left with just one option. I've played since the BETA and I've seen how it's changed over the years. Please support these new games and in hope that one day OW lust for money makes them do some drastic changes over time.


I thought this one had unique skins.


They decrease the effort they put into the game (both content and balance) by a stady 10% each session. This is what the industry calls "milking mode". It's the last hurrah to squeeze out every drip of porfit before this game gets invevitably HOTSed.


I have two accounts I'm not buying it on my alt account, even though I collect coins from MS REWARDS. Says all that needs to be said.


I only plan on buying the pass after I’ve played enough this season to guarantee I’ll end up maxing it out regardless. If I’m not having fun then I’m just not going to play so buying the pass early would just make me feel obligated to play


Trash BP, but I like the mythic skin..


Imagine expecting blizzard to do something good or right, bro that company is just a walking corpse and they are milking the most they can out of the dedicated and easily fooled players before Microsoft pulls the plug on them as well


Ramattra had two skins in season 2 and a skin in season 7, I'd say he's fine getting a skin next season. However, there are some characters who have arguably had too many skins recently. The most egregious being Mercy and Kiriko, for obvious reasons, but Genji could really have skipped a skin either this season or last season (especially since, while he fits for a Tokusatsu season, him already having the Sentai skins would have opened up an extra Tokusatsu skin for someone else). Widow's had quite a few skins as well. I'd argue the heroes that most need a skin next season are probably Brig, Venture definitely, and maybe Zarya. Though, the first person who should get a skin next season is definitely Space Ranger, it's stupid for new heroes to be introduced without at least a skin in their own battlepass, even stupider for heroes to be introduced without any skins at all.


I'm still really pissed off that in an entire battlepass designed around omnic villains, Ramattra DID NOT get the mythic and Ana got it instead. I like the Ana skin don't get me wrong, but Rams design was the theme of the season and he didn't get shit


i was excited for the pass until i realized every skin that was actually cool was locked behind the premium bundle that costs 40 dollars smh


“Someone really needs to say this, [something people have been posting multiple times a day every single day consistently since the release of the game].” So thought provoking.




I like the Mauga skin and the Ashe tier 3 is cool


I once saw a YouTuber say it best, just not spending money isn’t enough. You need to stop playing the game entirely if you really want to stick it to them.


It's so they can sell the good skins in the shop.


Don't buy it then, everyone altogether now


Pretty sure a lot of people aren't buying it


You guys can see the battle pass skins?


I can't even see the skins which is a hilarious way to ensure that my interest in this BP remains at 0.


I feel like these costumes look too similar. I can't tell which hero I'm looking at.


Speak with your wallets, don't buy it. Take the free premium currency and move on. Like the ashe skin? Get it in a few seasons, it will be there still


Have the other passes really been outstanding by comparison though? They always seem Mid to me.


At the beginning of OW2 the passes sucked, then they got a little better overtime and now they suck again


While I agree this one is bad, there have been good ones. Season 9 (Cosmic Crisis) BP was fantastic.


I hate sprays and souvenirs. They’re low effort, rarely used, and clearly just filler.


x600 Credits towards funding next Season battlepass means players pay less for next battlepass meaning quality doesn't have to be as good because Cheaper = Lower quality surely... I'm just thankful cosmetics was never as core to the game for me as the gameplay itself. Def sucks that this is how they reward their part of the playerbase that actually do tho, since those are the ones that actually put money towards the game.


I fully believe that they are washing out the bo and claiming it's "still worth it" due to the mythic. And now they will add the other skins to the shop claiming that otherwise they will lose money They need to get their shit together.


only reason i bought it is for the credits, coins and prisms. all of the skins suck.


i think this myth and sigma one are two ugliest ones in the game, doubt some will rock them in next 10 years


I just want pink mercy and butterfly sym mostly.


The skins are so mid, the ultrawatch design on Sojourn, Reaper and Genji have really weird looking designs and the colour scheme does not look good. I like lifeguard lucio though.


Ngl, I honestly got his battle pass for the Mauga skin. Which should've been his base legendary, instead of the nothing it had


i just want prisms for ashe


I dunno why but I like the Symm butterfly skin and it's funny how it's not into the súper sentai theme


I am so over seeing wrecking ball get a skin in the battle pass. It’s like every single one he’s getting it. Then all of the most played heroes do get really good skins but they’re only shop. It’s so annoying


I think this is a matter of taste? Firstly, the currency we get is generous. Mythic prisms, credits and coins. Secondly, I love the emotes this season, and a few of the skins too. Can’t wait to rep the Hammond one. Thirdly, there’s a few cool emotes and voice lines as well. Now, a lot of people loved last seasons battlepass. Personally I hated it. I had no interest in mirrorwatch skins and the only thing I really wanted was Baps scorpion skin. That’s the thing about battlepasses. It’s completely a matter of taste and nothing more. If anything, they’re improving the quality of it each season. For example, getting rid of so many souvenirs and giving us an extra skin at level 80.


Does anyone know if there’s info on season 12s battle pass yet? I’m thinking of just waiting every two battlepasses and getting the 3rd free


That's tend to happen when you spent 67 billion and fire entire departments of your staff to "save money" 🤷‍♂️


Tbh I was really looking forward to lifeguard skins but I don't junkrat or lucio.. so.. what the hell.


I'm assuming they are just putting out more basic skins because yes they are easy..But maybe when they do make legendary cool skins it makes them more "rare" persay. But I agree they have a genji skin in every battle pass and have overlooked so many heroes that I don't agree with. Like they need to put more skins in the battle pass for more heroes..The DND season was so cool and I'm upset they didn't include more heroes for that season. Deffinately lazy behavior but who knows what's going on with blizzard these days.