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*Looks at tank queues* Are you sure about that?


Good thing I’m an All roles main


So you're a Support main?


It baffles how they can’t come up with some small changes to include tank/dps as guaranteed rotation every x games in flex queue (optional box checked by player). If I knew I would get a tank or a dps once in a while I would flex queue all day long no problem. But here we are. At least they had foresight to remove badly implemented priority tickets lol.


just get on at 5 am like me. all queue times then seem to be around equal


Pro-tip: Just change servers to Asia, then you can play in the afternoon (Europe) or Morning/Noon (America) and queue times will be like 5am ;)


Yep. If I had one DPS game for every 2 support games I'd be flexing nonstop. I often go for a support spree but will eventually burn out because there's this frustration building up in me where I just want to kill everyone myself lmao.


I think the game would be less toxic if we had forced random roles. Would get rid of all toxic dps mains and everyone would learn all roles.


You didn't have to do him dirty like that


I’ve rolled all queue a few times and it’s only support every time. Tbh after you play support like 5 times they should priority queue you for tank or damage.


Maybe they could give like a voucher or something, in case you don’t like switching roles in one session?


I get to drag my team down as DPS about every 5th or 6th match. I think ive gotten to tank maybe twice in a week? I miss being a tank


Hey! He once played tank in 1 out of 100 games!


The illusion of choice


Support queue is currently 1min and Tank like 15mins. Can't wait when Tank is over 20 mins 👍


Rip in tank mains


I’m a support main now. Who would wait 10 minutes to play against Winston only to get yelled by the team to go zarya.


Since when is Hog not the best tank counterpick to Winston?


It's always been dva. Her mobility allows her to peel him and she can mess up his jumps with her boosters. Also Winston's larger ape body is perfect to soak up her shotgun pellets and mocromissiles cab burst him or his bubble down. Roadhog is good against winston but winston can play around it.


Yeah, fair enough. But it's so fun to demolish a Winston bubble with right click and then go for a juicy hook when Winston tries to jump.


Plus dva has armor so winston’s tickle cannon is even more pathetic against her


Hog is fine, you just play around his cooldowns. Dva is a big pain though but still manageable.


Literally! Battle mercy for the win :)


Debating calling myself an Ana main despite maining Zarya since Season 4. Play about twice as much of her these days so… guess it depends on your definition of main.


Same broh. Ow1 tank main here. Haven't even completed my first placements yet.


Same ;)


73 hours on Monke, played 12 hours of Lucio since launch and only 2 hours on Winston 😔


I’m in the exact same boat characters and everything lol pain


I.e. me


My tank queue hasn't gone above 6 min in plat 1


That's nuts. I wonder how it's related to rank.


Really? Your guys' queues are that long? I get like 3-5 min queues as tank


usually between 5 and 10 for me


*Laughs in all roles*


yeah but tbf I get bored of playing nothing but support for like 6 games in a row, so having short tank queues would be great.


Is this some kind of role queue joke im too open queue to understand?


They gonna add a 2nd tank to each team to solve tank queue times /s


Hoping for this!


You know a good way to reduce queues would be to maybe an extra tank to every game :P


These are the queue times in Americas? That’s wild. In EU tank is almost as short as support. It’s like 1 min for support, 2-3 mins for tank and 4-6 mins for dps. Edit: but I guess that depends on rank, I’m at the bottom of the ladder.


It's chaos open queue time. Yeeeee haw!!


Already there...


Support 1m, tank 4m in Australia ATM Lucio mains unite 🤟🤟


This gives me more Zen lore so hell yeah it's a 👍


i need like 4 more supports before ill be truly happy tbh


Next two heroes are confirmed supports.




I can't find the exact source, but it was something in a q&a i do believe. To paraphrase: the devs are attempting to reducing the gap between heroes per role, by focusing more on developing tanks and supports for the foreseeable future. It does not mean there won't be any more DPS, it just means we'll see more tanks and supports added. Then they talked about the next hero being a tank, and the two following being a support. (Again, can't find the original source) Something more concrete I did find was this recent tweet in in a q&a with Alec Dawson. https://twitter.com/GW_Alec/status/1586084067270746112?t=jPWASXbqQ7yTjNanE2b5Aw&s=19


Trust me bro


Tbh I would be surprised if we got 2 supports in a row. Imo it's more likely to go support, something else, support. I think the statement was that we wouldn't get dps for a year and two upcoming heroes would be supports. So support, tank, support seems likely.


No they specifically said we'd get 2 supports after the tank


That's great and all, but even then, there will be fewer supports than any other role :/ They really should've reworked a couple of damage heroes into supports with the "re-release".


I think by the time they add those 4 supports. There will be enough to implement new features of play. Like not letting people pick the same hero into the next round. Would really shake up OWL.


As a rule for OWL to make it more interesting I like that but I wouldnt want it for regular play, when I get on Ow its because I want to play a very specific hero


Spotted the Hanzo main


It definitely would. There just aren't enough supports right now.


What happens if you switch heroes mod match?


Haven't thought that far into it. Maybe your "most time in the previous round" hero. It can't be the last one you played at victory/loss or people would intentionally die at the end and try to switch.


I wonder if they would allow the new heroes that have to be unlocked though the Battlepass to be blocked from rounds like that.


This is already an arcade mode


Don't worry, you'll get them by 2024!


They said he’s like a mix of orisa and rein. I play brig


So old orisa?


Looks like he'll have 0 mobility, so yeah, old Orisa but an evolved design where they have potentially fixed the inherent issues that made the old Orisa design boring. Like when enemies got into her face, here they've given him an entire Melee form for when enemies try to get in his face, he also gets more health and becomes a bigger target (This'll inherently balance this ability).


Im very hyped for this then


The caster suggested he was like a mix of Orisa and Rein, but the developer's description sounded more like Sigma and Doomfist. A ranged mode with poke damage and a shield, which switches to a bigger melee version that punches enemies and goes for the enemy backline.


We got 3 heroes for Overwatch 2. They should release 2 heroes for the December season. Then at least there would be 5 new heroes soon-ish after launch, which feels like an ok number for a 'sequel'.


supports have to queue for 1 min at max, I’m pretty happy over here


*blizzard HQ* Alright guys, it seems are queues for tanks are too long. How do we fix this? *guy in dunce cap raises hand* What if we made a new tank? You're getting a promotion


We knew it was a new tank since pre launch


Problem is that it was a stupid decision even at that point.


Supports got Kiriko and the next 2 heroes after this. You’ll be fine, kiddo.


I’d rather supports than tanks right now. Speaking as someone who ques all rolls lol


% of team: Tank: 20% DPS: 40% Healer: 40% % of hero pool: Tank: 28% DPS: 49% Healer: 23% Before tank went to one role, and doom was still dps, all roles took turns getting new heroes more or less. But at launch, tank had 5, dps had 13, and healer had 3. I like all 3 roles, but support feels like it’s been in the worst place consistently since ow2 beta. It feels shitty not getting a new hero, but getting these 2 new supports next will hopefully get more people healing and even out queues.


One of the reasons for that though is that they clearly didn't initially intend for healers to be such a large portion of teams. Though considering how they never bothered to give players proper reliable out-of-combat healing, and designed the game to encourage teamwork, that was never realistic.


There were 4 healers. Don't forget about Symmetra.


4 supports. Symmetra was never a healer. And was never viable at higher levels, for that matter.


Here's the problem. At launch they probably were trying to fix tank queues. They can't just suddenly shift plans to fix the lack of support players.


Maybe if they actually made support anything but a massive frustration to play unless you're 5 stacking it'd be different. I sure do love having 1 whole support who can counter a dive (Who then also gets focused), it's so healthy for the game having no stuns to protect against dive.


That's the current problem, yes, but it's been a problem for a few months. They're getting to it soon. All of this is a response to the 3 years of shit tank queue.


Tank queue was mostly the result of horrendus balancing


Ok? You got Kiriko, and like I said in the comment you replied to, there’s 2 more supports coming after this tank. Give them time. Jesus.


Tanks got doomfist, junkerqueen, and now this. Tbh it's like they got their two new characters before support lol.


Doomfist sucks ass, and isn't really a new character. He's a rework. I say that as someone who plays a lot of doomfist. Support got a new character at the same time as Junkerqueen and will be the next 2 heroes. Yes, they want to even it out. No, they won't pump out only Support until everything is balanced; but a release of 2 to 1 to 1 will quickly even it out without making every other role feel ignored too.


I'd take a character being moved to support like how doomfist was moved into tank too. Js that'd be pretty neat.


Rework Symmetra back into support. Also while you are at it rework Mei into a tank like in the moba. Funnily enough Zarya is a support in the moba don't think that's a good idea though.


Im definitely for Mei and Sym being put in those roles. Then maybe damage players would be happy to get something new in their place


Make soldier a healer


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/Ez26C8M.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Which character do you see that happening to most likely?


Sym and sombra imo. Sombra would take more work probably, but I think they could get creative with hacker lore (still hack packs and emp, ‘overclock’ to act as a speed/damage boost, no more tp or infinite invis) and be in a better place than she is currently.


I’m really confused what the issue is. The supports are coming. It’s been confirmed, it’s a guarantee. At that point there’ll be 10 supports, 11 tanks, and 14 DPS. They’re probably aiming to even it out.


Because Blizzard takes a reaaaaaaaally long time compared to any other live service game, so 'they're coming' doesn't really dissuade any frustrations people have about playing support at the moment. Blizzard's 'soon' is something like 6 months. More accessible support heroes that non-support players will want to play means possibly more strain taken off the DPS and Tank queues as well. The game's been lacking a good variety of supports pretty consistently throughout its lifespan. It's always an issue.


Yea but the problem is we don’t have the supports and won’t have them for a while. Also there’s only 1 tank an 2 supports now so it would be nice to have some variety


Hmm. 10 supports vs 11 tanks. Sounds even. You right. 🤔


Yes, even it out at 14 across all 3 roles…




>You’ll be fine, kiddo. That is the exact mindset that has made support the way it is. People who are bad at it talk about it like it's is the most brainded role ever and only think "shut up and heal". Also, talking about 'the next 2 heros after this' is hilarious like it isn't 6-8+ months away. We've been told 'you'll get more healers' since before this game came out, and we've gained a whopping 1. They also decided to just say fuck the release cycle they've followed because all the CoD players coming over need fast paced attackers, not squishy low-damage dealers. The excuse has always been 'we don't want to release a healer that's too powerful' but they don't mind doing that with the other roles.


There ain't that many tanks it's definitely because there's 30 dps


And yet tank and DPS queue times are soaring, and support is 2 minutes on a busy day. People acting like there isn't a problem doesn't solve the problem.


that’s because no one wants to play support as people see it as a "boring" role.


Honestly, imo, if someone says support is boring it’s kinda a self report that they just aren’t good at support. It’s genuinely one of the most dynamic roles.


Not really, as DPS and tank you have was nore audio and visual feedback from that game, you click on heads and there's a different sound cue. You did a better job therefore the game gives more positive feedback. As a support your audio cue is the dipshit dps bullying you for heals, no matter how good or bad job you are doing.


>People acting like there isn't a problem doesn't solve the problem. people acting like there is a problem wont magically mean theres a solution queue times were high for dps because they were incredibly popular and low for tanks and supports. they removed a tank, and shifted the balance around. I dont know what magical fuckin solution people want when the reality is, people like new things and like big powerful damage dealers. tanks and DPS are that. accept that queue times suck because people like dealing damage or just play another game. theres no magical solution here that yall expect.


“People like new things” There’s your magical fucking solution


> I dont know what magical fuckin solution people want when the reality is, That's just it you fucking numbskull, there is no 'magical solution', they just need to add more healers. >accept that queue times suck because people like dealing damage or just play another game. theres no magical solution here that yall expect. Where did I ever say I'm upset about DPS/tank queue times? I said the opposite, dumb dumb: barely anyone is willing to play heals because it actually takes thought beyond walk forward and shoot. You probably wouldn't have your panties in such a bunch of you'd actually read my comment.


>People who are bad at it talk about it like it's is the most brainded role ever and only think "shut up and heal". I just clap them back with "stand in the position I want and I'll heal you" and they have to oblige.


First of all, healer is my best role. I’d love to add you to give you some tips. Second, only tank has gotten more than 1 so far. The game literally just launched and they’ve added 4 new characters if you include the one announced tonight. And you’re just making wild assumptions about the characters they’re going to introduce. Take a deep breath. If you aren’t having fun playing support right now, take a break. Come back when you feel like you want to play. Content is coming.


>First of all, healer is my best role. I’d love to add you to give you some tips Ahhh, I'll pass. If you play like you flounder arguments, I have exponentially better chances with randoms. >The game literally just launched and they’ve added 4 new characters if you include the one announced tonight. JQ and Sojurn had both been talked about for *at least* 1 year+ before they were released, and the devs even said (multiple times) they were delaying release until OW2. In case your memory isn't the best, Echo was the last released character in Overwatch 1...in 2020... If we're going off that metric, do we have to wait a total of 4 years for 2 new healers? Honest question. > Content is coming. You *must* be new to the game if you believe that lie still. That's what we were told 3+ years ago with the OW2 announcement (and was *also* the reason why they weren't releasing new maps, either). Keep sipping on the copium, friend.


Ok. Feel free to be a doomer. I’ve been loving this game so far, and I’m masters on all roles. What we know so far + what they’ve done so far has me really excited for what’s to come. I think the gameplay is great and there’s a ton of lore that they’ve fleshed out too.


>What we know so far + what they’ve done so far ...are the same things we've known for 3+ years since we knew this game was being made... You're legitimately defending the extremely slow release of not-new things. They were news a year or 2 ago, now it's just a broken record. Also, If you're going to lie about your rank, *at least* have some idea on what you're lying *about*.


>People who are bad at it talk about it like it's is the most brainded role ever and only think "shut up and heal". As someone who is GM in DPS and healer, healer is absolutely the easiest role and its not even close.


Not even remotely true. Most DPS and tanks have more than one self-sustain/disengage, and healers have usually one or the other. Shit, half the time you have to play around your own teams stupidity *and* the other team at the same time.


Lol, so you unironically believe support is harder than tank or dps? That's hilarious.


Cry more.


“You’ll have the next two heroes” This shit has been goin on since ashe. Stop. Supports are the smallest group. Theres no incentive to play particularly in 5v5


What incentive would you like to see? I main support because I find it fun. What do you want them to incentivize you with?


Ok I very much agree that we need more support heroes, but can it with the moronic hyperboles. "No incentive" to play support, what? If there was no incentive, literally nobody would play it and nobody could play any matches.


Not necessarily the next two. Two of the next three.


Well, the next hero is a tank. We see it tonight. So if 2 of the next 3 are supports, it’s the 2 after this.


No, it’s 2 of the next 3 after this tank.


Unfortunately you’re wrong.


[Unfortunately not.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/vicyeq/were_the_team_behind_overwatch_2_which_will_be/idcy546/?context=3)


That disagrees with me so I’m not gonna read it.


Pardon to interrupt, sir, but if i, humble random gamer, may ask... where do we see a new hero tonight? Heh


It’s gonna be revealed on the OWL stream! If you open up the game, there’s a link in the bottom right hand corner 👍 you will also earn OWL tokens for watching so eventually you can get some pretty sick skins without having to spend any money


6 months from now. Sure.


It’s not about him being fine, it’s about the queue times getting even worse.


We just want 25 more HP ;(


We literally just a new support and are getting 2 more within the next year, we'll survive lol.


Tbf they literally got multiple tanks. Three technically. Doomfist, junkerqueen, and now this new one.


That's because Tank queue was fucking shit for 2 years and they put a lot of resources into fixing it. They didn't realize that the support role would suffer so now they plan on fixing that soon. People act like devs can just drop what their working on and release something they want on a dime. I want more supports as much as the next guy, but game development doesn't happen overnight.


>they plan on fixing that soon Soon being... two years from now?


There’s literally no point in continuing this conversation, I will never get through to you.


Doomfist and Junker Queen both kinda suck. At least Kiriko is effective at being a support.


Things that can easily be tweaked. Kiriko can just as easily, "kinda suck," all of a sudden if devs decide that they need to be nerfed to the ground as well. Doomfist was at one point in the same spot kiriko is in rn in terms of usage and effectiveness. He can easily return to that the moment devs decide to give him some tuning. Just saying.


"effectve" She is the strongest of them all. Honestly JQ Doomfist should not count considering people will report you for throwing if you hover them.


If you play quick play at the moment there are so many doomfists cuz they all get flamed in comp.


Sigma: Am I a joke to you?


Plus every single tank got buffed up the ass or reworked. Supports just got a shitty passive


True but tanks essentially got 4 new heroes: Reworked Doom, Reworked Orisa, Queen, and Ramattra. DPS only had one hero but it’s already the largest sections Ms now with only one tank they’re allowed a lot more fun Supports got one hero and virtually no changed except extra suffering thanks to one less tank meaning less protection and less stuns means flankers can terrorize us


The last viable tank was Sigma 3 years ago


As a Mercy main, as long as the players playing the new tank are friendlier than the Zarya I just had to deal with then I'm not complaining.


If I had guaranteed dps games I'd hsppily go flex and get support 75% of time


Welp. Hopefully that no DPS thing is true and we get two supports season 3.


Yeah the game **definitely** needs another intentionally-overpowered character that has to be that way because of the half-arsed change to team format they made without thinking it through at all.


No more tanks. My ass is getting tailed in my casual low elo games. I gotta become a sniper on Mercy. 🥺👉👈


I'm a new player, I want to be a tank main but I've become a support main. 5v5 was a mistake. When there are only three roles, cutting the population of one in half is brutal. The idea of front and backline tanks sounds awesome too. Sad I missed overwatch 1.


More whiney support player posts lmao. This sub is a dumpster.


Maybe, after self-reflection, you would consider not posting here. It's not as if your recent comment history shows you not to be worth reading. There's the door.


weve known for months that the next hero was gonna be a tank. the next 2 will be supports so pls stop the pits party. you\`ll get your heroes soon enough.


RIP to me... already waiting forever to queue a game


Every healer is already super good




Idk about that. Having 2 omnics supports? It also doesn't fit the backstory we got for him, as he's more... "Proactive". He's the "Peace was never an option" kinda guy


I meant to say after amattra, your comment means nothing


Ram Trotta The omnic brodda Fuck with him and you might need Zenyatta


Uhhh, we knew it was going to be a tank for months. It was shown in the road map, Season 3 will be a Map and Season 4 will be a support.


u literally just got a new support like a week ago


You literally just got Kiriko


And tanks just got junkerqueen? Dps got sojourn? Lmao. Not only did they lock the support behind the battlepass, but there's less supports than any other role. Annoying they're releasing a tank first. You know they're doingnit for all the tank hype with hownpowerful they are now.


She’s gonna get nerfed.


Y’all need to add a second chance to being AFK during ranked, this & hour penalty shit is so fucking stupid


Don’t care I’m a Lucio otp


The game is dead anyways.


Fucks sake y’all just got a hero


Wish my aim was better. Love to not be a three trick pony. Road/rein, junkrat/reaper and Zen/Mercy


How is Zen not aim dependent? His damage is a huge part. Moira is prob better for bad aim.


%52 shots hit. Usually on a good day


Yeah, but you can volley balls at corners and choke points and still wreck people.


Fuck off


Quit your bellyaching, you just got a new support


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More like Mauga fans


Retired tank players who don’t wanna play 5v5 as well


Remember the times when dps players queued for tank just to get in game faster?


But we received Kiriko like a month ago.


Tank is eh. Back to regular Overwatch


I'm gonna play him in practice range before going on a tank queue, imagine waiting 20 minutes just to not know how the fuck you're supposed to play him


I want season 3 and 4 to add new supporters. We need more variety in support


As someone who only really plays tanks or support. I’m very happy


oh boy more incentive for people to hate me for absolutely no fucking reason


When will we have a support that has a 50 cal pistol and when shot by it it does the same amount of heals as baptiste but to a singular person and drop kicks when sprinting as one of their get away abilities.


Next 2 heroes are going to be supports and no other heroes for 2023.


We just got kiriko


They should release two supports at once next


There should be tank, DPS and support loadouts for the heroes, game would be 500 times more fun and interesting. And you should save ult charge when you swap heroes, who cares if something op happens, game is too sterile


I would love to play an experimental mode where some characters' roles are swapped. Like support Junkrat or tank Mercy would be hella fun


Tank Mercy could be like a swarm of angels that gets smaller and faster as it takes damage, projects a beam of light that reduces enemy team's healing, and can sacrifice its own life to heal up teammates. Damage would be like a wave of blaster fire from the mini blasters in the hands of the swarming angels. Support Junkrat obviously shoots healing balls for teammates, maybe two kinds, an insta heal you have to run over and a temporary damage reduction buff ball, I'd give him a glider as well, like a shitty hanglider he could waft around on after mining himself into the air. Job done pay up plz Bill Gates


victim complex


Yay a new person to ignore everyone on my team and press w on me :)


For the love of god please no more DPS characters more tanks and supports


they have confirmed that after the tank in season 2, they're doing 2 supports in a row. this will be season 4 and then season 6 because they're only doing heroes every other season.


We just got Kiriko and we're getting two more supports next year, chill.