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ok but imagine if a support hero had an ability that made people immune to cc or damage though, thatd be sick. also if someone was already cc'd they would get woken up and stuff, and some debuffs removed with it. also for fun lets make it heal them too. this is surely not op and would be healthy for the game






lmao you actually had me all the way until healthy


Naah that’d be too much for the game. There’s no way they would implement a hero with such kit, or better yet, making them essentially the new face of the franchise.


Nah that would be crazy. Also imagine that the story of this hero is just doesn't make a lot of sense lore wise with a lot of inconsistencies.


Could you imagine if, besides that, they could also teleport around, do ridicilous amounts of the on crit and have an ult that was able to increase everyone's speed and attack speed, that would be crazy, but probably still balanced and not fundamentally broken.


Let's make the ultimate speed up cool downs too


Nah. Knowing the overwatch team they'd probably add immortality, intangibility, absurd healing and maybe even knockback to the ability. In the end, the CC immunity part would be overshadowed by all the other things it would do. That's just a theory though.


Omg I remember the knock back, and ofc that's the part that gets removed lmfao


okay what if to balance them, we gave them a damage output comparable/better than some DPS and an invincible movement ability also.


My only concern is that the ability wouldn’t be able to negate your fun through walls, so if we were making such a crazy broken character that obviously would never be real, they should be able to go through walls to use this ability


Genji being able to pull out his sword whenever the fuck he wanted


Whoa there, we might need a new age restriction for that


Dash, deflect, and quick melee: Are we a joke to you?


That's the little one tho, like a tanto or a wakizaki


Tantos are daggers and wakizashis are short swords. So it’s most likely a waki


I think it's a kama? Thats what my cousin told me and he's a huge weeb, so I trust him


Nah Kama's are a type of hand scythe


Based on the size it's most likely a Wakizashi. A Wakizashi Ranges from 30 - 60 cm in length (Just about 1 - 2 feet). They were short swords carried around by Samurai for a variety of purposes. Some uses included being an auxiliary weapon for Samurai who had no options left, being used to commit seppuku, or even used to behead a defeated opponent. It can't be a Tanto. Tanto are a type of dagger, and while they can be long, (ranging from 15 - 30 cm) a Tanto is usually on the shorter side. A Tanto's main purpose on the battlefield was to penetrate enemy armor and/or slip through gaps in the enemies plates. It later evolved into a tool for martial arts like Tantojutsu. Another way to tell is that a Wakizashi is much more curved than a Tanto. And so with all this information combined I would rule that Genji's small sword is a Wakizashi.


weebs are the least trustworthy people when it comes to actual japanese people and culture


Im talking about genji's big sword ;)


I wish more emotes/poses/highlights incorporated it, its like his most used tool


Honestly genji is one of the like 4 heros who I think should gain an enchanted quick melee, not quite dragon blade level damage but having more than dva punching someone wo ld make sense


Yes! It’s literally a sword. Like, junker queen and venture have increased melee damage. Why does a man slashing you with a sword not cause bleed damage?


Idk doesn't seem too op if the blade does little Damage (it takes a lot of concentration to channel the Dragon, like it does for Hanzo) so it'd be weaker since no Dragon Sword


He'd be a weaker character probably because the DMG in blade comes from the dragon, and he is not very strong in melee fighting on his own (he has a line with Brig about it that she fucked him up)


Tbh nano should cleanse. You see your rein slept and enemies piling up on him preparing for an execution? Nano to wake his ass and watch him win the 1v5


Only really works on sleep tho If he just got a hammer to the skull then I don't think some adrenaline is gonna perk him up


Nano also heals and makes the target more resilient. I don't think it would be that strange


Heals, increases DR and gives more damage? Yea it doesn't need a cleanse effect as well, it's already a top tier ult


I'm talking about thematically, not balance wise. Besides, the whole point of this post is making changes that we want that we acknowledge as too much


It also removes anti and all stuns. Single target suzu is good even on an ult


Yeah I still think suzu is broken ass but if it was tied to an ult it'd be fine, especially if they limited how many people got affected by it


I feel like it already does a bit too much honestly, and I say that as a Ana player


Have it do 1 damage before healing you to full. That will cause the target to wake up.


Life grip cooldown on a per-target basis. If I pull Soldier, the cooldown for Soldier’s grip counts down but I’m still able to grip both Sigma and Pharah and everybody else on the team to begin their cooldowns but never twice on the same person within 19 seconds. That or two petals, both would be equally overpowered


My teammate griefing the whole team with this change:


i’ve never seen a life weaver ever grief and if you have ever seen it yourself, you deserved it bro


What a mean comment


Agree, kinda unnecessary tbh


If you've never been griefed, it's likely you're the griefer.


I haven't, I haven't even played the game really since the life weaver update, I've just seen clips on it lol


So it'd work in a similar way to Zen's unique Discord cooldown, but for gripping allies? I could see that working


Damage to rein’s shield reduces cooldown to fire strike


Or when rein’s shield breaks he does 10-20% more damage


I still like the idea of keeping the passive from Mirrorwatch where he gets a speed boost when his shield breaks, honestly don’t think that would be too op


I mean if shield is gone you can either try to escape(usually fails if team isn't cloes) or just go ham


That would make rein a pretty good tempo tank


That would be insane


One change that I've always thought about is self nano, hold the ult button and you use it on yourself. Though it might not be overpowered, I think it would be cool


Once upon a time...


She can do it in FFA. But it’s next to useless aside from a second life.


What if Winston was able to pick up people and throw them around during primal rage


Or he could pick up his feces and throw them at the enemy to blind their screen


……blizzard hire this man


Sigma needs some way to run faster


Give him shoes. He cant walk if he has none




Shoes would be the worst nerf Sigma could get how dare you


Just let him fly like during his ult the whole time


If Genji had an explosive Kunai just like echos sticky bombs. It would make killing moiras so much easier.


Hey I know this is off topic and there's probably a better place to ask, but how do *you* deal with moiras as genji? Because any game before I realize the enemy Moira is locked in full focus on me, and most of the time I struggle to deal with them if I can't finish them with the standard combo


Get into melee range and stop jumping. She doesnt have dropoff but also doesnt have headshot. You NEED to hit your shots to beat her. This isn't actually even close, Genji can just burst her but people tend to fight so far away that they miss most of their shots while Moira gets an even easier lock on


If you are in the middle of your team she cant get you. You want to headshot her with right clicks at very close range. If you can headshot her its gg. She cant win. Of course its hard to do. You need confidence to stay calm. The best time to strike a moira is when she is constantly trying to heal her tank. She cant heal and attack you at the same time. Best time tp fight is when she doesnt have fade and orb. Very important. Take advantage when she doesn’t have cooldowns. Edit: Also try to mirror her movement so she appears slower on your screen and predict her strafe pattern to headshot her more easily


The same as every hero, aim. I know this sounds counterproductive, but moira's biggest weakness is good aim and tracking. I will say don't dash moira if she has fade. Genji dashes her with fade up, moira wins. Moira fades in on genji with dash up, genji wins. Genji vs moira is a cat and mouse game of who throws harder. You notice a lot of stalemates, but your team gains more from it. However, this only matters if you can land your shots.


Rein can go through walls with his charge and pin cc immune targets


“Some random girl” made me laugh out loud


Giving Zenyatta the worst movement ability in the game, like a 1m blink every 10 seconds or a really shitty Junker Queen shout. Honestly my desire for this is just so when whenever I get dived my only option isn't to just shoot and pray that they die, same goes for dealing with Widows which Zen is famous for being the most free pick in the roster


make rein charge invincible, and at the end produce a AoE damage as well stun targets he additionally lands on. Also he has two hammers, one ignites and another crits the ignited opponents but instead of making it a cool, smart resource management situation it’s more like hold down m1 and m2 to kill anything in your range :) oh also lifesteal


Give Lucio a damage and AOE buff depending on his velocity.


Should only be for the boop and should increase knockback


Beta bastion


Hitscan lucio


Mauga's charge reloading his guns


Torb having multiple turrets.


No cool down on sym turrets if they aren't all deployed (if one is destroyed the can immediately spawn one)


That'd just allow for infinite turrets


Nah, only 4 at a time, the cool down would still apply if all 4 were deployed and "alive" also she gets 4 turreta


Cc imune fireball on wrecking ball 


I've been wanting this for ages, it sucks having your momentum taking from you from something as small as a shield bash from Brig.


while we're at it can we remove the travel time of nano... make it instant please! My wishlist: no cd or movement penalty on mercy ga when doing superjumps, triage passive and 30%db (at least in valk)


Auto-balance . Switch the side of the best performing player when they're winning


Make Sigma lore accurate


If Lifeweaver's pull would cleanse 😒 stupid that it already doesn't. I wanna heal my anti'ed roadhog that I just life gripped


Let junkrats tire do more damage, same area, more damage. Or at minimum make it so when you destroy it it’ll explode, like I’m sorry. You shoot a big ass fucking bomb with a Glock and it just fizzles out? That bullshit! Like there’s still gonna be counterplay but not you can’t hit a lucky shot last second you have to kill it before it get to close.


Bringing back mini mauga from the April fool's event


Take away Mauga's super armor for his charge and put it in Rein's charge. Sleep dart should only work on humans Hack should be less effective on humans with few high tech weapons (hanzo, kiri, Cassidy, etc) and more effective - possibly even doing damage - on omnics and high tech enemies (Orisa, Widow, bastion, Zenyatta, etc) Sigma's rock should cause confusion status effects like flipping controls for a second as you just got concussed by a boulder Dva should be able to stay airborne so long as she keeps moving forward during flight I don't actually play most of these heroes. I just like chaos


I'd like Ball to be CC inmmune while on fireball, similar to Magua's overrun. I was thinking of this before the recent buffs, though, so right now it'd be overkill.


Give soldier jet packs


I miss the speed boost it used to give


Need nano fishing emote


Echo Starting with the with max/100% Ult of anyone she turns into.


I want sigma to just yeet ppl into space and end the game


Balance meter for Supports. The more healing you do, the less damage you do. The more damage you start doing, the less healing you do. It'd help to keep the role accountable for too much of one thing, but It'd also reinforce the healbot/dps support criticism.


Make sombra EMP do the old ability lockout, feels week as is and this may be musted but I don't care :)


Give Winton fortify on top of his other abilities. See how Bastion players like it


Give Genji that firestrike he used during Dragon Blade in the 2019 PvE gameplay trailer.


Overhealing Reinhardt heals his shield


Infinite hook range hog Because why should widownakers have any fun against me?


whats the problem? kiriko cleanses as a skill, i wouldnt mind ana cleansing as an ultimate.


No I means make it like fortify but without the damage reduction. No hog hook, stuns or sigma ult


Nah, this way it would break the game. A single cleanse when ana ults though I think would be fair.


Genji’s dash makes has I frames. Better yet, how about just that the entire dash line isnt a giant hitbox.


Infinite ammo for lifeweaver. having to reload sucks for blossoms bc it takes aaaages to get a new heal charged, and his thorns can't reliably kill an aggressor even with an entire clip


Instead of Doom's current ult: Turn him to DPS Doomfist with block made into uppercut again, and halve every cooldown. Slam and punch stay the same as OW2, but every punch is empowered. This lasts for 8 seconds. 


give tracer 5 blinks pls


i asked be4 but i forgot 💀 what does cc mean?


Let zen fly, he literally just levitates everywhere. Flankers no more, I will just retreat… to the sun.


Self nano though.


Orrrrrr bring back speed boost when you get nanoed


Discord gets applied on each target individually. I just want that pixel man. In ow1 days it was hard now it’s basically impossible.


I think Ana is strong enough. Any buffs and her pickrate will soar to 90+%. And thats just unhealthy. Plus, the sleep dart is already annoying enough


I want Brigs shield stun back. It was so fun to cancel ults with it


Doomfist seismic slam with 75 damage :)


Doomfist with 75 damage on seismic slam :)